How much did you lose before somebody noticed?



  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Funny, but it took me almost 17 pounds before anyone said anything and I thought that was a lot to lose before anyone notice. After reading the posts I guess that is about average!!

    Well except for my mom...she notices if I lose a pound, but that's moms for you!!! : )
  • Leophir
    Leophir Posts: 6 Member
    About 30lbs, getting close from 45lbs now. I heard a few people asking if my health was okay :D
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    I went from 210 down to 185 before people started saying anything. It got awkward at about 180.

    Then I was distracted and now I'm at about 200 again. Damnit. :indifferent:
  • sunryse00
    sunryse00 Posts: 36 Member
    I was wondering the same thing. A few weeks ago a bartender where we go quite regularly said that I looked "lovely" but I was dressed up and had makeup on when I usually don't so I just chalked it up to that. My coworkers mention that I'm looking thinner except they know I'm trying to lose the weight so I'm never sure if it's just for encouragement or there's a real change in appearance. Otherwise no one else that I come into contact with has said anything.
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    Funny, but it took me almost 17 pounds before anyone said anything and I thought that was a lot to lose before anyone notice. After reading the posts I guess that is about average!!

    Well except for my mom...she notices if I lose a pound, but that's moms for you!!! : )

    Exactly. My mom was commenting on how my workouts are working this weekend. :bigsmile:
  • Lila999
    Lila999 Posts: 6
    If you are wearing same things, it is harder for others to notice. My friend actually said that depending on what I wear, she can see. That happened about after 15 lbs loss (I am short though). Currently (after 20 lbs -), the whole world notices but probably because I am wearing a new wardrobe :0 e.g., I am wearing short shorts (4 inch inseam) that I have never worn since elementary school.
  • wildcatnyc
    wildcatnyc Posts: 2,410 Member
    It took about 40 lbs before people really started commenting...I'm 5'8", so I'm not sure if the height had something to do with it.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Around 10 lbs. I'm really small, so little gains/losses are much more noticeable on me than it might be on others.
  • tianormie
    tianormie Posts: 27 Member
    I'd have to say that people started to notice at around my 30 pnd. weight loss. My face starts shrinking right away. I wish my hips would do the same...
  • 04ward
    04ward Posts: 196 Member
    This frustrates me!!! I was just talking to hubby about it last night. I wasn't overly large to start with...but it seems like I have to hit goal before people will say anything. But, hubby loses the same amount as me and everyone is like "Oh wow, you have lost weight"..and I just sit in the corner and be

    This same thing happened to me! I lost 25# about 4 years ago and felt so good and my husband lost 30# and everyone would say to him WOW, You've really lost weight! He was proud of me and would say to them "My wife lost 25!" and I felt like they would look at me and think "Really??". I felt so self conscious I quit trying because I was bothered when he had to tell people I had lost. I went from 183 to 158 and I thought that was a big accomplishment. He went from 216 to 186 and has kept it off. I'm starting over but I'm going to quit worrying about what other people say! I'm doing it for ME this time! I'm upset with myself because I gained all that back and then some (SW 193) but this morning I weighed 189 and I will get back down to the 150's or less. Don't worry about others!
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    It was about 12 lbs for me, but I think that part of that is that it started coming off my face really early in the process.

    Seems I'm shrinking from the outside in, too. Face, neck, wrists, ankles.....*sigh*
  • jakookie
    jakookie Posts: 1
    9LBS and I swear everyone noticed, many of my co-workers & my boyfriend said something, I didn't even believe them until I stepped on the scale and I was 9 lbs lighter!!! WooHooo. (I'm kinda small so it's more noticeable I guess)
  • mrsnecincy
    mrsnecincy Posts: 115 Member
    At 19lb nobody really noticed. I did tell a friend who wanted to know why I wasn't boozing so much . She didn't believe me and she then went through my FB pics to compare and concurred with me eventualy showing me some old pics where I 'definately looked a lot fatter' which was charming. I'm about half way through. At the moment it doesn't bother me who notices and who doesn't but it'd be nice to get a compliment! And that doesn't count as one.
  • TwelveSticks
    TwelveSticks Posts: 288 Member
    I think it all depends on how much overweight one is to start with. Someone with only 20lb to lose will have people noticing within few pounds. I had over 120lb to lose when I started and I was probably at least 40lb down before anyone started to notice. The big comments came when I'd lost more than 60lb...

    What's really depressing is, if you let it slip and put some weight back on, then suddenly everyone stops mentioning your weight at all. And you know why... :(
  • GenesisandEden
    GenesisandEden Posts: 338 Member
    It was 50 lbs before any comments
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    10-15 lbs (I'm 5'4). I lost weight in my FACE first so people noticed once that happened.
  • lorcart
    lorcart Posts: 406 Member
    Well, so far 34 lbs and only my coworker and best friend and family notice, but I'm sure it's because they already know. In the past I've lost 50 before someone says "something's different...did you get a hair cut?"
  • teamstanish
    teamstanish Posts: 274 Member
    Well, I had a baby so it's a little different but people started noticing that I was losing weight around 30lbs, and now after 65 pounds lost people have started REALLY noticing and making comments on how thin I am. I feel like the difference was not the pounds but when I started working out my body changed enough that people notice now.
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    Well, I lost 50lbs while living in another country, so when I came back everyone was freaking out. Then I gained 10 of it back and stayed there for about 2 years.

    Now, I've lost 15lbs and no one has really noticed, but I am getting alot of compliments lately. I think that they can see that something's different but can't really put their finger on what it is.
  • Mareebzz
    Mareebzz Posts: 45 Member
    I think for me, I lost a good 40 lbs before anyone noticed. But then again, I had a REALLY long way to go... :) Now people tell me I look like a different person, which I guess I do, but I'm not so sure that's a compliment... :ohwell: