Like Minded Lushes - Part 1



  • victorianjewel
    Water! Dave, lots of water!
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Ok, so my general goal is to only drink at weekends and not excessively. I have stuck to this for a month since joining MFP except for last week when I felt justified in celebrating surviving a trip to the dentist with a glass of wine :) This week I had decided to have no alcohol at all but I'd forgotten I had a friend staying over tonight when I set the goal. The opportunity to chill out and chat over a glass of wine is to good to miss :)
  • boricua3177
    boricua3177 Posts: 192 Member
    I've decided to drink alcohol once a week. So if I do it, I gotta make it count!:drinker: I figure if I stick to my calories and exercise, I can treat myself.

    I will say that I haven't had a drink in 3 days....yay for me!
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Ok, so my general goal is to only drink at weekends and not excessively. I have stuck to this for a month since joining MFP except for last week when I felt justified in celebrating surviving a trip to the dentist with a glass of wine :) This week I had decided to have no alcohol at all but I'd forgotten I had a friend staying over tonight when I set the goal. The opportunity to chill out and chat over a glass of wine is to good to miss :)

    I say Friday IS the weekend and you should enjoy your time with your friend anyway! Life is too short to sweat the details.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Hi All, new to the thread, but not to the land of "LUSH". I've been really good since I started South Beach two weeks ago, not a single drop (which is hard since my hubby works for liquor & wine distridutor, there is always at least two cases of "something" in the closet). Anyway, I am going to a high school mini reunion lunch on Saturday and I'm really tring to drop those last few pounds, but come Sunday I'll be pulling out all the stops, will be spending the day at my in-laws for Fathers Day (oh joy!)

    "Oh did you ask if I'd like more of your lard infused food, no thanks, just pass the rum! "
  • Alexmn75
    Alexmn75 Posts: 16 Member

    See, common ground. Favre is a self-centered tool. And Aaron Rogers has done great for my fantasy team the last two years.

    I guess I have to speak up or everyone in Minnesota who was lucky enough to see what Farve can do for a team. I can't deny that he's self-centered, but he is good at what he does so it's a bit justified. He may be a traitor, but can you blame him for not wanting to live in Wisconsin anymore! I can't. :-)
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member

    See, common ground. Favre is a self-centered tool. And Aaron Rogers has done great for my fantasy team the last two years.

    I guess I have to speak up or everyone in Minnesota who was lucky enough to see what Farve can do for a team. I can't deny that he's self-centered, but he is good at what he does so it's a bit justified. He may be a traitor, but can you blame him for not wanting to live in Wisconsin anymore! I can't. :-)

    well just so long as he doesn't go on any cruises or hang out with the roid boys he may survive.

    Sent from my iPhone... From a bar
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    FYI Alex, WI is a wonderful place to live thank you. We have great scenery, great food and great people.. and you have? lol j/p I have family in MN, it's a very similar state ya know.... sept were better lol.

    I too have a friend staying over... we're goin back to the glory days, lol... she's brining over some woodchuck. HA! Makin us some chinese food and we're gonna hunker down and hopefully not get blown away by the approaching storms!

    Be safe yall!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member

    See, common ground. Favre is a self-centered tool. And Aaron Rogers has done great for my fantasy team the last two years.

    I guess I have to speak up or everyone in Minnesota who was lucky enough to see what Farve can do for a team. I can't deny that he's self-centered, but he is good at what he does so it's a bit justified. He may be a traitor, but can you blame him for not wanting to live in Wisconsin anymore! I can't. :-)

    Oh please! He was willing to go with any team that would take him! Wisconsin was tired of his little games and finally gave him the finger. And he sucked with the Jets because he didn't want to be there (and he isn't a one man show, it takes a TEAM). He obviously did great with the Vikings but that was because he was next door to the state that wouldn't take him back. Then in the end he folded and limped off the field because by golly it wasn't going to be his fault they didn't make it to the Super Bowl.

    FYI I love Minnesota (and Wisconsin). Quite interesting that we have lots of midwesterners here :wink: . We have a summer home in little Longville, Minnesota, four hours north of the cities. Counting down the days until we are there. Yay! Less than two weeks!

    Now someone please get me a tall beer and none of that light crap! Terrible storms passing through.
  • iguanaliz
    iguanaliz Posts: 95 Member

    See, common ground. Favre is a self-centered tool. And Aaron Rogers has done great for my fantasy team the last two years.

