
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    The sun is out finally but there is still 3 feet of snow in my back yard..... tomorrow is spring?...... uh huh!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Laura: I’m sending good thoughts that your son is selected for the President’s Band. What an honor that would be!:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I’m happy to know your husband is stable and resting. I hope you’re able to get some rest, too. You are both in my prayers.:flowerforyou:

    Cheryl: Drugs are everywhere and easily attainable. :devil: In my college days, we did pot and psychedelics. Neither is actually addicting. :noway: There were people doing heroin and various forms of speed back then, and not everybody made it to adulthood. :cry: The problems came when the same dealers that sold illegal pot also sold heroin and speed.:explode: My daughter was unknowingly slipped something awful by a supposed friend at a party ten or more years ago, and took months or longer to get back to normal.:angry: She was rightfully furious and never socialized with those “friends” again. :mad: I don’t have a solution, just fervent prayers for Jackson and your whole family.:flowerforyou:

    Jo: Thanks for the snappy tip.:wink:

    I started thinking about my swollen self, and realized that DH has had a major problem with blood pressure at the same time I’ve had swelling. Sodium came to mind. I checked out the recipe for Irish Soda Bread, and can tell you right now that it has salt, soda, and baking powder in it. All of them contain significant amounts of sodium. :frown: The remaining soda bread went into the garbage. Then there was the meatloaf, which contains homemade Italian breadcrumbs that also have several salty ingredients--including the gluten free bread. :embarassed: Mystery solved, and new cooking habits needed. :ohwell: I doubt I’ll ever eliminate salt from my diet, but I can sure do a better job of keeping it at reasonable levels. Poor DH. My worst outcome is swelling. He gets high blood pressure. :blushing:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Katla, Irish soda bread!!! For three days now I couldn't understand why I am so bloated around the middle - and for 3 days I've been eating Irish soda bread. So I should be back to normal tomorrow hopefully!

    Also, you said your daughter didn't get back to normal for 10 months. Was she in a coma? You can pm me if you wish.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Katla, Irish soda bread!!! For three days now I couldn't understand why I am so bloated around the middle - and for 3 days I've been eating Irish soda bread. So I should be back to normal tomorrow hopefully!

    Also, you said your daughter didn't get back to normal for 10 months. Was she in a coma? You can pm me if you wish.

    My daughter was never in a coma, but she did lose her ability to experience pleasure for a long time, likely much longer than 10 months. She didn't tell me any of this until long after it happened. I'd been wondering why she dropped her friends and moved away. She's doing well now.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I am on another forum and we are quite a family from all over the world. There are several of us going through some family health problems. One of the ladies said that we could carry all of them in our pocket and when we needed a hug all we had to do was reach down and pull one out. It's been a busy day with visitors, doctors, family and phone calls.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hello to all. I had an interesting but exhausting day:yawn: I start clinical tomorrow and the rehab unit I take my students to moved 1 month ago into a brand new unit in another part of the building so I stopped by today to get acquainted. OMG the place is not only sparkly new and state of the art, but HUGE. It covers nearly 1 square block! IT took over 30 minutes just to walk through! Of course all my passwords to everything had expired so that took about an hour to straighten out; all the doors are locked so I had to get an employee ID badge to go anywhere…blah blah blah. That on top of a very nasty and cranky co-worker and a shopping trip to walmart exhausted me.:frown: Cranky and nasty is very out of the norm where I work. IT was exhausting just on its own. I count myself blessed to say that a bunch of nasty emails about did me in because it was so unusual!

    Linda from Tasmania: welcome to our site. I recently watched a nature show about your little devils (the Tasmanian devils) which seem to be having trouble adapting to cars!

    JaneHadji: don’t beat yourself up! :flowerforyou: Even when the “lifestyle” kicks in you may still have some off days, either by choice or by …..hmmmmm not sure what to call it…a fall off the wagon? What counts is that you know you made bad choices and did something about it and now you are ready to jump back on the wagon again! What a great picture of the Colorado bunch! You all are lovely! I want a Nebraska contingent….I’m jealous! Thank you for sharing your holiday plans with us! Happy new year!

