What do your pets do that crack you up?



  • Seaglass1123
    Seaglass1123 Posts: 500 Member
    My cat Zeus loves to go under me when I am doing pushups or doing RI30 or something. It cracks me up because he ends up soaked in sweat from rubbing himself on me and doesn't seem to mind. LOL
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    My cat has to help make the bed by playing hide and seek with the covers. When you say 'where's Jessie' she pops out with a 'meow'.
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    Lily, my little Cavalier, barks at the TV whenever she sees animals. Yes, most animals do this, but most don't start running behind the TV, looking for where the animals are coming from. She does.

    Ruby, my big cavalier, always tries to jump on the scale with me in the mornings, I don't need that extra 11kg :laugh:

    Penny, my pom x jack Russell x god knows what else, sleeps on top of the vacuum cleaner in the spare room, but hides, cries and SCREAMS when I turn it on.

    Tifa, my girl kitty, fights with her collar. I mean real full on fights, she even hisses at it.
    She also swims in the big dog water bowl outside, she LOVES water haha

    Halo, my boy kitty, humps everything. Clothes, shoes, dogs, table legs. Getting him deserved didn't help. It was gross at first but is just hilarious now, especially because he's really clumsy and often falls off tables etc while doing it
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    After I bathe the dog, he loves to run around the house like a maniac. He'll run and up and down the length of the couch, rubbing his face up against it. He does the same thing after I comb him. Apparently he doesn't like the way Mom styles his hair. He looks like a little lion after he's done.

    He loves to be held like a baby and is always with which ever one of us is sleeping, curled up as close as possible.

    He's also a little bug... He loves to steal your seat when you get up from the couch and he recently decided he loves human food, although he rarely gets any, so if you're eating he has to be right next to you. Just in case you change your mind.
    Hahaha everything here describes all my dogs perfectly.
  • EvelynBfly78
    EvelynBfly78 Posts: 240 Member
    My 7 yr old black lab Floozie lets me know when it's time for her morning meal. (Sometimes @ 4 am) She jumps up & down at the side of the bed, then pushes me with her nose until I acknowledge her. If I don't, she continues to jump on me with her front legs until I get up & feed her.
    After her 4:30 pm walk she knows she gets to eat. As soon as we come in & I take off her leash she rushes to her food spot before me, like the food is going to be there before I get over there to set it down.

    When I get down on the floor to do crunches she tries to lay on my midsection & she weighs about 75 lbs!

    As soon as I open the cupboard with the peanut butter jar she races over. She thinks that's the only thing in there. When I'm finished putting it on the crackers she gives me those "puppy eyes" & she gets to the lick the spoon.

    When I sit on the couch to watch TV she lays right next to me & gets her head under my hand so I can pet her. You would think that I don't give her any attention.
    That's just a few of the things she does that crack me up. She is a constant source of amusement. Our pets give us unconditional love. You gotta just love your pets. I know I do.
  • breajohnson
    breajohnson Posts: 109 Member
    My black pug, Tinkerbell, will not let anyone in my home wear socks. she will completely bite them off.
  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    my crab will spend days shifting sand from one corner of the tank to the other, creating a nice little sand mountain. Then i'll come along and level it all out again. He'll spend a day or 2 sulking on his log (or more likely he's scheming), then he'll start building his little mountain again...
  • DLSlim
    DLSlim Posts: 92 Member
    My kittens lay on the floor together on their backs with their legs spread wide. My fiance always says that they're airing out their balls. Hahahahahaha.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    <<< Sassy is working on her degree too! lol

    When I'm exercising she has to sit right next to me. When doing sit ups she meows at me as I'm coming up. I tell people she's counting with me lol

    She wakes me up by grabbing a hold of my eye brows or tip of my nose with her teeth. She's very gentle about it so it doesn't hurt.

