The Original Power 90 Check In?



  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Checking in - Day 8 - Done !!!! I feel so good to be able to post that!! Also, managed a small 20 min walk with hubbie-to-be last night.

    Since this is my second week and I feel pretty good - I think I am going to my spin class tonight. I will take easy if necessary! My goal is to do power 90 and continue what I was doing !!! I may have to drop back when I start a new level or not do my outside stuff as intense as I was. Power walking instead of running. Low impact step etc.

    Hope everyone is doing great!!

    Dragonfly? How are you doing? Were you able to get in an exercise last night??
    Remember - stay motivated - even if you skip a day you get right back the next!!! Go for it!!!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi All,
    I'm still here and i'm not quitting!! I managed a 45 minute walk outside in swealtering heat yesterday after working a 8 hrs plus a 2.5 hour commute - wasn't operating at the full 100% but I wasn't going to let the day go buy with out putting and end to my lethargy!! I also got my diet back under control for the day and so all in all I count the day as a successful one.
    Sculpt and something cardio is on for tonight (20-30 minutes) - that is a little ambitious under the circumstances :laugh: but I am an extremist!!
    Glad to be tracking and working out again - I feel the walk in my glutes and it is very welcome!!

    Hope everyone is making the most out of their day and thanks for all of the encouragement

    (((BIG HUGS)))

  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    and what's the master series after 30 days on level 3/4 ??
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    and one more thing....... never ever will i abandon exercise for a week!! I need an action plan for the holidays becasue this was just ridiculous!!!

    i'm so glad you all are here :flowerforyou:
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I actually read about it on here. There is a Master Series level 5/6 for Power 90 - you can go to the beachbody website and find. From what I can gather - it a another step up from 3/4 and it come with bonus DVD. Of course it comes with another payment... I think almost what I paid for Power 90 ($65 plus shipping and tax) But, I looked at it and think I am going to order after I complete level 1/2 and feel good about 3/4. I figure I can add to my collection and it will just keep me motivated. I like the shorter dvd under an hour is good for me. Hope that helps!!!

    Welcome back to exercise - I knew you could do!!! It only took one time to motivate you - if you are anything like me.

    Everyone have a great happy healthy day!!!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi All,
    Just a quick check in to "re-learn" accountability - just another one of life's lessons (you'd think I'd remember it, LOL) I cannot do this without your help!!!
    Just completed Sculpt - resistance bands in 1st curcuit, 10lb weights in 2nd and 5lb weights in 3rd - and finished it all off a some quick cardio w/ Zumba 20 minute express - feeling great and had a health fish /asparagus dinner - still have a few extra cals too Woo Hoo!! My push ups (the close one's) truly suck and my dips are the bent knee variety but it feels good to push on thru !!

    Yea Us!!!!

    Have a great nite everyone

  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey Dragonfly, that's my rough spots too. The close push ups and the dips!! I am really bad with dips. I can barely bend my arms - but I am really trying!!! Glad you checked in!!! Now you are back in it -I can tell. Yeah for you!!!

    Have a great healthy day!!!!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Happy Wednesday,
    just touching base - I didn't get to P90 today - and unfortunately might not because I won't get in from work tonight until 9:30 or so.. but I did do a screamin ab routine before I left the house - rocky style sit ups in a circuit (15 18 10 and 10) side planks 5 per side
    cross punches w/ trwist and hip lift (24 per side), pelvic lifts 35, scissors 24 , bicycles 30, and full body stretches 17 - total time takes me about 15-18 minutes and doesn't get my hair all sweaty before work! Vanity thy name is woman and I just don't have the energy for wash blow dry and flat iron befor work I had to cut my hair so I could stop using elastics - damaged my hair something awful !!! Guys are fortunate - they don;t have to worry about junk like this!!!

    Make it a great day everyone!!

