10 week challenge



  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member

    STARTING CHALLENGE WEIGHT (Friday, May 7th) - 184lbs

    FIRST WEIGH IN - 183lbs
    SECOND WEIGH IN - 181.8 lbs
    THIRD WEIGH IN - 179.2 lbs
    FOURTH WEIGH IN - 178.6 lbs
    FIFTH WEIGH IN - 176.2 lbs


    Wow... another 2 1/2 pounds in a week! I don't know what's going on, but I'll take it. I'll have like 5 days to a week where my weight is about the same, and then it plummets 2 pounds in 2 days. It's crazy... I'm thinking it's sodium or something that hides my steady loss throughout the week. Either way, I was down to 176.4 on Sunday and it's been nearly the same since then. Yesterday with 2 donuts and attempting running on Wed. didn't help. My muscles are sore and I went over on fat yesterday. Bleck...
  • Scott_P
    Scott_P Posts: 95 Member

    STARTING WEIGHT (MON) - 263.8lbs

    FIRST WEIGH IN - 261lbs
    Scond weight in - 259.6 lbs
    Third weigh in - 260.6 lbs ( I guess i never recovered from the victoria day long weekend, even though the scale said 258 yesturday. Kind of discouraging.)
    Fourth Weigh In - 254 lbs Wooo
    Fifth Weigh In - 252.6 lbs

    GOAL WEIGHT FOR 10 WEEK CHALLENGE - Ill be happy as long as im losing!
  • drucilla8
    drucilla8 Posts: 15
    SW 186
    SW MFP: 184.3

    Measurements are the same haven't lost anymore inches, but I did lose another pound this week. I was praying for 2lbs this week, but I'll take 1lb. I haven't been documenting all the past weeks of weight lost only the week before.

    Last weigh in: 182.2

    Current weight: 181.2

    Goal at end of 10 week challenge is to be smaller and healther and im reaching it each time I lose a pound.

    My long term goal weight is between 115-120lbs.

    Keep up the good work everyone!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • kaja
    kaja Posts: 145 Member

    STARTING WEIGHT (MON) - 136.6lbs

    FIRST WEIGH IN - 135.8lbs (-0.8lbs) its getting slower now i am closer to my goal.

    SECOND WEIGH IN - 135.8lbs (no change) i think i allowed myself a few too many treats to celebrate being a healthy BMI. lol. on to next week and a bit more motivation.

    THIRD WEIGH IN - 133.2 (-2.6lbs) shocked, amazed and ecstatic. I am also now a UK size 12 for the first time in over 10 years

    FOURTH WEIGH IN - 133.0 (-0.2lbs) didn't stick to my exercise and ate badly some days so very happy that i didn't gain this week.

    FIFTH WEIGH IN - 131.0 (-2.0lbs) can't believe i got a 2lb loss this week. I actually upped my calories because i was so hungry all week. very strange.


  • SayRah
    SayRah Posts: 104
    wow i haven't really kept up with this much! Last time I checked I had gained 2 lbs so I'm back at 155 ): I want to be under that (maybe even 150....well I can dream) by the end of the month....and 145 by the end of July.
  • skysilver
    skysilver Posts: 73
    I am ready and rearing to go, so please count me in, thanks :bigsmile: I joined this site two three days ago, could I still join your challange group or would you prefer it if I join in the next challenge group????????????????
    If i'm not making sence it's because it is3.45 in the morning here in the uk- cannot sleep pain keeping me awake as per boring usual.
    I just want to say I have been reading everyone's comments and it's great to see you all working so hard and close.Your like a one big family :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :happy:
  • New comers are always welcome :happy: So im excited to see everyones weigh in results, i find the summer is the hardest time to lose weight... Im still at 140lbs but im not stressing about it, next week is going to be crunch time we are getting near the end. Does everyone think that they can reach their goal weight on time? if not i was thinking we can extend the challenge, i dont want anyone to lose confidence in not being able to reach their goal, some of us have plateaud which makes it harder to lose weight and with everyones busy schedules its getting harder to keep up with the workouts that we want to do and stay on track with our nutrition. I would love feedback from everyone please on what you all think, I would rlly like everyone to have fun with this and to not feel down because you didnt reach your weekly goal everyone has set backs from time to time, if you are in need of advice send me a message and i will help you, whether it is regarding nutrition, workouts, anything.

