
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    I'm autistic and struggle with several limitations, but I try not to let it hold me back. I am a Master's student and plan to get my PhD within the next five years! That was after having dropped out of high school; I bet everyone who knew me then is surprised where I am now!

    I am ambidextrious. I can write with both hands (but better with the right), and I do things with the left better than the right for other things.

    I am allergic to anesthetics (many of them anyway...thank goodness I've never needed surgery or a tooth pulled!)

    I have five fur babies--3 kitties and 2 gerbils. I looooove animals.

    Pizza is my downfall. We have a love-hate relationship. I love hates me....
  • 1.I hate using cell phones and never want to buy one of those smart phones
    2. I hate reading fictions , what's the point ,its like paying attention to form than substance
    3. I don't like crowds because of the individuals in them
    4. I love real , strong women ..not those pseudo-feminists
    5. I dream of working as a farmer
    6. I still respect Lance Armstrong
    7. I want to walk the whole planet
  • always falling inlove with a guy who's 8-20years older than me :)
    the day I ate my first veggies was the day I join MFP....
    I'd never have straight bestfriend. They either bisexual or gay. LOL
  • I do not have very good self-confidence (people that know me would be surprised to learn this)
    I prefer to be alone or just with my family
    I do not watch R rated movies, at all, and almost never PG-13.
    A lot of my life i have lived in a way that i no longer believe to be OK.
    I actuelly avoid fadd movies just because i don't like fads. (i have not seen star wars, twilight, harry potter or lord of the rings)

    oh my goodness, we have to be friends! ha ha, i refused to see harry potter and lord of the rings and only saw them because i was on a date and it wasn't really my choice. TOO FUNNY!
    i Tohought i am alone , i have read or seen anyone of those books or films , never :smile: :smile:
  • what are some interesting facts about yourself that you would like to share??

    just bored and looking to have some fun.. (cause theres nothing i can watch on netflix:) )

    would love to know more about you..

    one weird fact about me: :) no hate please.

    - I dont go to places where I cant walk in my heels. (except gym) . so like if theres a bowling party, i wont go cause they have you wear sneakers there. or .. i never do outdoor sports such as hiking or biking. or if theres a house party I always call and ask about the dress code and make sure that I dont need to take our shoes off.. im 5'4 . i guess its all about low self confidence..

    Thank you for this, there are so many nice n intresting people here :smile:
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
  • andyisandy
    andyisandy Posts: 433 Member
    People always find it interesting im gay and a father of three. does that work exactly? And are you happy?
    I was in the closet for a long time. Long story short me and ex are separated but she and every ones else knows.
  • Lulzaroonie
    Lulzaroonie Posts: 222 Member
    I game so much I don't know how my hands aren't permanently fused in a position to hold a console controller. It's ridiculous. Gaming and exercise are like the only things I do with my spare time.

    I only have two friends IRL. I have people I know, but these are the only people in my life who I trust wholly not to turn on me like everyone else has. I like it that way.

    I love the late 1800's, early 1900's period. I often wish I was born around that time. I had a great grand-uncle who was a vaudeville performer in that era, and was very famous. I often feel I was born exactly 100 years too late.

    I have a 3/4 tattoo sleeve, and 14 other tattoos. I also have the bridge of my nose and septum pierced, two lip piercings and stretched ears.

    I am an empath, and sometimes it's not necessarily a good thing haha.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    I put coconut oil on my head as a pre-shower moisturizer...

    This is why people think I'm gay -_-
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I am ambidextrious. I can write with both hands (but better with the right), and I do things with the left better than the right for other things.

    I'm the same. Some things I can only do left handed, like taking lids of jars. Some skills you have to pick one way before you start, so I play ice hockey left handed and play the guitar right handed. Most things I can do with either hand. Before I learned to touch type, I used to be able to type one handed with either hand equally as fast. At uni in one of the neurobiology modules, they showed us a simple test for handedness, most people score above 20 with one hand and below 10 with the other, I scored 14 with one and 15 with the other, meaning that neither side is as dextrous as a handed person's dominant hand, and this makes me somewhat clumsy. When I was diagnosed with dyslexia and ADHD (inattentive), they said I have "dyspraxic tendancies" but as far as I'm aware it's all connected to the dyslexia/ADHD and lack of handedness, and I don't have actual dyspraxia.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    I dressed up as Commander Riker from Star Trek: TNG for Halloween in the 4th grade.

    I'm the only one in my family with blue eyes.

    I've met several of Bob Marley's sons.
  • Voldemin
    Voldemin Posts: 1
    * I've never read/watched the Harry Potter and Twilight series (nor want to, even though my friends are threatening to tie me to a chair and force me). I also don't like the Hunger Games either (Battle Royale ftw!)
    * I can't stand the feeling of towels on my fingernails
    * Homemade popcorn is my weakness
    * I hate heights, but I love to ski on the highest mountains
    * I cannot pick up on subtle hints and often won't realise that a guy has asked me out until a week or two later (I usually put them down terribly, believing that they are joking... *headdesk*). I rather be asked out in private, rather in public.
    * I never want to belong to a 'fandom', since I cannot stand crazy fans
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    My party trick is to put both my feet behind my head. There's evidence in my photos!
  • smjones1989
    smjones1989 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a photographer, graphic designer (always learning new things!), printer, and media buyer for a boat and rv company.

    I play WoW when I get the chance, and am working on a fan fiction right now.

    I haven't weighed my target weight since I was a junior in high school, and once I reach that goal, I plan to change my target weight to the weight my doctor recommends.

    I plan to lose weight then stop smoking, because if I gain 30 pounds quitting smoking then at least I'll have already made a dent in the other problem.

    I don't think that obesity is an epidemic, I think that sedentary lifestyles and laziness are only too easy to fall into and continue to do.

    When people try to bullcrap themselves, I tell them what the real issue is. Don't worry, I don't call anyone out that I don't really know. So if you have some little quirk (like that girl who posted earlier who doesn't wear any shoes other than heels) that's not an issue, partially because it's not endangering anyone or anything, really.

    Um....I'm allergic to peanut butter. So...that probably helps the whole losing weight thing.
  • Lotte34
    Lotte34 Posts: 429 Member
    I don't have a whole brain! Those of you who know me won't be surprised by this :)
  • People always find it interesting im gay and a father of three.

    I think that is great. Congrads

  • Whaaat! I would KILL to be 5'4. Being 5'8 as a woman is cr*p. I always feel huge and wearing heels makes me a godzilla.

    I am also 5'8" and I love to wear heels. I feel empowered, love the way it lengthens my legs more and forces me to stand tall. I dont feel like godzilla at all, and I work with women who are shorter then me ( 5'2" to 5'5"). Embrace your height and stand out from the crowd!
  • Deb38e
    Deb38e Posts: 2
    Im new to this but I love to bake so anyone who has some low cal fab receipe please pass them on! Animals are the best friends and I love shopping
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    i was born on friday the 13th o.0
  • CaffeinatedGlitter
    CaffeinatedGlitter Posts: 201 Member
    I'm the oldest of 12 children, no adoptions,multiple births or "yours mine ours"... I was also homeschooled and we owned a mini school bus as our family vehicle lol I grew up quite differently than most americans