Black Team- A Team of Champions!



  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    three words-- Ho. Lee. Crap.

    Insanity plyometric cardio circuit.

    AKA 45 minutes of torture.

    I. AM. WOMAN.



    Marla, you never cease to amaze me. Now that I have this fixed............I am going to try Chalean or something.

    I now have this irrational fear (or bestest excuse EVER) of running/jogging. I keep visualizing the occluder in my heart dislodging :sick:

    Doc said no worries in 1 month to go back to anything I was doing before.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Wondering if Marla can get outta bed this AM.....:wink: Go Insanity!

    Tamara- have fun with your trainer

    Jeannie- I do the old lady skirts, it hides my thighs better. Boy shorts accentuates them, maybe some day....

    Tanya- my thoughts exactly on cottage cheese... but I'm trying

    Was chuckling to myself yesterday, thinking back to when I was complaining to my husband about the saggy skin on my thighs (which by the way my friends, as I'm watching some more of these 'last 10 pounds slowly disappear, I'm watching my skin on my whole body appear less full and more loose.... kinda scary....not really the look I was aiming for... anyway.....) I was telling him about it and he goes "Isn't there lotion to help with that?" :noway: Now my friends, that would be some sort of miracle *kitten*!

    I sometimes think of a shrinky dink.... can't they just heat me up so all the skin magically shrinks back? Ahhhh, If only.

    I was also laughing at my ex husband. He's had the boys since Saturday, when I talked to him last night he said that Alex, the 10 year old has done nothing but b!tch and moan and whine. Well DUH! We don't call him resident whiner for nothing! I'm soooooo happy he's sharing with his dad! :wink: In all fairness to Alex though, they had to take him to the doctor, he had an ear infection, so much of his whining has been about an ear ache, his jaw hurts and his throat. Then the kooky doctor gave a 10 year old huge antibiotic pills to take and that has been an ordeal. I told his dad to call and say the pills aren't going well and they need liquid. Yeesh! Common sense dude!

    Need to roll outta bed. Fasted cardio on the agenda, breakfast, lifting and and interval training class.

    Have a great day all!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Jeannie- I do the old lady skirts, it hides my thighs better. Boy shorts accentuates them, maybe some day....

    Have a great day all!

    At lands end I found a bit longer shorts!! I love them and am going to order them right now!! I dont really mind the shorter skirt......but it gets in the way of my walking. These shorts were uber cute and you could match with the top of your choice!

    Check em out, I think you will like them!! Especially with your hot legs:love:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hey everyone fitness test went well, she is super proud of me said she wasnt at all suprised since she knows how much I work out anyways....But just wanted to take it to see where I am...

    Didnt burn but 300 calories had to come home and get darling daughter so hubby and spectacular son can go to work...

    I am headed back to the gym at 8 am, then gonna run my hubby some supplies then head home to clean clean clean..

    Today is gonna be awesome...

    Last baseballl game on the agenda for this season...We have play off sat but we wont last long so am not to worried about it..

    Well gotta go get gas before headed to the gym so I can head right from the gym to hubbys job site with supplies..ya'll have an awesome day..

    The day is so much better since I have had my coffee..
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Wondering if Marla can get outta bed this AM.....:wink: Go Insanity!

    Have a great day all!

    I'm up, I'm up!!

    Heading to type--

    Later, cats!
  • vb4evr
    vb4evr Posts: 615 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Had my weigh in last night and things went well. Down another 2 3/4 lbs from last week.

    On another note, moved offices for the next couple of weeks. I need to document everything I've been doing for the past couple of years so that when I'm off for a month when my baby is born (taking all my vacation so I can be with baby and wife) my coworkers and boss can muddle through everything I am responsible for. Boring boring boring...

  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,937 Member
    Marla, Sarah is such a wonderful, well-spoken young woman. It's always a pleasure to watch/listen to her. Your proud o meter must be bursting!
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,937 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Had my weigh in last night and things went well. Down another 2 3/4 lbs from last week.

    On another note, moved offices for the next couple of weeks. I need to document everything I've been doing for the past couple of years so that when I'm off for a month when my baby is born (taking all my vacation so I can be with baby and wife) my coworkers and boss can muddle through everything I am responsible for. Boring boring boring...


    Congratulations on your loss!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Marla, Sarah is such a wonderful, well-spoken young woman. It's always a pleasure to watch/listen to her. Your proud o meter must be bursting!


    Edit-- poopy-- I had a funny applause-o-meter here-- but photobucket won't allow it-- poopsicles.

    Seriously-- my daughter makes me laugh and cry. I'm soooooooo proud of who she's becoming. After the debacle that is my son, it's sweet to see that I haven't screwed up ALL of them. :cry:

    Typing done for now-- off to parts unknown.