    Good luck everyone!

    REMEMBER: "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels" (my quote of the day)
  • kaja
    kaja Posts: 145 Member

    STARTING WEIGHT (MON) - 136.6lbs

    FIRST WEIGH IN - 135.8lbs (-0.8lbs) its getting slower now i am closer to my goal.

    SECOND WEIGH IN - 135.8lbs (no change) i think i allowed myself a few too many treats to celebrate being a healthy BMI. lol. on to next week and a bit more motivation.

    THIRD WEIGH IN - 133.2 (-2.6lbs) shocked, amazed and ecstatic. I am also now a UK size 12 for the first time in over 10 years

    FOURTH WEIGH IN - 133.0 (-0.2lbs) didn't stick to my exercise and ate badly some days so very happy that i didn't gain this week.

    FIFTH WEIGH IN - 131.0 (-2.0lbs) can't believe i got a 2lb loss this week. I actually upped my calories because i was so hungry all week. very strange.

    SIXTH WEIGH IN - 131.0 (no change) this is ok. i'm working on toning up more now so might not get the weight loss each week but i'm getting happy with my body and feeling good.



    I'm not sure if i will reach my goal in this 10 week challenge but i knew it would be tough to get there anyway. I've done better that i expected so far and only have 1lb to go to meet my first major goal -130lbs. If you what to extend it i'm up for that i'll let the group decide.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member

    STARTING CHALLENGE WEIGHT (Friday, May 7th) - 184lbs

    FIRST WEIGH IN - 183lbs
    SECOND WEIGH IN - 181.8 lbs
    THIRD WEIGH IN - 179.2 lbs
    FOURTH WEIGH IN - 178.6 lbs
    FIFTH WEIGH IN - 176.2 lbs
    SIXTH WEIGH IN - 175.2 lbs


    Morning everyone! I had another decent week, it was a little shaky in the middle with some water weight I was holding onto all weekend, but by the middle of the week it was gone and I could see my actual weight loss. I've switch back to not eating all my exercise calories, and it seems to be working well. I'm SO close to having lost 25 pounds since I started on MFP! Only 0.2 lbs to go :D

    As for whether I can meet my goal by the end of the challenge, I'm pretty confident that I can. I'm only 5 pounds away and I was hoping to hit that 2 weeks from now for 4th of July weekend. It'll be close. But 4 weeks to lose 5 pounds is pretty manageable for me. If everyone wants to extend the challenge for another few weeks, I can reset my goal to something lower if I reach it before it's over :D
  • This weeks check in!

    SW on MFP: 153

    SW: 146

    1st weigh in: 144
    2nd weigh in 145
    3rd weigh in: 144
    4th weigh in: 140....been really stressed so I don't know if this is a good thing to lose this much. Of course, I work out every day so this could be the weight FINALLY coming off from the other weigh ins. . .
  • MCH7912
    MCH7912 Posts: 13
    Starting Weight - 169

    Weigh In 1 - 168.8
    Weigh in 2 - 168.4
    Weigh in 3 - 168.8
    Weigh in 4 - 167.6
    Weigh In 5 - on Vacation......no idea
    Weigh in 6 - 168.8

    II have got to be better about getting into the gym! I need to get back to my routine!!!
  • Unfortunatly i broke my toe which means...no cardio for a little bit or anything im jus goin to stick with making healthy choices in eating and see where that gets me for this week...
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member

    STARTING CHALLENGE WEIGHT (Friday, May 7th) - 184lbs

    FIRST WEIGH IN - 183lbs
    SECOND WEIGH IN - 181.8 lbs
    THIRD WEIGH IN - 179.2 lbs
    FOURTH WEIGH IN - 178.6 lbs
    FIFTH WEIGH IN - 176.2 lbs
    SIXTH WEIGH IN - 175.2 lbs
    SEVENTH WEIGH IN - 173.8 lbs


