
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh Michelle, I have no idea what you must be going through since my SILs wove there way into our life in such a way that we had no choice but to accept them. Can you get in a cyber relationship with her? Even if you may not speak the same language you can exchange pictures, smiley faces, etc. Or send a text/email to her and she would have to have your son read it to her. Good luck in your relationship
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Bump again Someone asked on my home page "when will this madness end?" First week of may! But it should be at least better next week. My job is wierd....I am 2 FTEs (2 full time equivalent positions) for 6 1/2 months, then I am off the rest of the year for the most part. So October thru beginning of May is horrible. This 8 weeks is the worst of it though Blessings and cheers to you all! Meg
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Falling asleep and mouse clicking, guess it's time to get some zzzzz's
    Carol in WNY
    Bump 11
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele: As moms we worry about our children’s choices. We hope for the best but if things fall apart we help our kids face the consequences and move on. Your concerns about the situation seem well founded. I would be worried, too. Your son is doing things that would make any parent worry, especially because you‘ve never even met his fiancee. When you go to the wedding I hope you’ll find that she’s a nice person and that you like her. Maybe she is shy and doesn’t speak English well enough to feel confident enough to talk. I think the tickets for a visit home are a wonderful gift. If things are not good, you’ll just have to do the best you can. I wish you good luck.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • BunnyDaHunny
    BunnyDaHunny Posts: 6 Member
    Ok how do I save this message board so I can get at it easily?
  • BunnyDaHunny
    BunnyDaHunny Posts: 6 Member
    Barbie, What town to you live in NW Washington? I live in Vancouver!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,007 Member
    I have been so consumed with having to drive to the cape and about Ruth that I spaced out and didnt do the laundry yesterday usually, I strip the bed and do laundry,So called the DH from work and he was livid....:mad:
    I have to say he has a right to be and I apologized but even as I leave to go to the Cape he is still really upset with me..
    He is working 10 hr days ,and does so much around the house, and yesterday I failed to hold up my end of the bargain.
    I don't like leaving with him feeling this way,but that is the way he works..I am guessing my DD and DGD are here in the state now, staying with Kyle's brother and SIL,I hope I get to see them tomorrow afternoon.Today I am on a mission,to spend some quality time with a dear friend and to say goodbye:brokenheart:
    One joyous thing is that I heard the peeper's. my mom always said its spring when you hear the peeper's..
    So sorry to hear about your son's issues, yes as you have heard me say my DD is under the thumb of a weasel too.. all we can do is pray for our children and hope that the good Lord has a plan for them...
    will be offline for a day ,but be thinking of me please
    love ya all lots:heart:
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Just a quickie this morning.

    We didn't get the electricity back on at the gallery until the early hours of yesterday morning which meant I spent all of Tuesday getting colder and colder with not chance of even making myself a hot drink. I was so pleased to get home!

    Then, yesterday morning I took a tumble down our stairs at home, backwards (mwheatcraft and I seemed to have shared a whoopsydaisy day). I have a nice set of bruises down my left size and I'm walking like I'm 100 (but not one of the 100+ people that Barbie talks about!). Still had to come to work and, let's just say it was another trying day. I will be thankful for the day off tomorrow, although I'm arranging a Good Friday party for the family at my Dad's house in the afternoon. Then back to work on Saturday

    I don't want to wish my life away - so I will just say that I'm looking forward to April 15th when I will go back to my regular days working at the gallery and be able to get on with some of the work I do from home. My Latin translation and research for DH's books has been put on hold until then - I'm just not able to do it all on top of a full day at work plus two hours of travel.

    Gosh, I sound like I'm moaning! In reality I am thankful to have a job and am able to do the things that I enjoy.

    Time to get off my bruised bottom and do some work.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie:smile: Will be thinking of you today! Have a safe trip!

    Michele:smile: Wish I had great words of wisdom for you....but I don`t. Sometimes we just have to let our kids make their decisions and suffer the consequences:sad: , it`s not easy, but there is really not a lot we can do! Maybe things will turn out okay:flowerforyou: ! I would say try not to worry...but ha...I know that is easier said than done!!! I still think tickets to visit you and Vince are a great idea!!! Vent away here, it`s better to get it out than keep it inside!