    Feeling sore but great after Insanity-- I think I may have to get a run in tonight-- not sure how I want to proceed. Insanity for a full week, and then get back into running? Or keep the running going, too-- hmmmmmm-- me thinks B.

    Have a great day, my friends-- love to all.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Marla- Keep running, substitute Insanity where you have time and can. My two cents. If you are going to be ready for your half, you need to log the miles.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Marla- Keep running, substitute Insanity where you have time and can. My two cents. If you are going to be ready for your half, you need to log the miles.

    That's what I'm thinking-- 4.5 miles tonight, then-- check!
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Sorry Marla, I can't comment (have no idea what insanity is - other than how I feel at the end of the day :laugh: ), but I would agree with Lori.

    Need to get my exercising done, but far to hot in the lean to, so will have to wait until it cools down a little. Will try to get some of my coursework done and then exercise later before I go to bed.
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,937 Member
    Kohl's had a big sale start today. I am constantly amazed at the difference in sizes between brands. I bought a pair of pants and a pair of capris. Lee Capris in a size 6. Woot Woot. Daisy Fuentes dress pants in a size 2. Seriously.....who approves these things. I also got two tops from the juniors department. Will see if they fit tonight. Fingers crossed.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Sorry Marla, I can't comment (have no idea what insanity is - other than how I feel at the end of the day :laugh: ), but I would agree with Lori.

    Need to get my exercising done, but far to hot in the lean to, so will have to wait until it cools down a little. Will try to get some of my coursework done and then exercise later before I go to bed.

    Tanya-- I give you, Insanity-- totally insane-- I love it.
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Sorry Marla, I can't comment (have no idea what insanity is - other than how I feel at the end of the day :laugh: ), but I would agree with Lori.

    Need to get my exercising done, but far to hot in the lean to, so will have to wait until it cools down a little. Will try to get some of my coursework done and then exercise later before I go to bed.

    Tanya-- I give you, Insanity-- totally insane-- I love it.

    I just watched the trailer and OMG!!! I thought the Jillian Michael 30 day shred looked bad, but this looks (dare I say it???) INSANE!!

    I have just done my work out, and feel quite good. I can feel my abs and upper arms, so am hopeing that they are toning up and triming down. I am off to shower and to lay down with my books (and 2 year old - who looked really cute trying to copy mum doing the ab routine!!). NIght all
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Well, you know, I've only done the 25 minute Fit Test, and one 40 minute workout-- but, oh my gosh-- the pace this guy keeps us at-- every time I think he's going to slow down, he speeds everything up. I'm thinking, "No way, is this guy insane?" And the answer, obviously, is yes.

    It's amazing--

    Yesterday's agony ranged from basketball squats, where you squat low to the ground, touching the floor, then spring off the floor into the air, reaching to the sky like you're shooting a basketball-- to suicide something or others where you're dropping into a pushup position, four pushups, then run your legs in place still in the plank position, then jump up, reach high, then back into the plank-- over and over and over and over and over-- then onto something else-- four different exercises at a breakneck pace, three cycles, and then a 30 second water break--

    it's total, total madness.

    I'm so glad I was already "fit" , or I swear I wouldn't be able to have even considered it. This is not a program I could have just decided out of the blue one day, "I think I'm going to do Insanity to get in shape." This is truly, totally insane-- I can't believe I've even considered it-- totally, totally thrilling to be able to keep up at all.

    amazing program.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Being home and feeling good..............yet knowing my insides are healing.................and not allowed to do anything but walk fun fun

    At least I know Tamara and Lori are doing my share of exercise:wink: You girls exhaust me:sick:

    Marla.......I still think it is insane you are doing Insanity!

    I wanted to go to the beach tonight, but am afraid to walk on the sand-uneven and I can trip. I so wish I had a friend with a pool:ohwell:

    But I feel healthy WOOT!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Marla- Keep running, substitute Insanity where you have time and can. My two cents. If you are going to be ready for your half, you need to log the miles.

    Co-sign. There is no way you will finish a half without some major pain if you don't. If you can do Insanity on non-running days, that should be plenty.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Kohl's had a big sale start today. I am constantly amazed at the difference in sizes between brands. I bought a pair of pants and a pair of capris. Lee Capris in a size 6. Woot Woot. Daisy Fuentes dress pants in a size 2. Seriously.....who approves these things. I also got two tops from the juniors department. Will see if they fit tonight. Fingers crossed.

    As soon as I read Daisy Fuentes I thought you were going to say you had to buy them bigger. Huh. Maybe I need me some Daisy! LOL Cool beans though!