*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    To bookmark the page:

    Just by commenting it's automatically put in your "my topics" tab...
    Just go to "community" tab at the top of the page (blue), then under the banner there's a set of tabs that say "home, recent posts, my topics, settings, search"...click on "my topics" and it'll be under that (and it'll stay under that if you keep commenting...the list updates as the threads get updated)

    dancer: just start with small changes, start by logging what you do eat, then gradually start to change, start to try to stick within your allotted calories, start trying to add in a walk, start trying to add in a portion of fruit, etc...
    Set your cals to lose 1lb/week (for now) and see how you feel...(though if we knew your stats we might be able to advise more on this).

    jolande: I've always had hands and feet that are like blocks of ice (even when I'm boiling often) so I don't think I can really say it's coz of weightloss...! I've always been someone that's had a cardigan with me in the summer "just incase" and more often than not I put it on as the sun drops!
  • xxjolandexx
    Hi everyone!

    I am 24, very overweight and I suffer from depression... which kind of means I have put on LOTS of weight.. and I feel really disgusting most of the time.

    I really want to change - hence Fitness Pal.. But where to start?? I don't want to go to extremes and do something I cannot sustain, but at the same time I get discouraged very easily.
    Anyone got any advice?

    I am good at cheering people on btw. Really glad I found this group :)

    Welcome!! I've suffered from depression in the past so I know how hard it can be. We're all here to support each other for however long is needed. :-)
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am 24, very overweight and I suffer from depression... which kind of means I have put on LOTS of weight.. and I feel really disgusting most of the time.

    I really want to change - hence Fitness Pal.. But where to start?? I don't want to go to extremes and do something I cannot sustain, but at the same time I get discouraged very easily.
    Anyone got any advice?

    I am good at cheering people on btw. Really glad I found this group :)

    I agree with Penny. Start logging and then find one thing you can work on (like adding a walk). It could be something that seems small and 'too easy'. Breakfast, focus on making it healthy, add in a portion of fruit etc. When that feels comfortable then move on. I have lots of weight to lose too and know that it can seem totally overwhelming. So make the changes small and then move on. It makes it manageable.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    To all the new faces, hello!!

    Well I've been MIA for a few days and that means I've not been doing well. I am the kind of person who needs to be here every day, being accountable. Saturday I was good. Sunday I made the conscious decision to not log and relax. Well I relaxed so much I flipped backwards off the wagon and let it roll over me and then did the same again today. There is something about the weekend that is just challenging and then I beat myself up and send Monday all to hell. Its ridiculous because with careful planning and diligence I have no problem staying well under my allotted calories, easily normally by 500 calories below what is already set at a 500 cal deficit and when time is there I love to exercise making my deficit even more. BBBLLLAAAHHHH!!!!

    Have tomorrow already planned, including snacks. Just need to work in exercise which may not be the easiest as my daughter has seemingly decided to drop one of her naps even though it is very obvious most of the time that she needs it. We have another mom and baby visiting in the morning and then are home for the rest of the day so perhaps the regularity of the day will help and I will be able to MAKE THE TIME to exercise.

    Hope you are all well, I quickly scanned the postings but to be honest am feeling rather knackered and just want to veg out in front of the biggest loser for the rest of the evening. I will see you all tomorrow though for a check in. Keep me accountable!!

    And by the way, feel free to add me as a friend, I recently deleted loads of non supportive friends and am trying to increase my support system again.
  • didifournierblais
    didifournierblais Posts: 18 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Hope everybody is doing well! On my side I'm better than I was Friday. Today, my husband cooked us a lasagna smelling sooooo good and after I calculate the calories in it... I just find out that I could only afford half a portion of it, but how good this half portion was!!!!!!! I'll eat the other half another day of the week!

    I see that we're a lot of peoples having problems with our knees and wonder if it really have something to do with our weight since I have problems with that since highschool where I was underweight instead of overweight.:ohwell:

    I wish you a good week and will try to come at least once a day.

