
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    bump for later

    Deb A from still snowy CNY
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies from a bitingly cold London.

    My DD arrives from Germany today and we will be going for a Lebanese meal with her and her BF this evening after work. To be honest I'd rather have her all to myself for a few hours, but need to share as she is only in London until tomorrow morning. I miss my baby girl so much.

    Work continues to be hectic. One bonus is that the colleague who doesn't play well with others, is on holiday for three weeks. Unfortunately the owner of the gallery decided to give our assistant two and a half weeks off at the same time. So - there's me! I can see me needing a holiday by the end of my stint. The trouble is, I'm not likely to get one until about August as there is a continual flow of events and occasions between now and then.

    I have to get on with work, but will try to catch up with you all later.

    Big love all round
    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Katla and Brooke:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Happy anniversary!!!!!

    Cheryl:smile: So glad Jackson is doing better:flowerforyou: ! I know you had a big sigh of relief!!!

    Viv:smile: Yay!!! 5 days of logging and exercising!!!!! Just remember to do the same over the weekend!!! You can do it, I know you can!!!!

    Jo:smile: Have a fabulous time at the birthday party for GD#2!!!

    Meg:smile: You had quite the busy day:noway: ! Isn`t it nice when we find we can do so much more than we could before! You really need to get a pedometer and see how many steps you`re getting in!

    Mary:smile: So sorry to hear about your dad:flowerforyou: . Sending you good thoughts!!!

    My Dr. was so not happy with me...I have a sinus infection, an ear infection and bronchitis:noway: . She has banned me from outdoor exercise for at least 2 weeks, I can only spend up to 15 minutes at a time walking the dog outside:frown: , Noel is not going to be happy with that:noway: . However I have every intention of following Drs. orders this time, I feel awful and I`m so ready to feel better!!! I lucked out again, she wanted to give me steroids along with the antibiotics and I talked her out of them, at least for the next week, she`s making me come back in next Thursday to check my progress. She did say something yesterday that I found a bit funny... she said she was glad I was exercising and trying to be healthly, but its making me sick:laugh: . She thought I was a bit crazy to take on outdoor training in the winter:ohwell: . Live and learn...I plan on taking the same training this fall, at least it won`t be cold outside! I do have to venture out today to the grocery store, but that`s it, I plan on taking it easy and staying inside and hopefully getting a nap later on! I got up this morning at 4:30:angry: :sad: . I vaguely remember the days I used to sleep till 7am, it would be nice to sleep like that again!

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in cold NC
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Happy Friday and here's wishing everyone a great weekend!:drinker:
    Wessecg , So happy to read your news about Jackson!
    Carol WNY
  • Good morning, ladies
    I'm so excited and pumped! At my Tops meeting yesterday, I lost 3 pounds since last week!! After being on a plateau for what seems like forever, I actually jumped up and down (something that's hard to do with two fake knees). This site is so great for tracking everything that goes into my mouth. Whoo hoo!!!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    Morning my dear friends,
    I was up and got to the gym,I was only there 45 minutes and I guess it's better than nothing but still, I dont know Im not feeling it:grumble: I havent had time to just sit and read the Pain Free book will try and do that this weekend, and the scale keeps going up and down, I log my food daily ,yesterday was a bad day, ate a bit more than I should have and not great stuff either but am getting back on track today...
    I really want to lose weight and I havent been putting my whole heart into it because I have heel pain,I dont want to re injure it by doing something I shouldnt but ,I want to shed more and quicker, I know I know~ slow and steady wins the race and all these I wants isnt good either:ohwell:
    Still cold here in Ct the sun is coming up and the birds are singing so thats a good sign:smile:
    And we will be going on the cruise.DH I decided we have already booked it and are looking at this whole process this way..
    We have warning of the inevitable, and can plan for it, going to talk with DH this weekend about maybe going to see a financial planner that could help us get things in order to be able to downsize.
    I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and will pray that all goes well.
    Thank you for the prayer's for my friend Ray.. will fill you in once I hear about cause of renal failure,but hopefully they will spring him early next week.
    So nice to have friends to talk to about lifes ups and downs, anyone from the Ct. area maybe we can get a New England Contingent together:happy:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    bump before work.... awake about 4a and finally got up at 5:30. Off to work now.

    Gail, ATL
  • ekafont
    ekafont Posts: 39 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I am doing better drinking the water and logging my food ... next goal is to exercise more. Why does it seem so difficult to put a dvd in the player? Or turn on the Wii? Sometimes I think I should remove all the furniture out of the den so that I can't sit down because once I do, I don't do the things that I SHOULD be doing :embarassed:
    Beth in SC
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Sue in SD – Yayyyyyyy!!! Great losses :smile:

    Tammy – Inches are as important as pounds (to me more so, when I can fit in smaller clothes) – way to go with keeping up on your logging and exercise Glad you’re enjoying your empty nest, but know you’ll have a great visit with DD’s at Easter :flowerforyou:

    MA in UK – Good for you for losing, for running (and for charity!!) and for swimming. Great way to spend time with your sister. Hoping your computer gremlins depart soon :wink:

    Lynda – Welcome, glad you found this group of wonderful, wise and witty women! :glasses:

    Meg – OMG you almost made me spit coffee out my nose: “I have 4 animals and I know where they are” :laugh: :laugh: Also, yay for the “new” scrubs - - doesn’t it feel like such a victory?!? :flowerforyou:

    Jodios – So glad you’re over the funk, it’s nice for you to have your AZ trip to look forward to. Yes, I’d say a shopping trip for DH is definitely in order :happy:

    Viv in UK – Yay for 5 days logging and exercise! Great too that you’ve got not one but two long weekends to look forward too. Rock that Rosemary Clooney video! :wink:

    Jo in Wales – Awesome that your DD and family will be with you. Have a wonderful time (and good for you for pre-planning your food) :flowerforyou:

    Amanda – Great that you can see DD, if only briefly. Good news/bad news for you at work, cranky co-worker :grumble: is gone but you’re running the show solo - - you’ll do marvelously, I’m sure

    DeeDee – it sounds like you (finally) heard doctor’s orders loud and clear: Take. Care. Of. Yourself. DH and your dogs will survive briefly without you! Hope you get your nap (I hear you about wacky sleep patterns!) :yawn:

    Luvbuttons – Awesome loss! :smile:

    Grandmallie – Good for your for getting up and to the gym, 45 minutes is great. Hope the Pain Free book gives you some pointers that help you to feel better. Continued prayers for your friend Ray for a full recovery. :smile:

    Brooke from Colorado
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    You just keep doing it for you. If DH wants to join you i'm sure you will Welcome him.

    That is so maddening. But Hello and hope you have a great weekend.

    Enjoy the party not the food

    That is called mother's intuition.

    Sue in Sd
    You still have a week to get the voice up to par.
    If that loss was for a week great loss.

    I don't know what spring your talking about. Right now hubby is out there pushing snow with the plow truck.
    Only springs I see are bed springs or slinky maybe.

    My flower beds are still under 3 feet of snow.

    Good for you new pants means down another size.

    Yes busy is crazy. Hardly time for here.

    Missing the gym is ok once and awhile gives the body a break.
    Planning a cruise are you.

    30 is at your door almost there.
    Nice that Jackson is improving.

    Sorry to hear about the passing of your father in law.
    But i'm sure you will all do what's best for Mother in law.
    She knows you all care for her wellfare.

    I like finding recipes with nutrional value and the calorie count in them.
    There is a lot of good sites on here. Hardly look at recipe books any more.

    We should see grass sometimes in June. Think you and I are in the same mess.
    I'm in Northern Ontario. Hubby is out pushing snow with the plow truck right now.
    Terrible what happened in Leduc. We stayed at the little Lion's camp ground there in 2009
    On our way to Alaska.

    Happy anniversary to you and yours

    Glad to see all is well. Enjoy the girls next weekend.

    I can see you making it to 100. Like my grandma used to say they went by with the whellbarrel of death and forgot me again.
    You will be to busy with dancing they won't be able to catch you lol.

    Enjoy your time with sister and swimming.


    Why Monday what's wrong with Friday TODAY

    Not all caught up far from it. But checked part of 20th and 21st and will be back later but right now running out of time. Things to do. Started something new. Setting goals not only for my weight but housework as well. So need to get the to do list caught up.
    Did blood work Good. Did wii Good. So now to put in a good day so tomorrow will show the same results as today.

