Things That Ruin Your Workout!!!



  • WilmaDennis91
    WilmaDennis91 Posts: 433 Member
    A very chatty gym partner!

    I agree. That's why I workout alone. Unless the other person brings their headphone for their music. I rather be 100% focused.
    Unless it's one of those workout DVD, then I don't mind doing it with someone for motivation.
  • tamiesue2
    tamiesue2 Posts: 149 Member
    When your super cute little 100lbs soaking wet friend asks to come to the gym with you and gets bored..
    or Goes forever on the elliptical and asks why you can't breathe past the half hour mark.

    Did you stuff her in the trunk on your way home??!!!
  • spennato
    spennato Posts: 360 Member
    When there are tons of unused equipment and a person has to use the piece right next to me!!!
    Once It was midnight I was 1 of 2 people in the gym......and someone came to the treadmill right next to me......I was thinking what is this persons problem(Turns out it was my brother!!!) But I understand how that would be annoying
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Forgetting my Ipod..doesn't really ruin it, but it makes it feel like it's really dragging.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    When your super cute little 100lbs soaking wet friend asks to come to the gym with you and gets bored..
    or Goes forever on the elliptical and asks why you can't breathe past the half hour mark.

    Did you stuff her in the trunk on your way home??!!!

    LOL :drinker:
  • sbbhbm
    sbbhbm Posts: 1,312 Member
    My inflamed lungs kinda make cardio suck.
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    My dogs, they think I'm playing:)

    ^^ This happens all the time when I am doing my resistance exercises in the evening.

    And when Micoach App can't find the GPS to track my run, know that I can run without it but love seeing the results at the end of my run!
  • jlove720
    jlove720 Posts: 20 Member
    Dude, you have lost 142 pounds?!?!? Keep holding on if need be. That is AWESOME! Though, I'm not sure about either piece myself. The holding on or how it bothers someone else's workout.
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    When my phone dies! I need my music to work out. Just listening to the sound of my heavy breathing stresses me out.
  • crw72209
    crw72209 Posts: 169 Member
    My dogs, they think I'm playing:)

    Us too! Our dog brings her ball and jumps up on our legs while we are trying to exercise. It's cute but annoying at times. Then when we get on the floor to do crunches etc. she curls up next to me.
  • nskerr
    nskerr Posts: 91
    My wife asking me to go straight home from work to take care of the kids so I can't go to gym. Oh well. Should be back in Friday.
  • _cdngirl71_
    _cdngirl71_ Posts: 112 Member
    Forgetting my earphones or my hair tie.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Needing to whiz! Or worse!
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    And windy days if I am outside. Hate wind.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Phone calls and wearing socks that slip down so my shoes rub or part of my foot is exposed in my shoe.
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    When they play completely unmotivational music at the Y. Here, they set it to a radio station and you never know what you're going to get. I prefer active, upbeat music when I'm exercising, especially when I'm running because my feet will match the beat and carry me on at a good clip.

    Once, my iPod ran out of juice and whatever was playing on that radio was some sad, lovelorn song. It was such a buzzkill I actually just up and quit for the day.
  • sbbhbm
    sbbhbm Posts: 1,312 Member
    Oh, and sort of the opposite of the folks who get mad when folks don't wipe down the equipment- there's this woman at my gym that always sprays so much disinfectant around, you can't help but suck in big mouthfuls of it when you work out anywhere near her vicinity.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    gym bish employees who tell me to put my shoes back on.

  • Viveyp21
    Viveyp21 Posts: 65 Member
    This crazy burning itch all over my legs when I ran on the treadmill. I feel weird scratching but I know its just my skin adjusting to me going from the cold outside to the warmth inside.
  • nicarey19
    nicarey19 Posts: 126 Member
    Trying to workout with other people. I just don't *get* the "workout buddy" thing.

    ^Agree. It is *ME* time!