Skipping Breakfast (on the reg)



    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    i do when i am on a fast, works for me.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    it's fine, you're good. Especially if you're not working out on an empty stomach

    i constantly work out on an empty stomach. i love it.
  • Renothefox
    When you wake up, your half way into a good fat burning fast, if your trying to lose fat instead of burning food all the time doesn't it make sense to keep going? Your body was designed for feast and famine or else you wouldn't be here, so if we live in a world of 24/7 feasting, 5meals a day bla bla, which makes more sense based on what we where built for? What do primitive peoples do, or bushmen or anybody other than westernized peoples? What do they look like? I almost laughed when I saw this chubby faced doctor tell someone that they key to healthy weight was to eat 5 small meals. Whaa? So your always burning food and never burning fat? dumb dumb dumb. Trust exterience and trial not the 'nutrition' communities musings, it's your body not theirs.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I know there are a million studies saying that you should not skip breakfast

    None that show that, under conditions where calories are tracked, it makes any difference to weight loss, assuming total calories and macros are the same as when you do.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    I LOVE breakfast. I've never been overweight so I'll continue to eat it. :)
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Well if you dont like it dont eat it.

    I have never been a breakfast eater, but I find as I lose more weight I am actually starving when I wake up. I see this as a postive change because often my nightly binges would cause severe heart burn and I wouldnt want to eat again till later in the day. If this is not the case with you and your just not a big breakie eater well do what works for you.

    Although, if you look at the National Weight Loss Registry the registry that tracks successful weight maintainers over years most of them regularly consumed breakfast. May or may not be related but something to consider.

    Listen to your body if its not hungry dont eat.

    Note my breakfast is simple hard boiled egg, banana, and peanut butter or sometimes hard boiled egg, fruit, and cheese.
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    I'm not a breakfast person. If I'm actually hungry in the morning, then I eat. But, that's not often the case. It's never negatively impacted my weight-loss to not eat breakfast.
  • Dagoth
    Dagoth Posts: 172
    Type out regular next time haha. I totally thought that title meant something else.
  • GamerLady
    GamerLady Posts: 359 Member
    I know there are a million studies saying that you should not skip breakfast, but days when I skip breakfast my overall caloric intake is less and I tend to eat better. Days when I load up on breakfast, my stomach is growling 2 hours later and I tend to eat much more. I've been drinking a big glass of water upon waking and doing warm lemon water "tea" afterwards until lunch (at 12) and that seems to be working for me. Does anyone else "cheat" and blow off breakfast? Or drink tea or juice instead? Please share what's working for you!

    I've never eaten breakfast. When I was a kid we were poor and only ate lunch and dinner so I just got use to not eating breakfast. I eat breakfast food for lunch or dinner sometimes though.
  • Cuddlemonster2
    Exact same for me! If I eat breakfast, it just kickstarts either a day full of hunger, or a day full of food for me. I almost always skip it, and when I eat it it's usually because I force myself, exactly because everybody tells me that eating breakfast is a MUST.
    But without breakfast I eat better (less and healthier) and in general feel better :)
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    its totally fine to skip any meal. The concern is whether or not by skipping a meal that you are so ravenous at your next meal you overeat.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I know there are a million studies saying that you should not skip breakfast, but days when I skip breakfast my overall caloric intake is less and I tend to eat better. Days when I load up on breakfast, my stomach is growling 2 hours later and I tend to eat much more. I've been drinking a big glass of water upon waking and doing warm lemon water "tea" afterwards until lunch (at 12) and that seems to be working for me. Does anyone else "cheat" and blow off breakfast? Or drink tea or juice instead? Please share what's working for you!
    Meal timing is irrelevant. I have no idea what studies you're talking about...I have a feeling they're ones from magazines and news papers and not ones by anyone in the scientific world.
  • RobJVM
    RobJVM Posts: 25 Member
    I'm usually up by about 7:30. Never eat breakfast. I don't feel hungry until about 12-1pm. If I DO eat breakfast I feel like I'm starving by 10am. Lunch usually kills 350-500 calories. Kashi bar in the afternoon and plenty of room (and calories) for dinner. I LIKE dinner. :)

    Oh almost forgot. Only water... always. About a dozen 16oz bottles a day (with MiO most of the time). And before anyone carps about all the plastic I refill them from a Britta. :) again.
  • ladybird1771
    ladybird1771 Posts: 99 Member
    If I'm hungry when I wake up, I eat :smile: if not, I don't. Usually. :tongue:
  • LowcarbNY
    LowcarbNY Posts: 546 Member
    I was eating MORE and feeling Hungrier too when I was eating Breakfast. So I started Fast-5 One size does not fit all.
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    What currently seems to be working for me is bulletproof coffee. basically, I put 1 tbs coconut oil and 1 tbs unsalted grass-fed butter and this morning I added half a scoop of chocolate protein whey isolate. Then I mix it all with a frother until it's foamy and creamy. It keeps me full until about lunch and it's about the same amount of calories I'd normally eat for breakfast anyway, only with much less annoyance.

    Ugh...that sounds awful! :sick:
    ETA: And I mean that in the nicest way possible, lol.
  • Lazygal53
    Lazygal53 Posts: 294 Member
    I know there are a million studies saying that you should not skip breakfast, but days when I skip breakfast my overall caloric intake is less and I tend to eat better. Days when I load up on breakfast, my stomach is growling 2 hours later and I tend to eat much more. I've been drinking a big glass of water upon waking and doing warm lemon water "tea" afterwards until lunch (at 12) and that seems to be working for me. Does anyone else "cheat" and blow off breakfast? Or drink tea or juice instead? Please share what's working for you!

    Same here. I drink a couple of large mugs of green tea and I find I enjoy my lunch when I don't force feed myself breakfast. I stay within my calories a lot better and actually have more energy this way. By the same token if i ever wake up starving i will eat LOL.
  • candy102389
    I am not a breakfast eater at all! I did start because like you said studies show..... But I found myself forcing to eat when I wasn't hungry. So now I eat something when I get hungry. But I do Have coffee.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    it's fine, you're good. Especially if you're not working out on an empty stomach

    Why is it bad to work out on an empty stomach? I like my tummy to be growling when I workout. If not, I get queasy.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I rarely eat breakfast. Well unless you count coffee :D

    There is no reason you have to eat breakfast unless you have some medical issue requiring you to.

    It's a myth that it increases your metabolism.
    Just eat when you're hungry. If you don't want to have breakfast, then don't.

    Back before I was pregnant (and now I'm breastfeeding) I used to not really eat until dinnertime on work days because I just wasn't hungry so yes sometimes I didn't eat until then. And man did I have great and satisfying dinners. And I had plenty of energy for workouts and was fit as far as I could tell. Now I still don't eat breakfast but make myself have lunch.