
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Happy St. Patrick's Day to the amazing March maters...

    I hope you all have a lovely day......

    Last year it was so hot, we were in shorts, outside, cleaning up the yard, planning for the pool opening.....this year we just had another inch of snow. It is cold. If the sun comes out, I will be happier...blue is so much better than grey.

    Thanks for the Fitbit feedback...indeed, I tried the marching in place again, and this time it took! Interesting that only steps and the BMR burn is counted, but I still love the dashboard feedback... it is motivating...so I will join Jane in some marching, but most often I walk the 50 or so steps around the house a few times every hour.

    EXCEPT for the silly calorie count which tells me to eat 734 calories a day....they should fix this algorithim...obviously goes against nutrition guides!

    Has anyone here read the Mayo site on NEAT ? Barbie does this all the time...she gets up and walks on the phone, etc...
    I have been walking around the house waiting for the micro, the kettle, anything, try to get up every hour from the marking chair...
    Let me know what you think!

    Off to finish the last batch of marking - last for two weeks! I counted and realized that I mark 500 long and short essays over 13 weeks, no wonder I feel butt stuck!!!!

    Will see how to reschedule for next Sept!

    May you all have some wonderful pot of joy in your life today!

    BJ, SWOnt.

    7th generation of Irish immigrants!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Marcia in N VA: Welcome to our little group. I have found that the more you participate, the more you will get from the experience.:flowerforyou:

    jmkmomm: DH usually uses a walker, cane, or rides his recumbent trike, but there are times that nothing is better than a mobility scooter. Where are you going?:flowerforyou:

    Linda in N. Ontario: You are wise to consult the dietician. We need a "Wise LIttle Owl" icon. :bigsmile:

    Jane in CO: I sympathize with your frustration regarding the ever “helpful” comments from DH. I do very little exercise mine can see. He doesn’t attend yoga, and I ride the recumbent in the garage while he’s inside doing other things. He did go for a walk with me yesterday, and was suggestion free. :laugh: :laugh:

    Phyllis: Your field trip sounds wonderful. I’d love to have been there as an extra chaperone.:flowerforyou:

    Brooke from CO: I think the whole area around Colorado Springs is spectacular. :love: :heart: My son was stationed there for a few years and we had several chances to visit. The altitude gives me a challenge, though.:tongue: I have no altitude issues in the Denver area, but Colorado Springs is enough higher to leave me gasping if I climb stairs or do anything very active. :grumble: :noway: It might be different if I stayed more than a few days. (I live at 51 feet above sea level.):bigsmile:

    Happy Saint Patrick's Day! :bigsmile:

    I’m up before DH as usual, and considering what to do for fun today. There are several things going on in Portland and I might try to talk him into one of them. There is a walk/run that we won’t be doing, and several celebrations at Irish Pubs. I will be wearing the green, to be sure. I don’t have a drop of Irish blood, but everyone who wants to be Irish can do it today. :bigsmile: I wish we could have corned beef for dinner but since having the stroke, DH is watching his salt intake like a hawk. Thank goodness.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Sounds like your planning a great holiday.

    Happy Patty day to you. And may your day be jolly.

    Sounds like your having a fun weekend

    Thanks for taking the grump out of your signature. lol.

    We are still in the minuses here i'd rejoice at your temps.

    Jane and Brooke
    Exercise just once in front of the hubbies ask them to join you next time they make a comment.
    I figure I don't laugh at him when he goes out for walks with two walking sticks don't look all that good.:smooched:

    Sounds like the organic farmers out west here in Canada. Back to the good old days of farming. Lots to learn and very good for the kids to see how hard work was back then. But also good to see how they enjoy what they are doing.

    Well there i'm all caught up for the first time in weeks. Now to stay on top of it all.

