

  • keepitnewmarcia
    keepitnewmarcia Posts: 42 Member
    Hope everyone is having a great day, I did. I woke up with plans to clean all day, most anyway, for my family coming for Easter next weekend. Our house is small but nice and I am going to offer a buffet for the meals as we have 8 coming, and the dining room is small.
    The carrot bisque sounds wonderful jb, I am going to try it during the week, and may have some on hand for company.
    Anyway my husband, love of my life an dbest friend was going to power wash the deck and mop the FR tile floor, getting ready for company, but we didn' t want to wake the 30 year old, he is living here while in school.
    So I asked Joe if he wanted to go to the largest mall in Northern Va and walk. He said sure. We did two miles at a good clip and then came home to work. It was just a great day, except I didn't need the Cosco dark chocolate almond bark that Joe enticed me with. The good news is that I weighed what I had and didn't go over 2 oz.
    I love my life, and thanks for the Carrot Bisque idea! Love this site, newbee.
    Marcia N VA - outside of DC in Fairfax
    Bye for now!
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Brooke – thanks for reminding me to celebrate the successes I’ve had rather than focusing on the things I need to improve!

    Jnkmomm – Yay for your DH’s desire to do the things he loves!

    MA in UK – I am certain that you burned a lot of calories, jogging in the snow. Way to make the most of this darned weather.

    Barbie – my new mantra is officially “hari hachi bu”! Love it. And I agree with Katla – you are a real inspiration to me. Although I am still working, my children are away at school and I do have quite a bit of time now to exercise….. I just don’t take advantage of the time as often as I could. Then I read one of your posts and it reminds me to get up and go DO something!

    Michele – I’m sure one little cookie won’t hurt but I know what you mean. It is so frustrating when you just unthinkingly eat something and then realize how bad it’s nutritional values are.

    Keepitnewmarcia – It sounds like you are doing the right things. Just keep it up and keep looking for ways to eat better, exercise more and drink that water!

    Viv – congratulations on the loss!

    DeeDee – I’m glad that the medicine is kicking in and that you are feeling better. PLEASE put your snow people away! And don’t overdo the closet-cleaning! Remember that you are healing and need your strength to get better.

    JB – thanks for sharing the carrot bisque recipe. I am definitely trying that one soon; sounds yummy!

    Grandmalle – congrats to your DGD on being accepted! I’m keeping my fingers crossed that she is awarded a scholarship.

    Peach – welcome! Some on this thread have “known” each other online for some time but many (including me) only recently joined. Just keep coming back, chime in when you want to and you will pick up names and learn more about the regular posters in no time!

    Padisneyfour – welcome! My youngest has been out of HS for almost two years now and I can remember exactly how crazy my life was at this point – settling on a college, getting everything prepared for graduation and her party…. Just remember to take time for yourself and stay on track.

    Phyliss – CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is an awesome accomplishment, good job.

    Tammy – good to hear about your NSV!

    Lora – glad you got to see your DS. And your grandmother sounds like she was a real gem!

    Renny – I hope you are able to fight off the bug that is trying to land!

    I am winding down from a very busy day – crossed several things off of my list plus worked out twice so I am feeling good! I hope you all enjoy the rest of your evening!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Liz in ID: I am curious how a “simple cut and style” lasted from 10 until 1. I hope they wined and dined you along the way.:bigsmile:

    Renny: I hope you’re feeling better.:flowerforyou:

    Marcia in N VA: It is wonderful to see someone say, “I love my life.”:bigsmile:

    Today was a wonderful day. It was chilly but dry. This afternoon DH & I got some exercise. I took a nice long walk, and he went along with me on his recumbent trike. We had a chance to spend good time together. The dog got to pull DH from time to time, which he loves, and we managed to visit with several friends and neighbors. The temperature started chilly, but eventually made it into the mid 50’s and it was dry. Yay! Right now it is 6:25 pm and the sun is shining.:bigsmile:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • DisciplineIsFreedom
    I had a hard time finding the end of the March posts so that I could post, too! A chatty bunch with loads of support is awesome.
    I am losing a bit of weight at a time. I recently binged for a few days but have it under control again. It was emotional eating. I have to stay strong against it.
    How to be in the "unknown" area of health and stay calm in the mind? Doctors are doing some tests but it takes time to get done and then to get the verdict. Trying to stay positive and in some denial as that seems to lessen the stress.
    I feel better when I eat better so I am using that for motivation.
    Looking forward to tomorrow's breakfast of coffee with homemade bran muffins.
    Love reading your posts!!!!
    Janice from Northern Ontario
  • DisciplineIsFreedom
    Welcome Peaches. I don't think many of the ladies in here know each other. It's just like your 5th grade students. You don't know them at the beginning of the school year but as the year goes on you can even predict how they are going to react in any given situation. I have MS and couldn't even begin to respond to so many like a lot of them do. I try to remember some. Eventually I will learn more. Plus it's a fast moving forum. My grand kids are 6 and 11 year old girls. I was there when both of them were born. I never thought I would be bale to have that awesome experience of seeing my grand children taking their first breath. I stayed with them the first week to help Mom. Jump right in and do what you can do.

