Challenge: Lose 20lbs by 5/29!!



  • Count me in.

    SW 202-203
    CW 191.4
    GW(5/29/2013) 171.4

    Please add me to this group
  • kargell
    kargell Posts: 12
    I'd love to join the challenge!! I started out at 184 3 weeks ago, so it would be great to be at 164 or less by the end of May!! I certainly hope this gets me out and walking more!!
  • janetr11
    janetr11 Posts: 7
    Please add me - sw/cw 145
    gw 125
  • akklm05
    akklm05 Posts: 16
    Can I join? Or is this for ladies only. My current weight is 242, goal weight 210. I'm not doing so well, this may be just what I need.
  • AGirlandHerFrenchie
    AGirlandHerFrenchie Posts: 448 Member
    Great idea. I'd like to participate as well.

    SW: 237
    CW: 205
    GW: 165

    I have struggled with my weight and every time I get close to breaking the 200lbs mark I gain weight for no apparent reason and get very discouraged. My goal at the beginning of this month was to lose 15lbs by May 1st, well I lost 7lbs and was at 200.5, I was so excited and then out of no where (I kept at my workouts/cardio/eating - nothing changed) I gained 5lbs. I really need some motivation to keep me on track.

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone :)
  • Kimkimba
    Kimkimba Posts: 173 Member
    I would like to join. I've been under. Lot of stress lately and need to get backon track. And my 16th wedding anniversary is the end of May and I really want to look hot for my dh.

    SW(3/25): 185.5
    GW: 147
  • luvley88
    luvley88 Posts: 4 Member
    CW 150
    GW 125

    I'd like to participate as well.
  • anitathomas
    anitathomas Posts: 2 Member
    I would like to participate in this challenge!!

    CW 145.5
    GW 120
  • MinnieM83
    MinnieM83 Posts: 17
    Would love to join the challenge!! My sw is 220 my goal is 150. Would love to have 20 pounds down by my next dr appt on May 21!!
  • sheald
    sheald Posts: 16
    I am in! My anniversary is May 28 and I want to look awesome!
  • jessifreehugs
    jessifreehugs Posts: 81 Member
    I'd like to join!!

    SW: 262
    CW: 242.5
    GW (for the challenge): 222.5
    UGW: 150
  • MrsTorresisBACK
    MrsTorresisBACK Posts: 98 Member
    I'm in my 10 year wedding anniversary in May 24th....I'm In!!!

    SW 195
    CW 185.8
    GW 140
  • sheald
    sheald Posts: 16
    Dang! I am trying to type one handed and feed a baby and replied before I was done. Sorry! My sw is 170, cw 142, gw 122.
  • nainaa22
    nainaa22 Posts: 33
    I am in too! Currently at 68 kg want to drop down to 50 kg.
  • I would love to join as well. My SW is 187 and GW is 140
  • nuismer
    nuismer Posts: 1
    I'm in. This is my first challenge. I'm still learning my way around MFP. My family is signing up for a 5k walk/jog on May 27th (my birthday). I would love to lose 20 pounds by then.
  • dsgoingtodoit
    dsgoingtodoit Posts: 803 Member
    Please count me in!

    I'll start by saying...I did Body Combat class today and 20 minutes on the elliptical with moving handle bars...and some abs.
    I'm planning to head back the gym for another hour tonight...not sure if I'm going to swim or do weights.
  • Hello, I would love to join the challenge. My Sw is 167- I haven't been able to loose any weight since I started working out in July of 2012. My goal is to keep up with my workouts and monitor everything I eat. I'm hoping this time around I lose some weight...even if its 1/2 a pound! :)
  • dsgoingtodoit
    dsgoingtodoit Posts: 803 Member
    Please count me in!

    I'll start by saying...I did Body Combat class today and 20 minutes on the elliptical with moving handle bars...and some abs.
    I'm planning to head back the gym for another hour tonight...not sure if I'm going to swim or do weights.
    SW - 240
  • john3smom
    john3smom Posts: 1 Member
    I would love to join you! I would like my go was to lose 30 pounds by May 18th. I have already lost 14.3, so to lose 20 by 5/29 would put me at 34 lbs. My ultimate goal is to lose 50lbs or more before my 35th birthday in October. :smile:

    SW: 280.5
    CW: 266.2