    Michele: I love your car analogy! Good plan at country kitchen. We used to have them here, but they have been gone for a while.

    Liz; lots of different opinions here. I think the best approach is a balanced one, so I have never tried the paleo diet. I have some friends who have, but fell off that wagon as we all do too. I’ll be interested in hearing what you think of it!

    Renny: best wishes to you and your situation!:flowerforyou: I guess it depends on the person and the lie. Our DD#2 learned to lie in the orphanage as a survival skill (stealing too), which made it hard to discipline her and establish rules when we knew that used to be adaptive behavior for her. It has taken her a very long time and she still lies, but at least now she knows she shouldn’t and has no reason to, so that’s progress. The last time (it still continues) we put her to work at goodwill to learn that life is not all about her and what she wants. Discipline with these kids has been very interesting; they already lost everything, so taking a doll or something away is meaningless to them.

    Katla: we had sunshine today too!!!! Still cold but so pretty and at least it looked warm! So glad your daughter has recovered from her experience.

    Jmkmomm: oh my goodness! Sending all my thoughts and prayers to you and hubby! Good thing you reacted quickly and he got taken care of!:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: I beat you! I was at work before 7!:bigsmile:

    Jackie: hooray for opening day coming soon! Ihave had baseball withdrawals

    Sharon: I really like the competition too. It’s a nice change from the biggest loser thing and I like that it incorporates spirituality. Where is Geelong and where are you now?

    Wessecg: rehab is not my area of expertise, but having taken students to a rehab unit for 17+ years, I can tell you that those docs say you won’t know the total outcome for a year. Of course the sooner the person wakes up the better, but I have seen people make HUGE strides after weeks and months. Hang in there! It is disheartening to hear people make negative comments like you have heard. You are a kind soul.

    Renny: your comment about Mr. Liar made me think of the ad for progressive insurance where the two guys’ pants catch on fire as they tell lies. :laugh:

    Jolene: thanks for the explanation! Better you than me on that thing LOL:laugh:

    Laura: how exciting for your son! Let us know what happens

    Phyllis: thank you for sharing your recipe. I am in Nebraska. What is masala and do you think they would have it in a Middle Eastern grocery?

    Jo: **looking for rubberbands!

    Jodios: I’m a big fan of winter but I am also getting tired of heavy sweaters and cold weather!

    Ok ladies I’m out for the night. Still eating too much but at least with the cals added back from exercise I’m under “goal” but I’d like to not be so hungry! Oh, I thought of a question. Those of you who use the 30 day shred….is that a DVD and how/where do you get it? Online? Thanks. I’m thinking of that for when school is out! Take care and hugs to all. Meg in Omaha where at least the sun was shining today.:drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: JMK, my hubby turned his life and exercise, smoking, and eating habits around as the result of his heart troubles and the information he got from his cardiologist……I wish the same positive outcome for your hubby……just take it one day at a time.

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: Jane and the Colorado lovelies, you look great in your picture and happy to be together.

    :flowerforyou: Jolene, the Jacob’s Ladder sounds very scary to me…congrats on your strength and bravery even attempting it.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Today was the line dance performance at a lovely assisted living place…..Jake came and watched and said we looked very happy and danced very well.

    Barbie from NW Washington
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Joyce – hope your husband is doing well tonight. Saying prayers for him, too.

    Colorado – nice picture of you gals. We need one in Atlanta, then, if ya’ll are going to start meeting up all around!

    Cheryl – RE: your BIL’s nephew, I didn’t recall the specifics, but then saw your post about drugs – I’m still praying. Don’t know if you were on the thread when I posted about our DS’ brain injury and subsequent FULL recovery. Miracles absolutely DO happen! (His situation, BTW, was drug-related – a rare, but known, side effect of a prescription drug for his Crohn’s. And he did change his life style to be more healthful overall.)

    JaneH – Happy Norouz!!

