eat more to weigh less folks



  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member

    I've lost lots of weight and wants to gain so i started to bulk but clean...
    I eat a lot....many meals etc and still lose weight so.... just eat clean and well and more often...your system will burn it all the time and you will lose weight.
  • pandabear_05
    pandabear_05 Posts: 36 Member
    I restarted mfp 3 weeks ago with my setting at 1580 cal. The first week and a half I lost 6 lbs and was ecstatic! Then I stopped losing even though I was eating the same calories and exercising every day. Then I GAINED 3 lbs! I was so, so disappointed because I have 90+ lbs to lose total, and if I was doing everything right and gaining what more could I possibly do? Then I googled bmr and tdee because I had no clue what ya'll were talking about. Lol I upped my cals to 2,000 based on my numbers and in two days I have lost 1.8 lbs! Whew! Thank you all so much for this info! I'm also trying my hardest to educate family without being annoying about it. It's so crazy that you can eat and be satisfied and actually lose! So awesome!
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    Problem for me is that my TDEE is over 3000 based on how much I workout and that just feels so difficult to eat without eating crap.

    so youre one of those guys that lifts way too often and doesnt provide enogch calories or time for recovery.... and in turn you see super slow gains.... You can try and sit in denial like this isn't the truth, but, thats fine... Well know whose right when I blow by you in the weightroom... put on your dust mask

    either that or you miscalculated tdee

    More is NOT better... Youd probably see better gains by working out less often with better programming

    ETA: stop eating "clean".. eat some oreos or a spoonfull of lard.. get the cals in

    ETA: I will admit that transitioning from a cut to a bulk is a practice you need to get used to and it does feel strange... easiest way is to set the number and just make sure you hit it... enjoy it man... the cutting sucks... stuff your face with a pizza and have no shame...
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    em2wl friends feel free to add me tooooooooooooooooo
  • LesaLu4
    LesaLu4 Posts: 83
  • tstancom
    tstancom Posts: 47 Member
    Hmm. My TDEE-20% is exactly the same as my net cals on MFP set to lose 1.5lbs a week. Well, that's easy.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
  • thehka
    thehka Posts: 74 Member
    wowow thank you for this new info...scale nor measurements wont budge after 3 months of changing my lifestyle and maybe this is why! gonna try this from now on :)
  • zumbajheri
    zumbajheri Posts: 200 Member
    I've slowly bumped up after learning more about incorporating strength and EMWL. I've lost 2.5# in the last 2 weeks. Since adding strength training, I've gained 3.3# LBM. :) I workout 6 days/wk currently netting ~1600 most days. I've gotten a few colds recently, so I'm gonna rest up and not push it too much.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I'm afraid it didn't work for me I gained 4 kilo I then had to lose again.
  • reerazzle
    reerazzle Posts: 81 Member
    Any responses to the net calorie question? Is the TDEE-20% our net calorie goal so do we eat our exercise calories?

  • JustMQ
    JustMQ Posts: 63 Member
    Any responses to the net calorie question? Is the TDEE-20% our net calorie goal so do we eat our exercise calories?


    With TDEE you don't eat back your exercise calories. Exercise/activity is already calculated in the determine your TDEE. Hope this helps :smile:
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    Problem for me is that my TDEE is over 3000 based on how much I workout and that just feels so difficult to eat without eating crap.

    This is the tiniest bowl I own. Inside of it is 600 calories of cashews.


    I would probably eat 10 of these bowls in one sitting if I didn't restrain myself.

    You can find lots of other nutritious foods to make up a healthy diet.

    Awesome point made!!

    Yummmm...but what about the fat macro?
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    How do you work out how many cals to eat?
    Find a TDEE calculator, fill in the info as accurate as possible, then multiply it by .9, .85, or .8 to get a deficit of 10, 15, or 20%, respectively.

    I use this one, but there are many others.

    Just checking to make sure I understand: I filled in as accurately as I could and got 2309. Multiplied that by .85, got 1962. This is the number of calories I should eat period, without eating back exercise calories, right? Because the exercise is already factored in? I read a bit about TDEE when I started but it was a lot of information and kinda intimidating, lol.
  • tjham1
    tjham1 Posts: 45 Member
    I've been intimidated by it also. I just went to the link ( and found that mine is 1379 and MFP has me at 1200. How do I reset MFP for a higher amount?

    I already have it set at 1 lb a week. I started at 1230 and when I had lost around 30 lbs, it lowered me to 1200. But I still almost always go over because I was losing at 1230 and I was ticked to lose those 30 calories! LOL
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Those calculators are very useful, though it was disheartening to be reminded that my BMR is 1105 and TDEE 1524. But that number is fairly close to what my fitbit records as my total calories burned. Now that I'm on maintenance, I've very slowly been adding calories. At 1350 now, I suddenly gained two pounds. I think it will take a while longer to figure out exactly ow many calories I will be able to eat. But sadly, it won't be a lot!
  • AnexRavensong
    AnexRavensong Posts: 262 Member
    If you guys are getting really high calories (over 2K) it just means you must be VERY active. Personally I'm doing IPOARM ( which is essentially eating at a deficit of TDEE as well.

    However, my activity level is just a couple hours of walking a week (don't own a car) and that is about all (in other words, I don't go out of my way to exercise) so my TDEE is 1980 and what I try to aim for is 1640 calories a day (9.9% avg daily deficit). It's already much better than the generic 1200 MFP gave me and the 1400 I did for a while, and even though my weight hasn't moved a whole lot, my inches have gone down A LOT.

    Anyway my point being, if you're getting really high numbers and exercise a lot every day, don't freak out. It's normal ;) (you don't eat back exercise calories because they are already included).. but if you're not doing a lot of exercises and you're getting numbers like that, you might want to re-look at your calculations.

    If you want another calculator, user Heybales has put together a nice spreadsheet calculator that a lot of us are using (including myself). Maybe it can't hurt to compare the two results.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    If you guys are getting really high calories (over 2K) it just means you must be VERY active. Personally I'm doing IPOARM ( which is essentially eating at a deficit of TDEE as well.

    However, my activity level is just a couple hours of walking a week (don't own a car) and that is about all (in other words, I don't go out of my way to exercise) so my TDEE is 1980 and what I try to aim for is 1640 calories a day (9.9% avg daily deficit). It's already much better than the generic 1200 MFP gave me and the 1400 I did for a while, and even though my weight hasn't moved a whole lot, my inches have gone down A LOT.

    Anyway my point being, if you're getting really high numbers and exercise a lot every day, don't freak out. It's normal ;) (you don't eat back exercise calories because they are already included).. but if you're not doing a lot of exercises and you're getting numbers like that, you might want to re-look at your calculations.

    If you want another calculator, user Heybales has put together a nice spreadsheet calculator that a lot of us are using (including myself). Maybe it can't hurt to compare the two results.

    Well now I'm wondering if I'm over estimating. using I put in 6 hours for sleep, 4 for life, and the rest in very light (I'm always on my feet at work) but maybe I should shift those four hours into very light? Does being on your feet at work count as light?
  • kelny
    kelny Posts: 11 Member
    My experience is this
    Age 20-37 went from healthy weight to obese (+ 60 pound)
    Age 37-40 (present) went from obese to close to healthy weight (loss 52 pound)
    Age 20-37 didnt monitor what i ate or how much i ate and very little exercise
    age 37-now i ate more healthy (but a lot of food - i have a good appetite!) and began exercise - walking initially, then i joined a gym about 2 years ago doing cardio (a little) and weights.

    Best thing is this - during this whole time i have eaten between 2000 (TDEE - about 15%) and 2400 (TDEE) and lost 52 pounds.

    To loose weight this way you need patience
    And Im female by the way - so you can eat a lot and loose weight
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    Excellent read. There's plenty of info here to help. Thanks
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