    I guess I have to speak up or everyone in Minnesota who was lucky enough to see what Farve can do for a team. I can't deny that he's self-centered, but he is good at what he does so it's a bit justified. He may be a traitor, but can you blame him for not wanting to live in Wisconsin anymore! I can't. :-)

    Oh please! He was willing to go with any team that would take him! Wisconsin was tired of his little games and finally gave him the finger. And he sucked with the Jets because he didn't want to be there (and he isn't a one man show, it takes a TEAM). He obviously did great with the Vikings but that was because he was next door to the state that wouldn't take him back. Then in the end he folded and limped off the field because by golly it wasn't going to be his fault they didn't make it to the Super Bowl.

    FYI I love Minnesota (and Wisconsin). Quite interesting that we have lots of midwesterners here :wink: . We have a summer home in little Longville, Minnesota, four hours north of the cities. Counting down the days until we are there. Yay! Less than two weeks!

    Now someone please get me a tall beer and none of that light crap! Terrible storms passing through.
    My beloved Bucs would probably take him in a heartbeat. Well, before the children took over the team. Eh. The Packers still have the best tailgate party in Tampa. Since the Packers were my first ever live football game, and I'm an Iowa girl (yeah, could've gone either way, Packers or one saw the Bucs coming!), and my sister and her kids all live in Wisconsin, they let me in. I know the secret handshake.

    Okay, now that we're done with that. Wow! Gone a few days and look at this thread! I'm so proud that I was the first post after Dave started it! So I didn't do great. The hubby and I fought something awful on Wednesday, and we had no junk food in the house, so I took it out on myself with a few cocktails. And no workout. Ugh. But I made up for it yesterday and today. Since it's Friday, I'm enjoying a nice cold vodka and diet cream soda...don't knock it till you try it! It's vanilla creamy goodness! I have to behave though, because I found out that I have to work tomorrow. I'm my own boss, and my boss sucks. But what do you do?
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    oh how i miss indulging my "inner lush". hello and cheers fellow drinkers :drinker:
    i love alcohol. wine, mixed drinks, beer- doesn't much matter, they are all good & tasty.:love:
    i miss getting together with a good friend and knocking off a couple of bottles of wine in an evening together.

    i have been dieting just about 10 months and have really cut back on drinking. really, really cut back.:frown:
    and it is working. i indulge rarely. (a glass of wine at a party tonight, but was able to stop at one) oh, and i had one last night, too, when we were out for dinner with friends.

    but it is hard, my world seems to be full of alcohol. my husband even brews his own beer. i made cranberry liqueur for christmas gifts this year. oh- and after seeing a recipe in cooking light this week for watermelon margaritas at 105 calories a glass i went out and bought the ingredients, so i have friends coming over tomorrow to try them out.

    ha! after saying i've cut back, i've just admitted that i will have been drinking 3 days in a row.:blushing: but i have managed to go a couple of whole weeks without drinking (maybe not in a row). but i agree with the posts that part of the process here is to learn how to enjoy & indulge within reason, so that we do not gain weight. i certainly will not give up ever having a marvelous malbec or incredible zinfindel. like other calorie costly foods, i just have to learn how to control using them so i can find the magic balance in my diet.
  • alisonengland
    alisonengland Posts: 110 Member
    Well I succumbed to two beers yesterday which I feel was frugal considering I was watching the worst England performance ever with four guys who managed to drink two crates between them. My dinner consisted of two beers and two sausages..not the healthiest of meals I guess..

    I have always wanted to visit Minnesota..(due to Garrison Keillor and the fact that people wear Cheese on their heads at packers games) I thought my wish was coming true next month but my mean husband is insisting we drive east from Chicago so he can watch the Reds, the Tigers and the Indians all in 10 days.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Alison, the football was truly terrible. My 12 year old football playing daughter was yelling at the TV that her team of girls could have done better!! I think I can compete with the rather dubious dinner though - 2 glasses of merlot, one scotch egg and a slice of pork, ham and chicken pie. The influence of friends huh!
  • alisonengland
    alisonengland Posts: 110 Member
    Alison, the football was truly terrible. My 12 year old football playing daughter was yelling at the TV that her team of girls could have done better!! I think I can compete with the rather dubious dinner though - 2 glasses of merlot, one scotch egg and a slice of pork, ham and chicken pie. The influence of friends huh!

