How do I not eat the junk if it's in the house?



  • thisisme13
    thisisme13 Posts: 150
    He is the head of the house, he says buy it, I buy it.

    there's your problem

    This. Are you married to a caveman?

    And this is offensive. I am a good Christian woman, married to a good Christian man. We follow the guidelines set out in God's word. This has nothing to do with losing weight, or having willpower to not eat junk. You should more carefully choose your words before typing.

    Sorry,,, I know this is derailing the OP thread... and I don't know a ton about religion

    But I don't understand what following God's word and letting your husband order you around have to do with one another. These days, the man is not always the head of the household and these days a man definately is not right to be telling his wife wht to do. I don't understand religion so maybe I fail to know the part of the religion that states a woman is not an independant person and must follow what her husband says.

    I'm not a religious person and neither is my husband. Even if we were, he would never be telling me what to do.
  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    You should consider getting a new husband then. He more sounds like a bully, he feels he has a little power. One thing I hate is bullies.
  • JennyJo23
    JennyJo23 Posts: 33
    i completely understand. My husband will buy boxes of candy bars, ice cream, ice cream sandwiches, chips, ding dongs etc... I just have a hard time going to the kitchen and I see those and I crave them and end up eating one. I ask him not to buy those things but you know how that goes, he says I like them so therefore I buy them. I thought about making just a cabinet for him and his snacks so that way I can go to my cabinet and get mine and I won't see his
  • GCPgirl
    GCPgirl Posts: 208 Member
    If it's there I can't control myself. I have to grab it and devour it.

    How do I gain self-control?

    (I live with my parents. They buy what they want for those of you saying throw it out. Lol. That's a no can doosey.)

    It is hard if you still live with your parents...they aren't going to listen to their child about what it best.

    Buy some 100 cal snacks or snackwells or carrot sticks. I also heard that if you have a sugar craving brush your teeth and it will get rid of the craving.
    I usually make myself a cup of tea with honey and I'm ok.

    If you like ice cream...I just got a Yonanas machine and it makes delicious ice cream from frozen bananas ( a healthier version)
  • swat1948
    swat1948 Posts: 302 Member
    Here's a thought...log it before you eat it and when you see how many useless calories you are eating you MIGHT change your mind!
  • maxiimise
    maxiimise Posts: 16 Member
    Cravings last for approximately 10 minutes. If you can distract your mind for that long whenever you see the junk, you'll learn to avoid it. Also, after eating healthier for about a week, you'll realize that the moment you eat junk food, you won't feel good! Try going a whole day without eating anything junk food. If you can make it through that day, your next goal is to make it through the next one. Every time you walk out of the kitchen without even a bite of junk food going in your mouth, applaud yourself. Give yourself a pat on the back. You're one small part closer to achieving your goal :)
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    What I do is eat some juicy fruit. Kiwi fruit, Strawberries, Blackberries.... Pinapple. Anything with natural sugar will usually currb my sweet tooth.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    surely you are stronger then this.
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    I allow myself calories each day to have a treat if I desire it. If I allow myself some treats I'm less likely to binge eat everything in sight. My boyfriend keeps sweets in the house and I'm okay with it (now, it took me awhile to gain that self control). I have learned to allow myself some treats when I really want it. We've have chocolate in the fridge for over a month now that i haven't had the urge to touch even though its my favorite kind. I rather eat my cinnamon roll quest bar with those calories
  • marthajo1
    marthajo1 Posts: 68 Member
    We have a chalkboard on the pantry door. I have my goal weight written there very large. It's hard to miss and is a great reminder when I go for crap food. I try to keep most of it out of the house but my husband loves his cookies and chips!
  • mrsg2006
    mrsg2006 Posts: 120 Member
    He is the head of the house, he says buy it, I buy it.

    there's your problem

    This. Are you married to a caveman?

    I tend to agree with these OP.
    But I don't know all the details of your relationship.
    This would be a red flag to me.
    As long as your are happy.....
  • dogo187
    dogo187 Posts: 376
    He is the head of the house, he says buy it, I buy it.

    there's your problem

  • corisg
    corisg Posts: 12 Member
    I have a picture I printed out that says "If you want to fly, then you have to get rid off the **** that weighs you down." This is on my fridge. I know that I won't always follow this. My weakness is chocolate and pepsi. So I don't buy sodas at all and I have a bag of Dark Chocolate morsels. I'll only have four of them when I want chocolate.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    If it's there I can't control myself. I have to grab it and devour it.

    How do I gain self-control?

    (I live with my parents. They buy what they want for those of you saying throw it out. Lol. That's a no can doosey.)

    Buy some 'healthy' treats for yourself. When you're tempted to dip into Mom and Dad's Chips Ahoy.....grab a healthier alternative (fruit, yogurt, skinny cow ice cream).


    Eat what they have IN MODERATION - 2 or 3 cookies will not kill you and you can easily make it fit into your calories.


    Get Mom and Dad onboard with a healthy lifestyle (easier said then done)


    Move out and live how you want to

    There's no real easy answer - it takes willpower and determination!
  • shellcan35
    shellcan35 Posts: 12 Member
    My husband brings home chocolate chip cookies (my favorite) every day and also buys a lot of junk food so I can sympathize with you. It's very challenging to have that around and not have an impulse to just grab a cookie or some Fritos in the spur of the moment. My willpower is still pretty weak too. I am going to get healthy snacks to turn to when I have that impulse or lack of willpower. I agree with what a lot of people are saying, just don't deprive yourself. I believe over time those cravings and impulses will become less as you challenge yourself more to eat healthy, and your willpower/confidence will improve. Also, if you talk to your husband and let him know how important it is to you to eat healthier as a family, which will improve your mood, confidence, and essentially help you accomplish your goals. You will be a much happier wife and when he sees how hard you are working he might give you a break and try eating healthy with you. Sorry for the long response! I hope this helps :-)
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    You might want to try Intermittent Fasting for a month. I'm also surrounded by junk food that I didn't buy and can't throw out. IF helped me with my mindless eating. Before I tried IF, there would be periods when I wasn't hungry, and would tell myself I wasn't hungry, but would eat the junk anyway. I recommend a program that calls for a daily eating window.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Wow, loads of people have ignored the fact that you live with other people and can't just throw away their food...

    I find that the smallest hint of relationship issues and everyone on the site calls for the termination of a relationship rather than discussion or problem solving.

    This is a difficult situation and deciding that there is something wrong with their marriage because OP has different values then you do, is unenlightened.

    I've lost count of the number of times I've read people saying "you should just leave him/her" at the slightest whiff of relationship strife on this site. Relationships require more than just saying "I love you" they require communication, respect and sometimes compromise and maybe even a little sacrifice.
  • Cameronie
    Cameronie Posts: 26 Member
    Find someone to be your "sponsor"

    A.A. Style.

    Give them a call when ever you start thinking about giving into the junk food.
  • M_McPoyle
    M_McPoyle Posts: 32 Member
    My husband buys the stuff and hides it (at my request). Works a charm! I want to eat it, but am to lazy or time-constricted to look for it. Have any locking cabinets in the house?
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Keep your own stash of healthy snacks, or just buy healthier things that everyone can snack on, or buy snacks he likes that you don't. For example, my husband is a huge fan of crisps, but I can take them or leave them, so I'm not really tempted when they're in the house.