    Hi there. I read you have MS. How was it diagnosed? I have been falling recently and my doctor has set up an MRI for me to take. Any words of wisdom?
    Janice Northern Ontario
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Hi everyone. I am on vacation visiting my sister and saying goodbye to her mother-in-law who won't be with us much longer. I am in Maryland and visited some tenants of mine who rented from me for 3 years but who I haven't seen in 1 1/2 years. I had a great time with them. We walked around Anapolis. I'm probably eating more than I should but tomorrow I plan to burn some of the calories. My sister says there is a creek at the bottom of her property but she's never been to it because it's a real hike down to it and a challenge to get back up. My daughter and I say -- challenge accepted.

    I'm pooped but wanted to let everyone know I'm still here. No recent news on Jackson except that he is improving a bit more each day.
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    :laugh: Hello my lovelies,
    ♫ Oh it’s a beautiful day in the neighbourhood ♫ ♪

    A gorgeous sun-shiny day after all the blizzards and the terrible accidents and such, although it’s still minus 20 out there, the sun is out and it’s brilliant. :glasses: I was supposed to pick up DH from the airport on the day of the 100 car pileup on the QEII but I couldn’t ramp up the courage to do it and asked him to take a taxi. Driving in this awful weather is an obvious cure for constipation, I could lose weight just driving home but once home I eat like it’s my last meal. You gals are the only thing keeping on track… almost. ! No, I am still not further ahead in my goals; I am not down any more in my weight. I am determined that once the sidewalks are cleared of winter related problems I will start walking to work and home again.

    We took our son out for his birthday dinner last night and we had a fantastic meal at the Japanese Village, It’s a good thing we don’t go out to eat very often! II have no idea how many calories I had but anything that good had to be bad. I didn't eat much rice, there were plenty of fresh veg and I had the shrimp.... but there were sauces and we know how tricky they can be. Oh yes, sake, hehehe. I do like it nice and hot.

    A sexy bra has been found for my evening gowns!!! I found it in the Halloween costume bag! :embarassed: hahahaha!! I took the red curtain fringe off it and tried it on under the purple gown and it’s perfect! It came to me in a dream (mysterious) that it might work so for the past week I have been looking through the construction debris for the costumes. Bingo! Thank you universe once again, hahaha!

    Are we are curious as to what was the Halloween costume that featured a sexy bra? It was a belly dancer ..... I think ........ perhaps a decrepit, reject belly dancer, I can't be sure..... I wore the bra over another top because I didn't want to be arrested. In truth, it was an old black bra that got relegated to the costume box, it was from my ‘dancing days’ but this bra didn’t hold well for much action, too many near ‘wardrobe malfunctions’. It will however, with a little tweaking, do just fine under the gowns. After all, the most we do at these affairs is stand around looking beautiful (hehehe).

    We were finally given the itinerary for Dublin and I admit to disappointment in the planning department. I think maybe we will do most of the planning ourselves. I did manage to get a tuxedo rented for our son over there for the gala night so something is being accomplished..

    I did so want to be down a full 30 lbs by the time we left but now I am just happy not to gain! How bad is that!

    Really excited to see my two grown nieces and two great nieces on Good Friday, they are coming down from Grande Prairie to do some shopping at WEM and are dropping in for a visit. The little ones are 4 and 6. I met the 6 yr. old when she was only 2 and have yet to meet the little one. Am I allowed to get them an Easter egg or two? I can hardly wait!!

    Wishing you all the vey best, to the newbies especially, this is a great place full of great people!:love:

    Still wrapped up in my 3 snowflake coat but feeling good!

