10 pieces of advice you would have told the old you ?



  • goldiejoe
    goldiejoe Posts: 121 Member
    Here goes:

    1) Take responsibility for being fat and stop making excuses. Life is not perfect and neither are you. You just have to suck it up and do it. No one else can do it for you.

    2) Get your vitamin D levels checked. Most likely you are deficient and this can contribute greatly to depression, fatigue, and aches.

    3) Dieting is hard. Exercising is hard. Being overweight is hard. Choose your hard.

    4) Join a gym and take classes where you will be surrounded by people who are supportive and motivating. It's important to be a part of a community that prioritizes health and fitness. Join MFP. You will make new friends and find out that you are not alone. People will understand and emphasize with your struggles.

    5) While exercise is really important, place an even greater focus on eating healthy and sticking within calorie limits. Cut out the junk. You will actually feel less hungry throughout the day and will not have the cravings for sugar and salt.

    6) Try non-fat greek yogurt! Mix it up with some fresh or frozen fruit.

    7) Be patient. It took a while to gain the weight. It's going to take a while to lose it. It's going to take a lifetime to maintain it. Make a commitment to a new way of life.

    8) Forgive yourself. Everyone has their struggles. Just because your struggle is weight doesn't make you any less of a person or weaker than anyone else.


    9) Don't give up. It's not too late. You can do it. Even if you are not convinced that you can...start telling yourself everyday that you can do it and you are worth the effort. Eventually, you will begin to believe it.


    10) Baby steps are okay. When you are overweight, exercise is more difficult than when you are lighter in weight. You don't have to run. It's okay to just walk, because that is the same energy output that running is for a thinner person. Purchase a heart rate monitor so that you can see how hard you are working. You don't have to hold extra weights when you are doing squats. You are already carrying more weight on your body.

  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    Wow! This really made me think. Mine are not necessarily weight related but here goes:

    1. Marry Tim. You will get divorced but he will give you three amazing children that are irreplacable.
    2. Do NOT start your friendship with that person. It only brings heartache
    3. Be firmer with your children - especially your oldest.
    4. Stay in shape. Its much easier to keep the weight off then to gain 30 pounds and try to get skinny again 15 years later.
    5. Depression is your downfall. Exercise through it instead of drinking it away. Alcohol makes it worse
    6. LOVE YOURSELF! You are worth it!!
    7. If you wanted that job you should've taken it. Do what makes YOU happy sometimes.
    8. After your divorce, you've got to stop being such a control freak.
    9. You teach people how to treat you. Don't let them walk all over you in the interest of being "nice". It doesn't work.
    10. Relax. God has you under His wing. He will always protect you.

    I would also add two more:

    11. Give your dad one more kiss and tell him you love him again. Spend every minute you can with him. He died way too soon.
    12. Forgive your mom sooner. She died way too soon as well.
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Just one:

    Step away from the fridge....
  • SirgS
    SirgS Posts: 21
    1. Shaun T couldn't be more right - DIG DEEEEEP
    2. Eat healthy foods and portion control is less of an issue
    3. Don't overdo the summers - you'll find out that healing during the winter adds 20 pounds
    4. Surround yourself with healthy people - if the majority of the people you spend time with don't exercise or eat right, well chances are you neither will you.
    5. Reflect on yourself often and correct what you see
    6. You will complete your goals, and you are strong enough to do anything you want. Set bigger goals!
    7. Video games are in one year out the next - don't dedicate so much time
    8. Expect from yourself as you'd expect from others
    9. Don't be afraid
    10. Take full advantage of every opportunity
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    The "old me" was not open to or ready for any advice.... once I figured out how to get to the 'open' and 'ready' point, I was able to teach myself and be more disciplined, especially once given my officemate's recommendation of MFP!
  • famousmel
    famousmel Posts: 149 Member
    Maybe it's not advice, but motivation as I am not too far in my journey thus far...

    Thank you for deciding to start this journey.
    You have no idea how much of your life you gave to that couch-TV is a treat, not a lifestyle.
    I say ‘yes’ to every worthy invitation now. I don’t make a contingency in case I’m too tired, sick or hungover to attend.
    The new you will remember what it’s like to accomplish goals and will plant more of them like they are a garden.
    That reminds me, you like to garden now.
    You will spend more quality time with some of your old friends and even some new ones doing things that better you and your life-not just sitting around eating and drinking.
    Your son whines about going to his dad’s now instead, because mommy takes him on such fun adventures.
    You look forward to getting out of bed everyday to see what greatness the day will bring.
    You deserve this.

    What a great exercise (non-caloric!). Thanks.
  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    1) You are better than this.
    2) Vegetables aren't gross, grow up.
    3) You don't have to cut out all of your favorite foods, just do everything in moderation.
    4) When you buy a gym membership, you should of went to the gym.
    5) If you continue on your current path, you will be over 200 pounds shortly after high school has ended.
    6) Do not judge people who are overweight. You have no idea what they've been through.
    7) You're beautiful no matter what, start to recognize it.
    8) Listen to dad when he shows you how to lift weights, because you'll forget it when you're older.
    9) Let dad know that you love him every day. You will lose him at a young age, and you will be poisoned with regret. The whole "I'm a teenager and I hate my dad!" bit doesn't accomplish anything, especially since he was an amazing father.
    10) You are a talented cook, and you are very good at cooking healthy. Start now.
  • blindedbyawesome
    blindedbyawesome Posts: 56 Member
    Watch out for weekends they can kill your progress
  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    1) put down the big Mac
    2) pick up the turkey burger with 80 calorie bun
    3) don't be afriad to try workouts
    4) don't be afraid of weights
    5) hide the scale
    6) create a calorie deficit
    7) measure your food, don't estimate
    8) ruin instead of walk
    9) accept that it takes time,
    10) if u try to "cheat the system" with pills, it will set u back and make sure that u set realistic goals!
  • CassandraChloeJ
    CassandraChloeJ Posts: 47 Member
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    1. Start Exercising
    2. Start Exercising
    3. Start Exercising
    4. Start Exercising
    5. Start Exercising
    6. Start Exercising
    7. Start Exercising
    8. Start Exercising
    9. Start Exercising
    10. Start Exercising
  • Love this list, great work guys !
  • mikeschratz
    mikeschratz Posts: 253 Member
    This has to reside in this forum.... Maybe even a sticky? (Originally posted by SS (og SS))
    This made a huge difference in the way I started losing weight and feeling better about myself!

    1. You don't need to eat clean.
    2. You don't need to avoid white bread or potatoes or beans or rice or _____________ (insert food here) unless you've got an intolerance/allergy/medical condition.
    3. You don't need to eat breakfast to get your metabolism started.
    4. You probably don't need to pay any attention to GI.
    5. Your metabolism doesn't get kick-started and you don't rev it up.
    6. Eating frequently is fine but it doesn't "boost your metabolism".
    7. Don't waste your money on Raspberry Keytones and you should probably turn off Dr. Oz.
    8. You are not toning.
    9. You also don't "gain muscle really easily". Yes, YOU.
    10. Low carbing is not dangerous.
    11. Low carbing is not metabolically superior.
    12. You can eat food before bed.
    13. You can eat food IN bed.
    14. There is no specific time at which eating will cause you to gain fat.
    15. That glass of blended up "juice" that you're replacing your meals with, probably isn't "cleansing" any "toxins".
    16. You don't need to burn off that bowl of cereal or piece of chicken.
    17. You don't need to worry about whether you're burning carbs or fat.
    18. You don't need to worry about how much fat you burned during your workout, or how much muscle you gained during that set of bosu-ball dumbbell flies.
    19. You don't "shock your body"
    20. You don't "confuse your mucles"
    21. Stop switching up your lifting program. How about stick to something and add weight to the bar.
    22. Just because you saw it in a documentary doesn't mean it's a good idea or even remotely research-based.
    23. You don't need to zig-zag or carb cycle or do the 17 day butt wash or the cabbage donkey stew diet.
    24. 2 weeks is not a plateau.

    Start here:
    1) Eat within a reasonable caloric intake for your goals.
    2) Consume adequate protein and fat.
    3) Consume at least enough carbs to allow you to train with intensity.

    (And can you just use some common sense with food selection?)

    4) Lift weights
    5) Get rest.
    6) Repeat
    7) And quit worrying about all the other crap.

    Be patient.
  • perfectionisntme
    perfectionisntme Posts: 205 Member
    I only 3 things I would like to remind myself of:

    1, It's about over all health, NOT just physical appearance.
    2. The longer it sits on the shelf at the store, the more its unhealthy for you.
    3. A body in motion stays in motion.
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    1. It's going to be okay in the end, so don't worry. Work hard, make progress, but don't worry.

    2. You are not alone, and it's ok to reach out.

    3. It's okay to put your needs first sometimes.

    4. Explore the world and see new things.

    5. Trust your instinct, it's sometimes your subconscious noticing things you aren't entirely aware of yet.

    6. Stop saying tomorrow. Tomorrow may never come. Today is here, so use it.

    7. You are enough.

    8. Getting better is a hard process, but it's worth the fight.

    9. Recognize the signs of depression and attend to them, instead of hoping they'll go away.

    10. Never let anyone tell you your dreams aren't worth chasing

    ETA: mine aren't all strictly sit and fitness, but I think my attitude and my outlook were the most crucial things to change for me
  • Drop_it_Like_Its_Hawt
    Drop_it_Like_Its_Hawt Posts: 226 Member
    Well the old me was stubborn as heck and wouldn't listen to any perfectly good advice she was given, so I guess the first one would be:


    Followed by (if that actually worked):

    2) Stop comparing yourself to others - there will always be someone thinner or heavier than yourself. Your personal best is YOURS alone.

    3) Pace yourself. No crash dieting, but stick to the plan you've got as well as you can.

    4) Eat less, exercise more - it really IS that simple. Simple isn't EASY, but it still works.

    5) No one is going to do this for you - and no one is to blame but yourself if you fail. Not the guy eating donuts next to you, or the co-worker who brings in treats - the decision is ultimately yours.

    6) The times you just "can't get motivated" to work out? Those are ABSOLUTELY the times you should get up anyway, and get moving.

    7) You are worth the extra time it takes to finish that morning walk, to buy the healthier food, and work on your own health. If you don't show your kids that it's important to take care of their own bodies, who will?

    8) Stop using only the scale as your proof of success. Celebrate the non-scale victories with just as much joy!

    9) Living each day healthier, one day at a time, is a reward unto itself.

    10) There is a strong, capable person inside of you. Let her out.
  • ravenrxx
    ravenrxx Posts: 455 Member
    - Never give up on yourself.
    - Stop worrying about what others think about you. Their opinion doesn't count. (Only God's does.)
    - You are beautiful in every single way. No matter who does and doesn't see that.
    - You can do whatever you want. Whatever you put your mind to, you can do it.
    - Stay focused on your goals/dreams, Cause You can get there. So DREAM BIG.
    - Never complain about hardwork...Cause Hardwork pays off.
    - Don't have a bad attitude towards things. Always be kind and smile(: See the positive in things.
    - Be Wild. Live Life. And take advantage of opportunities, You might never get that type of opportunity again.
    - Take care of yourself, Physically & Mentally. Your body, Mind, Heart & Soul.
    - Life Gets Better & Better. And, It's worth living. So don't complain about the little things, Their not worth it.
  • 1. listen to your parents!
    2. don't worry so much
    3.slow down and enjoy life both the ups and downs
    4. get off the video games and go play outside
    5.eat healthier
    6. listen to happier music its better for your mood
    7.be kinder and more understanding towards your siblings especially your brother...
    8.tell the girl that you will still love now how you feel...
    9.please stop being so stubborn the world is not against you so listen!!!!
    10. pay more attention in school you numb-skull its important and you'll regret it later!!!
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    1. You were not fat (insert times I was much less weight)
    2. Lose the weight before you get pregnant.
    3. You have to look out for number one, yourself
    4. Just because the family eats out, doesn't mean you can't make healthier choices.
    5. Running shoes are WORTH EVERY PENNY if your feet feel good in them
    6. Start with 20 minutes. Anyone can do 20 minutes.
    7. Schedule the workout and get it done.
    8. Water water water!
    9. Calories burned and eaten are just ESTIMATES. If it's not working after a month, change it!
    10. If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up!

  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member
    1. Taco Bell nacho cheese cannot be used as toothpaste
    2. Bacon bits on cereal should be limited to once a week
    3. Buying a Pizza Hut party platter is OK.... FOR A PARTY....eating it alone with a 2-liter of Mt Dew, probably not a good idea
    4. Hot and Now or White Castle hamburgers are made from ghost fibers, they do have calories, but you cannot feel them....that is why you can eat 87 and still be hungry.
    5. When you get winded raising your arm to call over the waitress for another serving during Endless Enchilada days.... you may need to quit.
    6. If after a 37 minute session in the bathroom your child goes in and then runs out screaming with their hair falling out and blood coming from their eyes, you may need to reconsider your macros.
    7. Carbs are not the issue. Fat is not the issue. Exercise is not the issue. Having an I.V. of ranch dressing at your desk, that is a good place to start.
    8. If you fart at your desk and 4 seconds later a woman from 6 floors beneath you calls and says "Really?....", you are eating the wrong things.
    9. If you have personally put more than 7 Chinese Buffets out of business, you might want to cut back.
    10. Start small, start somewhere. Do a little more each day...... never stop starting over if you need to.
  • mswaters27
    mswaters27 Posts: 24 Member
  • courtneywiens
    courtneywiens Posts: 148 Member
    Here goes:

    1) Take responsibility for being fat and stop making excuses. Life is not perfect and neither are you. You just have to suck it up and do it. No one else can do it for you.

    2) Get your vitamin D levels checked. Most likely you are deficient and this can contribute greatly to depression, fatigue, and aches.

    3) Dieting is hard. Exercising is hard. Being overweight is hard. Choose your hard.

    4) Join a gym and take classes where you will be surrounded by people who are supportive and motivating. It's important to be a part of a community that prioritizes health and fitness. Join MFP. You will make new friends and find out that you are not alone. People will understand and emphasize with your struggles.

    5) While exercise is really important, place an even greater focus on eating healthy and sticking within calorie limits. Cut out the junk. You will actually feel less hungry throughout the day and will not have the cravings for sugar and salt.

    6) Try non-fat greek yogurt! Mix it up with some fresh or frozen fruit.

    7) Be patient. It took a while to gain the weight. It's going to take a while to lose it. It's going to take a lifetime to maintain it. Make a commitment to a new way of life.

    8) Forgive yourself. Everyone has their struggles. Just because your struggle is weight doesn't make you any less of a person or weaker than anyone else.

    9) Don't give up. It's not too late. You can do it. Even if you are not convinced that you can...start telling yourself everyday that you can do it and you are worth the effort. Eventually, you will begin to believe it.

    10) Baby steps are okay. When you are overweight, exercise is more difficult than when you are lighter in weight. You don't have to run. It's okay to just walk, because that is the same energy output that running is for a thinner person. Purchase a heart rate monitor so that you can see how hard you are working. You don't have to hold extra weights when you are doing squats. You are already carrying more weight on your body.

    great advice!
  • BUMP! so i can read this later :)
  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    1. Stop smoking! I did.. but it took too long
    2. You have no idea what you are worth.
    3. Eliminate processed foods (still learning this one)
    4. Diets do not work.. well they do but they are temporary. You have to change your lifestyle and learn to cook healthier.
    5. Alcohol is not better than pop. Well I think it tastes better and makes me a great dancer but it certainly is not good for me and totally detrimental to my health.
    6. Find positive and active friends. Don't waste time on the rest.
    8. Read labels. All natural does not necessarily mean its good for you. Less than 5 ingredients is my newest motto.
    9. Sushi can have alot of calories (who knew)
    10. What are you afraid of?
  • persilcolours
    persilcolours Posts: 92 Member
    Bump. Love this thread
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    I put alot of thought into these, I could probably write a hundred more if I tried... :smile:

    1. Don't let depression win. Get help NOW. People love you.
    2. You got fat because you ate too much. Period. Stop making excuses.
    3. LIfe is hard. When it pushes you around, push back. Harder.
    4. The weight did not go on overnight, and it's not going to come off overnight. Patience!
    5. Don't let anyone defince success FOR you. Make your own defination.
    6. MOVE. No matter how slow you go, you are lapping everyone on the couch.
    7. There is no such thing as "tomorrow"; there is only today. Here and now. Don't lose anymore time waiting for "tomorrow"
    8. Binge eating never solved a single problem. Don't do it. Journal. Take a walk. Call a friend. Anything but eat.
    9. Don't let other people sabotage your sucess, unintentional or otherwise. Stand up for yourself and your health.
    10. Look in the mirror. Tell youself you are beautiful, worthy, awesome, smart. Every. Single. Day.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    1. College college college, no matter HOW much you hate studying.
    2. Don't settle when it comes to men or jobs.
    3. Self preservation is a good thing.
    4. Pay attention in math. You WILL use that math problem sometime in your older years.
    5. Get a job with enough money to pay for a cook.
    6. Leave the credit cards ALONE. Seriously.
    7. Your Dad won't be an *kitten* forever. He WILL improve with age.
    8. You can begin to think your fat after having three kids.
    9. Start your martial arts EARLY. Don't wait until you're 35 to start.
    10. Make at least one person a day laugh. It'll help you keep your sanity.
  • Daisychain65
    Daisychain65 Posts: 161 Member
  • i only have one.

    starving yourself dosnt make you beautiful, your heart soul and actions toward others do.


    I love this, very beautiful:)
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    1. Hey buddy, I agree that Jack in the Box tastes good..........but it isn't necessarily the best food choice for breakfast..........and lunch..........and dinner..........and random snacks..........all in the same day.

    2. Sure, college sounds like it might be hard..........now, but try going to college in your 30's..........with a wife and 2 kids.

    3..........listen to #1 and #2 a few more times until it equals 10 pieces of advice.
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