
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    morning ladies,
    back from the gym,guess what? i did a whopping 1 minute on jacobs ladder :laugh: that was all i could handle, tried the elliptical and my heel started acting up,did a little stationary bike,and some stretching and the machines.
    I ordered pain free book about 2 weeks ago and it hasnt come yet:indifferent:
    Homer is sitting on my lap ,so im trying to type sideways
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    Happy Hump Day!! Ladies!! :drinker:

    And Spring!! where is Spring!! So many of us are ready for it. warm sun, flowers and gardens blooming and growing :flowerforyou:

    Katla- I don't know if you use it, but with MFP, you can track your sodium intake. I didn't at first, then realized I probably should be tracking it. Boy I am glad I do too....my sodium has topped the 2500mg limit several times, but at least seeing it in black and white allows me to spread out those high sodium offenders a little bit more. I watch it for my DH also, as he takes BP meds. He does not use MFP, but I do the cooking. And he has managed to lose 13 pounds so far to my 14.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Today makes 1 week that Jackson's been in a coma. I had really hoped yesterday would be the day. He had an MRI of his brain Monday night, I thought we'd hear the results yesterday but we haven't. I can't sleep nights worrying about him.

    Michelle, legalizing drugs would at least put some control over what goes in them. These days you have to worry about what the pot is laced with. Wouldn't matter though, Jackson OD'd mixing a legal drug with alcohol.

    Well I've managed to treadmill every morning this week. I want to see if it makes a difference on Friday. Have a great day everyone.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Question: the fingertips on my left hand are often very itchy. Nothing to see on the outside. Have had this for months and months. Anyone have a clue why? I should log when it occurs because I forget about it as soon as it stops (of course). Just wondering if anyone else has this issue.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy first day of Spring!! Stormy morning, the wind has picked up, a bit of rain pelting down, but it's not terribly cold. I need to go fiddle around with my indoor gardening project this morning, seeds have germinated under lights, some need thinning, some need transplanting into larger pots. I'll get back to doing yoga this morning, and strength training. It's been a few days.

    Renny, I've had the itchy fingertips before, never did figure out what from. Lately the sole of my right foot has been driving me crazy with this itching sensation, directly in the center of the heel part. It's mostly when I lie down in bed. I'm curious, too! I know "itchy feet" can mean a vacation is necessary, lol. Not sure about itchy fingers!

    Michele, oh yes the jaw muscle! It gets lots of exercise, believe me. Probably the fittest muscle I have. :) And about your devouring ice cream, I'd have probably done the same thing! Hope you're OK this morning!

    Katla, I've met once with a couple of MFP ladies who live near Portland. If we meet again sometime, would you like to join us?

    Cheryl, how sad! I know you must be worried something terrible. Sending good thoughts your way.

    DeeDee, oh no, sorry to hear you're not feeling well! I hope it passes quickly, you poor girl, you've been through the mill!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful Spring day. Ahh, just look at that - SPRING - Yay!!

    :smile: jb in Portland *springing up out of this chair*
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Girls! I wanted to stop by to say HELLO..I have been busy with work etc... I have also started in with a challenge group on FB for 6 weeks. A personal trainer is heading it up. Pretty serious, I had to turn in all my numbers and give her details on my health and eating habits. She gives us work outs everyday and will be checking our food diaries:bigsmile: It is just want I needed!!! Some accountability..someone I know I need to answer too. So I am happy to say I am back on track..feeling good and planning meals...good food in the house..it should all equal success!!!

    I also was very inspired by the BIGGEST LOSER FINALE!!! I was lucky enough to attend the taping...I sat right down on the floor by the trainers! WOW all the contestents looked amazing! I know the way they lost isn't realistic for us..but we all can do it!! With hard work and eating right:wink:

    So I plan on popping in here and there. I wanted to Thank you all for the Vitamin F. It's so nice to have a group the same age to relate with!!!

