Like Minded Lushes - Part 1



  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Jen ~ that is my goal. I started last Monday and made it through Thursday without a drink. I am hoping to do the same again this week.

    So that brings up a question for everyone.

    What are your goals for this coming week?

    As I stated above, my goal is to not have alcohol on Monday through Thursday.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    so I had a newcastle with my DH to celebrate Father's Day. It went well with the pastrami sandwhich. I really need to focus this coming week and stay strong not to drink until next Friday. I have done so weel since February until this past week. But I may indulge a bit more today:tongue:

    Dragonfly74 glad to see you found your way here since we became friends over this issue months ago:laugh: :laugh:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Dave, you assume correctly, I am in the UK. Sundays are definitely part of the weekend as far as I'm concerned, my justification is generally to drown sorrows about having to go back to work the next day.

    Jen, I used to drink pretty much every night of the week. Come home from work relax, have dinner and nice glass of wine, or 2, or maybe 3. I found when I was doing that I used to really want to drink every night. Now I only drink at weekends I am really not so bothered, it is much easier to resist. This weekend I have only had 2 glasses of wine and that was Friday night when I had a friend over.

    My goal for this week is not alcohol related, it is to not let junk creep back in my diet. Over the last few days I've had cake and biscuits, I've found I'm getting sugar cravings again and it's making me want to pick at food every time I walk into the kitchen.
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    It was very hot here today. My hubby had 2 ice cold beer this afternoon, and I resisted. I almost gave in but caught sight of myself n the window. The shock changed my mind.....My goal is not to drink until next Friday night.
  • jendykstra67
    jendykstra67 Posts: 252 Member
    After going over my calories AGAIN today, I decided that I do need to cut way back on my drinking. My goal will be to abstain from drinking alcohol from Monday through Thursday this week.

    Wish me luck!

  • pitanita
    pitanita Posts: 6
    I'd like to join too, please! I'm in the same boat as a previous poster, I tend to need a drink to destress (life, job, kids, marriage, etc) and don't really want to give that up. I started a week ago tomorrow and what I've done on the couple of nights I've had beverages is I limited my calories from food and upped my exercise a bit to even it out. It seems to be working as I'm down 5 lbs so I'm a happy girl!

    ETA: Ouch. This thread got me to thinking about what I drink usually, Wild Blue beer or any of the 100's (Hot 100, Blue 100, etc...) so I went and looked them up. Wild Blue is 250 calories/bottle & I usually have 2-3 per night and the 100's are around 103 calories per serving and I generally only do 1-2 shots. I thought I was ok on that one until I measured my shot glass. 3 oz! Sooooo...looks like I need to rethink my drinks. lol
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member
    So... I had done well not drinking for a while... and then this weekend came.

    Friday- girlfriend stayed over and I had 3 very large pineapple malibus on the rocks..
    Saturday- took hubs to a mud drag and had 4 beers, went to bar after, luckily we were 2 hours from home so I only had 1 beer (meanwhile hubs only had 1 crown and coke)
    Sunday-thankfully only on the 2nd beer

    But the food, oh lord the food. Brat yesterday, brat today. was naughty and had burger king for the first time in MONTHS last night, we were so tired.

    So tomorrow's a new day and I plan on not drinking until Friday... but it'll prob be an early start, we're going to Country USA!!!!! and hopefully staying in the RV overnight at the grounds to maybe go Saturday too, we'll see how much moolah I can pull outta my *kitten*.

    Hope everyone has a great and successful week!
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Welcome Pita NIta! Yeah, I had a similar experience as my cocktails are generally strong.

    Mama T - well, we knew this would be a tough weekend for you. I can't imagine they have many healthy choices at a mud drag! Don't beat yourself up. Life's too short.

    I definitely threw them back this weekend but have abstained today (thanks though to those who said Sunday still counts as weekend lol).

    It seems with a few exceptions most people are just trying to abstain Monday through Thursday. Maybe we should have called this "Weekend Warriors" lol :wink: I have a unique issue. Because of my visitation schedule I get my children every Wed night for a few hours and then every other weekend. So waiting until the weekend doesn't seem like the thing to do. My thinking is maybe I "allow" myself 2 or 3 out of 7, and pick the days of the week (in my case, like Tue & Thur). Thoughts?

    I did the whole "weekend only" thing before, admittedly 15 years ago. I did see my scale yo yo every week, but every Monday it was down lower than the previous one i.e. always a net gain. I'd like to hear from those of you who have given the weekends only thing a try already and what your experience was. I know some of you have said you just gained it all back after the weekend, but others I think say this worked for them.
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Damn thing posted twice and I can't delete. :grumble:
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    well- my thoughts to be good this week are taking a big dip. we have good friends coming over tomorrow for the evening (& this is the gal i like to drink lots of good wine with when we get together). and we are going to have a strong reason to be sharing more than a few tomorrow.

    so, when i realized this was coming, i smiled and declined the glenfiddich tonight. maybe that plus a good workout at water aerobics in the morning will allow me some wine. (i'll try to stop before i hit 4 or 5 glasses). no promises that i'll be able to stop at 2 or 3 though.

    then i need to regroup for the week.

    and dave i get your point, weekend drinking does not fit well for your schedule. do you think for success you have to hold to the same days all the time? i rather let what is happening dictate when i indulge (honestly some weeks i will go totally without). that way you could be flexible. on weekends you are not being dad you could have a drink; on other weeks, the tues/thurs thing works. by the way, hope you (and other dad's) had a happy father's day.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Dave ~ I totally agree with Katie on this one. Just change your days up as your schedule sees fit.