    Kate from Sherwood Park, AB
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Barbie, I love the “suffer for 15 minutes a day” great idea! I may have to give it a try!

    Peachstategal, Welcome to the group, It is a great Bunch of supportive and fun girls. I especially love that we are and older group and we all can relate to each other. Feel free to friend me if you like.

    Michele in NC, You have inspired me to dig out my Rodney Yee's Yoga Burn DVD. I bought it along with the supplies needed to do yoga over a year ago and have yet to get started! Maybe Tuesday on my day off.

    Marcia, N VA, You will get the hang of it, Reading the posts really helps. I also am still working and don’t always have the time to post.

    Viv, Congrats on the loss ! Woohoo!

    DeeDee , I’m so happy to hear your feeling better. Please don’t over do it.

    Padisney four, A big welcome to you, feel free to add me if you like.

    Phyllis, Congratulations to you, I am aiming for that mark too, but am still a long way from it.

    Meg, I hope you are feeling better.

    Renny, I hope you feel better real soon and then you stomp on that bug!

    Jnkmomm, Happy to hear the DH is feeling better and getting back to doing what he loves.

    Katla, what a lovely day for you both! It was in the 40’s here and I got out the garden hose and washed all that yucky salt off my car today, it felt so good to be out in the sunshine!

    Not the best of food choices this weekend but the time spent with my little Love Bug Granddaughter was way more important to me than counting calories. Tomorrow is a new day, a new week and a new start. I am so Thankful for all I am blessed with. Good night Friends
    Carol inWNY
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,971 Member
    :flowerforyou: We were out in the yard again this morning in our winter clothes……Jake with the leaf blower ( we live under a lot of evergreen trees that drop cones and needles all the time) and me with my trusty weed pulling tools. About 30 minutes a day is just right. We also spent time updating our emergency info paper by updating names and phone numbers of friends and family members who should be notified if something happens to us..added a few friends to the list and updated a bunch of phone numbers.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, I didn’t just wake up one day and start walking 28,000 steps…….it has been a gradual change over several years…….having a pedometer motivated me to start looking for more opportunities to walk and little by little the numbers increased……also the more healthy I eat, the more energy I have.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, I’m glad to hear that you are feeling better…..i know it will be hard for you to take it slow so you don’t have a relapse.

    :flowerforyou: Peachstategal, welcome and keep coming back…..this is a great place for encouragement and support……in time you will learn a lot of names and get to know others…..many of us write our replies in a separate word document as we read so we don’t have to remember it all.

    :flowerforyou: Lora, thanks for sharing about your line dancing grandmother……I hope to keep dancing for a few more decades just like she did.

    :flowerforyou: Kate, you were so smart to decide not to drive in that scary weather.

    :flowerforyou: Here’s another tidbit about the long lived people in Okinawa The Okinawans try to maintain a positive outlook on life. They live for their ikigai, reason for waking up in the morning . Another key to longevity here are their moais, groups of lifelong friends who act as social, emotional and financial support networks……..my reason for waking up in the morning is walking the dogs followed by time with Jake, dancing, and connecting with my friends……….all of you are becoming as close as lifelong friends (I’ve know some of you for a few years already and expect to know you much longer)

    :laugh: I thought we would be off to bed early again until Sasha almost climbed into my lap begging to go out again so I took the girls one at a time and got to see the beautiful almost full moon…….life does not get any better than this.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    DeeDee - so NOW we know who is to blame for this "yuk" weather! lol Put those snow people away...asap!!!! Glad you're feeling better.

    I woke up about 4 this morning. Did my hour of hula hoop on the Wii. Tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then take the extremepump class.

    grandmalle - happy for Taliah in getting into the school and really hope she gets that scholarship. Good luck to her!

    peachstategal - welcome! I KNEW you were from Georgia.

    padisneyfour - welcome! What part of PA are you in? We lived in Stroudburg and then moved to Kennett Square before moving to NC. My inlaws lived in FL and we used to go to Disney every year when the kids were small. But you know what? They actually preferred SeaWorld! Go figure

    phyllis - you go girl!

    ohiomom - you're right, one cookie isn't the end of the world. It just really burns me up when I realized the calories and the fats...and I didn't even enjoy it! Now if at least I'd enjoyed it, then maybe the calories would have been worth it. Oh well...like I say...live and learn...and die a fool.

    Been spending a lot of time sleeping today...don't quite know why. Guess my body is just saying "I need sleep" and I'm listening. Well, at least I'm not eating!

    Marcia in VA - my daughter (the one who lives in Reston) just called to say that it's snowing by her. Stay safe. I remeber you are in Fairfax, I believe. Is my memory correct?

    Kate - I'm glad you didn't go pick up your dh.
    Speaking of bras - I don't like underwire bars. One time I had to wear one, and the wire really dug into my breastbone. Anyway...I found this wireless stapless bra that was advertised in the paper so I ordered one. Yes, the shipping killed me. But in the end, it was pretty comfortable. Now I realize why it looked in a way funny. It seems when it was made, only one padded cup was added. The other was never put in. I need to return it to the manufacturer. Glad you found such a good bra

    Carol - I like the Rodney Yee Yoga Burn DVD. It's different from his other DV's, yet I'm constantly surprised at how much I sweat!

    While I was doing the hula hoop on the Wii today, I was listening to the audiobook of "younger next year". I got so involved in it, that there were times when I missed a hoop! Interesting book, that's for sure. Thanks, barbie, for suggesting it.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Barbie - Once again you inspire me to do more. Good idea about doing the 30 minutes a day. I am a really proscratinator so I'll have to work on that one. LOL

    Carol - I know just what you mean about your granddaughter being more important than counting calories. That was us last week when we babysat our 3 granddaughters. They are only young for such a short time. Before you know it, you aren't so important any more. I want to enjoy every moment of it now.

    Kate - I see you are from Sherwood Park, I live in Calgary. What awful road conditions you had up there recently. I haven't been to WEM for quite some time.

    I am notorious for losing my posts, so I won't go back any further.

    Everyone have a great day tomorrow.

    Jeri in Calgary, Alberta
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Welcome Peaches. I don't think many of the ladies in here know each other. It's just like your 5th grade students. You don't know them at the beginning of the school year but as the year goes on you can even predict how they are going to react in any given situation. I have MS and couldn't even begin to respond to so many like a lot of them do. I try to remember some. Eventually I will learn more. Plus it's a fast moving forum. My grand kids are 6 and 11 year old girls. I was there when both of them were born. I never thought I would be bale to have that awesome experience of seeing my grand children taking their first breath. I stayed with them the first week to help Mom. Jump right in and do what you can do.

    Hi there. I read you have MS. How was it diagnosed? I have been falling recently and my doctor has set up an MRI for me to take. Any words of wisdom?
    Janice Northern Ontario
    I started having problems with weird feelings in my legs. I would have an area that I could swear was wet, had very cold spots on my legs although they were warm to the touch. Just some really wierd feelings. Then one day I was out shopping couldn't move my left leg. I couldn't pick it up and get it in the car. When I got home and was sitting in the recliner I couldn't even move my toes. The next day the other leg followed suit. I have difficulty finding the words I want, fatigue, a lot of what I call electric jolts in my feet. My gait is pretty unsteady at times. MS is a pretty difficult thing to diagnose because the symptoms can be the symptoms of so may other things. The MRI is a good place to start. Make sure you have a doctor you have a good rapport with, one you can speak frankly with and will be the same with you, Read up on the disease and be very pro-active in your care. Have not only a good family doctor but a neurologist that specializes in MS. Or at least make sure you have a consult with one that can guide your own local neurologist. Let me know if there is anything I can do. I belong to a wonderful online support group. Only some one with MS understands all the emotions, feelings, symptoms you are having. You may look fine but feel crappy. You have a handicap sticker on your car and people get mad at you for looking so good and parking in a space you shouldn;t. Many people don't have a family support system and an online support group can be that.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :embarassed: congrats on my weight loss were a bit premature - I'm up 2lbs this morning! My own fault I ate Pizza last night and I'm paying for it this morning. Feel so annoyed with myself. BUT today is a new day and I WILL do better today!

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to the newbies, you've found a great place for motivation, help and support.

    :drinker: A bit of good news, I've found the work out on You Tube that was taken off. It's not quite how I remember it so it maybe not quite the same, but it's by the same people and very similar so it will do for me.

    :flowerforyou: Sorry not to reply personally, but I need to get ready for my trip into town.

