The Fasting Diet ???



  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    I agree nothing special but my dad is doing it and has had great results. He does 2 days a week with 600 cals - you have to plan carefully so that you have enough energy but he has no trouble sticking to his and doesnt get hungry.

    Dont know if worth mentioning that this diet was recommended by his GP

    It's worth mentioning. Thank you.
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    Lol, no ones sees the oxymoron here? How the hell do you diet while fasting?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    This was honestly my first thought upon reading the title. Fast and diet seem mutually exclusive. Of course you're going to lose weight fasting. Fasting is not eating. Not eating creates a massive calorie deficit.

    First rule of weight loss, eat less, move more. You can't get much less than none. Not sure how terribly healthy it's going to be long term though.
    Hola? The words "fasting diet" make sense, because the word "diet" means "the foods you choose to eat". She is eating and she is fasting in combination. Thus she is doing a fasting diet.
  • I am using an approach known as Intermittent Fasting at the moment. That means I fast for 16 hours, mostly while sleeping. I then get my calories in during an 8 hour eating window.

    There is plenty of info on the Internet and I would recommend that you have a look.

    Personally I feel that this approach is working for me. I have more energy, not as bloated. I am also sleeping better, having lost over 10 lbs over 5 weeks.

    Because of my lifestyle - work and training etc, I have my first meal at 1pm, and finish eating by 9pm.

  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    I am using an approach known as Intermittent Fasting at the moment. That means I fast for 16 hours, mostly while sleeping. I then get my calories in during an 8 hour eating window.

    There is plenty of info on the Internet and I would recommend that you have a look.

    Personally I feel that this approach is working for me. I have more energy, not as bloated. I am also sleeping better, having lost over 10 lbs over 5 weeks.

    Because of my lifestyle - work and training etc, I have my first meal at 1pm, and finish eating by 9pm.


    ^^^ I've had the exact same experience with the above.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I was speaking in regards to the 5:2 fasting diet

    Ah, thanks for that. It does seem to have scientific backing with regards to benefits other than weight loss and I know lots of people who are doing well on it. I think the main consensus is to make sure you eat normally and don't binge on your "up" days (and eat lots and lots of veg with small amounts of protein on your lower calorie days - less likely to feel deprived and more likely to get the nutrients you need).

    If you have the 5:2 book then you have probably already seen Michael Mosley's website, which is pretty good:

    I do a form of intermittent fasting (16:8) most days in that I don't eat each day until early afternoon (usually after exercising). Not sure about any scientific basis to it but I'm not hungry in the morning and it makes sure I keep within my calorie count every day - I'd much rather have a big evening meal than constant snacks during the day. I basically just eat when I'm hungry.

    If you have a look in the Groups section of MFP (under Community on the tabs at the top) and have a search there are quite a few good intermittent fasting groups that you might find helpful).
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Here's 2 MFP groups who are doing the 5:2 approach.

    And there is more than one book, but the Dr Michael Mosely one is the one most people turn to for advice.
  • kalamitykate83
    kalamitykate83 Posts: 227 Member
    I think it's a good thing. It gives your body the chance to detox and recoop without losing vital nutrients etc by fasting for too long. They say the best way to do it is to have a good breakfast then just plenty of water and herbal teas throughout the day, then a sensible evening meal, all totalling 500/600 cals! So you could have a 3 egg white omlette with salmon and tomatoes for breakfast, then a piece of chicken with broccoli and green beans for dinner! And it's only twice a week so you don't feel deprived and you'd choose the days when you know you won't be tempted to slip! I'm going to attempt this from next week for 4 weeks and see how I get on. I'll be doing it on a Tuesday and Thursday, as these are the days I don't really do anything so should be able to stick to it hopefully!

