BMR and TDEE Explained for Those Needing a Guide



  • 32thirtytwo
    Thanks, one of the easier explanations I've seen of these terms.
  • Stephiestephs
    Stephiestephs Posts: 132 Member
    I think I will do the katch method with lightly active and -20 for a little bit and see how it goes. I measured myself in the morning before I bloat up from eating to try and get a as true as possible measurement it got me 2% closer to the Harris # but to be on safe side I will do katch. 1529 calories a day, is not much more than the bmr for Harris method which is 1505. And tdee for katch is 1966 so I might do 1600 to be under 366 cal under katch tdee but almost 100 over Harris bmr.
    Wow I just made this way more complicated. No one look at my post!!!!! Sorry lol!!!
  • KatieLou1022
    KatieLou1022 Posts: 102 Member
    Bump for refresher
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    Thanks for posting this...I will try to figure this out today!
  • deeoleary38
    deeoleary38 Posts: 10 Member
    awesome post!
  • beccafrogquackers
  • Stephiestephs
    Stephiestephs Posts: 132 Member
    I think I will do the katch method with lightly active and -20 for a little bit and see how it goes. I measured myself in the morning before I bloat up from eating to try and get a as true as possible measurement it got me 2% closer to the Harris # but to be on safe side I will do katch. 1529 calories a day, is not much more than the bmr for Harris method which is 1505. And tdee for katch is 1966 so I might do 1600 to be under 366 cal under katch tdee but almost 100 over Harris bmr.
    Wow I just made this way more complicated. No one look at my post!!!!! Sorry lol!!!

    I am starting to get annoyed at fat 2 for site for giving two different bmr's!!!!!!! It took me three days to decide which activity level to choose and now this? I have to figure out which bmr to use
  • vedjen
    vedjen Posts: 2

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Try Scooby's Workshop - it gives 4 BMRs!

    I suppose they are all just estimates.
  • piggybunny89
    piggybunny89 Posts: 77 Member
    quick question once you start the fat2fit program should you let your body get used to eating all the calories you need to maintain your weight AND THEN do the 20% deficit or should you start with your 20% deficit since day 1?
  • nicola19489
    nicola19489 Posts: 35 Member
    bump finally i understand!
  • Stephiestephs
    Stephiestephs Posts: 132 Member
    Try Scooby's Workshop - it gives 4 BMRs!

    I suppose they are all just estimates.

    Thanks, scooby was still higher than katch but was closer so I guess I'll stick with somewhere in the middle of the three of them.
  • kmcosgrove115
    kmcosgrove115 Posts: 260 Member
    Treadmillmom, yes do at MINIMUM 1543 if that is your BMR - if losing take TDEE based on activ level and less out a % - just noticing today my body / shape (on period so waiting till done) - it has changed - put on pants that I never fit and my thighs all collapsed with weight shifting - will weigh after period but I can now understand that scale is not ultimate test - measurements and inches are! So yes, EAT MORE to lose!
  • burnt_irish1
    burnt_irish1 Posts: 55 Member
  • Greciankoukla
    Greciankoukla Posts: 33 Member
    This was very helpful, thank you for taking the time to post this!!

    Now if someone could as easily explain how exercise calories fit into this equation, specifically whether to eat all or only a portion back, I think I would understand for good:)

    Thanks again!

    You don't eat back any of the exercise calories because you should have figured them in to your TDEE based on which activity level you chose.

    Right. I am at 1869 calories a day..and I do NOT eat back my calories.
  • ajcrain
    ajcrain Posts: 25 Member
  • marinegirl92
    marinegirl92 Posts: 184 Member
    bump for later
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I think I will do the katch method with lightly active and -20 for a little bit and see how it goes. I measured myself in the morning before I bloat up from eating to try and get a as true as possible measurement it got me 2% closer to the Harris # but to be on safe side I will do katch. 1529 calories a day, is not much more than the bmr for Harris method which is 1505. And tdee for katch is 1966 so I might do 1600 to be under 366 cal under katch tdee but almost 100 over Harris bmr.
    Wow I just made this way more complicated. No one look at my post!!!!! Sorry lol!!!

    I am starting to get annoyed at fat 2 for site for giving two different bmr's!!!!!!! It took me three days to decide which activity level to choose and now this? I have to figure out which bmr to use

    Well, that's the problem trying to use that site for getting current weight TDEE.

    Since the purpose of that site is to give goal weight TDEE, which means an automatic deficit to current weight TDEE, you cannot use the Katch BMR though it is more accurate.


    Because how will you know what your BF% will be at goal weight? It would be great to retain all your LBM, but if you did that, your Katch BMR stays the same.
    So current weight and goal weight BMR based on Katch with same LBM would be exactly the same. So you would be eating at current weight TDEE if Katch was used.

    So they use least accurate Harris BMR, which I've seen inflation of the BMR by 200-400 in many cases, which makes the TDEE off by 400-600.
    So even if you take a deficit of 20% off that inflated TDEE, you are actually not getting any deficit from better estimated TDEE.

    Use scooby's site, or any other number of sites.

    Or this spreadsheet to give best estimate of BF%, BMR, TDEE calculator besides 5 levels to choose from, and track your progress.

    And if you like the idea of eating at goal weight, it includes a Eating for Future You method there.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Try Scooby's Workshop - it gives 4 BMRs!

    I suppose they are all just estimates.

    But some are more accurate.
  • lafenete
    lafenete Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for making this very easy to understand. I just started two weeks ago and was confused on this and I want to start on the right path.