    Janet :heart:
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Finished day 10 today!!! Yeah for me - Also, today marks 4 months until my wedding 10-10-10. Isn't that the coolest date? OK enough of that!!! I felt really good doing sweat 1-2 this morning. Pretty much able to do it all without taking it easy, so I am rocking. I feel good enough to go ahead take my step class tonight. Last night I didn't do anything extra - but that's OK. So, how is everyone else doing? How is everyone feeling? Any thoughts, advice ?
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Everybody,
    Checkin' in!! Last night was a bust and ended up over cals by close to 200 but I didn't eat junk!!! Today it's on for Sweat and a little Zumba!!
    Lobster: I picked up where I left off so that puts me on day 11 today - we're right together on this, cool :glasses:!! Honestly I can't make up my mind which one I llke more - Fat Burner or Sweat! Fat Burner rocks and sweat is awesome too!!

    I wonder....would it make a difference if you rotated between the 2 of them?

    Hope everyone is having a great day,

    Janet :heart:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    hi Everyone,
    just finished cardio + ab ripper and it was hard for me tonight - my energy level was low and I had trouble w/ the very last ab exercise. My desire was down too after a long week.... Anyway , so glad I pushed on thru !!!
    Tomorrow my plan is exercise early and enjoy a day off from work after my drs appt.

    have a great nite everyone,
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning all,

    I have completed day 14 of Power 90!! Yetserday was my first rest day. (but I did walk around a festival for two hours in the heat- that has to count for something) I also did the fat burner express on Saturday instead of Cardo 1/2! This morning I did sculpt with my 8 pounds weights - struggle a little bit but was able to do 12-15 reps. Still have trouble with close push ups and dips but getting better. So, I feel pretty good. Next week I am going to do one day of 4/5 of each work out so that on week 5 I will be ready to do 4/5.
    I am also doing pretty good on South Beach. I am down from 135.8 on 5/24 to 133 today 6/14 - considering I was at a plateau and would not go under 135 and stay for anything!!! So, my goal is 125 .... So hopefully by day 90?????

    Hope everyone is doing good and staying motivated !!!!
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Great! You guys are still with it! Im moving on to P90x! Gonna be great! I plan on checking in on you guys. So keep pressing play!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Thanks Roy!!! Good Luck on P90X and let us know how it is!!! I am very curious as it relates to power90 - how much harder and longer work outs!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Completed day 16!!! yeah!!!! I am really starting to feel results - I am pushing myself!!!! Can't wait for level 3/4 !!!

    How is everyone else doing ??? Dragonfly???
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey All,
    Did something funky over the weekend and enede up with a heel spur!! OUCH!! Concentrating on some low impact stuff just to keep moving but it's really put me back in the program and I feel overwhelmed, like maybe this isn't the right time for me to try this plan - i've completed two weeks of the plan, had my book filled out and everything, pix too!! Now it's all at a stand still - as far as that's concerned.. The upside is my foot is feeling better and I wake up in the morining with out a serious limp. I did WATP 3 of 5 mile fat burning walk before work this morning and got my sweat in.
    I will probably give it a little more rest and pick it up on Sunday( i have a women's retreat over the weekend) That was the most ridiculous pain and not sure how I did that!!

    Anyway - lobster great job keeping up with it !!!!! so proud of you!! keep it up!!

    Royal - great job starting on P90x - you're my hero!! Maybe one day .... if my knees and heel can take all the jumping!!

    Make it a great day,
    Janet :heart:
  • frankjack
    frankjack Posts: 18
    Day 88 done 2 more days till p90x yes
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Way to go Frankjack!!!!! Yippy - what a great motivator - someone made it all the way!!! Well, I hope I can say that in 72 more days!!! Although I am not sure I will jump right to P90X.... I will have to see...

    But again, way to go - great job!!!!!
  • fatbegone2010
    Bumping this!!!! I just ordered P90 and it is on its way. Should b getting sometime early next week! But I am excited to start something new. And I appreciate all the great reviews on this program..
  • frankjack
    frankjack Posts: 18
    Just finished my last day of p90 and will be starting p90x with my buddy on mon. When I started p90 I weighed in at 220 and I ended at...


    I still have a way to get where I wanna be so hopefully in sept when I'm done with p90x I can start trying to add more muscle on. On a good note though I'm finally starting to see my abs poke through the fat. I think this is more of my diet than anything though right now.