Women Fit For Forties



  • cdsledge09
    cdsledge09 Posts: 167 Member
    I finished EA Sports 30 Day Challenge today!! Yay /happy dance. I loved it. Tomorrow I'm going to start the 45 day challenge... on hard too! Eeeek!! Other than that, I finished my 2nd week of the challenges. Anyone else still doing them? Come on girls!

    200 Sit-up Challenge - 121
    200 Squat Challenge - 109
    100 Push-up Challenge - 60

    I'm going to try to be extra good this week w/ my eating... and uhhh iced coffee. When I have them, I'm going to have sugar free. Plus I'm going to try to cut down on sugar... even natural sugar. I'm pushing for my 2 lb loss on Friday.

    Oh yeah... and I DVR'd Bollywood Dance Workout from FitTV. I did it last night & it was a lot of fun. They have commercials though!! It was the warm-up - commercial - workout - commercial - cool down. In 22 minutes I burned 105 calories. It was just fun to shake it and work some other muscles. There is also another one called Shimmy that I'm recording.

    I am just joining this thread, but please let me know what you think of the Shimmy workout. I never seem to be able to catch it on TV. I enjoyed Adrianna's belly dancing so please let me know what you make of Shimmy. I currently kill myself at a Cross Fit gym, use the Wii Active and my elliptical trainer that I affectionately refer to as the gauntlet. So that's about all there is to say about me, other than I am working hard to be back in the 160's by my 40th birthday in November.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I finished EA Sports 30 Day Challenge today!! Yay /happy dance. I loved it. Tomorrow I'm going to start the 45 day challenge... on hard too! Eeeek!! Other than that, I finished my 2nd week of the challenges. Anyone else still doing them? Come on girls!

    200 Sit-up Challenge - 121
    200 Squat Challenge - 109
    100 Push-up Challenge - 60

    I'm going to try to be extra good this week w/ my eating... and uhhh iced coffee. When I have them, I'm going to have sugar free. Plus I'm going to try to cut down on sugar... even natural sugar. I'm pushing for my 2 lb loss on Friday.

    Oh yeah... and I DVR'd Bollywood Dance Workout from FitTV. I did it last night & it was a lot of fun. They have commercials though!! It was the warm-up - commercial - workout - commercial - cool down. In 22 minutes I burned 105 calories. It was just fun to shake it and work some other muscles. There is also another one called Shimmy that I'm recording.

    I am just joining this thread, but please let me know what you think of the Shimmy workout. I never seem to be able to catch it on TV. I enjoyed Adrianna's belly dancing so please let me know what you make of Shimmy. I currently kill myself at a Cross Fit gym, use the Wii Active and my elliptical trainer that I affectionately refer to as the gauntlet. So that's about all there is to say about me, other than I am working hard to be back in the 160's by my 40th birthday in November.

    I did the Shimmy only once & didn't like it as much as the Bollywood. I burn more calories doing Bollywood. I have not counted Shimmy out though, as it was an ok workout. I just enjoy Bollywood more. I guess its all what you prefer. If you have a DVR then record a few of them & then you can check them out on your own time. There are lots of Shimmy on at night. There is actually one on right now! Kelly
  • fxdl2k2
    fxdl2k2 Posts: 250 Member
    Hi everyone. Thanks for the welcome.

    I am a college professor at a major university and I live in the publish or perish world (for those who don't know, we are expected to conduct research and publish the results on a regular basis). At times, it can be a high stress world. Right now, I have an article deadline every Tuesday for the next 5 weeks. I am also very active in a professional organization that requires quite a bit of travel. I am 45 (almost 46) and had a partial hysterectomy last year. No signs of menopause other than the fact that that I cannot drop weight. I just had a complete metabolic workup last week. The doc said to drop 30 pounds as quickly as possible in a safe manner, hence the October 1 goal date. She would be happy with the 30 pound drop, but would really like to see about a 50 pound drop over the next year. I have two children (one of each) who each have two children (all grandsons). I am married, but that in itself is a stressor right now. I need to get back into the habit of yoga and other exercise.

    So my goals, drop an average of 1.5 - 2 pounds per week (that is a safe amount for me) and begin yoga every day and start the C25K program.
  • cdsledge09
    cdsledge09 Posts: 167 Member
    I have seen several posts on the site about the C25K program. What is it and where can I get information? I am doing everything that I can to keep my workouts interesting. I am not a runner by any means, but I would like to train and get better at it so that its another option for me when I'm not feeling like jumping on the elliptical, or heading over to the gym. :flowerforyou:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I have seen several posts on the site about the C25K program. What is it and where can I get information? I am doing everything that I can to keep my workouts interesting. I am not a runner by any means, but I would like to train and get better at it so that its another option for me when I'm not feeling like jumping on the elliptical, or heading over to the gym. :flowerforyou:

    C25K is the "couch to 5K" program. You can find it at http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml
  • fxdl2k2
    fxdl2k2 Posts: 250 Member
    I have C25K on my iPhone. It was a free app that I downloaded. It works with my music library.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    I love the c25k program. I did week 8 day 1 today and boy was it hard after taking a week off. Keep in mind I do it on the elliptical since my knees do not like the impact of running. I burn a crazy amount of calories and love those endorphins! When I complete it I will either go to the c210k or I may redo the c25k but at a higher intensity and more resistance. I will make that call when it gets closer. Bottom line is it has helped my lungs tremendously. When camping this past weekend up in the mountains over 8000 feet I normally get winded pretty easy. This year, I actually did better than some of the younger people there and was able to walk around the lake a couple times in 1 day! That was a HUGE accomplishment for me! Ok.. back to work now! TTYL
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    I'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bacckkkkkkkk!!! Home from the lake, not much time to catch up.. a lot to do before heading back to work tomorrow.....sure missed everyone's encouragement....and motivating days....sure missed MFP...but was busy hiking, biking, run/walking.....had a great time...did pretty good eating...(had to have a smore though!!)..anyways, hopefully will have a good weigh in tomorrow morning.......talk to you all again then...:happy:
  • cdsledge09
    cdsledge09 Posts: 167 Member
    I love the c25k program. I did week 8 day 1 today and boy was it hard after taking a week off. Keep in mind I do it on the elliptical since my knees do not like the impact of running. I burn a crazy amount of calories and love those endorphins! When I complete it I will either go to the c210k or I may redo the c25k but at a higher intensity and more resistance. I will make that call when it gets closer. Bottom line is it has helped my lungs tremendously. When camping this past weekend up in the mountains over 8000 feet I normally get winded pretty easy. This year, I actually did better than some of the younger people there and was able to walk around the lake a couple times in 1 day! That was a HUGE accomplishment for me! Ok.. back to work now! TTYL

    Thank you guys for the good info. I will check it out and see if I can get going with the program.

    I also am hoping to keep all of the energy up. I am headed on vacation to Ohio. I'll be hanging out with my family and they're feeders. They don't think I'm happy unless they're feeding me day and night. Its hard to say no, but I have worked so hard to drop the few pounds I've lost in the last couple of months. I will be logging in as often as possible, but time is always limited when visiting family from across the country. Hopefully, I'll be able to go for short runs and get a break from family at least once a day while I'm gone. :flowerforyou:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Welcome, newcomers! You will love it here. :flowerforyou:
    Welcome back, timbotina!!! Sounds like you had a great time!

    I went to the public pool today and.....I FIT IN THE LAWN CHAIR!!! :noway: Woohooo! Last year I did not fit and had to walk all the way over to the picnic benches to sit down. I am so excited!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Blue note, great!!! Its the little things we really appreciate that others take for granite....We went to a small amuzement park while we were away and since I have lost about 33# (CW 195) it was the first time I didn't worry as I was in line that I just knew I would fit in all the seats without any problems.....and I didn't look tooooo aweful bad in my bathing suit at the soak zone!!:happy:

    Anyhow, off to work this morning...so glad to be back to normal...will check in with everyone later today!!! Have a GREAT day!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    timbotina - it felt so great to feel almost normal. I know I am far from my goal weight, but the little things mean sooo much to me!
  • shell1205
    shell1205 Posts: 138
    I'm in...

    And bump for later... I'm at work right now, so I'll fill y'all in on me later!!

    Have a great afternoon!!:bigsmile:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Evening ladies, busy day at work, had a lot of add on cases to do today....didn't get much chance to exercise today and with my husband being on afternoon turn...it me alone to get the kids to bed......long day :yawn: Hopefully tomorrow will be better...didn't get to drink as much water as I would have liked to as some suggested to help me with the 1/2 pound wt. gain....anyhow.....THE SUN"L COME OUT>>>>TOMORROW...TOMORROW..
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Welcome back timbotina! Glad you had a great time away! Sounds like fun @ the amusement park! :happy:

    bluenote - So awesome about the chair thing! I have these 2 chairs on my front porch that have been there for pure space stealers the past few years since I couldn't fit in them! However I sat in one just to tie my shoe or something last week & realized the chair didn't stick to my butt when I stood up! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Morning everyone....(kellly great about the chairs....once again it's the little things.....another thing for me....my little girl usually like to take a bath with me and when she does, I barely have room and can't get my leg up close to me to shave my legs...but now....with a little less bellly--noooo problem, yeah!!)
    Anyway ladies, off to work again today.....hope to not be as busy at work so we can get a good walk in...plus after work the kids and I are going to do some form of exercise...it is going to be a beautiful day in Ohio today...talk to you all later..:smile:
  • Kim_V12
    Kim_V12 Posts: 2
    Hi everyone. I'm new to this sight and find it very interesting so far. So much information and great ideas. I am a 44 year old mother of 3. I was shocked when I put my numbers in and found out that my goal was 99 lbs. I have done many diets in the past and have never been able to get over the 20 lb. hump. I would like to get of my meds for diabetese so I am determined to make this a priority in my life. I look forward to reading your updates and making progress in my weight loss journey.
  • Hey Ladies!!
    Happy Friday to you all......... sorry to say I have not checked in much since we first started this group. I soooooooo need this motivation right now, but I have been pretty focused on my job search. My last day at my current job is June 30th, and I have been here for 10+ years. So kind of a roller coaster ride. So have had a lot of phone interviews, and face to face interviews. It's definitely hard out there...... I have been doing the C25K and this is week 2 for me. I am still in shock that I am running!! Wow!! I'm doing it first thing in the AM and it's now a stress release for me. AWESOME and much needed!!!!!!! I am running in a 5K on July 5th. Couldn't talk anyone into doing it with me, so flying solo for the race. Kind of scary for me, but I think it will be good for me to do it alone. I have been shedding a few pounds along the way - really watching my food intake and striving to keep my water up too.
    I am also encouraging my sister to join our group - she is in her 40's and turned me on to MFP, which I am thankful for!!
    Take Care and have a wonderful weekend!!
  • www.active.com
    I ran across this website and there are TONS of great fitness ideas and information, thought I would share with you!!
  • cdsledge09
    cdsledge09 Posts: 167 Member
    Good evening all... Just before work this morning, I had a truly, make me smile kind of moment. I put on an expensive pair of dress pants that had previously had to go into plastic because my hips had simply outgrown them. :laugh: . Well this morning they fit and I had a little space to spare in the hips and waist. I was truly excited and felt pretty all day. I am very grateful for all of my new encouraging friends on MFP. :flowerforyou:
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