    Here's a saying as old as old is. If you always do what you always did. Then don't expect change. You will get what you always got.

    See you lighter
    Linda in snowy Northern Ontario.
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    bump for Friday
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: TGIF,

    Katla- Congrats on 43 years:drinker:

    Sue- great loss:flowerforyou:

    tammy-glad for a positive report from you. So happy to hear that your DD returned from her trip I'm sure you will have a lot of time over Easter to pour over her pictures:flowerforyou:

    Deborah- {{hugs}} to you :flowerforyou:

    MA- doing C25K I'm impressed...I've wondered about that:huh: but can't say I've wondered enough to want to try it....maybe someday.

    Cheryl- glad for a positve report on Jackson:flowerforyou:

    Meg- congrats on wearing those scrubs (glad you had them to wear) :flowerforyou: maybe you should get one of those fitbits so you can see how many steps you do in a day at work with your building being so hugh I'm sure you walk way more than you imagine.

    Amanda-enjoy your visit with your D albeit short:flowerforyou: You do sound busy.

    No more time to comment as I have a lot to do and only a few hours to get it done. Last night I rode the bike in the basement and today I will get in a half hour of the Shred with Jillian, have made an appointment to get the tires rotated on the car and a new storm is on it's way so I will try to get all the errands done before it gets here. Last night I found myself in bed and started wondering what I had forgotten:ohwell: and yep once again I forgot to post my dinner and sign out:blushing: I just find myself so busy in the evenings especially when hubby changes the routine on me like he did last night...I'll get it in one of these days:wink:

    Everyone have a wonderful Friday. Congrats to all of you that have lost, exercised and are drinking all your water...Let's keep it up so we can continue to post those losses and victories:drinker:

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Meg: Terrific NSV with the “new” scrubs! Congratulations.:bigsmile:

    Amanda: Enjoy the time you have with DD.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: Sounds like you’ve been hit with a triple whammy.:sick: I hope your rest lets you start improving right away.:flowerforyou:

    luvbuttons: Congratulations on an excellent loss.:bigsmile:

    grandmalle: You and DH are doing a good job planning and I’m glad you get to go on your cruise.:flowerforyou:

    Linda C: You have a way with words that brightens my day. I love this: “Only springs I see are bed springs or slinky maybe.” :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Thanks to everyone for your congratulations. :flowerforyou:

    I woke up with sore this and that this morning, but at least I don’t have a weight gain. :ohwell: I feel like I’m retaining water in my joints in the mornings fairly regularly. After being up a while I often feel better. Does this happen to any of you? Is there a cure? Advice welcome.:wink:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: See you all lighter! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: (marking my spot for later)

  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Happy Friday to all,

    I was surprised to get on the scale for my normal weekly weigh in on Wednesday to find that I lost another pound! At this point, I am not trying to lose more weight, but I do want to maintain the weight loss I have. I have been diligent about logging, but I really think that drinking more water (one of my March goals) is making the difference. I have been consistently drinking at least 8 glasses a day, and sometimes up to 10 and I see a difference in my appetite and how I feel. It was hard at first to get that much water down (I also drink hot and iced tea but do not log them as water), but it is getting easier. I haven't been this weight for 30 years and feel better than I have in a long time. Still a little sore from the extra exercise I've added (after all, I AM 60), but overall, I feel great about myself. I made excuses for not doing it for a long time, but you ladies are a big inspiration to me. We are doing this together!!

    :wink: Jane - Enjoy your "surprise" visit from your DD.

    :glasses: Alison - That cruise is important to your mental health right now. You'll figure out the finances later. Go and enjoy yourself! You deserve it.

    :heart: Deborah - Best of luck with finding the best solution for your MIL.

    :grumble: Michele - I would love it if MFP gave TM options (like speed and incline), but as far as I can see, they are very general.

    :smile: Kate - Be careful on those snowy roads.

    :flowerforyou: Katla and Brooke - Happy Anniversary and many more!

    :drinker: Sue in SD Tammy & luvbuttons - Congrats on your weight loss, body fat loss and inches lost!

    :wink: MA - Loving all of your ambitious new goals!

    :flowerforyou: Meg - It's a great feeling to get into clothing that hasn't fit in awhile, right? Makes you aware of your progress. Congrats!

