8 Cups of water a day... HOW?!



  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Yup just you. I drink 12 cups a day.
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    I am a very thirsty person so that's how I do it but I also have a Brita pitcher at work, I bring a 20oz water bottle to work and refill refill refill all day. I drink more than 8 cups a day. Then I go home and fill up a big cup with ice and water and add a little Mio to it just for a little flavor. Then I drink another 1-2 cups before bed. I'm a nurse so my bladder is trained to hold a lot, lol.
  • Kaylaef
    Kaylaef Posts: 194 Member
    if youre not thirsty, dont drink.

    do you go to the gym? i typically get about 6-8cups down during one 60min workout.

    water is all i drink...well that, and booze.

    haha. I like to down a glass at the water filter at work and bring one back to my desk. Finish and repeat. I probably wind up having about 20 classes of water a day. Heck yes I pee loads, but man oh man does my skin look and feel fantastic.
  • KathyPBiles
    KathyPBiles Posts: 292 Member
    I LOVE water! I have a 32 oz mug I refill several times a day. I have been a certified aqualholic for over 20 years. Water, unsweet tea and occasional skim milk is all I drink.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member

    . There is already water in your food and drinks.

    This heavily depends on one's diet. One is more likely to get more water from eating a diet full of fruits and vegetables, i.e. cucumbers have a high water content, than someone that eats a diet high in processed foods.
  • CrazyDaisyMom
    CrazyDaisyMom Posts: 79 Member
    I have a cup at work that holds 24 oz of water so I try to drink two of those at work a day. If I workout in the morning I drink a lot as well during my workout. I think after a while your bladder gets used to it and you don't make as many bathroom trips. :happy:
  • HealthyinAZ
    HealthyinAZ Posts: 408 Member
    At first I was just drinking cup after cup, sipping at work. now I just refill a 24 oz bottle 4 times. I like the Smart Water bottles with the squirt because it is easier to drink a lot. I can drink a bottle in about 5 minutes.

    I do the same thing - I use the 24 ounces Smart Water bottle - refill it 4 times a day - and manage to get in about 4 cups of decaf coffee too.
  • AlexBoBalex79
    AlexBoBalex79 Posts: 99 Member
    16 oz?? I thought a cup was 8 oz.

    To answer your question, I just drink it in. Like the above poster said: chug chug chug! I like water, so it's easy for me.
  • It's just 2l. It's easy when you're used to drinking water. I have an 800ml water bottle which I drink from three times a day. I can't get enough of the stuff!
  • WickedZoey
    WickedZoey Posts: 401 Member
    I just make a conscious effort to drink lots of water, although... I am very guilty of not tracking it all the time.

    My body needs it + good for me = I do it.
  • opheliav5
    opheliav5 Posts: 3 Member
    be careful with the tea...it's a diuretic and can make you lose your fluid.
  • UnoDrea3732
    UnoDrea3732 Posts: 342 Member
    I drink around a gallon a day but I do have a 32oz cup at my desk and access to water at all times. I set goals - like I have to fill my cup at least twice before lunch and twice before I end my day.
  • amberlynnsinspired
    amberlynnsinspired Posts: 438 Member
    I drink water all day till I get my goal of water in. I start off with one new water bottle that is 16.9oz, which is already two cups. Then through out the day, I will refill it 4-7 times. If I have 4 water bottles, I know I had 8 cups. If I refill it 5 times, I know I had 10 cups and so on. Normally I will have a diet soda as well. But try drinking less juice because those are useless calories, in my opinion. Try having a water bottle with you at all times. It works for me.
  • kap337
    kap337 Posts: 1 Member
    By setting my goal to be a liter before noon, this helps to give me more time to drink and I don't pee all night. Also, I use a liter water bottle so I can easily track how much I drink. It is much easier for me to accomplish my goal when I squeeze a lemon into the water bottle.
  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    I have a Tervis Tumbler that I fill up and keep cold in the fridge at home as well as carrying a 750 ml water bottle in my backpack -- in my water I usually add a Nuun tablet that gives it just a little flavor as well as giving me electrolytes that my body seems to want/need.
  • Queenofthezoo
    Queenofthezoo Posts: 69 Member
    I find it easiest to drink 16 oz at a time intead of 8 oz. If between meals you drink one large glass (16 oz), it is easier to get that in 3 times a day, then add in what you drink during a meal and you're there.
  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    I have a Sodastream because I like my water fizzy. I don't use much flavoring and never any with sugar or saccharin. I fill up a 34 ounce container 2 times a day and usually finish them both off.

    You don't HAVE to drink so much water if you eat lots of fruits.
  • elsbbels
    elsbbels Posts: 190 Member
    I have a 1ltr sports bottle that I refill about 3-4 times a day, I never used to drink water but that's mostly what I drink now, with the occasional coffee and green tea/raspberry and echinacea tea :)

    it really makes a difference with weight loss, and I feel better for it

  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I hate water, but I am starting to get to the point that if I don't drink it, I get a very nasty headache. Its hard, but I figure if I do what my ob said to do during the pregnancy I would be okay now. I was told one cup of water for every diet pepsi and mind you I have been backing off the soda so increasing the water hasn't been easy but I am getting there.

    I find it easier since I am a mom at home currently to drink a mason jar (yeah no laughing) that holds 24 oz and refill that, as well as drinking it in the morning, and during my workouts. when I go to the y (which I need to get back into again) I take my water bottle that I got at one of my 5ks and have it filled so I can't drink anything else, and refill it as necessary.
  • Prephred
    Prephred Posts: 140 Member
    I am having trouble with the water but reading these posts made me realize my water bottle is 16 oz not 8 - lol been getting twice the water I thought. I use the crystal light flavorings because I dont deal well with just plain water. At one time I was drinking a gallon to gallon and 1/2 a day so I know I can do it. Just been having trouble getting back in the swing.

    Keep chugging =)