    Make Good Choices!!!! Keep up the Good work!!! :heart: Judy
  • krisann22
    krisann22 Posts: 4 Member
    Whew I made it back. Took a while to figure this whole message board thing out. Thanks so much for the welcomes. I have to say since the last time I was here I have not really been watching what I eat. I am having a hard time getting back into the swing of things. Part of it is because we are still in full swing winter here. No sun, just had more snow dumped on us Monday another 3 inches. We are in a deep freeze with 5 degrees this morning with windchill of -9. Welcome to Minnesota spring. It's just so hard to motivate yourself in this weather. And with this cold I have been flaring a bit one joint here, one joint there. I have a treadmill in my basement but I have been waiting for it to warm up as it is so cold in the basement it makes me very stiff with my rhuematoid arthritis. We have an excercise class at work here. Im usually pretty good at going but missed it all last week. I am on my way soon to go today and then Friday. So I will have gotten some movement in this week. Now I will try and catch up on reading some old posts. Happy Spring
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Back for my day at the hospital.. When I quit 14 years ago I didn't know I would be spending so much time here. They told us that with a right sided heart attack his main problem would be the chance of heart rythm problems so sure enough he is in atrial fibrilation today, lay terms, irregular heart beat. So we will have to see what the doctor says. it does mean my husband knows he can't ask to get out today. We both had good nights ellp last night although I have a massive headache.
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Haven't been on for two days and don't have time now to catch up on all of the posts, but wanted to share an NSV with you all. I used to dread any form of exercise and had to force myself to do the TM three times a week. :grumble: I have increased my speed to the point where I am challenged, but still able to finish two miles in just under 28 minutes, which I know isn't breaking any records, but is MY personal best.:smile: I also recently added some strength training two times a week. I follow 20 minute circuit routines with a DVD using 2 pound weights. I plan to increase the weights in increments, but I know I'm not ready to move up yet. Yesterday, after reading a post from an MFP friend (Jackie) who wasn't able to do her run in the morning, but got it in at night, I was inspired to do another 20 minute program (thanks, Jackie!):heart: . This one had quite a few pushups and lunges. I had already done some in the morning routine and I definitely felt these. My legs were shaking a little and my upper body strength has always been my weakest point, so I thought for sure that I would be hurting today. I was even afraid that maybe I overdid it and wouldn't be able to walk the TM this morning, but guess what? I woke up feeling fine. A little sore, but nothing I couldn't handle. I surprised myself! I'm not the most athletic person in the room (certainly not the most athletic on this site),:ohwell: but I do feel like I may be getting a little stronger every day. I was so afraid of being in pain that I never really pushed myself until I found this thread where ladies who are my age or older share about their experiences with exercise. It gave me the courage to try a little more. I have to admit, I still am not crazy about getting up early before work to exercise, but I am definitely more motivated than ever before. Since reaching my goal weight in January, my main objective now is to get more active. I will be retiring in two years, and now I know that I will NOT be a couch potato! Thanks to all of you who are here every day fighting the good fight.:flowerforyou: I'm starting to think that 60 may be the new 40!:laugh:

    Have a wonderful afternoon....things are looking up!

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day and happy spring!
    It`s so cold,30`s and very windy,not much of a spring day.
    Have a good one!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello lovely Vit F's,

    Just popping in to let you know I'm still here but still super busy trying to complete my certified payrolls.

    #2 Son just called and it was down to him and another and they chose the other guy for the job with the Marine Band.:ohwell: ..I'm a bit disappointed but at the same time glad they won't be moving as they would be taking my only grandchildren away from Colorado. In the mean time Son #2 will complete his two Masters here at Denver University and continue on with his gigging around Denver and his Army Reserve job where he's a Captain....and I think I'm busy and in it all he has three little boys and a wife to fill in any left over time.

    I just wanted to give you all an update. Until tomorrow.

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    got to page 18 but have to drive to Dallas. BBL

    Sue in TX
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    NSV ALERT!!! While the scale has held steady I tried on 2 pairs of pants that have been unwearable for more than 2 years and they both fit beautifully (definitely made me feel better about the weigh-in) :happy:

    Meg – I say YUCK to people with toxic, negative attitudes! Sorry you had to deal with that, but glad it is a rare occurrence for you at work. Also, with the new site so huge, think about the steps you’ll get navigating there

    Barbie – how wonderful you danced for the assisted living residents! Lovely too that Jake came to support you

    Joyce – healing thoughts and prayers going out to you both! What’s important is that you got DH there and he is now getting proper care. Hoping he relents about listening to the dietician.

    Mary from TN – glad you’re “back” and congrats on another pound down!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Lila – I’m with you when it comes to skipping a meal. This morning is an example for me, I stayed up very late so slept later than normal so now breakfast doesn’t appeal at all so will just end up eating “lunch” early. Not ideal, but there it is . . . :blushing:

    Viv in UK – good for you for getting “back on the wagon” and doing the Rosemary Clooney tape. I’m sure you’ll shred 30DS when you start again

    Deb CNY – how great you could not only visit with your daughters, but also get some (fun/funny) workouts in too!

    Amanda – good for you for “sneaking” in extra bits of exercise when you can, that’s really the trick for each of us I think

    DeeDee – sorry to hear you’re feeling yucky, hope your meds do the trick soon! (do your pear trees bear fruit or are they just decorative? That’s a lot of pears!!!!!!) :flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie – “Homer is sitting on my lap ,so im trying to type sideways” Boy does that sound familiar! My cat is officially Chloe but I call her Velcro because she insists on being stuck to me whenever possible

    Moxie1962 – That is really good advice about the sodium tracker, I need to do that more closely for my own DH who is also on blood pressure meds

    Wessecg – I’m impressed you’ve managed to stay focused to work out daily despite your worries. Good for you for taking care of yourself during this trying time.

    DB in Portland – OMG that picture of (your?) dog cracks me up!!!!!! Super “Springy”

    Krisann22 – glad you made it back, happy “Spring”

    Lucy – Congrats on achieving your personal best, that is some NSV!!! Way to steadily improve:wink:

    Brooke from Colorado
    (where Spring is also not showing her face yet)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Meg: RE Paleo-ish diet. This works for us. We aren’t purists; we just make our choices from what is reasonable. We both feel best this way. Our son is on this path too. I think it is biological and may have to do with ancestry--like the lactose intolerance I seem to have passed on to him.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I love your dancing icon. The cat dances better than I do. :tongue:

    Gail: I seldom go to Applebees and haven’t had their low cal meals. I’m glad they’re offering healthier alternatives. I really liked the choice I made at Olive Garden when I met my friends there for dinner.:flowerforyou:

    Mary from TN: Nice that you found us again. Keep watching. I notice we aren’t far from the 500th post. It could happen today or tomorrow as chatty as we are. The new link is found at the end of the old thread.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I know in my heart that you saved your husband’s life. When DH had his stroke, they kept him in the hospital for several days. I drove him when he finally agreed to go, but will call the paramedics IMMEDIATELY if it ever happens again. Let them argue with him. It took me 24 hours to talk him into going to the hospital from the time I first suspected a stroke, stubborn old coot. :grumble: I’m glad your DH is still in the hospital so that he can get a better handle on what is going on with his heart. :flowerforyou:

    Viv: Snickerdoodles are cookies. I’m thinking you might refer to them as biscuits in the UK. I’m sure you can find a recipe online.:smile:

    Amanda: Congratulations on the second anniversary with your new heart valve.:heart: I hope the obnoxious coworker doesn’t make a heavy work schedule even more difficult.:noway: Visit us when you can.:flowerforyou:

    Moxie: I looked up my sodium for the soda bread fiasco and it bumped up but didn’t go over the top. It was on the high side for two days in a row. I guess my body is more sensitive than the MPF limits.:ohwell:

    jb in Portland: I’d love to be included if/when you meet again. Keep me in mind.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Laura: I ‘m sorry your son wasn’t chosen, but glad he’s not moving away. :flowerforyou:

    I had a long walk with a friend this morning. I enjoyed it very much. Her dog and my dog are friends and greet one another with canine joy every time we get to walk. It isn’t often enough, so I enjoy it all the more when things work out. Have a great day. :flowerforyou:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    Good afternoon ladies!!!

