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Like Minded Lushes - Part 1



  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Friday is my wine night and I enjoyed the whole bottle (less what I put in the veal picotta) I started the day with a couple of goose on the rocks. it was a good night.:drinker: :drinker: I will try to be good today but I am not promising anything. :blushing: I like the idea of making a drinks catagory.
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Dave, I don't even want to know how many calories I drank last night. But the beers started at 3 pm, and I finished drinking at 3 am. Beer, vodka/perrier lime. my brain hurts.

    I feel like singing Oh Canada! :drinker:
  • jewelshere
    jewelshere Posts: 91
    Is it wrong that I started drinking at 11AM this morning with coffee and baileys (does that count??) I have a girls night today with lots of vodka/tonic and lime and a hot tub. Sounds like a good weekend to me!

    :drinker: jewel
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Anyone else all the sudden have an alcohol treatment advertisment that keeps popping up now? Wasn't there before but since being on this thread it pops up to the left ALL the time. UGH!
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Anyone else all the sudden have an alcohol treatment advertisment that keeps popping up now? Wasn't there before but since being on this thread it pops up to the left ALL the time. UGH!

    Me too. First I get called fat, now I'm an alcoholic! :drinker:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    I keep getting them for singles/dating. I guess I'm a sad, lonely alcoholic :wink: ....i'll drink to that :drinker:
  • jendykstra67
    jendykstra67 Posts: 252 Member
    Oh my goodness, this is the PERFECT group for me!!! I'm so glad to meet my fellow lushes. I'm sure I'll be posting much more in the future. :drinker:

    By the way... I'm another midwesterner, I'm from Milwaukee Wisconsin. I found the whole Farve discussion entertaining. :smile:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    I am sitting here enjoying my pre dinner goose on the rocks. I had to walk for two hours so I would have some calories to drink. I only had 11 left before I got on my treadmill. I guess its kinda sad that I love walk so I can have a drink but it is what it is and its Saturday so I am allowed:tongue:
  • Robin1109
    Robin1109 Posts: 231 Member
    I have 800 calories left (BIG cardio day)....does that mean 7 glasses of wine? :) I guess I'll only have two and leave some calories left over for when I inevtiably get the wine munchies. Thank goodness I only have healthy snacks in the house!
  • iguanaliz
    iguanaliz Posts: 95 Member
    Dear...where to start! Okay, here "i made cranberry liqueur" I MUST know how to do this. I can't figure out multiple quotes, but really? Cranberry liqueur? Me want!

    Second, Shawn, where ever you are, thank you for acknowledging the Bucs.

    Third, Dave, thanks for the kind words. I choose to believe that after 18 years of wedded bliss, an occasional fight will crop up. Reality is that I'm totally PMSing and he's pushing all my buttons. I think he likes it :laugh:

    If I don't have to work tomorrow, I'll be back!
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    iguanaliz, i will have to look back up the recipe, but it is delicious and an absolutely gorgeous christmas red color. i went and bought some fancy round bottom-long necked bottles. really looked pretty & festive. i still have some cranberry liqueur (trying to ration as it is high in calories). i'll pass the recipe on when i get a hold of it (was easy to do, just needed time)

    by the way- the watermelon margaritas were good (weak, but enough alcohol taste that it satisfied- and not too sweet- well they were sweet, but i was fearful it would be syrupy) and at 105 calories a glass, it was easy to have a couple and still be good for calories.

    ok- a little something 3 days in a row, so- tomorrow i will try to be good. although it is father's day and i'm sure dh will be opening the good bottle of glenfiddich that we bought him. and dave, thanks, yes- i would very much like to think i can have anything i want; but i guess that's what helped me get here in the first place. practicing moderation (until i get it right!)
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Hi all, well, I have not had much at all to drink this week and I have lost 3lbs! I am really pleased that I have lost the weight but this confirms all my worst fears, **** **** ****!!!!!
  • alisonengland
    alisonengland Posts: 110 Member
    I am sitting here enjoying my pre dinner goose on the rocks. I had to walk for two hours so I would have some calories to drink. I only had 11 left before I got on my treadmill. I guess its kinda sad that I love walk so I can have a drink but it is what it is and its Saturday so I am allowed:tongue:

    LOL! This made me laugh so much! I had wanted to post before asking if anyone else exercised to earn calories for bad food or drink! I dragged myself and my aching foor to the gym where I went crazy on the eliptial to earn one krispy creme donut and a glass of wine!:drinker:

    And well done Debbie! But I think those 3lbs are purely from all the dog walking...nothing to do with de-wining!:drinker:
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Good morning! I once again binged last night (as planned). But I have my kids today for Father's Day so it's back on the wagon!