    :noway: :noway: Good grief what is that big yellow thing in the sky- is it - no it can't be - it is - it's the sun :smokin: :smokin: oh no it's going to get swallowed by a big grey cloud - too late - it's gone :sad: :sad:

    Have a good day :heart:

    Viv York UK where it's cold enough to snow!
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Good snowy morning from central Ohio!

    Waking up this morning, glad to see that my little area didn’t receive as much snow as predicted so we will need to do very little shoveling. I don’t really mind it but it’s a pain on a work day.

    Janice – hugs and prayers for you as you await the outcome of your medical tests.

    Wessecg – enjoy your time with your sister, exploring new paths! Glad to hear that Jackson is progressing.

    Kate – so excited for you as you finish the planning for your trip; I wish I were going with you! And I don’t blame you for asking DH to take a taxi; it sounds like the roads were horrible there!

    Michele – sounds like an interesting book; I will have to check it out at the library if they have it.

    Have to go get ready for work; back later. Have a wonderful day, everyone!

    Sandy, central Ohio
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.


    Well, I made it into work today - I definitely wouldn't have done if there had been anyone else to cover. From about 7 o'clock last night I had a major IBS event. I reckon I was in the bathroom a total of about 8 hours. No kidding. I even got to the point where I tried to do a 'tactical throw up', which sometimes helps. Not this time. If I managed to get a full hour of sleep I would be very surprised.

    Coming into work on the tube was interesting to say the least. I did manage to get a seat for the last four stops, but I was decidedly wobbly.

    Ho hum. My plan today is to do just as much work as I have to do. Drink lots of water and lock the door to the gallery if I need to!

    Must go, but hope everyone has a good day. Keep warm and hydrated please (oh, and Dee Dee - please tell me that the snowmen have been banished!!)

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    Amanda so sorry to hear you wern't feeling well, yesterday afternoon I wasn't feeling to hot either,but all I can say is HOT DAMN the scale moved down,
    I havent been going to the gym every day because of my heel, I have gone every other day.but try and do some physical exercise every day.. I know to work it off faster I have to move more.but until the heel is healed it is tough.I am doing the exercise's in the pain free book.
    Hope everyone has a spectacular day...:wink:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to everyone new! Come in often and chat away!

    Phyllis :smile: Congrats on being under the 150 mark…I will be so glad when I can say that!

    Tammy:smile: Congrats on your clothes fitting better, sure makes a difference when the scale is being hateful and not moving! I think a lot of us have spoiled fur babies:love: , Noel likes me to dry her with the hair dyer after we`ve walked in the rain:laugh: !

    Meg:smile: Are you feeling better?:flowerforyou:

    Lora:smile: Sounds like you had a nice visit with your son! Your grandmother sounds like a great lady taking care of herself! I hope I`ll be doing the same!

    Moxie:smile: Hi! Good to see you!

    Jane M:smile: Hope you had a great Sunday!

    Renny:smile: Love the quote! Hope you`re feeling better!:flowerforyou:

    Marcia:smile: Sounds like you had a great day! Great exercise, and fun too! Good for you weighing your chocolate!

    Sandy:smile: Sounds like you had a busy day! Working out twice…good for you!

    Katla:smile: I`m a bit curious too why it took so long for Liz to get a simple cut and style….I get highlights or lowlights and it doesn`t take that long! Sounds like you had a perfect day with DH!

    Janice:smile: Hi! So nice to see you again! Hope you get your test results soon! Waiting sometimes is the hardest thing! Good luck!

    Cheryl:smile: Have a wonderful time with your sister! Glad Jackson is doing betrer!

    Kate:smile: I so love reading your posts, you have a wonderful way with words! Glad DH took a taxi and you didn`t have to get out in all that mess!

    Carol:smile: Glad you had a wonderful time with your Love Bug:love: !!! Enjoy all the precious moments!!!

    Barbie:smile: I love reading your posts too, you always inspire me!! Thanks!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Michele:smile: Snow people are put away now!!!! You were up early too:noway: :grumble: , yikes, no wonder you spent a lot of time sleeping! I napped for 2 ½ hours myself:yawn: . Lol at the one sided bra:laugh: !

    Jeri :smile: Computer gremlins sometimes get my post too:grumble: ! Sometimes I open a word document and that way I still have a copy if it goes into cyber space!