    Btw, everyone is entitled to their own opinions so some may agree with these 'diets' and some may not! This site is about advice and support, not *****ing! Just to say! :-) x
  • Oh! I was doing the 16 hours thing the first time i lost a lot of weight- I did even realise ha! I'd go from 4pm till 8am fasting
    and it's what helped me lose weight

    i've started doing this again and already it's helping me lose eight after trying EVERYYYTHING else including a high protein diet.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    It's what the Brits call the 5:2 form of Intermittent Fasting. I recently completed 30 days of another form and it was very helpful. I lost weight and stopped eating mindlessly during the day and at night.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I was speaking in regards to the 5:2 fasting diet

    Ah, thanks for that. It does seem to have scientific backing with regards to benefits other than weight loss and I know lots of people who are doing well on it. I think the main consensus is to make sure you eat normally and don't binge on your "up" days (and eat lots and lots of veg with small amounts of protein on your lower calorie days - less likely to feel deprived and more likely to get the nutrients you need).

    If you have the 5:2 book then you have probably already seen Michael Mosley's website, which is pretty good:

    I do a form of intermittent fasting (16:8) most days in that I don't eat each day until early afternoon (usually after exercising). Not sure about any scientific basis to it but I'm not hungry in the morning and it makes sure I keep within my calorie count every day - I'd much rather have a big evening meal than constant snacks during the day. I basically just eat when I'm hungry.

    If you have a look in the Groups section of MFP (under Community on the tabs at the top) and have a search there are quite a few good intermittent fasting groups that you might find helpful).

    PBS is supposed to air a program on this in April.
  • CUScka
    CUScka Posts: 14 Member
    thank you!
  • Baloostika
    Baloostika Posts: 203 Member
    So can I eat say 4 hard boiled eggs and dring teas thru out the day? That is on the fasting days. Maybe even some fruits on some days all not more than 500cals.
    I think I can do this if am sure of losing weight, lol.
    It's DOABLE!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    You can eat whatever you like up to a limit of 500 cals (600 for men) on "fast" days. Eggs are brilliant, as the protein helps you feel satisfied. And teas are great for keeping you going through the day. If you add milk and sugar make sure to count those. Fruits are good, but they vary a lot. One of my favourite fast day breakfasts is grapefruit, berries, and melon, which I can usually get a cup full of for about 75 cals. But one banana can be over 100 cals.
  • Pinkgirl319
    Pinkgirl319 Posts: 80 Member
    The 8 hour Diet looks interesting it was featured in Women's Health in January. It is basically clean eating only 8 hours of the day and "fasting" until the next day (i.e. eat clean 9-5). I think it is safer and more comfortable than a more extreme fast. The article also contains a lot of Pro fasting stats and information, Fasting has been around forever for a reason.
  • wlms576
    wlms576 Posts: 1
    Hi, I started this today, I have consumed 500 calories and will have another 'fast' day on Friday, I bought the book by Dr Michael Mosley & Mimi Spencer, after watching the Horizon programme on the BBC in August 2012. Feeling positive.:smile:
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    I honestly believe that 50% of activity on this board would vanish if everybody attempted 5:2 or 16/8 fasting diets.
  • laural007
    laural007 Posts: 251 Member
    Interesting to be honest.
  • Baloostika
    Baloostika Posts: 203 Member
    You can eat whatever you like up to a limit of 500 cals (600 for men) on "fast" days. Eggs are brilliant, as the protein helps you feel satisfied. And teas are great for keeping you going through the day. If you add milk and sugar make sure to count those. Fruits are good, but they vary a lot. One of my favourite fast day breakfasts is grapefruit, berries, and melon, which I can usually get a cup full of for about 75 cals. But one banana can be over 100 cals.
    I agree wit you about being careful wit the fruits. It's good to know I can eat eggs. Am starting mine tomorrow and see how much weight I will lose. I intend drinking green tea, Earl Grey tea, and adding some milk too and the eggs. Will keep u guys posted on how tomorrow turns out, lol, wish me luck.
  • 123yenta
    123yenta Posts: 10
    To be clear I am talking about the 5:2 fasting diet. Never heard of a diet that involves not eating for a week! I could never do anything like that nor would I want to. :wink:
  • 4everchanged101
    4everchanged101 Posts: 50 Member
    If your doing this diet or considering it add me. I'd like to follow some people doing it.