3 day Military Diet?



  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Pinterest should have a disclaimer. "For every 1 cool / good idea, we're gonna show you at least 3 that are rubbish."

    Fads spread like wildfire on there. Consider the sources.
  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member
    I am making lifestyle changes and have no issues in doing so, I was just asking if anyone had heard about it or used it, no reason for smart *kitten* comments. It is very low carb as when I entered day 1 into MFP I wasn't even at 1,000 calories no way I could go that low.

    There's your answer. Anyone saying "it works"...well of course it will "work"....eat barely anything and stuff that is god awful bland and you will drop a few lbs. But why do that to yourself?

    It isn't going to jump start anything...it's going to drain you of some water weight and that's it. Instead, eat at a decent deficit and exercise , fuel your body appropriately and I assure you that you will lose actual fat along the way.. The chemical breakdown shakedown thingy is just a load of fooey.
  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member
    I'm not concerned with honest feedback just wasn't expecting the attitudes that came with some of them. Again I didn't know it was considered a fad diet.

    Ignore the snark and take what is helpful.

    You said yourself it was too low in calories so not much else to hear, I would guess.
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    Not sure where they get "military" out of this... If you have never been in the military, think of a chow hall as a high school cafeteria for adults. You can make just as many good/bad decisions, and you certainly don't have anyone telling you to "eat X and nothing else."

    I'm going to echo the sentiment of not looking at fads. The Dukan Diet made my husband and me lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. You have to make choices that you can live with. If a diet is a short term solution, the weight loss will be a short term benefit.
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    What the heck? I was in the army and I never heard of such nonsense.

    And the occasional mre when you are out in the field. And those are like 1000+ cals if I remember correctly.

    If I recall correctly, they are something like 4,000 calories, because they are supposed to last you up to a week if you are ever in a bad enough pinch. They are small-ish, portable, and contain a pathetically miniscule scrap of toilet paper. :tongue:
  • dValkyrie
    dValkyrie Posts: 127 Member
    I had a recruiter give me a 3-day diet plan (different than the one you describe) hoping I could lose the 20 pounds I would need to join up.

    I tried it, it sucked, decided to get money for college elsewhere.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I did this diet when I was in college. I was incredibly moody for 3 days, and I lost 4 lbs of water weight. That was pretty much all that happened.

    My cousin did it a week or two ago. She lost 6 lbs, and immediately gained it back. She went from eating roughly 3000 calories per day to about 800 on this diet, so of course she lost a ton of water. It would've been fine if she had moved from that to a sensible, healthy diet. Instead, she went back to eating pizza and wings just like before.

    The thing about very low calorie diets is that they are not sustainable. From a health standpoint, your body cannot function properly on less than 1000 calories per day for very long (because of lack of energy but also lack of essential nutrients). From a standpoint of developing good habits, it's just not realistic to believe you will be able to stick with a very low calorie diet for life.

    I don't believe in the concept of "jump starting" your weight-loss journey, but if you're the kind of person who gets a psychological boost from seeing yourself a few lbs lighter on the scale, then go ahead. Just be aware that losing that much weight in a few days is not realistic, that you will probably gain most of it back because it's water, and that you will not continue to lose at that pace in the future.
  • latoyamal
    I heard of this diet from a friend of mine who works out all the time. She informed me that when she went on this diet she lost 7lbs not 10, so with that being said my goal was to drop 7 lbs in three days. I went out to the store brought everything I needed I followed the diet to the T. I could not wait to get on the scale to see what I had lost because after being on this diet for three days I had to admit I did feel a lot lighter. I didnt feel as sluggish as I had normally felt. I also worked out as the diet suggested. I decided to start on Friday because the weekend is usually when I usually eat crazy or fall off of my diet. So when Monday came I was super excited about gettin on the scale. When I got on the scale I was so DISAPPOINTED to find that I only dropped 2lbs :noway: ....However I am going to try this diet again maybe I did something wrong (so in denial about this diet not working for me). I start it today and will post my before and after weight if I only drop two lbs again I will just make this my weekend diet and do something else during the regular work week...stay tune as I will post my results on Friday :smooched:
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    .However I am going to try this diet again maybe I did something wrong (so in denial about this diet not working for me). I start it today and will post my before and after weight if I only drop two lbs again I will just make this my weekend diet and do something else during the regular work week...stay tune as I will post my results on Friday :smooched:

    Why not just eat healthy in moderation? This "diet" is ridiculous.
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    I heard of this diet from a friend of mine who works out all the time. She informed me that when she went on this diet she lost 7lbs not 10, so with that being said my goal was to drop 7 lbs in three days. I went out to the store brought everything I needed I followed the diet to the T. I could not wait to get on the scale to see what I had lost because after being on this diet for three days I had to admit I did feel a lot lighter. I didnt feel as sluggish as I had normally felt. I also worked out as the diet suggested. I decided to start on Friday because the weekend is usually when I usually eat crazy or fall off of my diet. So when Monday came I was super excited about gettin on the scale. When I got on the scale I was so DISAPPOINTED to find that I only dropped 2lbs :noway: ....However I am going to try this diet again maybe I did something wrong (so in denial about this diet not working for me). I start it today and will post my before and after weight if I only drop two lbs again I will just make this my weekend diet and do something else during the regular work week...stay tune as I will post my results on Friday :smooched:

    If you want to kill yourself, there are far more efficient methods.

    If you want to lose weight and be healthy, you might look at any one of HUNDREDS of threads on this site about the dangers of being this stupid. Better still, you could look at one of the THOUSANDS of threads about how people have been successful.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    . When I got on the scale I was so DISAPPOINTED to find that I only dropped 2lbs :noway: ....However I am going to try this diet again maybe I did something wrong (so in denial about this diet not working for me). I start it today and will post my before and after weight if I only drop two lbs again I will just make this my weekend diet and do something else during the regular work week...stay tune as I will post my results on Friday :smooched:

    You are in denial. Come on now, you're smarter than this. You already have the answer (it won't work), now do something productive with your time instead.
  • glassxxballerina
    Fitness tips on Pinterest = LOL.


    Spot reduction = facepalm.
  • The_Transforming_Journey
    My coworker tried that diet and she wasn't impressed.. she felt hungry & didn't really lose any weight that actually stayed off.
  • Kttyler87
    Kttyler87 Posts: 141 Member
    I tried it I got very sick... Horrible idea diets are just bad
  • KevinsCatie
    KevinsCatie Posts: 137 Member
    3 Day military diet... are you eating MREs?

    Good Gawd I hope not! Each one is 2000 Cals!!! And tastes disgusting!!
  • KevinsCatie
    KevinsCatie Posts: 137 Member
    What I want to know is who in the SAM HELL thought up this bullsh!%!!!! I was in the Marine Corps for 5 yrs and heard some crazy ways to pass a weigh in, but this was never one of them!!! I have heard before to rub down you middle area with A&D ointment and wrap yourself with saran wrap. I've heard people going to the gym right before they are supposed to get taped (measured) and working out their necks, because the bigger your neck, the less your body fat % will be (which is actually true for the USMC body composition program.) But never this crap. I hate to say it, but every Marine is a Fat Kid at heart (and I mean that with the love), we just PT it all off! This crap is CRAZY!!!!
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    Can we just create a sticky thread that says if it's caller the _______ diet it's a bad idea? I don't understand the prevalence of these fads. Yes, I get that people are desperate to lose weight and many will try anything. But who the hell comes up with these bad diet ideas? Most of them are nothing but scams to take money from desperate people. To sell some product that doesn't work, some book full of bad ideas and worse science.
  • latoyamal
    I tried this to help me because normally when I workout and eat healthy I dont lose as much as others who weigh more than me which is very discouraging. If we are doing the same workout and eating the same foods why are they losing 6 lbs to my .05lbs. That is very discouraging. I mean I do have a high muscle mass and I am aware that muscle weighs more that fat I am also aware that since I dont weigh as much as they do they are going to lose bigger than I will, however when you're putting in the same work and eating just as carerfully all of those factors do not make me feel better about the outcome of the scale and before anyone says anything.I know that I should pay more attention to my overall lost meaning inches and not just the scale but when that scales does not move and I'm doing my best and staying faithful it doesnt make me feel good it makes me feel as if maybe I should have ate that slice of cake :explode: then I would accept the scale not moving or going up in numbers.But when I get on the scale and see movement in the numbers going down that makes me want to stick to it and keep going. I am currently 135.8lbs I will weigh in again on Friday after I complete this three day diet. Oh I forgot to include it also doesnt help when I have two sisters who eat like grown men never exercise and have perfect bodies I mean curves in all the right places and flat abs
  • gina145
    gina145 Posts: 148 Member
    That is funny...you would lose eatting those things:)
  • latoyamal
    in response to this comment "being this stupid" if you have something positive to add please do so but please leave the negative comments to yourself #happydieting