

  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Rori – I’m right there with you on being motivated by others here to dive into clothing storage areas (most of mine are in the basement in boxes/suitcases) and spring clean. Many things are on the “too big time to donate” pile which is such a great feeling. Enjoy your time in San Diego (if you can carve out any time) it’s a wonderful place, that’s where I lived before coming to Colorado (where Spring is still flirting rather than committing) :flowerforyou:

    JB in Portland – Funny you should mention Omega 3s and Depression – I’ve just finished reading “The Omega 3 Connection” by Andrew Stoll, MD and am upping my fish intake plus I just ordered supplements since I don’t think I can get enough through food alone. I’ll report back and let folks know how it works for me

    Jmkmomm – Good for you both in getting your walks in even though the “scenery” is lacking, and be patient with DH as he works on figuring out his ‘new normal’ (be patient with yourself even more!). I understand how your husband feels about waiting for things like the MD to see you, I’ve left more than once myself:angry:

    Yoyonomore55 – About your dislike of fish oil, one thing I read in the book (see above JB) was for folks like you to take their supplement at night before bed and then the side effects don’t bother you because you’re asleep (I understand because they effect me that way too so I’m going to do this)

    DeeDee – I love that you recorded DH snoring when he didn’t believe you!! What an “eye-opener” it must have been. :laugh: See your doctor, take the steroids, feel better soon!

    M. – Ouch!!!!!! So sorry to hear about your fall, it can be so scary (I had a similar tumble down my basement stairs a few years ago, sore and technicolored for a couple weeks) - - glad to hear the pain relievers are keeping you feeling relatively decent (and that your carpets are sparkly clean!).

    Tammy – LOL, we must buy the same kinds of crackers, because the one in my pantry get confused too and think they’re for me! :wink:

    Lucy - So great you're participating in the MM walk, we have been impacted by this disease so are all the more grateful for volunteers like you and your family who raise money for a cure

    JB - Thanks so much for the link to the Potassium foods, very helpful to me (and others I'm sure)

    Well I actually got to exercise outdoors yesterday, and it looks like that will (finally) continue daily for the the next five days or so, which makes both Dillon the Wonderdog and me very happy! I do get bored riding the stationary bike so much and do prefer walking around the lake observing the ducks and geese and gazing at the Rocky Mountains :happy:

    Brooke from Colorado
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    I found a good website this morning, it explains about the benefits of Omega-3s, and has a very good chart (scroll down towards the bottom of the page for the chart showing serving sizes) in different foods. Worth looking at! Oh, I as far as I can see, woman our age need at least 1.1 grams Omega-3s daily. You'll see why ground flaxseed and walnuts are so good for us. :bigsmile:


    :smile: jb
  • GrammyDanni
    GrammyDanni Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Ladies.......So glad I found the continuation of this board..... Been travelling for work and lost track.
    Did a little detour from MFP program last week, but back on track today. So difficult to calculate and stay under my calories when having to grab meals on the go or when dining out.

    Looking forward to reading all the posts I missed from you inspirational ladies !

    Happy Wednesday :-)
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Hump day!!
    Spending the day with Violet.
    Her idea of fun is cleaning the bathrooms.lol
    At least I`ll get some exercise.
    Have a good one!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi Pals!
    Just got back from and and 3rd grade Music concert. the kids did a great job but the electricity went out in the middle of the concert so they had to sing in the dark. there were a few small emergency lights on so we could see the kids on the front row of the risers. SAD for the parents to come and see their kids perform and not be able to see them! At least they all sang out and did a great job.

    2nd news of my day was my room parents threw a great Easter party at school. the kids had a blast. ONE more day of the week and then on Friday I fly out to Abu Dhabi to stay with my daughter and grand daughter for a week. I am so excited that I hope I will be able to sleep tonight. I can't wait to see my only grand daughter again. I have not seen her since November.

    I am hoping that I can continue the momentum of my healthy eating and exercising while I am there all week. I find it harder when I am not at home with my regular routine. Lots of eating out and sleeping in. But I am planning to do my best.
    Happy EASTER! Phyllis:wink:
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    M. that sounds like a terrible fall. Anti inflamatories, heat and rest!

    those third graders showed courage to finish their concert with the lights out. Their parents should be proud of them.

    My husband had his follow up appointment this morning. We are not morning people at all and getting up at 8:30 is not our cup of tea :grumble: Apparently the plan is to recheck his blockage with a stress test and if he fails then it's another stent. If they can't do the stent then it's open heart surgery. I hope that scares him enough to keep up and do better with the diet and controlling his stress.