    My broccoli is in the oven with lots and lots of garlic and a few strips of bacon for flavour will soak up any fat with paper towel.
    Already did ten min. of some kind of dance routine with Kaira Laski on U tube and did 10 min. balance on the wii. So far good day. And that garlic is smelling so good. Making me hungry.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,993 Member
    afternoon ladies, was on the phone with my DGD , she is a hoot, she is sooo excited for her birthday. and the plan is they will be coming out before Easter so I will get to see her soon!! YAHHHH
    I have a recipe for ya'll
    easy and low fat....
    Pina Colada Cake.
    4 ingredients~
    1 Angel food cake mix
    8 oz crushed pineapple in juice
    1/2 cup toasted coconut
    8 oz fat free cool whip
    spray 13 x 9 pan with cooking spray set oven at 350 degrees
    mix the cake mix and pineapple together(with the juice still in it)
    pour into pan.
    bake for 20 min. or until toothpick comes out clean
    cool completely then spread with the cool whip and sprinkle with the toasted coconut
    wha laa
    140 calories a piece
    1 gm fat
    0 gm trans fat
    230 mg sodium
    30 gm carbs
    2 gms protein
    Hope you enjoy it......
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Katla – I so understand about the altitude adjustment, I moved here from San Diego (sea level) and it took me 3 months to adjust – I knew because I walked on a stair stepper and that’s how long it took to get back to my “pre-altitude” routine (ahh, to be 30-something again)

    Linda – Your broccoli sounds yummy, I made broccoli and cauliflower gratin last night (low fat milk and cheese, only 92 calories/serving) and have leftovers for today – Yay!

    Phyllis- that field trip sounds AWESOME, how I wish I’d had a teacher like you!! I too would like to volunteer to chaperone the next time out

    BJ- Wow, 500 essays?!?!? That’s quite the workload, glad to hear it’s the last batch for you

    Happy St. Patricks Day, hope everyone has fun whatever you end up doing,
    Brooke from Colorado
  • Debbie0828
    Debbie0828 Posts: 70 Member
    Good Morning. My name is Debbie, and I am 51. I live near Washington DC. I need to lose about 40 pounds. I had two surgeries last year for two new hips. I need to lose weight to make my hips last longer and to feel better. I do take the stairs everyday at work now (4 flights) and my husband got me a new bicycle last month (that is an exercise that I can do with my new hips). I am ready for Spring to get more active. We are planning hikes and bike rides, and swimming when it is warmer.

    I am without pain for the first time in 15 years and look forward to getting healthy and feeling better.

    My biggest struggle is emotional and boredom eating. Looking forward to hanging out with you ladies!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Thanks,for the pina colada recipes,sounds yummy
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Thanks Dee Dee, I guess I will need to watch that. My weight was up even more today but I really need some movement in the bathroom!
    Lin, I am on metformin
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    Well, I'm going to try to load a few images. We'll see if this works.


  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    OK, it worked! Now, this has to be stated: That pigpen room is my daughter's not mine; she commandeered the mirror and I didn't realize how bad the room looked until I took these pics!

    These are from the night of the 50th company anniversary and the slinky dress I could finally buy!


  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Room? I didn't notice a room. You look fabulous!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi everyone! It is beautifully sunny but bitterly cold here in Omaha. Yesterday’s St. Patrick’s day parade, which is usually 2 ½ hours long, only lasted 1 hour because of the cold wind. They were walking so fast LOL nearly jogging! Quiet day here; the builders are working again and today they are cutting the hole in our closet to make the door into the attic/escape route while the paint on the garage floor dries. Boy it’s bright in there now with all the new white paint on the walls!

    I had a bit of a scare Friday morning. I came into the building about 7:30 to find one of my students slumped over in a chair outside my office. He was unable to speak and had written a note about his face and arm being numb since 6:30. So I called 911 and he got admitted. They ruled out a stroke, but were running other tests to see what was wrong. His blood pressure was uncharacteristically high for him, so maybe that was it. But it sure was scary. There was one slightly amusing note….he couldn’t speak and he wanted me to call his wife using his very new ultra-smart phone. I had no idea how to use it, so he was trying to show me. It was kind of funny…I had a hard time figuring out what he wanted and he kept smiling and shaking his head at me! Later I saw him in the hospital and we both had a laugh over how dumb that must have looked!

    Grandmallie: I will be interested to hear what you find out about the weighted hula hoops. I have never heard of them. I do the hula hoops routine on the wii fit which is pretty fun.

    Carol: sorry to hear about your BIL’s nephew! I missed what happened, but will certainly keep him and family, and you, in my prayers!:flowerforyou:

    Michele: hope your tummy feels better today!

    Renny: take care of that ankle! Glad you had fun with the little one

    Barbie: such great willpower!

    Marcia: welcome and glad to hear the knee situation is improved! Knee injuries can be awful.

    Jmkmomm: your comment about the wiggle butt cracked me up. My 16 year old still likes to sit in my lap and she too has a wiggle butt AND a bony butt! OWWWWW:tongue:

    Carol: are you still having snow there? I too love my corned beef and cabbage!

