What's your love story?



  • salgalbp
    salgalbp Posts: 218 Member
    I had just gotten out of a relationship about 3 days prior, I mean we were off and on but we made it seriously official that we were OFF.

    I had plans to go dancing on New Years Eve to a band that I love and they have a great following and I had planned to go by myself as I knew I'd have plenty of dancing partners, even if they were twice my age. (I love to swing, two-step, three-step, jitterbug)

    But thought what the heck...I put a quick profile online and was very direct about what I was looking for.

    - Dancing Partner
    - No I'm not teaching you how to dance
    - No we're not going to dinner first
    - No you're not getting laid after

    Something like that. On this site you can see who looks at your profile and this BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL MAN had "checked me out" - so I did the same. 6'4, big broad shoulders, crew cut...

    So I sent him a message and asked why he didn't respond. He said something like, well you know exactly what you want and I'm not it, I have two left feet, but I would love to take you to lunch today. (We only lived 20mins apart from eachother)

    I was SOOOO disapointed but all the ladies at work convinced me to go to lunch. So when he pulled up in his big black chevy pickup (I'm kinda redneck like that) and stepped out and wrapped those big burly arms around me I melted!

    We've been together since New Years Eve 2012 (I still went dancing by myself, darnit I LOVE TO DANCE :) and we met up later and we shared our first kiss at Midnight. I didn't know what the heck I really wanted because I found my life dancing partner in him for however long it lasts I'll dance with him. :)

    Somehow this reminds me of the movie "Hope Floats" even if its just because Harry Connick, Jr. is hot :bigsmile:

    Harry is HOT that is for sure and I LOVE that movie too!
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I was at a dance hall standing by the dance floor when the random male came up to me & said, “You see that big guy with the goatee over there shooting pool?” I looked over & saw this big good looking man in a cowboy hat & some tight wranglers. I said yes and the guy said, “Oh he said he’s taking you home tonight” :noway: I literally cracked up laughing out loud, but did dance with him a few songs later when he asked.
    He was head of a night club & asked me to come see him at work sometime. About a week later I didn’t have anything to do so my girlfriend & I went to the club, when I asked the guy at the front door if the “cowboy” I met was there he radioed on the walkie talkies, and here came this big good looking man again! :love: I ended up giving him my number & before I got home he had called. We actually just talked a lot the first couple weeks (I didn’t really want to date him because I had met him in a bar and I was a single mom so I was busy plus very careful as to who I wanted my son to meet) We started talking everyday (multiple times) I would bring him dinner to the club he worked at….you know the old “a way to a man’s heart if through his stomach” adage Not long after I asked him over to have dinner at the house with my son, it was in October and my 2 year old was all excited about Halloween, well the “cowboy” was great with him & even asked to go trick or treating with me & my son…we’ve been together ever since. He raised my oldest son as his own & we had 2 children together.
    Over 18 years together, it hasn’t always been easy…but then again my momma would say nothing worth fighting for is ever easy!!

    Side note: My husband can still tell you exactly what I was wearing the day he sent his roommate over to tell me he was taking me home that night!

    Yee Haa!!:love:
  • PamelaGatorMom
    PamelaGatorMom Posts: 348 Member
    I saw my wife for the first time on the first day of Basic Military Training. We both got to BMT a day late so 3 girls had to march around to all the inprocessing appointments with the approx 24 guys in my flight. My wife just so happened to be one of those 3 girls, however I didn't really pay too much attention to her. If you got caught looking or thinking about girls they will throw you on your face and make you start pushing and I didn't want to start my first day at BMT on my face.

    After the end of BMT I bought a laptop and one of my friends who used to live in San Antonio put a bunch of movies and music on my laptop. This came in handy because the next day we didn't get any sleep because we were getting bussed to our Tech School. So during the bus trip I opened the laptop, threw in some headphones, and watched "The Green Hornet".

    Once we got to Tech School we weren't allowed to wear civilian clothes until we passed so many inspections and volunteered. I volunteered to be a Student Leader and so within a week I was one of the first people allowed to wear civilian clothes and drink at the local Recreational Center. I ended up having a few drinks and singing karaoke with a bunch of people. One of my wifes friends saw me singing and having a good time.

    The next weekend my wifes friend saw me going to the bar with a friend and invited us to go to Texas Roadhouse with her and her friends. I ended up sitting next to my wife, however at the moment we really didn't talk. That night we all went to one of the Dorm Rec Rooms with a big tv and we all watched "The Hurt Locker". I layed next to my wife and offered her my overshirt to use as a pillow. (Thats when she said she first knew that she liked me).

    We soon started dating and after the 6 months of classes we went to our first bases, me to Colorado and her to Louisiana. We decided to do long distance and when Thanksgiving came around I went home with her to meet her family, ask for her fathers blessing, and propose.

    We just celebrated our 1 year anniversary a month ago and are finally stationed together and couldn't be happier.

    You asked her father's permission :flowerforyou:

    That is awsome that you got her father's blessing!! I sure hope my sons do that...my oldest is active military too, not so sure about him meeting girls from all over, this momma wants her "baby" to end up in Texas.
  • PamelaGatorMom
    PamelaGatorMom Posts: 348 Member
    Something like that. On this site you can see who looks at your profile and this BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL MAN had "checked me out" - so I did the same. 6'4, big broad shoulders, crew cut...

    So I sent him a message and asked why he didn't respond. He said something like, well you know exactly what you want and I'm not it, I have two left feet, but I would love to take you to lunch today. (We only lived 20mins apart from eachother)

    I was SOOOO disapointed but all the ladies at work convinced me to go to lunch. So when he pulled up in his big black chevy pickup (I'm kinda redneck like that) and stepped out and wrapped those big burly arms around me I melted!

    something about those BIG COUNTRY BOYS!!! :love:
  • cherchechristine
    cherchechristine Posts: 84 Member
    Cancer Support Group- in 1999.

    We had each lost our first spouse due to cancer 4 months earlier. He had been married 28 years; and I had been married just 1 1/2 years.

    Neither of us had kids at home so we filled the quiet void of going home to our respective homes by socializing. One thing led to another and he chased me. I let him catch me and...

    We married April 2001.

    He is 17 years my senior but we are so alike and each other's best friends.

    This October we are celebrating our Silver Anniversary. We'll never make 50 years of marriage b/c he'll be 105; but we may make 25. So, we double each year and at 12 1/2 we'll have our silver anniversary and at 25 years we'll have our golden.
    One of the many reasons he married me is b/c I love to have parties!!
  • _steveruns_
    I met my last wife on AOL 1.0 back in 96. Yes, AOL 1.0. We were married for 16 years. So yes, you can find love online. I hear people talking all the time about MFP not being a dating site. Well it might not be a dating site, but it's a site that brings like minded people together that by the very act of being on here share something very important in a person's life. It's not surprising to me that people connect on here and even fall in love!
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    we both posted on the same forum (more local board). I asked if anybody wanted to go fishing that weekend. She went.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I am a romantic at heart so I have to add my story to the mix. My Danish hubby and I met on craigslist. I wanted a date for New Years 2002 right after September 11th. When he responded and asked me out, I decided I didn't want to go out after all since I had too much work to do. When we finally got around to having our first date, it lasted 3 entire days. He was going to take me to Big Sur for the day. We were talking the evening before the date was supposed to take place and I told him to come over and he could spend the night in my guest room so we could get an early start. So, he did. Then we took off early the next morning, got tipsy in the evening and ended up staying in a hotel that night. It was perfect. He moved in 2 weeks later and got married 4 months after we met in Vegas with Elvis. We married again one year later in Greece with the entire family, I was 2 months pregnant for our second wedding :). We met January 4th, engaged March 4th and married May 4th. the funny part is that his mother called because she had a psychic friend that told her that her son had met someone in the US. He hadn't told her about me yet. We also have the same initials, one letter difference in our first names and our last names both are 9 letters long. This was 11 years ago and I still believe marrying my hubby was one of the best decisions I have ever made. We also have 3 gorgeous children.
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    He was an acquaintance of my (douche bag) boyfriend at the time. I turned him down a dozen times, he was persistent.
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    Well it didn't turn out to be quite the love story one would hope of, but we worked together at a gas station. I was the boss's brat daughter and he said to me, "I was going to hit on you until I saw who you were." I should have known how that was going to end.
  • erniewebbiii
    erniewebbiii Posts: 1,174 Member
    Shana and I met in 1990, when she was senior and I was a freshman. By met, I mean we saw each other. She was a cheer leader, drill team captain, really popular. I was just a freshman trying to survive my first year in high school. She also had a big boyfriend, great athlete, also jealous ... so I never said a word to her.

    However, her mother is an English teacher at the high school. She also taught journalism, and was my mentor. Apparently, I was the "favorite student," and she occasionally told Shana what I was up to (new jobs at bigger papers, school board, etc.), so she thought I was interesting.

    In 2010, after I moved back home to be closer to family, Shana and I started talking on Facebook. We talked briefly at a football game that September. I didn't realize it (like most men, you have to be very direct with me), but apparently she was flirting. A few months later, she asked me out after I'd failed to pick up on the signals (such as, here's my phone number ... yeah, I'm dumb).

    We went on our first date on Jan. 8, 2011. By July, we were living together. By June 2012, we were engaged.

    I think it's worth pointing out that although I weighed 250 pounds, Shana, who's in great shape, insisted on going out. Two years later, I'm nearly 60 pounds lighter. She has been my biggest supporter. A wonderful person who just happens to be insanely hot.

    That's our story :)
  • michelleLynette
    michelleLynette Posts: 289 Member
    I met my husband on the track field at college , he was a discus/shot thrower and i a runner..yes it was love at first sight. He happened to have his shirt off that day ..sporting a 6 pack.. We dated for three years then got married. Three children and 26 years together and he still is my sweet love and Best friend. He is still hot..and he thinks I am too:)
  • SatchGallamax
    SatchGallamax Posts: 549 Member
    My husband and I belonged to different chapters of the same car club. Our chapter hosted it's annual Spring BBQ and he attended. I was smitten by his nerdy argyle cardigan sweater.
  • MartialPanda
    MartialPanda Posts: 919 Member
    I met my beautiful girl at a college club meeting. I almost never go to the meetings but i destroyed my knee playing rugby and had nothing better to do. I went with some friends she sat in front of me and throughout the meeting i was making jokes and such and she was smiling and such. I made a joke about Mason Gross ( the prestigious art school at my college). She's an opera singer and she sassed the hell out of me for making the comment. Naturally i loved it but because i was broken i didnt get her number and had a crush on her ever since.

    Then after multiple fails with other girls i saw there later that year in the back of the bus. I walked up to her. Made sure she was gay. Got her number and hit off. Now we've been together for 2 years :)
  • Alyssah09
    Alyssah09 Posts: 357 Member
    I met him online. I just moved from a small cow town to a big city (San Diego) and I was a single mother of a 2 hear old and didn't know ANYONE! And then I met him. He was in Pre Law and a personal trainer at a gym as well as a surf instructor for kids. He never wanted kids and then he met me :) We dated for a while, then he met my son and then we fell in love. He is a GREAT role model for my son (my son has only met his real dad a handful of times all before he was 1). We quickly because a family, now we are engaged to be married and expecting my 2nd boy (his biological 1st) Now he is moving his whole life from the bog city and moving to my small cow town. I didn't like San Diego and it is way too expencive to raise a family. (at least for us).
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I was 19 years old. I lived on my own, went to college full time, and worked long shifts at a group home on the weekends to pay the bills. On Wednesday nights my girlfriends and I would go to a local night club for drinks; we were regulars. I was pretty square and responsible while my roommates had boyfriends and partied while I studied. I was also very careful and conservative around men; I had never had a boyfriend. One Wednesday night I thought Eff it!! I'm just going to drink too much pick up a random guy at the club and be done with it!
    That night at the club, my future husband came over to our table because he knew one of my friends. (Actually he says it differently, something about a tight purple skirt and me dancing). I was forward, shook his hand and introduced myself. I liked him because he had freckles, I felt like freckles meant he was safe:)
    I did take him home that night. I gave him my phone number but he didn't call me for three days! I actually tried to find him but i only knew his first name. We have been inseperable ever since he called me. He was all alone and nineteen too at the time. That was 1987:). This year is our twenty-third wedding anniversary:)
  • LibertyBelle89
    highschool sweethearts!! met when i was in 9th grade algebra (him 11th)..... i was constantly flirting with him & picking on him lol.... together 9 years soon (this july)... hoping to be one of the few highschool sweethearts that make it! <3
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I went to church in AZ with my now-husband 17 years ago, when we were 10 years old. (1995) I had a crush on him for almost that long. :) My family moved across the country when I was 12, (1998) but we stayed friends and wrote each other letters for the next 5 years or so. When I was 17 (2002) we moved back to AZ, and my family visited our old church. When I walked in, our eyes locked and I knew I was even more in love with him than I ever had been. We dated semi long distance (we lived 30 min away from each other) for a few months, than broke it off because of the distance.

    Two years later (2004) we started talking again, and fell in love all over again and dated for a few months until he moved to Brazil, and we sort of put things on hold. We wrote letters for the first year (2005) he was there, then broke if off because of the distance (AGAIN). He moved back to AZ (2006), and dated another girl for 2 years, while I dated someone else too. In spring 2009 we had both ended our relationships, and found each other on Facebook. We exchanged numbers and ended up talking on the phone for four hours. A week or so after that I decided to put in all on the table and told him that I still loved him, and always had. Once he recovered from the shock, he realized he loved me too. We started dating (for the THIRD time) summer of '09. He proposed that December, and we got married Sept. 2010. Been together ever since, and are now raising our adorable munchkin toddler together.

    You can't escape fate!

    It was your bikini pic that got him. Rawr. lol. Either that, or the Arizona heat!
  • icmuse
    icmuse Posts: 263 Member
    I was a mail order bride from Eastern Europe :love: JK :tongue:

    In all seriousness, funny you ask, today is our 9 year anniversary of first date and 7 year wedding anniversary :heart:

    We have quite the interesting "meeting" story. Instead of writing a novel about it, let me just say these things:

    - cross country move
    - pink hair
    - cannoli
    - synchronicity
    - six degrees of separation
    - Baaam - LOVE it is!
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    Oh Good God, all these posts make me want to go home and watch a chick flick.

    I have never been in love and the best love story I can come up with is with a cheeseburger.

    I have some pretty terrible stories about dates and break-ups though...