Squats Make You Fat



  • squirrell79
    squirrell79 Posts: 154 Member
    Bless her heart, my 71 year old mom has always thought that lifting anything heavy would somehow damage my uterus. I'm guessing it must be a generational thing and that back in the day, The Establishment actually thought that.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    That higher reps / lower weight would be "better for me" (no mention of my goals)

    Nothing beats yours though! :laugh: Seriously, how did they justify that one?!
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    Swimming makes you fat because the water is cold. So you store more fat. You know, like a polar bear or Seal :/

    Doesn't seem THAT fat to me...
  • bananas give you diabetes.... really? I've been eating them (a lot of them!) since I was born cause I live on a banana plantation! no diabetes! :P

    'you keep playing on the monkey bars your back will be too wide..you'll look like a boy.' :P i think that's so wrong! especially to tell a little kid who enjoys exercise and is healthy! :P

    besides, i know some boys who look like girls. what did they do?
  • Running WILL make your uterus fall out, so don't do it until you are done having kids!

    My MIL is an RN and she told me that it makes everything inside drop like your uterus. It kind of scared me a little bit coming from a nurse. I don't plan on having kids but I don't want anything falling out haha.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I was "trying" to work out with a friend and she said someone "told her" she shouldn't work her shoulders because she is short and she'll get "bulky". ETA: She was already BULKY; FAT bulky.

    I'm short too and working my shoulders, makes me stand up straighter and look taller!
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Sorry darlin' no dr is that dumb...

    Gotta disagree on that one. I've seen doctors say some crazy, crazy stuff - this doesn't even make the top 10%. As far as I can tell, they make up for the lack of nutritional/sports training in med school by reading a couple of articles in USA Today and figure they're experts, since they're doctors, after all.

    I get that they don't understand nutrition, but muscles cannot turn to fat. That's physiologically not possible. That's like saying my spleen can turn into my heart.
  • eatyourselffitter
    eatyourselffitter Posts: 42 Member
    Someone actually toldme that if you don't shower right after you work out/sweat that your skin will reabsorb the fat that came out along with the sweat you produced. Gotta love that advice....
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    I was told that the weights I lift are "too much for a girl". I'm obviously VERY manly now.
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    My marathon running coworker won't lift weights because they make her slower.

    I've told her she can put them down before running, but no avail.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    This from the man with the 2" squat and the 3" bench press, who constantly complains that he never makes any progress. He does "lift" very heavy weights, though, so I guess he's got that going for him.

    Ha! I had that guy in the gym Sunday. He was on the squat machine* with 4 plates on either side. Doing fast not-even-quarter squats. I think he was trying to show off for the woman that was on the leg press (after doing her BB squats). It was the first time I truly felt like going up to someone at the gym and asking, "what in the 'f' was that?"

    *I don't know that it's technically a "machine," but it's a fixture like this, but with a bench press "machine" on the other side.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    Someone actually toldme that if you don't shower right after you work out/sweat that your skin will reabsorb the fat that came out along with the sweat you produced. Gotta love that advice....

    I do try to wash my face right after because my pores are all open etc and it has improved my skin condition. :-)

    But no (for the fat reabsorption) hahaha. Got to love the muppet advice.
  • An older family friend came over when i was working out and saw me deadlifting. She said that if i keep lifting that much weight i will never have babies. I didn't ask for an explanation why.

    Lmao that is brilliant
  • Ivian_
    Ivian_ Posts: 276 Member
    "Oh I'm a huge believer of the HCG diet. I get the drops from Amazon. I've lost 30lbs on it. I'm eating 800 calories a day too. But no, the drops are working!" - a friend who has subsequently gained back those 30lbs and cannot understand why.

    "I'm trying to gain muscle so I'm using lighter weight and doing more reps." - a guy on my old co-ed softball team and his dad who argued with me until the ends of the Earth about it.

    "Free weights are terrible for you. Use the machines, you'll get better results." - scrawny looking dude @ the gym when I was BB squatting.
  • Argentino
    Argentino Posts: 52
    I shouldn't drink milk because it has too much sugar

    Real men drink almond milk. Pinky out.
  • smi2k7
    smi2k7 Posts: 8 Member
    Thu 03/28/13 12:28 AM
    When u squat heavy WITHOUT a lifting belt ..u take in a lot of air in ur stomach...which forces it to expand..and hence the elasticity of ur stomach increases..

    Which will

    1 Indirectly increase ur apetite as you will have more room in your stomach ..

    2 the stomach will get wide to get stronger for the next time u squat....This usually gives men a square shaped look...i dunno about women..

    ...so its best to wear a lifting belt for such compound movements...

    This is why squats are very important for hard gainers to gain size...

    Flex wheeler used to wear a belt 24x7 ..hence his 27.5 inch waist with a 52 inch chest..

    ps.. i got this info from Charles glass...

    Please do not stop ur squats.. its a great exercise...just wear a belt....

    As for the funniest stuff i heard

    1 I should not go heavy on my chest... it will make me look wide...
    2 I wana spot reduce from my arms and stomach only...i do not want to loose from my butt...
    3 if u stop taking protein shakes and replace them with food.. you will lose muscle..
    4 if u touch weights... ull get krazy huge..
    5 u can never get six pack abs without injections..
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    A guy in the locker was talking about this protein supp that was going to help him lose 15 lbs of fat and gain 10 lbs of muscle in 3 weeks.
  • smi2k7
    smi2k7 Posts: 8 Member
    Thu 03/28/13 12:28 AM
    When u squat heavy WITHOUT a lifting belt ..u take in a lot of air in ur stomach...which forces it to expand..and hence the elasticity of ur stomach increases..

    Which will

    1 Indirectly increase ur apetite as you will have more room in your stomach ..

    2 the stomach will get wide to get stronger for the next time u squat....This usually gives men a square shaped look...i dunno about women..

    ...so its best to wear a lifting belt for such compound movements...

    This is why squats are very important for hard gainers to gain size...

    Flex wheeler used to wear a belt 24x7 ..hence his 27.5 inch waist with a 52 inch chest..

    ps.. i got this info from Charles glass...

    Please do not stop ur squats.. its a great exercise...just wear a belt....

    As for the funniest stuff i heard

    1 I should not go heavy on my chest... it will make me look wide...
    2 I wana spot reduce from my arms and stomach only...i do not want to loose from my butt...
    3 if u stop taking protein shakes and replace them with food.. you will lose muscle..
    4 if u touch weights... ull get krazy huge..
    5 u can never get six pack abs without injections..
  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member
    That I absolutely should not eat anything more than 1500 calories a day no matter how much exercise I do and, of that, at least 230g (920 calories) should be carbohydrate.
  • This :love:
    Was "advised" by an older woman that if I lift more than 5kg dumbbells I'd look like a man. I do twice that now and am still not manly!