    Linda: you are so dedicated to have such great plans for eating during the day. Your breakfast sounded great! Let us know what the dietician says!

    Janehadji: I keep thinking about getting a fitbit. Let us know how you like it!

    Phyllis: I’m packing my bags now!:happy:

    Debbie: welcome. Isn’t it wonderful to know what pain-free means? My hubby had a total shoulder replacement about 2 ½ years ago and it actually took him a while to get used to that feeling!

    Jackie: wow nice pic! You look all glammed up! I was way too busy staring at your shoes:heart: to notice the room!

    Well guess what? I get to try out the new ladder! Upwards I guess! Have a wonderful day and take care, Meg:drinker:
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Thanks for the Pina Colada Cake receipe will go great with my green tea to celebrate St Patricks Day !

    allisonlane all I can say is WOW you are rocking that dress great choice
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    What a wonderful pic Jackie. Since I am fairly new here I don't know how much you have lost
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    @Jackie! Honestly! You look amazing! Glad your party was so much fun!!! Your hard work has really paid off.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi ladies

    Sorry, I seem to have missed a couple of days, Friday was busy busy at work, Saturday was a catch up with housework, and today has flown by. I walked to a paint shop this morning and bought some more paint, I was also looking at light shades couldn't find one I liked. I'm having a couple of days off at Easter to help with decorating the hallway.

    I need to go back and catch up, so sorry not to reply personally to you.

    I should have had some painkillers earlier, I started with a headache around lunchtime, now it's a real stonker. Better go and get some now before it gets any worse.

    Can't believe it was snowing this afternoon - where's spring???

    Have a good evening everyone chat again soon xx
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Happy St. Patrick's Day to all my VitF's. Hope the luck of the Irish is with you today.

    Phyllis - just had to reply to your post about the countryside in Egypt. We were there last spring and I was amazed at how clean and organized the fields were and how littered the roadsides were. You're right, it is the noisiest place I've ever been but with 26 million people how could it not be? One of my favorite memories is going down the three lane highway with six lanes of cars, trucks, bicycles, horses etc all jumbles up together. I looked out the window and along the road side was a little girl (she looks to be about 5-6) riding on top of some sort of green reeds on a little donkey. She was asleep! I guess the donkey knew where to go. We enjoyed our visit there but to be honest, I don't know how you live with all the noise. As I've always said, every place we've lived has good and bad points.

    Just trying to catch up after missing a day. We went to our DS's ranch and hiked yesterday. He has a hill (they call it a mountain) and we climbed up to the top. It was hot (83) so it was all I could do.
    So, will finish reading and hit the road for my walk. Should do the dreaded shred but may wait until tomorrow.
    Sue in TX
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi, Happy St Patrick’s Day to all, the true greenie and the wannabees.

    Sunday morning and here with my coffee in the sunshine checking in. :glasses: Next steps are to take the dogs out for a nice long ramble along the riverbank and through the trees. They had a boring day alone yesterday so I have to make it up to them.
    And the scale was kind to me (I’m down a pound or so :bigsmile: – I’ve taken to a mid week weigh-in and a Sunday one because it keeps me focused and accountable for the weekend).

    Yesterday a friend and I went to Spokane (her birthday tomorrow and her husband is away on business). When we got there we couldn’t figure out why there was so much traffic and so many people (I guess all the green hats should have clicked in sooner). We were arriving just as the parade was starting.

    We thought we’d have a nice luncheon at Twigs’ to celebrate her birthday and maybe do a little shopping. Suffice to say the border guards loved us because we probably paid for some of their salary in import duty coming back across to Canada. I should never go shopping with her, I always end up with lots of stuff (she has a really good fashion eye though and I still don’t seem to look at things that are the right size for my new body). That’s it for spring, no more shopping allowed. I really did need to replace some dresses though because only a couple of my summer ones can be altered to fit now. The rest are off to the Goodwill or wherever I can find a good home for them.

    I didn’t count all the walking, and I also was really pleasantly surprised because I thought the frozen yogurt would be a killer on calories and it turned out to be low calorie. Probably a good thing I didn’t look it up before because maybe I wouldn’t have been so circumspect if I had realized that while I was getting it:devil: .

