Do the people you live with support your healthy eating?



  • stella1314
    stella1314 Posts: 66 Member
    nope, nobody supports me at home. Thats why i need this support group!!!!
    everybody knew that i was bulimic and just called me "Bad"
    thank God i am here!
    i am not bulimic anymore, not even want to binge and purge!!!
  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    My husband is quietly supportive. He tells me I look good, he picks up food that I like as treats more now, because I am not over eating them. As in I weigh out my chips instead of eating the whole packet. I haven't made drastic changes, I am eating more vegies, and trying to eat more healthy and regulary, and that is where my weightloss as come from. He is trying to eat healthy in his own way, and we are always trying to get more fruit and vege into our kids lol. People at work have said positive things which helps A big one- you look so much happier and healthier- from one of the guys who doesn't say much.
  • williecruiser
    Not really. He's seen me fail too often and gain back, so he always offers me ice cream etc. But is he in for a surprise! My co-worker tries to belittle me, makes fun, yada yada. But I am super thick skinned, that crap is like water off a ducks back. LOL I am down almost 20, with 30 to go. When I am slim and trim, he will still be 50-60 overweight, and she will still be 75 over. Ah, revenge is sooooo sweet!
    (I do love them both)
  • roxy08fox
    roxy08fox Posts: 37 Member
    It's just me and my hubby and I'm the one who does the shopping so all we have is healthy food :tongue:
  • Colossus882
    Colossus882 Posts: 22 Member
    I have tried to get my girlfriend on board but she won't bite. She is morally supportive of what I am doing but will eat a small dinner, say she is full, then eat half a block of chocolate, a hand full of licorice and then candied popcorn, all while I'm sitting there counting my calories and weighing my food. Or even worse, while I'm working out. I don't have a sweet tooth at all, so the foods she is eating are not a problem for me, it just makes me feel angry that I'm trying so hard and she couldn't care less.

    When I bring it up, she says 'you didn't change until you were ready, so I'm not going to either.' in which I suppose she has a point, but her family has some history of diabetes, and a large percentage of her diet is sugary non nutritional foods. It would be nice to have her on board as well so we can help each other.
  • WickedZoey
    WickedZoey Posts: 401 Member
    By your definition of support, no. But to each their own. I am pretty hardcore when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle and I don't expect others to understand or necessarily join me.
  • xaMErica
    xaMErica Posts: 284 Member
    I've been going for just about 2 months.. and before that I was on MFP from May 2012 til about September or 2012. In total I have lost 38 lbs.

    The people I live with now.. did not support me before.. they didn't really pay attention. Suddenly.. they are on a health kick.. SO now they think it is a challenge! And the one keeps saying I should only count the 11lbs I've lost since I've been here... they do like to try to tell me what to do.. and are like 'Come oonnnnn!!' when I'm having a rest day.. annoying stuff.

    Most annoying and unsupportive thing though.. they take supplements (raspberry ketones and stuff to convert sugar to energy instead of fat, carb blockers).. and they try to get me to also take them. Nah! I'm doing this *kitten* the hard way! I'm going to EARN my body and good health.

    So no.. I don't exactly have support. My fiancé and my out of state parents are my main support system =)
  • NightMagic5
    NightMagic5 Posts: 111 Member
    The only support I get is here. On weekends, my boyfriend is constantly bugging me to go to fast food places & smogs OR he'll pick up my favorite treats --- Torture. I've told him not too but I think he's hard of hearing lol Everyone else tells me I look great but they're overweight too.
  • JamieG8991
    JamieG8991 Posts: 1,203 Member
    My sons and my husband are very supportive, but my hubby won't really join me in eating healthy. My sons do though.
  • Felecia1923
    Felecia1923 Posts: 61 Member
    It's just me and my hubby and I'm the one who does the shopping so all we have is healthy food :tongue:

    its also my daughter but this is the same in my house for the most part when he has money on him and he isnt with me he does go buy tacobell or dairy queen.
  • hadlam83
    hadlam83 Posts: 140
    My husband who is also overweight. Chooses not to take part with me. However he eats what I cook for meals, he doesn't wave junk food in my face and he looks after our kids so I can get my walks in. So I am very lucky to have such an awesome support :)