    Baseball – love it and it sounds like there is quite a group of fans here. I tried to get DH to go to FL for some spring training time, which I think would be great fun, but it didn’t happen.

    Met a friend for lunch at Applebee’s and had one of the less than 550 calories meals, and also asked for it to be prepared without salt. They got pretty close, I think, but tomorrow’s scale will tell me for sure. Sodium is definitely my biggest challenge these days. After work went to the Y and walked on the TM for a bit, then came home for dinner since DH was off today. Most times he works until 9 or 10 p, so I don’t mind staying longer at the gym.

    Gail, metro Atlanta
  • nonnicee
    nonnicee Posts: 38
    Hello Ladies,
    I lost the post when it went to part 2. I just found ya'll again. I haven't even tried to catch up on all the posts. I will have to start from here and try to keep up.

    I trust everyone is doing well with their goals. I have had a few challenges in the last couple of weeks, but with perserverance have still dropped another pound.

    I will check in again tomorrow.

    Take care and all the BEST!!!'

    Mary from TN
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Keeping it short tonight,
    Jo UK, What a great idea about the elastic band! :bigsmile:

    Monet13 , I am so relating to “getting cranky with the same cruddy, cold and gloomy weather”:frown:

    Katla, Irish soda Bread, was the culprit for me also, shot the weight up 1 whole pound, for the past 2 days ! I’m hoping it’s back down tomorrow!:grumble:

    JaneH, Happy Norouz to you all! :smile:

    Mary, from TN I wondered where you were!:happy:
    Good night friends:yawn:
    Bump 18
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member

    Ok ladies I’m out for the night. Still eating too much but at least with the cals added back from exercise I’m under “goal” but I’d like to not be so hungry! Oh, I thought of a question. Those of you who use the 30 day shred….is that a DVD and how/where do you get it? Online? Thanks. I’m thinking of that for when school is out! Take care and hugs to all. Meg in Omaha where at least the sun was shining today.:drinker:

    You can find it for free on YouTube. All the levels are on there. If you want you can buy the DVD online - I'm sure Amazon must have it. Jodios
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I feel terrible that people here are saying it's wonderful that I acted so quickly. This cardiac nurse here doubted him. I am so ashamed to say that. He has acid reflux and I really thought that's what it was. But as a nurse I knew we had to go anyway. I could have called an ambulance but from my experience with ambulances, they take time in the home, can drive faster than I can but we live right down the street from the Heart Hospital so it took me less than 5 minutes. I didn't think we needed an ambulance. I thought he would be coming home. He even convinced me to park for away from the door so by walking to the door his heart rate would be higher for them to see.

    He got a rude awakening tonight. We took a walk around the unit and it took everything out of him. I was walking a slow pace but I was beating him. He was really wanting to be discharged tomorrow because he had Karoake tomorrow night at one of his favorite haunts! Their standard for heart attack is at least 48 hours and that isn't up until 11 PM. Plus they had to readjust medicine this evening because blood pressure was to low, still having some pressure. So I think it is still Thursday. Also he doesn't want the dietician to see us. He needs to get this info from a professional, not me. Plus it will be good if I hear it again.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Jane in CO - thanks for posting the pic. Everyone looks so wonderful!

    Did an hour on the rebounder today. My PNF isn't that great and neither is my balance. But this is a good workout, got me sweating. Tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then take the deep water class.

    katla - I know that for me, I've gotten to where I'm much more conscious now of what goes into my food. I prefer vegetables and really don't want sauces on them. However, I just can't seem to kick the fat/sugar combination (not wanting it any more). Most of your new habits will become automatic, sometimes it just takes a while. Ever since I gave up white flour for Lent one year, I have much less of a desire for white breads, rolls, etc.

    jmkmomm - wow, scary that's for sure. I'm sure your hubby will change his ways now.

    Warmest welcome to everyone who is new here.

    jb - when you were staying up late talking, look at it this way....you were exercising your jaw muscle....lol

    Cheryl - I do hope BIL's nephew is improving. Thanks for keeping us updated. We're all so very concerned.

    jolene - that Jacob's Ladder sounds neat.