    Viv:smile: I`m sure that 2 pounds is from the sodium, but I know how discouraging it can be! Drink lots of water today! You saw the sun, and boo it`s gone again…I`m looking for that round yellow ball too!:glasses:

    Amanda:smile: Oh my I hope you get to feeling better:flowerforyou: !!! Snow people have been put away!!!

    Grandmallie:smile: Congrats on the scale moving down!!! Feels great doesn`t it!!!

    Well I have been on this computer too long, the behind is going numb:tongue: ! I did put the snow people away yesterday, can`t blame the weather on me anymore!

    Hope you all have a fabulous Monday!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in cold, windy NC
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,878 Member
    Good Monday everyone! I am really tired today. Started taking steroids for my sarcoidosis on Friday so I would be able to sing this weekend and now of course I can't sleep. We had a 3-1/2 hour rehersal with the orchestra and guest conductor on Saturday and then a short rehersal and the cantata yesterday afternoon. It went really well and we had a good crowd but I didn't do too well on the eating. We had a pizza party afterward and I was a bit overboard on the carbs. Oh well today is another day and a chance to take two steps forward toward my goal. I will try to get in a swim and drink lots of water to wash the sodium away. Everyone have a blessed week. Sue in SD
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    DeeDee – glad you’re feeling a bit better, don’t overdo it! Please share how the orange/curry sauce turned out, it sounds wonderful!!!

    Jmkmomm – You are able to guide DH knowing what the healthy options are. It sure seems like a good sign that he wants to walk and sing, both joyful and healthy activities!

    MA in UK – I can just picture you romping in the snow! Teenage boys and their neverending appetites – yikes!

    Katla – “Vitamin LZ” :laugh:

    Marcia – Great to have you with us!

    Viv in UK – Way to go, congrats on your 1.5 lost!!! You did great by giving away the pudding

    DeeDee – I feel your pain, I’ve been up since 4am as well. My body clock is definitely broken! Glad to hear you’re putting away the snow people, as I’m really over this winter/snow thing

    Peachstategal – Welcome! Once you begin checking in periodically, you’ll become familiar. I know what works for me is to have a separate Word file open and I take notes as I read then copy/paste my replies

    Padisneyfour – Welcome to you too (see above)

    Phyllis – Congrats, I can’t wait to see the “other side” of 150 again!!!! Yay

    Tammy – That’s awesome about your clothes fitting better, that’s been happening for me lately too and it is soooo exciting! Loved your soup idea, that’s what I made for LAST weekend’s snowstorm (yummy and healthy with chicken Italian sausage)

    Lora NYC – Great to hear about your grandmother and her zest and active approach to life!

    Renny – Loved the quote! So true, so true. Hope you’re feeling much better soon!

    Marcia – sounds like a lovely day walking (and working) with your best friend!!!

    Katla – what a wonderful day you had, getting to hand out with your dog and hubby and exercise while you were at it

    Janice in Northern Ontario – Welcome and hope you get a timely and positive outcome from your medical tests. Keep eating cleanly and drinking your water, and don’t forget to log it all

    Wessecg – Sounds like a great trip you’re having, nice challenge too! Great news about Jackson improving steadily

    Kate – Your bra solution was brilliant! Your trip sounds fabulous and you definitely need to get your nieces Easter eggs!

    Carol in WNY – So wonderful to have a weekend with your lovebug, glad you had such a great time

    Barbie – Thanks for sharing your plans to update your important info, it was an excellent reminder that we need to do the same!

    Amanda – So sorry to hear you’re feeling so poorly, do “lock the gallery” as needed and take care of yourself!

    Sue in SD – Healing thoughts to you so you’re ready for all your concerts

    Brooke from Colorado
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    We're back!

    My holiday in Granada, Nicaragua with the parents was perfect! Now I'm back & must get into the routine again. Logged my breakfast, committed to a weight lifting session after school today. I don't think I'll weigh myself for a couple of days - just give the body time to settle back into the routine too.

    I think my boys (J'boy and DH) were glad to have me home, J'boy said it was the first "sit down" meal he'd had since I left, and the Tshirt I brought home for him is the only clean piece of clothing he has. Oh dear, I need to teach him how to cook something other than mac & cheese. I know he can do his own laundry, so that's just a matter of nagging or desperation.

    I signed up for a triathalon with two friends, I'm doing the swimming part. That's inspiration to keep moving now that curling season is over.

    Looking forward to catching up on everyone's news.