    Ok, one more beer tonight and I am finished for the week. Well, keep your fingers crossed for me :wink:
  • alisonengland
    alisonengland Posts: 110 Member
    Leaving all the drinking to one part of the week has it's critics...we in the UK may suck at football (yeah yeah 'soccer') but we win at binge drinking! I have found that if I tell myself NO WINE NO BEER all week then by the time it is the weekend I want to dive head first into a vat of MGD. I am trying to do it in units, so 5 drinks a week, spread out.

    Yesterday,,one beer and it tasted not so good so I helped it along with a chocolate bar and a bagel. Damn beer and its evil influence...
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Three beers for me last night. Well within my calories b/c of all the exercise, and I still weigh the same as I did on Friday, no increase in poundage. Maybe that means come Friday I will have lost a couple?

    Anyway, working on my justification for drinking tonight...... I can't manage making it part of the weekend, but, maybe I can think of something else. LOL
  • BeerKahuna
    BeerKahuna Posts: 52
    I just saw this thread pop up today which was very timely. Although I've been successful at having a "daily" drink or two and losing weight (50 lbs total over the past 18 months), I'm finding "the last five" to be the hardest. - SO, today I decided that I would scale back my beer intake and restrict it to one or two weekend days in moderation. As you can see by my user name, beer is a big part of my life. I am a home brewer, beer judge at the fair, and many of my vacations are centered around travelling to different breweries.

    Anyway, I read through the first few pages of posts and it's good to see I'm not alone in this. I'll continue to read all (most?) of the rest over this week. Good luck everyone and cheers! :drinker: :wink:
  • BeerKahuna
    BeerKahuna Posts: 52
    Jen ~ that is my goal. I started last Monday and made it through Thursday without a drink. I am hoping to do the same again this week.

    So that brings up a question for everyone.

    What are your goals for this coming week?

    As I stated above, my goal is to not have alcohol on Monday through Thursday.

    My goal also is to not drink Monday thru Thursday. Then, Fri/Sat/Sun, to only drink in moderation on two of the three days. That will give me five alcohol-free days per week which would be a BIG improvement from (maybe) one alcohol-free day per week.

    Wish me luck! :drinker:
  • h20lillys
    h20lillys Posts: 31
    Wow- reading these posts make me want to go have some drinks. I also very much enjoy frosty beverages in the summer and a glass or bottle of red wine in the winter. (however i don't discriminate my drinks and seaons, i do switch it up).
    Just this Saturday I really wanted to go to the pool and hang out w/ a girlfriend however I knew if i did we would have a few beers and then that would lead to more and then I wouldn't run later which was what I watned to do once it cooled off. So i avoided the pool, ran some errands and ended up having a late lunch and drinks anyway.

    This past winter I was drinking 3-4 glasses of wine a night and alot on weekend. I have been trying to cut back and only drink on the weekends which I have been doing well with. However my biggest thing is on the weekends I like to sit at the pool and drink beer. I could get up in the morning and work out, but i like to sleep in... There is no win win situation!

    Congratulations to all of you who have given up the sauce for any length of time! My record I belive is 4 days!
    I enjoy challenges and have tried to see how long i could go... however i like going out wiht my freinds and having some drinks much more.
  • iguanaliz
    iguanaliz Posts: 95 Member
    Dear...where to start! Okay, here "i made cranberry liqueur" I MUST know how to do this. I can't figure out multiple quotes, but really? Cranberry liqueur? Me want!

    Second, Shawn, where ever you are, thank you for acknowledging the Bucs.

    Third, Dave, thanks for the kind words. I choose to believe that after 18 years of wedded bliss, an occasional fight will crop up. Reality is that I'm totally PMSing and he's pushing all my buttons. I think he likes it :laugh:

    If I don't have to work tomorrow, I'll be back!

    Spring Hill
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member

    Mama T - well, we knew this would be a tough weekend for you. I can't imagine they have many healthy choices at a mud drag! Don't beat yourself up. Life's too short.

    Very true, lets see there was soda..... beer..... brats... hot dogs.... burgers.... wow there was water there? :tongue:

    And I agree with other posts, maybe being a little less structured with your drinking days will help!?
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    I would like to join, as I too am a lush! I've been doing really well recently, I mainly only drink when my boyfriend and I have dinner (2 nights a week or so) and have already turned into a bit of a light-weight! :tongue: Which the boyfriend finds extremely amusing... :grumble: I also do not enjoy being lectured about my drinking, and I was getting pretty ticked around memorial can read my blog for a full rant on how I feel about all THAT!

    I enjoy pretty much everything--beer, wine, mixed drinks, wine coolers (yes yes, I know)--but my favorite drink has got to be a "flirtini" from Murphy's, a great local bar & grill that's been "our place" for months. One of the waitresses knows us by sight, doesn't even card us anymore (we're 24/25) and gave my boyfriend a free drink when I "let it slip" that it was his birthday :wink:
    And I mean no disrespect to our friends from Wisconsin. Your lives are hard enough trying to diet in the land of beer and cheese. Can we all agree to hate Favre at least?

    YES!! I was SO upset when my precious Crosby went to the Packers, because I hated the Packers simply because I hate Favre! But now I love the Packers, because they have my precious Crosby :flowerforyou: (PS, if you didn't figure it, I'm a Buff! And I was in marching band, which means I am one of the most school-spirited fans EVER!!)
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