    :glasses: Jodios - Enjoy your trip to Arizona and PLEASE bring back some sunshine and warmth!

    :happy: VIv - Consistency is the key to winning this battle to better health. You have a great start and are on the right path.

    :love: Amanda - Enjoy your dinner with your DD. My DD is moving in April and I will miss her greatly, so I totally understand how you are feeling.

    :heart: DeeDee- Glad you are finally listening to the doctor! Give your body time to heal and THEN work on getting healthy.

    :wink: Beth - Don't overdo it all at once or you won't want to continue. One step at a time gets the job done. You CAN do this!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies. Any of you that get Canadian news may have seen that we were hit with a major spring snow:noway: - highways closed, 100 car pileup....we missed the worst of that here in the south but things are still pretty white and icy this morning!! We havedefinitely had more winter in March than we have in January and February!!:ohwell:

    Kate and Deborah - I am thinking you might have some shovelling to do up there in the Edmonton area! Take it easy and be careful if you are walking or driving...take it slowly!:ohwell:

    Colorado ladies- loved the photo and am definitely a tiny bit jealous of your lunch date!

    Cheryl - so glad to hear that prayers are being answered and Jackson is doing better. It is so hard to see these destructive behaviours that bring such unnecessary and devastating results, and bring pain and anguish to everyone close by. Praying for continued healing, for strength and grace for all, for better choices.

    Mary - So sorry to hear of the loss of your dad. Alzheimers is such a sad disease that robs not only the patient but family and friends too. I know family wil be a real support in this time of loss, and know that many here are also caring for aging and infirm parents, or mourning the loss of a parent. We all send prayer and hugs.

    jmk - God IS working. It is so good that hubby had quick and effective medical care. Hope all went well with the revision (?) and praying for continued healing and for strength and patience for the process.

    bj - What wonderful victories in weight and health! And so well said - our lives are not, and never will be, perfect but we move on from this point and go forward as we can. Good work!:flowerforyou:

    Deedee - Okay my dear, it is DEFINITELY time for you to start behaving!:smile: Look after yourself, follow doctor's orders and get yourself well!! Sometimes our bodies just need a rest to recover:heart:

    Meg - Sounds like you are getting LOTS of steps in!:smile: Good job on the walking, the progress AND in fitting into those scrubs:happy: And good for you to celebrate these steps forward!

    Well, let's see if we post this time....or lose it once again:grumble:

    Have a great day all and a wonderful weekend. Live grace.

    Glenda...still waiting for spring
  • krisann22
    krisann22 Posts: 4 Member
    Morning all,

    I found the new thread and I'm surprised I did. One question though, what does it mean when you guys put in the message bump? I'm still learning how to do this message board thingy.

    MaryC- So sorry for your loss.

    Still learning everyone and their names.

    ANother question, I have not had a period since Jan. I am in full peri menupausal. I have gained 6 pounds since then and its driving me crazy. Does this mean that losing weight is going to be doubly hard now? Its very, very frustrating.

    On a good note I did get back on the treadmill last night. I did 1 mile in 21 minutes. Not bad since my knee was flaring from my rhuematoid arthritis. And I have my MPD fit class today. So Im hoping to do the treadmill 5 nites a week and the MPD fit class at work twice a week. Im hoping to jump start this old body and start losing weight.
  • Good Morning Everyone, I am still new to MFP. My name is Debora I am 52 Live in Cold Lake Alberta. Married to an Airforce Supply Tech. I haven't been doing my fitness pal for long. I was doing well until last week hit a snag , out of routine and lots of stress. I meandered away from my goals for a couple of days. I sure burned some calories this morning shovelling snow before work for a half an hour.
    I look forward to reading more posts from everyone.

    Have a good day
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    DeeDee -please,listen to your dr.Your body needs to rest.Feel better.:flowerforyou:
    Had a rough night.Sump pump isn`t working.Had a ft of water in basement.Can`t use the shower,toilet or dish washer til fixed today.Boy,the little things in life that mean so much.
    Have a good fri all.
  • Katla: Sore in the morning is the story of my life. You are not the only one. After I get up, stretch, and move around a bit, it feels better. Uncle Arthir (itis) is not a good friend, that's for sure. Doing stretching exercises does help, though.
    luvbuttons (Sharon)