    When I'm falling asleep she sleeps next to me with her head on my pillow and faces me. As I close my eyes she reaches out with her paw and pats me on the face as if to say don't go to sleep yet. Cracks everyone up when I show them. As soon as my eyes shut I get the paw. lol

    SHe insists on going into the bathroom with me and will walk around in circles meowing at me as if she's telling me all about her day. If I don't let her in with me she puts her paws under the door pulling at the door trying to open it till I let her in.

    At night when she thinks its time to go to bed she runs to the bottom of the stairs and meows at me till I get up and follow her up to bed. Then she jumps into our bed and walks around meowing at me. She always sleeps on my side of the bed with her head on my pillow facing me reaching out to me with her paws. Its so cute.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    After catching a pidgeon my cat proceeded defluff it and thus the whole room was filled with feathers.
  • AllAboutThatTreble
    AllAboutThatTreble Posts: 156 Member
    I have so many I don't even know where to begin. I have a 5 month old maltese, and she loves having her belly rubbed. Except I'm not allowed to stop until she says so (which would be never). If I do, she will grab my hand with her mouth and "gently" bring it back towards her belly.

    She's a huge fan of apples and sweet potatoes, but she goes crazy for my string cheese. Once I pull one out of the fridge she follows me and gives me the puppy eyes until I give in and give her a small piece.

    She thinks I have horrible morning breath: she sleeps next to me, but when I say "good morning", she runs to the bottom.

    And if I fart, she gives me the "how rude" look.
  • TakingControl13
    Lol. I have 2 kittens that are still in litter box training. So at night I put them in the living room and close my door. They will sit at my door with their paws under it just meowing til I let them in. Lol

    They also LOVE to climb my legs anytime im standing lol. Crap hurts.
  • KassLamb
    KassLamb Posts: 98 Member
    My mom would fill a water bottle halfway with rocks and use it to play fetch with her boxer, Brutus. Brutus taught this to my Aussie, Ozzy. Now, I have to be extra observant at the park, because Ozzy WILL grab a water bottle right out of the hand of an unsuspecting stranger the second I look away.

    Earlier, my fiance brought in a whole case of water bottles for our hike today and party tomorrow. We had to put it on top of the refrigerator, because all Ozzy just sees is a big box of 24 of his favorite toys.
  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    My cat Gandalf will fall asleep (imagine a big white furry 17 lb cat) , on the back ot the couch, with his chin laying on top of my head (im sitting on the couch) and each of his paws laying on my shoulders and then starts snoring. Very very indignant when I wake him up, so I can hear the TV. :)
  • stephanieross1
    stephanieross1 Posts: 388 Member
    My dog is a real old fart, as soon as it hits 9:00 at night, he sits down at us and just stares and pesters us to go to bed. He doesn't like when were still up because he feels that he has to watch us. He can do this for a few hours, until he gets his way. He's my alarm clock telling me TO go to bed, have to say i feel well rested now adays though lol
  • Tercob
    Tercob Posts: 151 Member
    I have 2 dogs, a pitbull and a chihauhau/shih-tzu mix. And they think they are looking in the mirror. Bundlez my pit thinks he is 10 pounds and my little one, mojo, thinks he is intimidating.

    My pit likes to come lay on you if you are laying on the couch but it you lay on him he gets up goes to another spot and gives you dirty looks.

    Mojo, well i sing a song to him...mojie pojie pudding pie oh my gosh your such a cute little guy....and he will jump onto his back legs and dance---he twirlls in circles
  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    I really wish MFP had a "LIKE" button,,,when I see posts like this. :)
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Padre, my chocolate Muscovy drake, comes waddling up to me when called, crest erect, chirping and wagging his tail like mad. If they're low on duck chow he comes to me, peering up at me first with one eye, then the other, tail wagging, until I get him a refill. I've seen him JUMP from one duck pool into the other, splash like mad, then jump back into the other, a distance of four feet. These ducks have formidable claws and can climb straight up a tree stump like a woodpecker climbing a tree. They do Duck Yoga, standing on one foot while stretching the other leg, and the wing on that side, straight back ( you'd think it would be the diagonal wing for balance, but no, leg and wing on same side), then switch over and stretch the other side. Endlessly amusing birds.