    Renny – I honoured the F&V challenge, great day for veggies (fruit was a little weak so I’ll focus on that today). Sorry to hear about the ankle, hope it gets back to normal quickly.

    Meg – hope your student is ok (good thing you are a nurse and calm about such things but the smartphone thing was amusing).

    Jackie–wow – you ROCK that dress (and love the shoes!):flowerforyou:

    Katla – I can relate to the altitude issues. I am from the coast and even in Ontario I was barely at sea level. Fruitvale, where I now live, is 495m or 1625 feet . Doesn’t sound like much until you try to bake something finicky and have to adjust the temperature or the time. And I did notice some difference bicycling but put that down to weight and age:blushing: .

    Phyllis – sounds like an amazing field trip and very practical. You sound like a great teacher, your classes are lucky to have you.

    LindaC – I wasn’t driving on the trip and I’m a very good passenger, but we did see a great big cow moose on the way home (I do love the colour, it’s impossible to describe that kind of rich brown).

    JaneH – glad your luncheon with the MFP ladies was good (envious a little) and yes, “back away from the biscuits and no one needs to get hurt”. Yah, DSW got me for a couple of pairs of shoes, and Macy’s for a seersucker jacket and a great business dress, but the REAL damage was done at WhiteHouse|BlackMarket. I cannot leave that store ever without dropping a ton of $$. Hmm, I doubt if your son will starve too much but it’s always hard for parents to perceive their children are doing without proper nutrition (even if it’s by choice). No, no sticks in Rugby, football shaped ball and lots of grabbing and scrums and rough and tumble. Very entertaining to watch if you know what’s going on.

    Cheryl – Jackson May is in my prayers and I notice a lot of others here too.

    Laura – had a chuckle about the bathroom bars and trainers.

    All right – enough procrastination – time to get this body moving. And the doggies too.

    Bye for now and happy day to all the new and returning MFPers.

    Lila in the sunny, sunny Kootenays in beautiful British Columbia.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,993 Member
    well I had to try a piece of the cake~ it is a bit on the sweet side, but it was delicious:laugh:
    im under my calorie count, but might have myself a bowl of cherrios and milk before bed...
    hope everyone's day was spectacular:happy:
    when I talked to the DGD today she told me the whole story of goldilocks and the three bears, no book in front of her, she had this whole book in her head, she did the voices,she had it all memorized~ this child amazes me.
    I only pray that she remember's that kind of stuff and not the crap that goes on between her parent's
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marcia, we are so glad you’ve become part of our community…..we are all levels of fitness and have many different limitations so among us you will find many good fitness activities….you chose the best one for starters: just put on your shoes and start walking, everything else will grow out of that.

    :flowerforyou: Phyllis, your field trip does sound awesome and better than any I ever took my classes on in 34 years of teaching.

    :flowerforyou: Bj, I read about the NEAT and it makes sense to me….what I’ve found is that the more I move, the more inclined I am to move……http://thyroid.about.com/od/loseweightsuccessfully/a/neatmetabolism.htm

    :flowerforyou: LIndaC. I love garlic on lots of things…..gotta remember to use it more

    :flowerforyou: Debbie, welcome, you’ve come to the right place…it helped me when I stared to plan my food for the day in the morning and stick to the plan……I planned a snack at the time of day I got bored and restless so I’d be able to eat something then……sometimes I had to watch the clock waiting for the next eating time so I could stick to my plan.

    :bigsmile: Jackie, you look so great in that dress that I didn’t even notice the room.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, I don’t have will power……I learned that “strategy is stronger than will power” by reading “The Thin Commandments Diet” and I learned that I am an abstainer----I know how to eat no cake at all and I know how to eat enough cake to make me sick, but I don’t know how to eat one piece, so I eat none.

    :bigsmile: Lila, congrats on needing new clothes to fit on your new body.

    :flowerforyou: Got to sleep late enough this morning so that the long morning dog walk was in the daylight rather than dark…..later I walked with a friend on the Olympic Discovery Trail where we saw robins, quail, and a bald eagle pick up a small rodent and fly away with it……lunch and then more walking with the dogs…….there was frost on the roof this morning and high icy wind…..the wind changed our plans for working in the yard but did not deter the dogs from their walking…….I wore lots of wool and extra warm boots and enjoyed my time outside. Except for laundry I haven’t done much in the house but I’ve had time for several 20 minute rides on the recumbent bike while watching recordings of the World Figure Skating Championships.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington