Ladies who are around 5'7", what is your ultimate gw?



  • tahm42
    tahm42 Posts: 4,879 Member
    5'6"... always an hourglass. Right now at 255. I have never been smaller than 190 even when I was swimming competitively. Have been told I am large framed and have the same muscle mass as most guys. I guess I inherited my daddy's musculature. So for now I am looking to get down to my swimming days then we will see if more is necessary. Because we all lose muscle as we get older.
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    Im 132lb, at goal weight. But might increase as building muscle/ reducing body fat%
  • DterMined2012
    DterMined2012 Posts: 600 Member
    I'm 49 years old, 5'7" med frame, current wt 176, ugw 150 (hoping not to look so wrinkled at that wt) :bigsmile
    apple shaped which is a my lowest wt of 145 years ago I was stick straight which is also a bummer :ohwell:
  • bucketbott
    bucketbott Posts: 28 Member
    Height: 5'7"
    CW: 135 lbs
    GW: 125 lbs

    I tend to carry most of my weight on my thighs, which is why I would like to get my weight down so low. However, I am currently working on building more muscle. If I can get my legs to be less jiggly and stay at my current weight--or even gain some weight--I would be perfectly happy.
  • miacwhite
    miacwhite Posts: 9 Member
    Starting at 230, my current goal is 170lbs. My body type is more apple I guess, but I primarily gain in my belly. I think 150 would be ideal for me though.
  • rosiesmama
    rosiesmama Posts: 69 Member
    I'm currently at 208 lbs and am definitely large boned (based on my enormous hands and feet). I'm just shy of 5'8". My goal is 155 lbs. of trim, lean and athletic!
  • wildbutterfly777
    wildbutterfly777 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 5' 7" and according to wrist measurements I have a small frame, which surprised me! I have broad shoulders, small waist and wide hips so I guess hourglass would describe my type. I have a very small chest too so my UGW is around 130. I've been there before but didn't have much muscle and I would like to be stronger this time around.

    CW: 158
    UGW: 130
    Small Frame
    Hourglass Figure
  • alexaraes
    I'm thinking about 140, but the plan is to get to 160 and start really hitting the weight room then. I have an hourglass figure (according to an online resource) and I believe I'm medium boned... That's a guess though.

    six. teen. pounds. to go. WAAAH.
  • greyoutside
    I'm nearly 5'6 and currently 117 pounds. Working on eating healthfully without counting calories and seeing where my weight goes. (Tentatively maintaining, but I've been doing this since 120 and my body seems to be gravitating toward losing a bit more). I have a small frame (teeny tiny hands and feet), so at 117 I look slim but not skinny. I'm pear shaped and probably always will be (thanks tiny boobs that'll never get saggy!)
  • a778c466
    a778c466 Posts: 141 Member
    I am 5'7, large frame, goal weight is 150. At 160 I will start doing more strength training.
  • staceyw73
    staceyw73 Posts: 49
    I'm 5'6
    cw 235
    gw 145-150
    that will put me into about a size 10 jeans. I was happy with a size 10 just need to get back there. but I also feel a women can be too skinny I hate when I see women out that are nothing but skin and bone and no curves. to me that looks unhealthy.
  • skinnyriots
    HI! I'm 5'6 and my goal weight is around 128 it'll probably change since I don't know how I'll look after losing weight. I guess I'm medium boned and I have a hourglass shape :smile:
    KIMBeeFIT Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 5'7" my body is an inverted v shape with wide shoulders and narrower hips. small frame.
    Cw:142 21% body fat
    Current goal weight: 130 15% bf?
    Age 23
    I was 118-120 and I loved that we will see! I just want to be 15% bf! And I have been working on building more muscle who knows.
  • jolene_ca
    jolene_ca Posts: 91 Member
    5'7" with a small frame. I'm currently 165. shooting for 135. I'm an hourglass.
  • mgtindall
    mgtindall Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 6'0 tall and I have a small frame, weigh around 159-160 right now, my goal weight is 145 (high school weight). I'm getting there. :)
  • weightingtobloom
    weightingtobloom Posts: 30 Member
    I'm 5'6.5" and I don't know what to call my bone structure. I have VERY TINY wrists and arms in general, but my legs and hips are naturally thicker. I guess medium build? CW is 137, and I am to have about 17% body fat, which makes my goal weight 117.
  • mongoloriver
    I'm 5'8". I don't really have an ultimate goal weight because in plan on bulking and cutting forever. I'm currently 117lbs, trying to get down to 112lbs. I have a small frame and inverted triangle shape.

    That is 112 is underweight, small frame or not.

    Yeah, but my old doctor said I was fine, then I went to another doctor and he also said I was fine. It's not dangerously underweight and I'm healthy. Plus, if I get down to 112lbs then my squat with be 2xBW which makes me happy :bigsmile:
    you need to be careful, when i was that weight (similar height) I stopped menstruating : x
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I am 5'7, large frame, goal weight is 150. At 160 I will start doing more strength training.

    Don't wait to start strength training or do more of it.. your body will thank you in the long run and as you lose the lbs, you will look more fit
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    I'm 5'8", medium frame...but short legs, darn it. I had originally thought I would try to get to 145, but I see now that would be a bit too low. I'm thinking 155 to 158 would be where I want to end up.
  • CATindeeHAT
    CATindeeHAT Posts: 332 Member
    Also, are you big-boned, medium-boned, or small-boned? And what is your body type?

    CW: 140 lbs
    GW: 115-120 lbs. Or perhaps 200 lbs. Whatever weight I feel healthy and look good naked at.