Ever eat something that you really don't want to log?



  • ramblinritz
    ramblinritz Posts: 24 Member
    I log everything and know I'm not perfect and will go over on some days. It is a helpful reminder of when and how often I do go over. This week I didn't lose any weight (but I didn't gain weight either) and I know it was those delicious homemade yeast rolls. Log it and move on.
  • dlbarnz
    dlbarnz Posts: 13 Member
    All of the time. You have to remember, you are going to have have cravings, sometimes you (all of us) are going to act on it. Don't beat yourself up over it. Just move on. We all didn't get this way over night, we are not going to reach our goals overnight either. Thanks for sharing, it's a reminder of how many challenges we face daily! Good Luck...
  • jezama77
    jezama77 Posts: 138 Member
    Thank you soooo much everyone for all the posts, encouragements, and ideas! It was really great to see how other people have struggled and overcame. I especially like the idea of working out more on those days! I need to remember to log things BEFORE I eat them because I know that I would have eaten less popcorn...I'm sure my hubby would have been happy to eat 3/4 of a bowl instead of half! Hahaha! :)
  • lockmand
    lockmand Posts: 90 Member
    I log everything, and try to watch and learn.
    I had to pat myself on the back after eating in a seafood restaurant owned by a Greek friend. The broiled flounder wasn't bad calorie wise, but right beside our booth, was the dessert case, and baklava was there, I struggled but found the flounder filling enough that I was able to pass it by....deserve a pat on the back for that one. I find it very hard to pass that one dessert, so don't usually go in places that serve it.
  • Wetterdew
    Wetterdew Posts: 142 Member
    If I know I'm way over, I often just don't record for that day. Then the next two days I'll binge eat. It's awful.

    My solution: allow myself to sometimes eat unhealthy, high-calorie foods by eating much less food on that day so that my calories end up around my set point
  • leighdiane91
    leighdiane91 Posts: 225 Member
    log it and move on. next time make sure you measure in cups how much you are eating, then you can log it more accurately. If you don't add all of the extra butter and oil, popcorn is a great filling snack and goes perfect with a movie lol
  • Amy62575
    Amy62575 Posts: 422 Member
    Yep, but I usually log it anyway. We're only hurting ourselves if we don't. I quick-added 150 cals last night for 3 bites of my son's mini-brownie blast at a local restaurant because I couldn't find it in the database. Maybe I overestimated, but I logged it.
  • suzy1220
    suzy1220 Posts: 118 Member
    Of course, but I log it anyway! By not logging, you are essentially denying that you ate the food. There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating treats now and then, one meal or one day is not going to harm your overall weight loss efforts. But if you do this once, you are giving yourself permission to do it again, and again and next thing you know you are eating 500 extra calories a day without logging and wondering why you are not losing and/or gaining weight. (It's amazing how quickly we forget we ate those extra unlogged calories!)

    Go under Track Foods, then Recipes and put in your oil and popcorn kernel amount, create it as a recipe that serves 2 and it will tell you the calories. Then add that to your diary and move on. Don't feel guilty about your snack, or going over, b/c chances are on other days you've been under and it will all even out. It's calories over the course of a week that will help you lose, not so much the calories in one given day.

    I use that recipe calculator all of the time to figure out my calories in a meal. If you know all the ingredients and the amounts you are using it's a lifesaver. Good luck and enjoy, this is your life so feel free to live it joyfully!
  • Food for thought - "What you eat in private, you wear in public"! :laugh:
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Food for thought - "What you eat in private, you wear in public"! :laugh:

    Yea our bodies are definitely keeping track, one way or the other. :bigsmile:
  • JewelSmith
    JewelSmith Posts: 155 Member
    I had to laugh because I can so relate! Usually I log anyway and put a disclaimer in the notes. LOL..However, it is best to log it so you can see with your eyes and process how that indulgence affected your totals. Usually I learn from those mistakes and if I do it again, usually I scale back so it is not as costly..
  • JewelSmith
    JewelSmith Posts: 155 Member
    Food for thought - "What you eat in private, you wear in public"! :laugh:

    So True!
  • ThinUpGirl
    ThinUpGirl Posts: 397
    I log everything, good or bad. However, if I pig out one night and don't weigh food and track calories, I always input them later and over estimate. It helps keep me in check for the days to follow.
  • buckystars
    buckystars Posts: 129 Member
    Logging everything and keeping my diary open helps keep me in check. I'm going to own up to every awful thing I put in my mouth and be held accountable. It's too easy to stop tracking the "bad" things and try to make my diary look good to others. I'd only be hurting myself so why do that?
  • berthabunny
    berthabunny Posts: 251 Member
    Sometime last summer, I had an entire half-gallon of ice cream one night. Yup, no kidding. Totally binged.

    No one would ever want to log that!
  • chooselove
    chooselove Posts: 106 Member
    I have a special meal called Cheats and Rewards just so I can log those moments I indulge in a special treat. No guilt logging it because it is acknowledged as a random event rather than a ongoing sneaky addition.

    That's clever!
  • jezama77
    jezama77 Posts: 138 Member
    Of course, but I log it anyway! By not logging, you are essentially denying that you ate the food. There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating treats now and then, one meal or one day is not going to harm your overall weight loss efforts. But if you do this once, you are giving yourself permission to do it again, and again and next thing you know you are eating 500 extra calories a day without logging and wondering why you are not losing and/or gaining weight. (It's amazing how quickly we forget we ate those extra unlogged calories!)

    Go under Track Foods, then Recipes and put in your oil and popcorn kernel amount, create it as a recipe that serves 2 and it will tell you the calories. Then add that to your diary and move on. Don't feel guilty about your snack, or going over, b/c chances are on other days you've been under and it will all even out. It's calories over the course of a week that will help you lose, not so much the calories in one given day.

    I use that recipe calculator all of the time to figure out my calories in a meal. If you know all the ingredients and the amounts you are using it's a lifesaver. Good luck and enjoy, this is your life so feel free to live it joyfully!

    I never thought of the recipe calculator! Thanks!
  • mrsmarit
    mrsmarit Posts: 229 Member
    I was starting to get in a bad habit of eating things and not logging them. Not all the time but things I didn't want to take the time to measure, scan and record.

    I realized last week that it was becoming a problem and made myself a healthy living accountability jar. I made up +'s and -'s of things I need to hold myself accountable for and assigned a points value based on each item (i.e. under calories is +1 but over is -5).

    For me adding and subtracting those numbers was kind of a eye opener. I thought I was doing a lot better than I was on managing things like my workouts, protein and snacking but I wasn't.

    Long story short... the only thing you are cheating by not logging everything is yourself.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I'm pretty much sick and tired of logging anything. I haven't finished a full day's log in a long time. I'm also not getting the results that I want, but I wasn't back when I was doing my best to log everything, either.