Squats Make You Fat



  • MstngSammy
    MstngSammy Posts: 436 Member
    Someone actually toldme that if you don't shower right after you work out/sweat that your skin will reabsorb the fat that came out along with the sweat you produced. Gotta love that advice....

    Hahaha! :laugh: :drinker:
  • daniellealys
    daniellealys Posts: 301 Member
    paleo diets cause cancer. really?
  • beckyboop712
    beckyboop712 Posts: 383 Member
    Bump for later.
  • ze_hombre
    ze_hombre Posts: 377 Member
    That running on a treadmill makes your legs bulky. :huh: no I don't know either,

    In all fairness, my thighs are quite nice right now due to the treadmill. Or so my wife tells me. :laugh:
  • mudonthetires856
    mudonthetires856 Posts: 79 Member
    Running WILL make your uterus fall out, so don't do it until you are done having kids!

    Unfortunately this asinine reason or something similiar was used for many years to prevent women from competing in distance running

    I'm a little sad to hear that my uterus won't be falling out. Was hoping for free birth control.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I haven't been on the receiving end of terrible work out advise, but some of these are HILARIOUS... and omg... the seal. DYING! lol
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    Running WILL make your uterus fall out, so don't do it until you are done having kids!

    I coulda saved my copay for my hysterectomy.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    Fat people should not run....ever, Not even when being chased.
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    This thread is making me LMAO. I duct tape my uterus in place before running. I'm good.
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    We don't need protection.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I don't talk to people at the gym. Avoids my IQ points being potentially lowered, and I get my workout. Winning.
  • HotDolphinMama
    HotDolphinMama Posts: 82 Member
    bump! ROFLMAO!!!
  • DatEpicChick
    DatEpicChick Posts: 358 Member
    my BIGGEST pet peeve comes from my sister in law, who honestly had a personal trainer tell her that her BONES/ NORMAL *kitten* that makes her live (organs and such) weight 120 pounds.... so her being 150 pounds was "REALLY GOOD SHAPE"..... i wasnt there when her personal trainer said that... but i tell you what, you aren't SHOVING yourself into a size 4 with a fresh outta the oven muffin because you are in "REALLY GOOD SHAPE"....

    120 pounds of bones my tushy. thats a load of crap.
  • beckyboop712
    beckyboop712 Posts: 383 Member
    Running WILL make your uterus fall out, so don't do it until you are done having kids!

    There are days I wish that were true!!

    Can't say I've been given or heard of any crazy gym advice, though my dad tried to give me some over Christmas. I laid into him because he doesn't see my workouts and has absolutely no idea what my workouts consist of. "You can't just jog, you gotta do HIIT workouts". Ummm, dad? I do more than just jog.
  • sdalhall
    sdalhall Posts: 160 Member
    Bless her heart, my 71 year old mom has always thought that lifting anything heavy would somehow damage my uterus. I'm guessing it must be a generational thing and that back in the day, The Establishment actually thought that.

    Yes, this must have been advice dispensed in every high school health class in the 1950s! My mom always said that if you lift anything heavy (like, more than a gallon of milk), you would injure your "female organs". And she always whispered the part about "female organs," because, you know, it's tacky to talk out loud about body parts, or something. :wink:
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I had to think really hard about this one. I generally get in, kick *kitten* then get out..

    But this PT at the Y told me its OK to do kettlebell when the kettlebell is too light.. really pissed me off cause half the class had 2-3 kettlebells of different weights and NONE of the extras were used. I lift heavy and didn't want to throw my back out with a tiny 10lber
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    An overweight coworker who is loudly anti-diet & fitness 'cause we're all gonna die anyway :noway: loves to demand to know why I continue to watch what I eat since I work out. As in, "you don't need to eat like that, you can eat whatever/how much you want since you burn it all off at the gym." I've explained - repeatedly - how it works. Now I just say, "Um, no."

    ETA: oops this was a bad advice at the GYM thread, sorry :bigsmile: Best one I can think of was the shake pushers when I was a member at Gold's Gym. "Hey you just had a great workout, please purchase this 600 cal protein shake to refuel! Seriously, I'm trying to lose, I'd be better off with a small milkshake at McDonalds....
  • Penelope2738
    Penelope2738 Posts: 66 Member
    Running WILL make your uterus fall out, so don't do it until you are done having kids!
    Oh. My. goodness. What year are we living in?????
  • KatrinaWilke
    KatrinaWilke Posts: 372 Member
    While working out at a Planet Fitness in PA in 2007(on vacation at Hershey's Park), a "PT" told me that the way I was curling (I was in the same stance as a barbell row, but doing curls with my elbows isolated) wouldn't result in better biceps.:laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Just from looking at your picture....I would NEVER tell you what would or wouldn't result in better biceps!
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    They ARE dangerous if you lift with improper form. Deadlifts need to be treated with the utmost respect. Just sayin'...your mom is right as usual.

    Well, sure, any exercise is dangerous if you do it with improper form. I know someone who tore a bicep doing yoga. But driving to go visit her is way more dangerous than deadlifts, and she doesn't seem to mind me doing that.

    I'd never heard "running makes your uterus fall out" before. And I used to say nothing would make me take up marathoning...