    Keep smiling, logging your food and drinking your water, Joyce in southern Indiana
  • ekafont
    ekafont Posts: 39 Member
    Bumpity Bump
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Hi, Sunshine League!:glasses:

    Had a lovely supper with friends last night but learned a valuable lesson, don’t rely on the darn computer. One of the ladies didn’t show and when we phoned her she said she didn’t get the confirmation. Get back to the phone, its more personal and there can be no mistakes! :embarassed:

    The sun has come out and the temperature is slowly rising (YEAH!), warnings of possible flooding are starting to surface (BOO!) which has me losing sleep. We still haven’t finished the reconstruction after the last flood and of course now we have no water coverage (2 claims in 5 years and you’re done!) and when I think of what it has cost us so far…. On the other side of the coin, my DH has built this basement with great care and attention to detail, starting with one massive overflow valve so with that and my great gratitude to our guardian angels, I am hoping we can hold the flood waters at bay.

    I went out to examine the back year to see if I should start digging trenches to run the water off the edges of my garden and what to my wondering eyes did appear? The snow has pulled back from the house and there are a couple of hyacinths poking up in defiance of the weather and a little red nose of a tulip in a place where no tulip should be! A present for me !:flowerforyou:

    I decided to do a trial run with my ‘sexy bra’ to see how it will hold out for the gala evening and wore it for a day. Yikes, now I remember why it got put in the costume bag in the first place, it is so uncomfortable and I was always tugging it into place :frown: . Maybe I should use some duct tape for insurance purposes, I have seen it at Michaels in all kinds of decorator finishes!

    Have been busy cleaning the layers of dust off everything thing in the house, it’s amazing what a motivator impending guests can be, especially little guests! :heart: Must get down to their eye level and remove temptations and possible trouble areas of construction. Mind you, the construction area is a trial even for me to move around in but I know the family will want to see the progress. There was so much dust it was white and I found myself singing songs about winter wonderlands! The floors were so awful, first I swept, then I swiffered, then I washed twice and they still look dull! Grumble, grumble…. Bought the wee ones ‘Kinder surprises for girls’, a little chocolate, a little toy and no one gets too spoiled.

    Linda Sundance, I get the mode of self-sabotage to stave off impending decisions but you may not need the surgery of you lose the weight and the stress on your knees is reduced. When you said that is what you were doing this week, I think I may have realized that I have been doing somewhat of the same thing! With the cost of the basement and our upcoming trip to Ireland, I felt I couldn’t spend on clothing! I lost just enough to be able to get by with the basics, just far enough to alter seams instead of start from the beginning. I don’t usually indulge but maybe I should buy a lottery ticket, just in case, after all I did win ‘3 free coffees’ in a row from Tim Horton’s! (That’s more than I have won in the history of Roll-up-the-rim!)

    mwheatcraft54 – oh, oh , oh, falls can knock the stuffing right out of you! I hope you are taking it easy now!

    Amanda- I hope you are doing better now,; having to go to work feeling like that is too brutal and absolutely saps you. Make sure you replace your electrolytes with something like Gatorade if your body can handle it.

    Yikes, look at the time; I am supposed to be heading in to work soon for a short shift. Thought I would take a brief moment out from my cleaning to pop in. Brief? Lol! House is looking good though! Even took my kitchen curtains down for a wash.

    Enjoy your day!
    Hope the sun is shining for you! :glasses:
    Kate, in the middle of a meltdown….. now where is my boat?
  • luvbuttons
    Hi, ladies:
    It's been a busy day of another sort. I spent it sewing a dress for my granddaughter. Now I'm looking forward to doing some exercises with a theraband that just came in the mail. That should be fun or at least different. Thanks, Moxie, for the sugars tip. No matter how hard I tried, I was always over the sugars and under the carbs. Couldn't figure out how to make it work so, like you, I'll just go with the carbs. The sun was out this morning and it actually looked and felt like spring, I say felt and looked because it's gone. Looks like winter again. Sigh. Have a good evening, everybody.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Rori, my cat Bernie can tell when the heat pump comes on the morning (it’s on a timer) and then he wakes me up by trying to pull the cover off me and walking around on my stomach.

    :flowerforyou: LindaS, you are so right about sharing your fears with your friends (that means us)….it seems to cut them in half.

    :flowerforyou: Jmkmomm, my husband who recently had surgery to install a new defibrillator has two speeds----much too fast and energetic enough to scare me or couch potato in the recliner……he has difficulty finding the safe middle ground.

    :flowerforyou: M, you are so right that good exercise and being fit goes a long way in preventing anything worse from happening in your fall…

    :flowerforyou: Katla, you are so fortunate that you and your friend and your dogs can all walk together……..my dogs don’t like to walk with any dogs other than each other.:laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Jb, I found a bag of ground flaxseed at Costco and have been adding it to my morning shake along with walnuts that are a good source of Omega 3.

    :flowerforyou: Phyllis, it seems odd to me that there would be Easter celebrations in school in Egypt

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: We danced fabulous dances in line dance today then 14 of us went to a great Mexican restaurant for lunch……I kept my hands out of the chips and ordered chili relleno and cheese enchilada with no rice and beans and side of pico de gallo….then came home and walked the dogs. Jake and I met with a roofer to get an estimate on re-roofing our house and then tried not to choke on how expensive it will be. We have company coming tonight so we prepared some snacks and did a bit of tidying and cleaning including sweeping the walks and porches outside (that was my daily dose of garden puttering).

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Sorry Lost my post. Thanks for all the encouraging stories funny and informative. Happy Easter too all,off for a very brisk walk now as this winter weather is just not leaving
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I walked with my friend this morning and DH this afternoon. I have lots of available calories and spent almost 500 of them on an Alpenrose Dairy peanut butter fudge ice cream cone. :love: . In my case food sometimes motivates me to exercise more: translated as I work to buy calories. :devil: By the way, I only buy ice cream at a restaurant or ice cream shop. None is in my refrigerator so I can't completely pig out. :wink: :blushing:

    Katla having fun in the sunshine in NW Oregon
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Rori - I had a pantssuit that had gotten too big for me, but I liked it. So I asked this one lady at the Y to alter it for me. Actually, I wanted to see her work and I knew this suit wasn't that involved. It wasn't lined or anything. She did a pretty good job.

    DeeDee - how terrible for your friend. It's always so hard when we have to put our babies down. Isn't this weather weird? Here it is, the end of March, and I'm wearing my heavy coat! Something's wrong with this picture. What did the doctor have to say?

    M - OUCH!!! Glad the pain meds worked

    Lucy in DE - congrats on the 5K. I know you'll do real well.

    Jane - Violet can have fun to her heart's content at my house. We have 2-1/2 baths.

    phyllis - have fun with daughter and granddaughter

    Joyce - keeping your hubby in my thoughts.

    Am a little rushed right now. Woke up, took a yoga class then the deep water class. Did a little food shopping (only the things that were on sale) and picked up a prescription for Vince. Then senior bowling. This I don't understand, the other team had three members and they gave them a sub for the fourth. Our team only had two people on it! But, miracle of miracles, we did win one of the games. Not from my help, tho. Well, for each of the three games I did break 100. After bowling we went to buy more moist cat food for Jessica's cats, now home for dinner.

    Will do a DVD by Bob Harper tomorrow. It's weights.

    My sinuses are acting up again (thank you weather change) so I took a decongestant, which makes me very thirsty.

    Brooke - congrats on the NSV

    OK, ladies, I need your help. I honestly don't know how I feel, perhaps a bit sad. Bryan just called, the wedding is set for July 5. He told us that the reason they were rushing the wedding is because his visa expires in August, and by marrying an EU citizen, he won't have to constantly get a visa. I don't doubt that there's some love there, but I wonder how much? We've only met her once, a few years ago, for a few hours, at the house where Jessica is renting a room. The girl has never been to our home. Isn't she in the least bit curious about Bryan's family, childhood etc? Bryan was always the child who was so levelheaded and so willing to help. Last summer he sent me a SCATHING (to me it was scathing) email saying how we don't acknowledge her existence, etc. Well, he hasn't even told us her last name, I had to ask him a while ago. Then, when he's starting to plan this wedding, in addition to our expense of flying to Spain, we'll most likely be paying for Denise to fly there, he's asking us for $10,000 (US dollars) to put towards the wedding. Seems her family could only afford about $2,000. I feel like I'm losing him, not like I'm gaining a DIL. They're planning to live in France after the wedding. She's from Spain and I totally understand that she wants her grandfather, who isn't in the best of health, to walk her down the aisle. Her father is dead. I know that she has an uncle, but that's the most I know of their family. Looks like now they're going to have the wedding by a JP there in the afternoon, then they're renting a house where they're going to do the cooking, I'm guessing for only a few people. Afterwards, my understanding is that he & Dianna are planning to go to Madrid to be with some of their friends. That makes me sad because we haven't seen him in 2 years. His friends will still be there. But he's going to abandon us in a country where we don't speak the language. She lives in a little town (Avila) so it's not like they speak much (if any) English.

    It seems that money is tight with them. Bryan was in a gifted class, so he's no dummy. We gave him a college education, but he hasn't taken it any further.

    How have others dealt with a child living in a foreign country?We've suggested that he let us talk to her on the phone, but every time either we call him or he calls us, we've never spoken to her. I have no idea how much English she understands! Bryan says that she understands, but how much? Whenever he calls, she's always out. There were some things that I understood (like the time he called while she was getting her wisdom teeth pulled), but other times I just don't understand, why not call us when she can talk to us?

    Since money is tight for them, for their wedding we are planning to give them tickets to the US, I would really like to get to know her.

    Kate - lol @ duct tape

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Full disclosure: I do not have human biological children (but I believe that even if I did) . . .

    "Then, when he's starting to plan this wedding, in addition to our expense of flying to Spain, we'll most likely be paying for Denise to fly there, he's asking us for $10,000 (US dollars) to put towards the wedding. Seems her family could only afford about $2,000. I feel like I'm losing him, not like I'm gaining a DIL. They're planning to live in France after the wedding. She's from Spain and I totally understand that she wants her grandfather, who isn't in the best of health, to walk her down the aisle. Her father is dead. I know that she has an uncle, but that's the most I know of their family. Looks like now they're going to have the wedding by a JP there in the afternoon, then they're renting a house where they're going to do the cooking, I'm guessing for only a few people. Afterwards, my understanding is that he & Dianna are planning to go to Madrid to be with some of their friends. That makes me sad because we haven't seen him in 2 years. His friends will still be there. But he's going to abandon us in a country where we don't speak the language. She lives in a little town (Avila) so it's not like they speak much (if any) English. "

    I've always felt like a wedding was a luxury (rather than a necessity) for declarlng one's love for another and really doesn't require money nor pageantry. I'd want to know of my child (if they were asking this financial commitment of me) why this was important to THEM??? I'm obviously not the best arbiter of what's appropriate, but I feel like I have a good amount of common sense and discernment. Just my two cents . . .
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    brooke - "what's important to THEM". Getting married so that Bryan can stay in France. I really don't know much about her at all. I just wish Bryan had given me the chance to get to know her some, beyond her first name and that she's vegetarian. Like I said, I haven't even talked to the girl in almost 2 years. I offered them my wedding band so that they wouldn't have to incur the expense of one, but Bryan told me that she was picking out her own. I understand -- but if money is tight, wouldn't you want to cut corners as much as possible? When Vince and I got married, money was very tight. I bought a gown for $150, it wasn't my dream gown but the price was right. I used my mother's wedding rings. Had my cousin make the wedding cake. Oh, we skimped wherever possible.

    Maybe it's the mother-worry in me. Is she using him to get what she wants? Well, if so, then he's made his bed so now he has to lay in it. Maybe THAT'S my fear.

    Michele in NC
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Michele in NC I have just read about your son and his upcoming wedding in Spain. I can identify with this so much. Our son married this girls twin I'm sure. she was not from another country but controlled my son wanted money for a wedding also same story she had no close family,or so we were lead to believe. They always had excuses why they couldn't visit usually money problems. same thing we gave our son a good education , he's our only son and she used this wanted a huge wedding and what were we going to pay, we are a one income family and did not know or like this girl enough to give her the wedding of her dreams. long story short they went to jamaca and got married no family was invited and so it began a marriage of hell for him for 15 years with us always the fault of their problems. He was always caught between me and her She only wanted money Finally I said enough and we didn't see or here from him for 5 yrs it was awful but needed for all or sanity. He then with no family to back him and no money for her finally got a divorce without us even knowing . best desison he made but he had to see her for what she was without or influence. thankfully they never had children so she is totally out of our lives now. He has just met a lovely portugeise girl with family in portugal. but she wants to be part of his family and get to know us something the other never did. He still says why didn't we tell him what we thought of his ex. and he wouldn't have married her right!! we did she had the control we did't Sorry for the rant but it just came all back don't know what to tell you cause they just seem to do their thing regardless of our thoughts or feelings. All the best to you and your family
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    No, Michele, I get it - - I had a brother go through a similar situation, but they were both completely transparent about it (she wanted green card, he loved her enough as a friend to "marry"). He's now dead, and don't know if she even knows (or cares) but it worked for them. But I must say I wouldn't have invested hard-earned cash into the "event" itself if I'd been given the chance. Again, just me . . . loyal to a fault but you must first earn it . . .