Registered Dietitian in TX here to answer questions.



  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    So my question (and maybe it has been answered) but why wouldn't he want to help educate others by providing links or references to peer reviewed research? As someone who has a degree, wouldn't such info be pretty handy to have?

    I was just trying to do this as a quick Q&A. I think I've commented on a research article or 2 earlier in this thread.

    Was there a specific research study that you had a question about?
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member

    That's fine, if you do not want to provide a simple link I understand. I wonder if Tony has an opinion on this.

    Like the way I got that back to Tony and the fact that it's his thread :wink:

    Artificial sweeteners are fine. These have been extensively researched and there is no need to fear them.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    Hope this thread is back on track!

    Here's my question:

    I've been gaining very slowly while eating at or below what MFP recommends for maintenance. Up until I started gaining (alittle more than a year ago), I had been maintaining at just a little below MFP maintenance. Then suddenly i started gaining. I keep reading about resetting your metabolism by eating at maintenance for several weeks. Will this help, or will I just keep packing on more pounds that I will have to re-lose? And are there other ways to reset metabolism? (I am still at a healthy weight with bf % about 23-24. I just want to stop the gain and then re-lose 5 lbs. and I don't want to have to maintain by netting under 1300 which seems to be where I am. BTW I am almost 5'3" I weigh 120 and I am 45 and female.)
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member

    ^this. Sara is trying to get the topic back on track. And to note, Sara has proven time and again her knowledge in the area of health and fitness. She is always willing to research and share that research to help educate all on both sides of an argument.

    And maybe I missed this, but how do we really know anyone's qualifications. There was a guy a couple months who got caught in various lies from being a body guard, personal trainer and RN. The last was scary because he was attempting to have people come to him for medical advice.

    The thing that irks me is so many people here eat pretty low, netting between. 1000-1200caks but he says he'll recommend lowering that?

    From my experience, as well as many others here (and you can view the success thread for this), but many have said that raising their calories helped. Find it hard to believe that many MFP success stories are special snowflakes in regards to this.

    Edited to correct typos

    1. I list my qualifications and all the programs and formal education I received in my "about me" on my website

    2. You can also enter my name on the Texas Dept of Health Services website to retrieve verification of my license as a dietitian in the state of TX

    3. People may eat more and lose weight (more likely "think" they are eating more and losing weight) because when it comes down it it, they are creating a deficit. I cannot stress enough how inaccurate MFP can be (largely due to user error, misestimations, guessing at foods and meals, not measuring) but also I've seen inaccuracies in the entries.

    Yet once again i'll state when i was 300lbs with a TDEE of 3,500 i ate 1,200 calories for 5 weeks and i stalled out. There is no HUMAN ERROR that big.

    Then please forgive me if I continue to have my doubts.
  • ParisKennedy
    ParisKennedy Posts: 38 Member
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    Hello Tony,

    What are your top 5 books on nutrition and top 5 books on exercise?
    No book recommendations?
  • Okapi42
    Okapi42 Posts: 495 Member
    Ok Tony, here's a question you might know the answer to: how does weather influence calorie burn?

    I'm a ranger, which as you can imagine involves a lot of working outdoors. We've currently got a lot of snow and 50+ mph winds. I'm logging/eating back activities like shovelling snow, but I still find myself wanting to eat ALL THE THINGS. Especially carbs. Mmmmmm, carbs.

    Is this just comfort eating or do I really need more energy when it's this bad out?
  • ParisKennedy
    ParisKennedy Posts: 38 Member
    Tony, I don't know how to calculate how much I should eat in order to lose about 1.5 to 2 lbs a week.

    I am wanting to lose 40 lbs. My goal weight will be 117.

    If this has been answered, please tell me to re-read this thread and I will. Thanks.
  • zahid222
    zahid222 Posts: 233 Member
    bump for latter
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Thanks for making yourself available to respond to questions.
  • zahid222
    zahid222 Posts: 233 Member
    What is your opinion about drinking 8 glasses of water. If calorie dificit is all we need why do people insist on water? Thanks
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    Hello Tony,

    What are your top 5 books on nutrition and top 5 books on exercise?
    No book recommendations?

