Turbo Fire Challenge!!! Join Me



  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    For those of you who already have Turbo Fire, is there someone in the videos demonstrating modifications (like in her other programs)? I'm not 'supposed' to do high impact activities (knee arthritis) and can see in the clips of TF that of course there's lots of jumping - but are there modifications? Thanks in advance!!

    Hey! Yes, there is absolutely someone in EVERY video modifying EVERY move. They don't do the high impact of every workout, but they definitely keep the high intensity. Don't worry about not getting a fantastic workout by modifying! :smile:

    Thanks sooo much Sara! What a relief to hear that - since I ordered it last night!! :drinker: I can't wait!!!
  • dawnsmemories
    dawnsmemories Posts: 6 Member
    Oh I have to join you all!!!! I rec'd my TF on Monday and immediately started! I LOVE it. The first day between Fire 30 and Stretch 10 I burned 527 calories and then on the HIIT 15 and Stretch 10 I burned 270 calories.

    I have to say, they knocked me off my butt! I am on a rest day but and itching to do something. I may move one and take a rest day this weekend as my daughter is having her Birthday Slumber Party so it may match up better then.

    Each morning I am walking with a neighbor who is over weight. I have her up to a 5K each morning walking and we finish it in 1 hour. I am hoping to get her moving a little more so I am getting more out of it but it is still something.

    Congrats to those who have rec'd it and patience to those who are still waiting, I know I was ready to pounce on the UPS guy before he arrived LOL

  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    Another UPS stalker here -- My TF is out for delivery! :bigsmile: And, here's a message from Chalene. She posted this on the BB boards:

    This is the real deal! My love… my passion. I can’t wait to have you experience this workout! With TurboFire, you don’t need to go to the gym to get a killer workout! Not everyone can afford or has access to the top fitness clubs or world-class instructors. Many of you know that in addition to my video workouts, I am passionate about teaching live classes. The rush from working out in a group can be so exhilarating. Until now, no one had captured the essence of that experience; the perfect class, the group camaraderie, the energy of people working out next to you, the music, the sweat, that extra push right when you need it. This program is intense, but stick with it and you’ll achieve your fitness goals.

    The inspiration for this intense cardio-conditioning program was sparked by my own passion for killer workout music and the study of how athletes condition. To be honest, I am completely obsessed with music!!! So I learned to mix and master all the best songs in a way that makes you punch harder, kick higher and give it your all. The music in TurboFire will motivate you to push yourself to train like an athlete.

    Anyone can create a workout that kicks your butt. That’s child’s play. What makes this program different is that it going to kick your butt and you’re going to love every single minute of it! You will never look at the clock. My philosophy is… working out shouldn’t feel like a chore or something you have to psych yourself up to do.

    With TurboFire you’ll actually look forward to your workout. By combining my calorie-scorching routines (get ready for some Fire Drills!) with off-the-hook beats, amazing songs, and some of the highest energy people you’ll ever meet, TurboFire gets you moving! The adrenaline high will have you craving more! You will burn a bazillion calories and shed extra pounds and the best part is you’ll have a blast doing it. You’ll feel amazing and look great. In fact, that’s the philosophy that inspired Turbo Jam®, the cardio-kickboxing program. The success stories people have shared with me say it all. Now with TurboFire we take it to the next level and incorporate High Intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T.) to challenge your body like the pro-athletes do.

    Oh, one more thing…Yes, there are intense plyometrics in many of these workouts. You’ll find this program more athletic than Turbo Jam, and definitely more intense. We move fast! We go hard. You’ve got to be ready to work. HOWEVER… absolutely every workout features (standing right next to me) my friend Alee. I hand picked her so you have someone to follow in every workout, every move and know exactly how to modify the exercise for low-impact. But make no mistake…she is high intensity! That was important to me.

    I’m in my early 40’s. I totally understand that many of us still want a killer workout but need ways to accomplish that without jumping or stress to our joints. I promise anyone with the “heart” for intensity will find a way to modify and make these workouts work for your body.

    Who is this program NOT for? It’s not for you if you’re looking for a walk in the park, you like low energy workouts with boring music and a mellow instructor…save your money. But if you want to “KILL IT” ...step into the FIRE!

    You CAN do this!

    I have saved you the best spot in class - Lets crush this!

    Your friend in fitness,

    Chalene Johnson
  • darkmercury99
    darkmercury99 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello everyone! I've never joined a group on here before, but I figure I could use the extra motivation! Just finished HIIT 15 and Stretch 10, and burned just over 300 calories. Crazy. So far, this makes Turbo Jam seem like a cake walk.
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    For those of you that have tried Turbo Fire already...would you say the Fire workouts are like Turbo Kick/Turbo Jam and the Hiit more like something out of Insanity (but with the kickin music?!?). I'm trying to determine how much like Turbo Jam/Kick and Insanity these workouts are like...the moves more so than the music/feel.


    The Fire workouts are similar to Turbo Kick. Some of the combinations that I saw in Fire 30 resemble what I've seen in the Turbo Kick Fan DVDs. They are a bit faster though.

    The HIIT workout reminds me of Fat Blaster x 10. She will go slow and explain a combo. Then the fire drills (like Turbos) ring and the routine is done high intensity. Then there is a few second rest then it is repeated at high intensity. Then there is another few second rest and it's repeated for a third time. In the HIIT 15, there were 3 combos done 3 times each at high intensity and once each at low intensity. It was awesome.
  • jerzeediva
    jerzeediva Posts: 72
    I JUST GOT MY TURBO FIRE.!!!!!!!!:happy: :happy: :happy:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Bump :smile:
  • jerzeediva
    jerzeediva Posts: 72
    Ok..So I got my Turbo Fire and man was that workout the bomb:explode: I mean I was just speechless but I was loving it at the same time. Talk about intensity and sweating your butt off. I burned 900 calories and with the 10 min stretch 246 calories. I was pouring down sweat the whole workout. Now I really know that I need better sneakers.

    Can someone recommend some sneakers for high impact cardio???

    All I can say if you don't have it yet you will be so excited when you finally do get it. I am also doing this as a hybrid with P90x so I wll be doing double duty...

    Well I am off to do my next workout..Love Ya'll

  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    Good morning!

    Sandy, thank you so much for sharing Chalene's post! I think it's extremely important to hear what she has to say about why she created this workout. The best part of that whole post, to me, was when she said that it will kick your butt and you will love every minute of it. So far that's true! :happy:

    Jerzeediva, holy crap, 900 calories?!?!?! That is amazing! You inspire me to push it even more! haha

    Welcome to all of the new people!!! :bigsmile: You're going to love this program once you get into it!

    So, this morning was Fire 30 and Stretch 10. I usually workout after work (around 5 p.m.), so waking up at 5 a.m. is a bit rough for me since I usually wake up at 6. BUT, I knew that I wouldn't be able to do it after work today, so I made myself get my butt up and press play! :tongue: My workouts today definitely weren't as great as the first day, because I was seriously lacking some energy. I think I got, MAYBE, 4 hours of sleep last night. Some of my friends thought it would be funny to go to a bar, drink until 1 a.m., and then come over and wake my BF and I up. I was so furious, and I kicked them out. I don't care if they are mad at me about it! :mad: So, anyway, sorry to vent, but I really noticed how much sleep impacts your workouts and your energy this morning, and it just aggravates me.

    I hope everyone has a great day. Keep stalking that UPS man! :bigsmile:
  • dawnsmemories
    dawnsmemories Posts: 6 Member
    Today was Day #4 and it was Fire 30 and Stretch 10... I didn't fuel my body first and was not hydrated and I saw a HUGE difference in results today. I also did not do the New to Class version.

    day #1 I burned 527 calories.
    Today Day #4
    Calories burned 403
    max 180 avg 147 high time 9:30
    in zone 20 min
    low 15

    Huge difference for me. Some of it was the fueling and hydrating my body and part was I got lost. I thought I didn't need the new to class version since I just did it on Monday but that is not the case for me, the uncoordinated one LOL

    I missed my 5K walk this morning too, so later after I fuel and hydrate my body, I will jump on the elliptical.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • jerzeediva
    jerzeediva Posts: 72
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Everyone's reviews are totally pumping me up - I can't wait! My package is finally 'in transit'. Hopefully tomorrow I can join in on the excitement.

    I keep hearing about a 5 day inferno (?) plan on other boards - is anyone doing this?

    Thanks and keep the excitement coming for those of us who are 'in wait'!! :ohwell: :laugh:
  • dawnsmemories
    dawnsmemories Posts: 6 Member
    I decided to wait on the 5 day inferno until I was more competent on the workouts besides I will be leave for vacation in a week and a half and will probably do it on my return. I will take TF with me but I know my eating will not be all that great.
  • darkmercury99
    darkmercury99 Posts: 15 Member
    Well today is my rest day, so no workout. I've learned the hard way that rest is vital! I may do the Inferno Plan at some point, but not until I have done the workouts enough that i'm not tripping all over myself anymore.
  • On day 4 of turbo fire tomorrow used today as a rest day ! I love it ....It is just pure crazyness....I'm excited to join yall in this funtastic journey lol :) Keep kicking and pushing play :)
  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    Everyone's reviews are totally pumping me up - I can't wait! My package is finally 'in transit'. Hopefully tomorrow I can join in on the excitement.

    I keep hearing about a 5 day inferno (?) plan on other boards - is anyone doing this?

    Thanks and keep the excitement coming for those of us who are 'in wait'!! :ohwell: :laugh:

    I'm actually going to give the 5-Day Inferno plan a try starting this Monday!!! We're having a party at our boat, which means lots of swimming suits and sun, so I need to be in top shape! Well, at least as in good of shape that I can get. I figured this would be as good a time as any to try this plan. :bigsmile:

    Today is Day 5 of TurboFire, so I have Fire 55 EZ to do. :happy: Even though the name says "EZ" I know it's not going to be, but I DO know that it's going to be fun! Every workout so far has been!

    Have a great day everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Everyone's reviews are totally pumping me up - I can't wait! My package is finally 'in transit'. Hopefully tomorrow I can join in on the excitement.

    I keep hearing about a 5 day inferno (?) plan on other boards - is anyone doing this?

    Thanks and keep the excitement coming for those of us who are 'in wait'!! :ohwell: :laugh:

    I'm actually going to give the 5-Day Inferno plan a try starting this Monday!!! We're having a party at our boat, which means lots of swimming suits and sun, so I need to be in top shape! Well, at least as in good of shape that I can get. I figured this would be as good a time as any to try this plan. :bigsmile:

    Today is Day 5 of TurboFire, so I have Fire 55 EZ to do. :happy: Even though the name says "EZ" I know it's not going to be, but I DO know that it's going to be fun! Every workout so far has been!

    Have a great day everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Hey can you give me an idea on how this compares to Insanity?? I have already done 2 rounds or Insanity and I am barely burning calories anymore... I know that means im in good shape but I hate only burning 300 cals in Pure cardoi. lol... I am wanting something that is about the same intensity level as insanity and will challenge me.... Would Turbo Fire fit that???
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    Looks like everyone is having a blast!! I received my package on Wednesday, but I'm finishing the last two weeks of CLX before I begin. I've reviewed the schedule and I'll be replacing the tone & sculpt classes with some other weight workouts (a little pink band just doesn't cut it for me! :laugh: ). Other than that, I'll be following the schedule for the first 12 weeks, and then will probably do the TF/CLX hybrid schedule BB designed. Should be fun!!

    Jamie: Take a look at this thread on the BB boards:


    It's a review of the TF workouts by an Insanity grad. Personally, I'm excited about bringing the intensity down a bit. I've been doing Insanity consistently since it was released in July '09, and my body could use a bit of a break. :drinker:
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Looks like everyone is having a blast!! I received my package on Wednesday, but I'm finishing the last two weeks of CLX before I begin. I've reviewed the schedule and I'll be replacing the tone & sculpt classes with some other weight workouts (a little pink band just doesn't cut it for me! :laugh: ). Other than that, I'll be following the schedule for the first 12 weeks, and then will probably do the TF/CLX hybrid schedule BB designed. Should be fun!!

    Jamie: Take a look at this thread on the BB boards:


    It's a review of the TF workouts by an Insanity grad. Personally, I'm excited about bringing the intensity down a bit. I've been doing Insanity consistently since it was released in July '09, and my body could use a bit of a break. :drinker:

    Hey thanks for that site... I will keep an eye on it and the opinions!
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Just wanted to bump you up off the second (almost third) page. I'm watching your progress/notes until I can order mine on July 2. Every time I watch a video of someone doing Fire, I get super excited! Can't wait!
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