    Katla; I know some days and some menus are terribly high for sodium. Like today should be healthy, as I am making talapia and shrimp cocktail for supper. With the steamed mini ear of corn, baked home fries, and homemade coleslaw. It is the naughty add ons that are the killer for sodium. Shrimp cocktail sauce, tartar sauce, and the Marzetti sauce for the slaw. So I just make us lighter menus through the rest of the week. We will still continue to enjoy our favorite foods, but I am trying to make and effort for us to eat mindfully. Portion control, daily monitoring of calories and sodium etc.

    So, I try to combat that problem by drinking my water (8 glasses), and exercise. I don't want to be HWP, but feel deprived. That is no Quality of Life.
    I would say, enjoy your high sodium foods, but in moderation.

    Oh and, DH takes his BP readings every morning, and documents them on his computer. So we have that to help us monitor his stats too.
  • I have just started MFP this week and have found it to be helpful and encouraging. Since I'm a seasoned chick, the topic for your posts sounded right up my alley. I have 30 pounds to lose to reach my goal weight and could use encouragement and support. Things have not been easy for me since August of last year when my husband began kidney dialysis and my mother fell breaking her tail bone which also broke her spirit and will to live. She died in November. Somehow, eating everything that isn't tied down has been the norm for me in dealing with stress and I'm paying for it now. I really could use a few good friends.
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Only have a minute to post. I woke up feeling out of sorts...perhaps because the kids are gone back to school and/or I was going through my mom's things last night as we clean out the condo. Its amazing I can still miss her so much. Anyway had to get to work right away so didn't get to work out until lunch. I still don't like to work out after I get food in my belly but I do agree I felt more energetic.
    The scale is moving back in the right direction - I believe the huge amount of sodium I had at the Japanese restaurant was a contributing factor to my gain. I track my sodium and it is amazing to me all the hidden sources for the stuff.

    I'm still praying for all those struggling or with family members who are.
    Congrats to all those who lost weight:flowerforyou:
    For all those frustrated - hang in there. You are doing good/healthy things for yourself

    Have a great rest of the day. Jodios:heart:
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Luvbuttons – Welcome, you will enjoy this group of warm, wise and witty women! We are all on similar journeys, and the “sisterhood of understanding” certainly makes the path easier (and more fun) to meander! :smile:

    Jodios – sorry to hear you have “the blahs” today. Probably is a “kids are gone” hangover! Know how you feel going through parent's things, it's been 10 years and it still isn't easy for me. Hope you feel better quickly :flowerforyou:

    Katla - I sooo agree with you about Barbie's dancing cat icon - - I'm impressed every time I see its moves :wink: I'm betting Barbie's moves are even more impressive!!!!

    Brooke in Colorado
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: So far so good, I've checked in for 3 days in a row and logged my food too.

    :flowerforyou: Hi luvbuttons welcome

    :flowerforyou: Katla thanks for letting me know what Snickerdoodles are, I love biscuits - when I have a cup of tea or coffee I always want to have a biscuit too:embarassed: I try to not eat too many of them,

    :laugh: OOh guess what's just come on the TV 17 again with Matthew Perry - I love this film it makes me laugh I'll have to do like Barbie does and walk around the room or jog or something while I watch it:bigsmile:

    :ohwell: Still really busy at work. not enough hours in a day to get everything done. Plus I have extra work now arranging a weekly meeting, organising the agenda weekly reviewing measures trends graphs and other stuff, as if we haven't enough to do!

    :smile: I've got a few days off over Easter going to get some more decorating done. That's the trouble with painting one room, it shows how other rooms need doing:bigsmile:

    I need to go dry the dishes and get moving about a bit - been sat down too long. What was it that some one said - 'If you're moving you're losing' that's my new mantra.

    :heart: :heart: Chat again soon :heart: :heart:

    Viv UK ( still no sunshine, but stopped raining for a few hours)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Doctor came in today and told us that they will do a cardioversion in the morning. So although I am not usually before 8 AM, I guess I will tomorrow. They will give him the same kind of medicine that Michael loved, Propafol to put him to sleep then give his heart a shock to see if they can get it back in correct rythem