    Laura - I'm so excited for your son and you. How kool would it be for me to be able to say that I indirectly know someone in the Presidents Marine Band?

    Tonight we're going to have bunco at my house. Actually, since our fiscal year starts 4/1, this will be the last time. They did ask me if I wanted to run it, but so many times I've gone to Board meetings and they constantly say "how can we get new people involved?" I felt that I don't mind having it in my house, but I was hoping that someone else would get involved and lead it. Why I thought this, I don't know. I (and another lady) are head of hospitality which means that members bring a snack (usually a baked good). I've asked over and over for people to do this, they don't. It's not like it's a lot of work, heck, you can even just run to the store before the meeting and buy something. but they don't sign up.

    Cheryl - a thought for you and everyone else. What do you think? If we were to have drugs legalized, would that take some of the mystique out of them?

    Jo - I'm going to give the band a try. Certainly can't hurt, that's for sure! I know that one of my problems is nibbling. I do try to have healthy food close by, but sometimes I wind up having something that isn't so great. Thanks for the idea

    monet - have fun with your daughter! A loss -- and what a loss. I bet you won't find that much!

    jodios - I've actually gotten to the point where I really don't want sauces on things, I WANT chicken or fish but only grilled. One time (really, more than once) Vince said something to me "I think you're going vegetarian (and what would be wrong with that?), you never used to eat like this". Well, you should have heard me! "I just like vegetables, why can't I eat what I like. When I make spinach manicotti for myself, do I complain because I have to make a separate meal for you with beef? No. So why can't you just let me be?". Boy, did I ever rip into him! I haven't heard anything from him since then. Vince calls me the eternal optimist.

    Meg - I got my copy of the 30 day Shred at Target.

    Had a bit of a an "experience" tonight. We played bunco (really, Mexican Train) until almost 11. After everyone went home, I went to put on my pajamas and there was blood on my underwear. All's I could think of was "oh no, not my period" I was so upset that I <gulp> ate a whole 1/2 gallon of ice cream That is NOT like me at all. Really, it may very well have been my hemmerhoids. I feel so "yukky". Once this is gone -- that's IT

    I did have the ladies try the snickerdoodles and no one could guess the secret ingredient. They were amazed when I told them it was white beans.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone, we’re almost ready for page 3 it looks like. We certainly are chatty this month.

    Is everyone almost ready for spring? I sure am, was out cleaning out the second garden bed today, getting all the mulch off and all the bulbs and daylilies are popping up like crazy. I even have a drift of crocuses out in lovely purple, yellow and white. So Easter-y! I went to the monthly Village "Thanks for Being Our Seniors" luncheon today (part of my job but a part I thoroughly enjoy) and ended up missing lunch (too much talking I guess). Anyway, by the time I realized I was hungry it was 3 pm so I was bad and skipped lunch and had an early dinner (and ate too much and now my stomach is upset - when will I learn?)

    Mary from TN – congrats on the pound loss, good for you!
    Joyce – glad to hear DH is recovering, I know you will keep him from overdoing it.
    JaneH – Norouz Mubarak! And quit beating yourself up – you walked away, that is a NSV right there.
    Colorado Contingent – what a great photo, you all look so good and happy! Photogenic bunch you are!!!
    Cheryl – still holding Jackson in prayers. Your litany of drug concerns really is concerning. Drugs are so mainstream in North America now, it’s scary.
    Laura – good thoughts for your son’s audition – you must be so proud of him.
    Phyllis – thanks for posting the recipe, it sounds really good.
    Renny – I find liars so very challenging to deal with, I have no idea why some people lie (even when the truth would serve them better). I think Meg has the best insight on this one (wise owl Meg).

    I’ve still got some reading to do to catch up but think I will have to do it tomorrow. I’m fending off the yawns here (I seem to need so much sleep lately). Hope everyone has a good Wednesday morning and I’ll try to check in tomorrow night.