    I think he answers question in order, i am sure he will get to you.
    He answered questions after my post. So it looks like he skipped it.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Hello Tony,

    What are your top 5 books on nutrition and top 5 books on exercise?
    No book recommendations?

    I think he answers question in order, i am sure he will get to you.
    He answered questions after my post. So it looks like he skipped it.

    Maybe he needs more time to think about this one (or was waiting for you to say please!)
  • jlohcook
    jlohcook Posts: 228 Member
    Thanks for making yourself available for questions.

    I'm 5'3, 53kg, 43 yrs, female, Asian, trying to tone up my thighs, arms and belly. Exercises include elliptical 2-3 times a week, 5-8km run 1x a weeks, Nike training club - toning/set strong routine 2x a week ( with 2x 2 kg dumbbells), and yoga when ever I can. Recently added leg press and arm lifts with 20 pound weight. Exercise 6-7 days a weeks. Intake usually 1400-1700. Net target 1300.

    I always wonder, do I really need to up protein intake since I added strength training? And do i really need to change the standard ratio? I'm still keeping to 55/30/15 ratio on MFP, although I usually. do carb at 45-50, and protein at 20-25. But if I lower carb to 40, i will have carbs craving following after that.

    Your advice will be appreciated.
  • bump
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Bump for later!
    And thank you!
  • smi2k7
    smi2k7 Posts: 8 Member
    what pills can I buy from a pharmacy which will aid in fat loss and good health... eg Vitamin C, D. fish oil...

    I weigh 170 lbs . 5"7 male.. looking to drop 30 lbs ..I workout 5 times a week and do 30 minutes of walking daily.. my diet resembles a bodybuilders cutting diet.. i dont use any supplements apart from creatine , myofusion, and glucose powder ... all in my post workout shake.....
  • ParisKennedy
    ParisKennedy Posts: 38 Member
    Hello Tony,

    What are your top 5 books on nutrition and top 5 books on exercise?
    No book recommendations?

    I think he answers question in order, i am sure he will get to you.
    He answered questions after my post. So it looks like he skipped it.

    He may have accidentally missed it so you did the right thing in ensuring he saw it by asking again. He probably wants to have some time to grab some titles and authors for you. I am sure he is able to answer everyone else's questions off the top of his head. I can see where this is one he probably needs to look up.
  • Nidda_C
    Nidda_C Posts: 81 Member
    Thank you for answering our questions.

    1) What do you think of the 5-2 intermittent training program (Something like 'The Fast Diet')? I have decided to fast every weekend to control myself from eating excess junk but I am not sure.

    2) I have read that after 4-5 weeks you should change your workout/intensity because your body gets used to the workout and you don't lose fat anymore. How often do you recommend people change their workout?

    3) Some people say that if you are not losing weight you should increase the amount of calories you increase because it means you are starving yourself. (According to this: What are your comments? Also, why do different nutritionists disagree so much?
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    In hopes that this actually gets read despite the derailment.

    I am 26, 5' 10", 280lbs, and have calculated my Body Fat Percentage to be 57% ( horrible I know :sad:) I have every possible measurement possible if needed to help. So the question is that when I calculated that it said I have 127 lean mass which means if by hard work and the grace of god I get down to 10% body fat I would still weigh at least 140 lbs. Is that right? Would it be unhealthytto weigh less than that with all things considered?

    Also, do you recommend the eating clean method over the IIFYM method? And why?

    Thank you for taking the time to read and answer (if you are still reading the thread, lol)

    Edited to say: Yay! Hello fellow Dfw Texan!! ^_^

    At 5'10" your ideal bodyweight is about 150lbs give or take 10% (just a guideline, not an absolute), So I wouldn't recommend going much lower than 140. Also, 10% bodyfat is extremely lean for a female. Setting a goal for in the 20%'s would be a great goal and you would still be quite lean. Overall, I don't think those are good goals or expectations in my opinion.

    I recommend making foods you enjoy fit into your calorie budget as long as they fit your macro and micronutrient needs and make room for some "fun" foods too. Whatever you want to label that, is up to the individual. I just call it moderation.

    No problem. Thanks.