    Yvonne - thanks, I forgot to mention the whole single, lonely alcoholic part lol. If you didn't live in the UK (I'm assuming) I would ask you out to dinner :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Jen - welcome! I find it amusing how many Wisconsin people seem to gravitate to this board. :wink:

    Clio - I couldn't agree more. We only started this message thread last week. It was the first week I took any time off from alcohol, and I immediately saw results in the scale. This just confirmed my worst fears!

    So, for those of you who only drink on weekends, does that include Sunday? :wink: :drinker:
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Dear...where to start! Okay, here "i made cranberry liqueur" I MUST know how to do this. I can't figure out multiple quotes, but really? Cranberry liqueur? Me want!

    Second, Shawn, where ever you are, thank you for acknowledging the Bucs.

    Third, Dave, thanks for the kind words. I choose to believe that after 18 years of wedded bliss, an occasional fight will crop up. Reality is that I'm totally PMSing and he's pushing all my buttons. I think he likes it :laugh:

    If I don't have to work tomorrow, I'll be back!

    Spring Hill
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I stumbled on this site -another hung over Sunday morning. I have the same problems as everyone else. I lose weight every week and gain it back on the weekends. I only had 2 rye and diet coke last night so I am not really hung over. My fingers are puffy though. I am going to try to only drink one night per week. I pick Friday, It is hard because I like how I feel when I am tipsy. No problems - I am not fat - I am not in debt - everyone gets the picture.

    I am glad I found this thread and so many people with the same problems. I am now motivated to go for a walk to wake up and get some exercise in.

    The hardest time for me to resist is when my skinny husband has a late night drink on the patio of our home. I don't want to be left out!!!

  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    Count me in! I LOVE Riunite Lambrusco! It is my weakness! I also enjoy the Select 55s and MGD 64s as well as an occassional cubra libra.
    My hubby and I indulge all too often....especially if the kiddos are at Gmas! I never had considered that the body burns off alcohol instead of fat when you're drinking! CRAP! So all these Disc Golf days drinking beer have been contradictory!?!?
    It would probably be good to completely cut out alcohol, but I don't want to! I enjoy a couple of glasses of wine after a particularly long day at work!
    BUT......you all have inspired me (and shared some really good drink recipes) LMAO so here I go. I'll be up front - the kids will be at the lake with GMA this week, and next week we travel to Kansas City for Disc Golf Week'o'fun!!!! I will partake on a couple of those nights!!!!
    But after vacation I'll find some other excuse to drink......I mean I'll get back on track! LOL
    Looking forward to making some new friends and getting some much needed support in lowering my alcohol consumption for the sake of weight loss and a healthier body!
    Ummm.......good to be here! :)
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Four beers Fri. night, three last night. I had to laugh, Dave, because I was just contemplating whether or not Sunday counted as a weekend drinking day, and while I had told my self only Fri. and Sat., that was on Fri., and now I am trying to justify Sun. :bigsmile: It is hotter than hades, and I just ran 4 miles, so I have plenty of calories, so I may just have a couple. I am sure that justifies it, right? We shall see if I manage to stay strong or not. I am pretty sure I can't make Monday be part of the weekend, though, so it is back on the wagon for sure tomorrow. :noway:

    Happy father's day to all you dads out there.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Just wanted to say hello to everyone and a very happy Father's Day!!

    Dave ~ Sunday is definitely counted as a weekend drinking day around here! Yesterday I indulged a little too much in Coors Light (which isn't really beer to me).

    Not too happy with myself though because after drinking on Friday and Saturday I feel blah again because along with the drinking I didn't make the best eating choices.

    Oh well I guess it is time to go work out. Was to be a rest day but I will take tomorrow off.

  • jendykstra67
    jendykstra67 Posts: 252 Member

    Jen - welcome! I find it amusing how many Wisconsin people seem to gravitate to this board. :wink:

    It is interesting how many of us tend to over-indulge here in Wisconsin. But we have bars on just about every street corner and I live half a block from a brewery, so what can you expect?

    Are a lot of you only drinking on weekends? I'm up for trying that, but it will be really difficult.

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