    I do hope that one day he will join in. but thats a decision he has to come to on his own :)
  • Luthien007
    Luthien007 Posts: 281 Member
    My husband is always supportive, we are partners and make a great team. 24 years and 3 sons together and we know each other very well. We both cook, clean, iron, plan meals, shop together. He even does my leslie sansone walk DVDs with me. He won't run He has lost weight too, all from his belly :)

    Edit to add: wouldn't have come this far without him on board
  • MorganLeighRN
    MorganLeighRN Posts: 411 Member
    Both my husband and son support me like crazy. On nights that my husband cooks, he will make a meal for me that is grilled or baked. My son LOVES just about all types of vegetables :) Every once in a while my husband will bring home a Snickers bar for me.I put it in the freezer and eat it after a long run.
  • LindseyAlyssa
    Average support. House members have not really joined my change, though my mother enjoys my cooking so she sometimes ends up joining me in my meals. However, they are not very good at encouraging healthy snacks and will offer me sweets and other things that I've just had to learn to decline. As much as it puts pressure on me to make the right choices, I'm not about to tell them to give up their favorite foods because I choose not to eat them anymore. I only suggest healthy alternatives. My mother has begun changing her diet and moving more, so the support is somewhat increasing.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    Everyone's different. I've become vegetarian which my husband likes to joke and poke fun of. My children are older and one of them is a veggie the other isn't. Sometimes we all eat together sometimes we don't. When they were growing up we ate a meal together at the table every day. I don't believe in controlling or encouraging other people with diet and exercise. Even when it comes to my children I just be a good example. Having said that, everyone likes healthy soups, pizza, pasta, broccoli, dairy, and other healthy foods. I do check on my kids and their protein from time to time and they do well. But as to the answer to the question, I eat a little differently than my husband and always have ( he has large amounts of meat and potatoes and veggies every day and skips meals) but whether he "supports" my eating or not is irrelevant. As long as he doesn't sabotage, and I would consider sabotage throwing out my seitan ( which the family calls my brains in a jar) and tofu and nutritional yeast. I don't consider it sabotage when he has pizza and beer at eleven O'clock at night, that is just him having a snack that is really none of my business ( unless I want some too).
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    They don't. They laugh. But, I know I'm making a positive change in my life.
  • chrisjathompson
    chrisjathompson Posts: 227 Member
    My ex wasn't, my cat is.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    My husband is not at all healthy he eats crap most of the time and loves baking cakes he is off work at the moment( fractured his collarbone) and he is baking all the time. My daughter is a sugar addict and would literally eat sweeties all day long. It is hard and I at times I find my hand in the sweeties and have to give myself a stern talking to.
  • cortneysmissionpossible
    Yeah, I have absolutely no support either. That's why I like this website. Unlike the "hardcore" people out there, I am not at that point yet where I can simply just say no and not give it another thought. I need some form of support and encouragement from somewhere. And I am not ashamed of it either.
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    My poor hubby is so lost...We used to pig out together (he was a little chubby, I am a LOT chubby) so losing his "eating buddy" has been rough for him...
    I'll tell him I'm making lasagna or chicken parm and he'll ask "the regular way or the diet way?" lol
    He loves his food full of fats and flavor...I sneak him some olive oil and I put veggies in EVERYTHING I cook now, but if he thinks its too healthy, he will frown, but he has stopped complaining...
    He also tries not to eat his junk food in front of me...I have caught him plenty of times scarfing a cheesesteak in the car or in the kitchen so that I dont have to be exposed to it...I tell him he doesnt have to go to those lengths, but he insists because he has unintentionally sabotaged me before (bringing me indulgent foods and me not being able to resist) so he wants to make sure that he isnt contributing to any sabotage...
    Hes been really good about this whole process, but he can get downright annoying if he doesnt think Im eating enough or if he wants to watch tv or something and I have a workout scheduled...
    my kids eat whatever I give them, so no problems there..I keep plenty of fruit and veggies at hand so that I can make healthy choices frequently...the family members that know what Im doing are very supportive, my coworkers arent...they will see me on mfp at lunch, logging my food and ask rude/stupid questions like "why are you doing that? whats the purpose? that doesnt work" and i will just say politely "bite me" :bigsmile: (they think im joking, im totally not)