    :wink: PotScrubber, I lost 3 pounds in the last 2 weeks!:bigsmile: Woo-hoo! Did a lot of snow shoveling this week-end, maybe it helped... And how are you doing on your side?:smile:
  • birdiesmith
    Hi everyone,

    I am not new to fitness pal, but I am new to actually using it :) I am looking to lose 40-50lbs and would love to get involved in the online community here for support and motivation.

  • Pansy11
    Pansy11 Posts: 2
    Ok ladies this is new for me. I don't usually join any of the groups. It would be nice to have some motivation some times. My name is Pansy. Yes that is right just like the flower. I lost 70 lbs from 2009 to 2011 then had a knee replacement, quit smoking and gained back 25 lbs and I feel like it is killing me. I am finally back at the gym working out regularly. I work 2 hours a day at the gym 5 days a week. My goal right now is to lose 25 lbs before July. My 25th anniversary is in July. I hope we all can motivate each other. I look forward to the conversations.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Do you think thin people think about food the way we do? Are they conscious of every bite that goes into their mouths or do they just go with the flow and know when to stop? I am really struggling with the food addiction side of this things this week and have been contemplating stuffing it this week and restarting next week when I go to work. Part of me wants to and another part of me says don't be so stupid!!
  • prithvish
    prithvish Posts: 15
    hi guys,need some motivation to lose wt......anybody ?
  • prithvish
    prithvish Posts: 15
    no,i think its all about the nature of the body,bmr,and environmental factors and offcourse genetic ...........so no comparision..
  • Deb_smiles
    Deb_smiles Posts: 35 Member
    Well, I am very happy to meet all of you. I haven't read through all the posts since I am running out the door soon. I have lost 30 pounds, and have about 50 more to go. I have basically been maintaining since December. I would love to get included in a group that lights my fire again! Just by reading some of the above posts, I can see what an inspiration you all are to each other! I'd love to join this thread! :)
  • Deb_smiles
    Deb_smiles Posts: 35 Member
    I agree! I had lost motivation and have just been maintaining for 3 months. I'm starting by beginning to log again and get into the habit of it again. I've also cut out soda and sugary baked goods. I've been struggling this weekend with eating bigger portions and eating chips......so the scale obviously hasn't moved.....but I am still proud of sticking with my original goal. Logging, no soda, no sugary stuff. I bought lots of fruit the other day to help curb the cravings. Once you master one or two smaller things, you have a little motivation to add something more!
  • candy102389
    Hi my name is Candy,
    I have been actively trying to lose weight for a year now. From January 2012- June 2012 I had lost 40lbs, I was doing a Biggest loser bootcamp that invloved 5 of my co-workes. It got to be to expensive and drama was going on with the trainer, so I decided to embark this on my own I was succesful with 5 lbs then my birthday and all the big holidays came around and I gained 10lbs from october 2012 to now. I have been struggling to re-motivated. i dont mind working out. But I know I am a food addict. There are times that I absolutely have no control. I feel myself full and I tell myslef to stop but if I see food still on plate I eat it all. When I see food laying out I will start picking to the point I am finally sitting down and eating it all. I know I have it in me. I am slowly looking to find what helps me. My goal is to walk down the aisle in June 35lbs lighte than I am today. By the end of this year I hope to be at my goal weight of 165lbs. My ultimate goal lose 85lbs.
  • const1ar
    const1ar Posts: 18 Member
    Hey Guys! Thought I would try the group out I am in need of some quality support =] I am currently doing a weight loss challenge with my finace and am getting way closer to my total goal in a much faster pace than I thought I could..just comes to show dedication really does work! I am king of a unique case though, I have already lost about half of my weight (30 pounds) and am looking to shed another 20 pounds or so...I do not wish to be thin I wish to be in better shape and able to take part in all of my favorite activities and sports with ease which is why my goal weight is a bit higher than most but I may readjust when I get there..I'm looking forward to reading posts and supporting all of you!
  • nikig7
    nikig7 Posts: 240 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Maybe this is just what I need. I have struggled with my weight for such a long time but I'm not giving up. Have been trying again since about October last year and have only lost about 10lbs since then :ohwell: . I have been kinda yo-yo-ing for about a few months now...gaining and losing the same 1 or 2 lbs....even though I've been seeing a nutritionist! My biggest problem is eating...I have been on the "diet" roller coaster so many times it's not funny (I'm sure many of you can relate)...so now I find myself trying to find the balance (or really "imbalance") between understanding that I need to restrict my calories etc in order to lose and sustain weight loss...and not wanting to restrict so much that I jus say "whadeva" and go back to eating whatever I want. I have been exercising but that too has not been consistent as it should be.

    I have a really busy schedule (work long hours, studying, teaching part time, and a wife) which often leaves me tired and affects my motivation and energy to either eat well and/or exercise. But...I'M NOT GIVING UP. 10lbs is still 10lbs and I am grateful for that...quite a few people at work seem to think that I've lost a "lot" of weight but that's far from the truth as far as Mr. Scale goes...lol. I really really need the help and support to push past this and really make better decisions. My most difficult time is at night...I tend to do pretty well during the day because I pack my lunch and snacks and stuff...and then at night things fall of track...especially if i'm up late working or studying...

    Ok...enough of my rambling..I'm just hoping that I can give something to, and take some things from you guys that will really give me that extra "push" that I need to get to my goal....which by the way is about 50lbs away...I really want to get there (or at least really close) before having my first child....there are so many VERY GOOD reasons that I NEED to lose this weight...I KNOW what those reasons are...but somehow in the moment...when I'm tempted or hungry or whatever, those reasons fade out of view...does that make sense? If anyone can relate to that and has any advice it will be appreciated...looking foward to getting to know everyone!
  • mazekah
    mazekah Posts: 52
    Hello all - glad I have your company on this journey. I have a lot of support (non-cyber) and just need to stay focused. For me that means doing some kind of daily discipline that tracks my intention (i.e. entering the food, water, exercise, etc). I also talk to a work-provided health coach (it won't be such a great checkin this month I think...oh well) who asks me questions like, "What barrier is there to your goal?" and other hefty inquiries. Around the holidays I was tracking daily and noticed a felt better about myself and clearer. February happened and now I'm just getting back. Hang in there fellow sisters and brothers - we deserve to like ourselves in all areas, not just appearance.
  • _tru_
    _tru_ Posts: 96
    Hello everyone! Welcome to the newbies! Haha! Funny to say that as I am one myself.

    I too have terribly cold hands and feet! In fact sometimes my feet are actually blue. They have been worse since starting this. I am seeing my doctor tomorrow, so I will make sure it's nothing to worry about. I do know of a condition called Raynaud's. My doctor had suspected this at first, but has since ruled it out. Stay warm!!

    I agree, start with small do-able changes then add more when you are ready. Gaining health is not a race.

    Unfortunately that's all I have time for right now. Happy Tuesday everyone!
    AMKLIP Posts: 17
    Hi All, jumping in as well! I need to lose 50+ pounds and am excited to be back using myfitness pal. I was looking at all the posts in this feed and love how positive and real everyone is!

    I need to exercising more and would love to find a program that is both fun and rewarding! Any ideas??

    I look forward to going on this journey with everyone :)

  • candy102389
    AMKLIP- I haven't really found a program that makes me feel like I am not exercising. But Kickboxing would have to be the one I enjoy the most. So stress relieving!!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hi All, jumping in as well! I need to lose 50+ pounds and am excited to be back using myfitness pal. I was looking at all the posts in this feed and love how positive and real everyone is!

    I need to exercising more and would love to find a program that is both fun and rewarding! Any ideas??

    I look forward to going on this journey with everyone :)


    Is that a Leafs jersey I see!!? Depends on your definition of fun. I love Zumba and it gets a sweat on. Spin I absolutely adore and miss since being on maternity. Great results and depending on the instructor can be a really good time but its not for the faint of heart, it is really hard!!