    LOL! My daughter is almost 12 and was shouting come on USA even tho it was the England game...she hadnt noticed we had moved onto a different match! I think your dinner sounds fine, lots of protein and red wine is very good for you! Thank goodness for Algeria tho, at least there was something green in front of me!
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Good morning all.

    Liz, nice to see you back. Sorry about the troubles at home. As Homer Simpson once said "To alcohol, the cause of and solution to all of life's problems"

    Katie, anybody who has dropped 119 pounds can drink whatever the hell they want as far as I'm concerned.

    Alison, Alison, Alison... we shall forgive you as you live across the pond, but the cheeseheads are in Wisconsin, not Minnesota. It would be like confusing Manchester United with Manchester City. Easy mistake to make, but also likely to lead to a bar brawl.

    Have to get back on track with exercise today. I say that like I have been a couch potato or something, when really all I did was take yesterday off. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • AnnieeR
    AnnieeR Posts: 229
    Morning Lushes! :wink:

    Well I avoided any vino Wednesday and Thursday, but the World Cup got the better of me and dh and I went through a couple of bottles last night. Oops. :drinker: Going to get to the gym shortly to pay my penance.

    I thought of a decent way to track drink calories - I've added a new category to my food diary called "drinks" to go along with breakfast/lunch/dinner/snacks. I reckon maybe seeing the calories in one place rather than tied up with a meal might be interesting and inspiring.... I'm also going to use it for juices (which I sort of deem as empty calories too since they're full of sugars and don't have any of the fibre, etc. of whole fruit) but for the most part I only drink water and coffee so mostly it'll be tracking booze!

    Hoping everyone is having a great weekend!
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Hmmm, interesting idea about logging them separately. I put them in under "snack". And I just logged last night - well over 1000 calories. :noway:
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member

    See, common ground. Favre is a self-centered tool. And Aaron Rogers has done great for my fantasy team the last two years.

    I guess I have to speak up or everyone in Minnesota who was lucky enough to see what Farve can do for a team. I can't deny that he's self-centered, but he is good at what he does so it's a bit justified. He may be a traitor, but can you blame him for not wanting to live in Wisconsin anymore! I can't. :-)

    Oh please! He was willing to go with any team that would take him! Wisconsin was tired of his little games and finally gave him the finger. And he sucked with the Jets because he didn't want to be there (and he isn't a one man show, it takes a TEAM). He obviously did great with the Vikings but that was because he was next door to the state that wouldn't take him back. Then in the end he folded and limped off the field because by golly it wasn't going to be his fault they didn't make it to the Super Bowl.

    FYI I love Minnesota (and Wisconsin). Quite interesting that we have lots of midwesterners here :wink: . We have a summer home in little Longville, Minnesota, four hours north of the cities. Counting down the days until we are there. Yay! Less than two weeks!

    Now someone please get me a tall beer and none of that light crap! Terrible storms passing through.
    My beloved Bucs would probably take him in a heartbeat. Well, before the children took over the team. Eh. The Packers still have the best tailgate party in Tampa. Since the Packers were my first ever live football game, and I'm an Iowa girl (yeah, could've gone either way, Packers or one saw the Bucs coming!), and my sister and her kids all live in Wisconsin, they let me in. I know the secret handshake.

    Okay, now that we're done with that. Wow! Gone a few days and look at this thread! I'm so proud that I was the first post after Dave started it! So I didn't do great. The hubby and I fought something awful on Wednesday, and we had no junk food in the house, so I took it out on myself with a few cocktails. And no workout. Ugh. But I made up for it yesterday and today. Since it's Friday, I'm enjoying a nice cold vodka and diet cream soda...don't knock it till you try it! It's vanilla creamy goodness! I have to behave though, because I found out that I have to work tomorrow. I'm my own boss, and my boss sucks. But what do you do?

    Yeah Bucs!!!!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Dave, I don't even want to know how many calories I drank last night. But the beers started at 3 pm, and I finished drinking at 3 am. Beer, vodka/perrier lime. my brain hurts.
    Annie - that is a great idea for logging, really puts it out there for you to see!
    ... I suppose the bottles were a great comfort for Englands fail at world cup.
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    Please accept me into the group of professional lushes! Like some of you, going out with friends fuels more drinking than I might have intended. I also love to cook, and rely on a local wine professional to provide great pairings for whatever I'm cooking. And if the going out and wine at home weren't enough, I love to experiment with making various kinds of martinis.
    Yesterday I was thrilled that I worked off 958 calories, some of which I drank after dinner.:tongue: