The Walking Dead finale



  • j4zepedajj
    I think Rick is going to Die....
  • ryanwood935
    ryanwood935 Posts: 245 Member
    Here are some of my thoughts, and the reasons behind them.

    I think they set up the story for Daryl to kill the governor in the closing minutes of last episode. Gives him closure, and the are trying to pull Rick out of the spotlight, so he would be a silly choice to do it.

    The governor is going to try torturing someone (probably Andrea), and Milton is going to spoil it by tear gassing the chamber. It just seemed weird that they would show a gas mask in the middle of all the knives and torture tools the governor set up.

    Herschel is going to die :( He gave Glen his blessings for Maggie, so he won't be around to see the marriage.

    I also hope to see Tyrese and sister joining the prison in the aftermath. The white guy (sorry dont remember his name) with Tyrese is going to be the first one dead. He's a big tool. It just seems like they wrote him in to make us hate him, thus an easy target to kill to start off the rampage.

    I sure hope they have some good plans for the finale, I've been pretty disappointed with just about every episode since the mid-season finale. Sunday will probably be the reason I come back next season or stop watching now.
    They've set it up so there is a bunch of people who could kill the governor and have it be satisfying. Michonne, Glen, Maggie, Daryl or Andrea it would all be great.

    and you were dissapointed with the morgan episode?
    I was, a little bit. I think they did a great job with the episode in regarding to Morgan. The fortress he built, he crazy demeanor when they found him, his parallels to Rick, etc.. all very good. But rather than bring him back into the picture, they basically used him to show what Rick is going to become if he continues down the path he is headed. Now, if Morgan comes back and saves the day at the prison, or shows back up early next season, I'll evaluate my opinion if that happens.

    It seems to me, they bring these characters back into the picture without really developing them. Then they kill em or leave em. Look at T-dog. Sure, he sacrificed himself, but he had no real story behind him, so we didn't have that connection to him when he died.

    That said, I thought they had done a very good job with Merle. You could see that he was about to turn a new leaf, but hadn't really come all the way to the good side just yet. He played a huge role in shaping Daryl the last few episodes, and his sacrifice was for the love of his brother.
  • BabyCerise
    BabyCerise Posts: 70 Member
    I hope the Governor to die. And Andrea too.
  • admanMike
    admanMike Posts: 371 Member
    A few of my thoughts:

    - Either Milton or Tyreese will discover Andrea and save her.
    - Andrea or Milton kills the Gov. It seems to me that the Gov has inflicted the most pain (physically and/or mentally) on those two.
    It probably should be Andrea, even though she bugs me. She needs to make up for not getting the gov when she had the chance.
    - Time to move on from the prison

    As a side note, did anyone notice MIchone's appearance and demanor was much different? Looked like fresh new clothes, and was all cleaned up. (She was looking hot!) Her tone was kind and conversational...but maybe was doing what she had to to convince Merle to let her go... or maybe the plot is just revealing more about her to make us like her more before they kill her off. They kind of did that with the hillbilly prisoner right before the gov shot him.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    I abhor Andrea and blame Meyrls death on her ......... She's not gonna die though cause she is supposed to become a big bad *kitten* ...

    Maybe this will be where Rick loses his arm. Darryl should get to kill the gov..... I don't think Hyrshel will die because they need him to help with the baby..... I'm kinda worried about the baby.........Also the blond second sister can go I have no emotional attachment to her......
  • Rottnme
    Rottnme Posts: 167 Member
    I think it would be interesting if Woodbury were to splinter under the reality of the truth. They have lived with the wool pulled over their eyes for too long.

    I would like to see the kid get knocked down a peg or few as he's getting pretty damn big for his britches and it's long past due.

    If they are going to stay in the prison, they need to clear the yard, repair the fences and get to locking up the back door that they have left open for far too long.

    Oh, and Milton... He either needs to die or do a complete 180 becasue there's no more room for spineless weasels in that society.
  • j4zepedajj
    Daryl wont die.. With Meryl gone he is gonna get stronger.. I think between him and Glen.. Rick is now done for
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I think Daryl will try to kill the Gov and lose the fight and when he is about to get killed by the Gov, Milton will kill him. I think we will see Andrea's head on a pike at the prison!
  • morningmud
    morningmud Posts: 477 Member
    Oh and did anyone else find Glen's proposal extremely cheesy??

    Yes!!! Probably because I was annoyed that they showed it when I wanted to see the Meryl/Daryl scenes instead though.
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    Oh and did anyone else find Glen's proposal extremely cheesy??

    Yes!!! Probably because I was annoyed that they showed it when I wanted to see the Meryl/Daryl scenes instead though.

    That was a pretty sweet ring though after he cleaned off the rotted finger
  • Abbygirl43
    I have a feeling Michone will attempt to rescue Andrea and kill the Govenor in the process (I hope!).
  • neacail
    neacail Posts: 228 Member
    i kind'of agree just because i don't want to see Daryl going crazy after losing everyone he cares about. I don't care for Carol much, though.

    I think Carol is a great character. She has some very soft and sensitive qualities about her. She adds another---needed---dimension to the group, I think.
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    Here are some of my thoughts, and the reasons behind them.

    I think they set up the story for Daryl to kill the governor in the closing minutes of last episode. Gives him closure, and the are trying to pull Rick out of the spotlight, so he would be a silly choice to do it.

    The governor is going to try torturing someone (probably Andrea), and Milton is going to spoil it by tear gassing the chamber. It just seemed weird that they would show a gas mask in the middle of all the knives and torture tools the governor set up.

    Herschel is going to die :( He gave Glen his blessings for Maggie, so he won't be around to see the marriage.

    I also hope to see Tyrese and sister joining the prison in the aftermath. The white guy (sorry dont remember his name) with Tyrese is going to be the first one dead. He's a big tool. It just seems like they wrote him in to make us hate him, thus an easy target to kill to start off the rampage.

    I sure hope they have some good plans for the finale, I've been pretty disappointed with just about every episode since the mid-season finale. Sunday will probably be the reason I come back next season or stop watching now.
    They've set it up so there is a bunch of people who could kill the governor and have it be satisfying. Michonne, Glen, Maggie, Daryl or Andrea it would all be great.

    and you were dissapointed with the morgan episode?
    I was, a little bit. I think they did a great job with the episode in regarding to Morgan. The fortress he built, he crazy demeanor when they found him, his parallels to Rick, etc.. all very good. But rather than bring him back into the picture, they basically used him to show what Rick is going to become if he continues down the path he is headed. Now, if Morgan comes back and saves the day at the prison, or shows back up early next season, I'll evaluate my opinion if that happens.

    It seems to me, they bring these characters back into the picture without really developing them. Then they kill em or leave em. Look at T-dog. Sure, he sacrificed himself, but he had no real story behind him, so we didn't have that connection to him when he died.

    That said, I thought they had done a very good job with Merle. You could see that he was about to turn a new leaf, but hadn't really come all the way to the good side just yet. He played a huge role in shaping Daryl the last few episodes, and his sacrifice was for the love of his brother.

    I agree with you assessment overall on the treatment of characters. I think Kirkman handles the comic so much better-- actually features them, you learn about them and it matters more when they die off. I so wish Dale had had the same death in the show as in the comic though.
  • ryanwood935
    ryanwood935 Posts: 245 Member
    I think they are setting up for the governor to be killed. That and his security force will be taken out. The people are left leaderless so Andrea takes up that role and stays with the town.
    I don't know why I hadn't considered this before. I guess I just imagined a show where Woodbury would be gone after the governor dies. I think this has some good substance to it.
  • bowencandy
    bowencandy Posts: 7 Member
    I think someone said it here, but I think the governor got bit! When Andrea left him in the building, I think he was bitten. He has a wound that he is hiding. He is going to die regardless. Glad to see him go. He is one weird wacko!
  • Abbygirl43
    Oh and did anyone else find Glen's proposal extremely cheesy??

    Yes!!! Probably because I was annoyed that they showed it when I wanted to see the Meryl/Daryl scenes instead though.

    That was a pretty sweet ring though after he cleaned off the rotted finger

    Omg! He had the nerve to ask Hershel for his blessing, he should have had the nerve to get on his knees and propose! What's up with just handing it to her????
  • Kris1997
    Kris1997 Posts: 241
    Milton needs to kill the Gov. Hershel is not gonna make it and Carol will care for the baby. Michonne and Darryl will be bada&& team along with Glenn & Maggie. I LOVE THIS SHOW!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I think someone said it here, but I think the governor got bit! When Andrea left him in the building, I think he was bitten. He has a wound that he is hiding. He is going to die regardless. Glad to see him go. He is one weird wacko!

    That's what my daughter said. She thought he had been bit too. I didn't catch it. Now I'll have to go home and watch that episode again. Somehow, I had forgotten all about that.
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,985 Member
    I've read all the online hype - that 27 people are going to die in the finale. 27?! I just hope that none (or very few) come from the prison group.

    I really want the Governor to die. His character is not great - and after he bit Merle's fingers off, all I can think of is PSYCHO!

    For some reason I feel like either Glen or Maggie will be killed. They're entirely too close and it will make for a shocker. I like them both though, and don't want to see either of them go.

    Can't wait for Sunday to find out! :)
  • CottonCandyKisses
    CottonCandyKisses Posts: 246 Member
    As much as I cannot wait for Sunday's episode, I will hate the torturous wait for the fall season. I wonder if we will find out that the Gov really was bitten but just not badly enough to kill him right away, like the guy in Season 1...

    As much as I cannot wait for Sunday's episode, I will hate the torturous wait for the fall season.


    I didn't start watching til a few months ago actually--- the husband got me hooked and we watched older Netflix episodes and download the newer episodes on the ipad until we were caught up. Now I love it!

    The Governor should have died a dozen times already and Andrea makes me mad .I yell at the TV and startle the pets, like last Sunday when the car alarm went off--OMG walkers--Michone! I don't know what will happen--I just like to watch, its the only show that I watch every week.