    Not too shabby for this week, 1.4 lbs total. The scale has been stuck at 174.2 since last weekend but it started moving again yesterday and today. I just need to get my eating a bit back on track, the past few days I've had a donut, a muffin, and pizza. Not my usual meals. I'm happy with my progress though, and I'm so close to 170! I was hoping it would happen by next weekend, but unless I magically drop 3.8 pounds in a week, I'll be happy with hitting it in the next 2 weeks. Still on track to meet my goal by the end of the Challenge. I hope everyone else is doing well this week!
  • SW on MFP: 153

    SW: 146

    1st weigh in: 144
    2nd weigh in 145
    3rd weigh in: 144
    4th weigh in: 140
    5th weigh in: 138! :) Woohoo!
  • Yay I still managed to lose a pound even though i wasnt suppose to workout i did lol it was nothing compaired to my usual workouts cuz i had to take an easy but im happy with being down one pound!

    Good luck everyone!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member

    STARTING CHALLENGE WEIGHT (Friday, May 7th) - 184lbs

    FIRST WEIGH IN - 183lbs
    SECOND WEIGH IN - 181.8 lbs
    THIRD WEIGH IN - 179.2 lbs
    FOURTH WEIGH IN - 178.6 lbs
    FIFTH WEIGH IN - 176.2 lbs
    SIXTH WEIGH IN - 175.2 lbs
    SEVENTH WEIGH IN - 173.8 lbs
    EIGHT WEIGH IN - 172.8 lbs


    Another decent week, 1 lb isn't too bad. I was as low as 172.2 lbs in the middle of the week, but I had two pretty hard workouts on Wed. and yesterday and now my muscles are really sore. Once they stop hurting, I should drop the extra water weight from that and be below 172. Getting close to my goal! I think I'll definitely make it by the end of 10 weeks. I'm going to be on vacation for this long weekend, no scale, but I'm bringing some healthy snacks and things for breakfast, plus I'm gonna try to exercise. It's a cabin on a lake so there will be lots to do. Hope everyone else's progress is going well!
  • SW on MFP: 153

    SW: 146

    1st weigh in: 144
    2nd weigh in 145
    3rd weigh in: 144
    4th weigh in: 140
    5th weigh in: 138! :) Woohoo!
    6th weigh in: 137!
  • kaja
    kaja Posts: 145 Member

    STARTING WEIGHT (MON) - 136.6lbs

    FIRST WEIGH IN - 135.8lbs (-0.8lbs) its getting slower now i am closer to my goal.

    SECOND WEIGH IN - 135.8lbs (no change) i think i allowed myself a few too many treats to celebrate being a healthy BMI. lol. on to next week and a bit more motivation.

    THIRD WEIGH IN - 133.2 (-2.6lbs) shocked, amazed and ecstatic. I am also now a UK size 12 for the first time in over 10 years

    FOURTH WEIGH IN - 133.0 (-0.2lbs) didn't stick to my exercise and ate badly some days so very happy that i didn't gain this week.

    FIFTH WEIGH IN - 131.0 (-2.0lbs) can't believe i got a 2lb loss this week. I actually upped my calories because i was so hungry all week. very strange.

    SIXTH WEIGH IN - 131.0 (no change) this is ok. i'm working on toning up more now so might not get the weight loss each week but i'm getting happy with my body and feeling good.

    SEVENTH WEIGH IN - didn't officially weigh in gained about 2lbs i think.

    EIGHTH WEIGH IN - 131.0 ( no change) lost my motivation last week and went AWOL but i'm back and i'm gonna kick *kitten*. its my birthday on the last weigh in so must do well for that.



    Where is everyone gone?
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm not sure where everyone vanished to. As long as we finish the challenge, that's what's important. Only 2 more weigh ins left!! I'm pretty sure I'll hit my goal by then, as long as this weekend doesn't derail me. I'm bringing healthy snacks for the weekend so I don't end up eating junk when I'm hungry.
  • I too would like to join this challenge. I am going on vacation August 6th and I have 6 more lbs to lose....I am eating healthier, I still have some slips in the afternoon at work, but just for today I can do it.

    Happy 4th of July to All
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