    Lila – in sunny Kootenays, SE
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    :yawn: :yawn: Was going to reply last night, but after reading the posts I felt so tired I had to go to bed without "chatting" :yawn: No I wasn't bored by you fab ladies - honest :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Today time has run away with me yet again, but wanted to say Hi to everyone and keep in the loop.

    :flowerforyou: Michele what are snickerdoodles? I've heard you mention them a few times.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce hope your hubby takes note of what the doctors/dietician tell him. I know my hubby is so stubborn about giving up smoking, eating healthy food etc He's a heart attach waiting to happen :frown: but he won't listen to me.

    :flowerforyou: Loved the photo of the Colardo (?) contingent it's so good that you get a chance to meet up.

    :flowerforyou: Cheryl sending Prayers for Jackson, hope he improves a little every day.

    :ohwell: It's still raining here in York and like many of you I'm also sick of wrapping up in thick jumpers scarves and the thing I can't do without - my earmuffs I don't care how silly I look, I will not step out of the house without them.

    By the way I bought my copy of the 30 Day Shred from Amazon. I did Level 1 and Level 2 but for some reason I stopped working out altogether for a few months and never got as far as Level 3. Today is Day 3 or my new work out routine. I've started with Rosemary Conley (?) fitness workout DVD to ease me back in to the swing of things. BUT I WILL start back on the 30 day shred soon.

    Must go - need to see Rosemary :bigsmile: and I've had a small slice of toast, so will not be working out on "empty" :bigsmile:

    Have a good Wednesday.

    Viv from soggy UK
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning all! I have been reading all the posts, but have had no time to reply. I have had four glorious days with my two daughters. I hadn't seen my youngest for almost two years so we had a lot to catch up on. We talked, laughed over our attempts to follow some dance dvds, shared our exercise routines, etc. Great four days! I miss her already, but she is back at Duke to finish her PhD.

    So much has been going on with everyone here. Congrats to all with successes and my prayers are with all of you with struggles.

    Cheryl- Will continue to pray for a full and rapid recovery for Jackson. Drugs have had a devastating affect on a few of my family members and/or their spouses. Almost all have turned it around and are doing incredibly well at rebuilding their lives. I hope Jackson gets the same opportunity.

    I will try to get back later to reply to more. Am short on time as usual this morning.

    Have a healthy day!
    Deb from snowy, cold CNY
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Good morning Ladies!
    Happy Wednesday already...Yay!
    Off to work... later....

    Michele in NC , Snickerdoodles with white beans? Interesting, did I miss a post about them?
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    I cannot believe that it has been two years since I had my heart valve replacement! Where did that time go? I'm so thankful that I had it done - I'm even used to the little noises it makes (it reminds me that it is working - quite comforting!)

    As I'm working every day apart from Sundays for the next month, I am not getting much time for structured exercise, so I'm trying to squeeze in a few extra trips up the stairs in the gallery. Every little helps.

    Sorry I don't have time to respond individually at present, but I think of all my Vitamin F pals every day and hope that you are all doing good things for yourselves.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Happy Spring:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Joyce:smile: Glad hubby is doing better! Hope things continue to improve!

    Laura80111:smile: Congrats to your son!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for him!!!

    Michele:smile: You ate 1/2 gallon of ice cream:huh: :noway: :laugh: , sometimes we just have to do that don`t we:laugh: , I find if I over indulge in something like that I don`t want it again for a very long time! Hope you`re feeling better today!

    DebA:smile: What a wonderful time with your daughters!!! I feel very blessed my daughter is only 10 minutes away!

    I am not feeling good today:sick: , headache, sore throat, stopped up head and icky stomach, could be allergies:cry: . My Bradford pear trees are just about to burst into bloom and I have 36 of them lining my driveway, they could be the culprit...Noel and I walk up and down the driveway (it`s a 1/4 of a mile) at least 6 times a day. Guess I should start my allergy meds now:sad: !

    Hope you all have a fabulous first day of spring! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in NC
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Happy Spring Ladies ! would love to be off walking in my runners but sadly still need winter boots,can't snow forever right!!
    Take care everyone