    Amanda:smile: Ouch....I`m glad you didn`t hurt yourself anymore than you did:flowerforyou: !!! At least you have heat at work now...hurray for that!
    Oh, April 15th...you just reminded me I need to get my tax stuff to my accountant:frown: .

    Jb:smile: thanks for the info!

    Barbie:smile: Hope you had a wonderful time with your company!

    Meg:smile: Hope things calm down a little bit for you:flowerforyou: ! Just look at all the exercise you`re getting in now:bigsmile: !

    M:smile: Ouch for you too:flowerforyou: ! Hope your back to new in no time!!!

    Cheryl:smile: Where are you:huh: :huh: :huh: ????

    Brooke:smile: Congrats on your NSV:flowerforyou: !!!!

    Well I didn`t get to the Dr. yesterday:frown: , but I already have an appt. for today...hopefully we`ll figure out what to do to get rid of this! One nice thing, I did not have that nasty headache when I woke up this morning:bigsmile:!!!!
    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in still cold NC
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Ok how do I save this message board so I can get at it easily?
    Bunny, you can type in "bump" it stands for ( bring up my post ) it will bring you to the first page on the current board, so I put in (example) bump 11, which the 11 is my personal code for the last page I read. Then once you get there scroll down to find your post that says bump. I hope this makes sense.
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Have a great Thursday Friends :happy:
    bump 11
  • ekafont
    ekafont Posts: 39 Member
    Good morning! Brrrrr it's still cold in the Sunny South!

    Katla – I try not to keep any chips, ice cream, cookies, etc in my house either. I can’t seem to stop with just one serving if it’s there staring me in the face

    Michele – I’m so sorry about your situation with your son! I just can’t imagine having your child so far away and having to deal with this. On the one hand, he’s your child and you want to do whatever it takes to make him happy, but on the other hand I’m not sure I wouldn’t want to tell him if he wants money for the wedding, he AND Dianne need to make more of an effort to act like they are a part of your family.

    Everyone have a wonderful Holy Thursday (or Maundy Thursday for those in the UK!) - I still have another month to go before our Easter (Greek Orthodox). Usually the 2 Easters fall within a week or 2 of each other, but this year ours isn't until May 5th. I'll really be able to hit some clearance sales for my daughter's Easter basket!!

    Beth in SC
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Oh Happy Thursday (and the last day of the working week for me, because we get a holiday on Good Friday.)

    My circuit class last night nearly killed me. Whew. Could be that I’ve only had one really good workout in the three weeks since the last class. (Lots of walks & walk/runs, though). Could be that the battery on my HRM needs replacing and I didn’t have the machine to pace myself with. Could be that it was just plain hard work. My muscles are talking to me today!

    Ouch – there’s a PE class first thing on my schedule and the student teacher, who is recovering from pneumonia, won’t be leading it. I think we’ll focus on stretching.

    Barbie, as often, has great advice …”stay in the moment”. That will be my motto for today.

    Robin, Keep the appointment! And good job trying to smile, sometimes that’s the hardest part of all.

    Jackie, good luck on finding flat ground for your run. I really admire your determination. I have worked my way up to 5k (it’s all metric here) and still walk a bit. I blame the reconstructed foot, but in some ways it’s just lack of determination. You’ve got determination in spades!

    Katia, I’ve decided I will work on developing ways to use the two iPads I have in my classroom, and ways to integrate students’ electronic devices into my lessons. Could be fun. What were you teaching?

    Luvbuttons, I wouldn’t worry about sugar in fruit and milk. It’s the refined sugar in other foods that you need to cut back on or eliminate from your diet. I make lots of smoothies – that’s a great way to get a couple of servings in. A dry day in Oregon? Enjoy every moment!

    JB – I am going to look for ways to increase potassium (bananas?) and Omega-3’s in my diet (and DH’s). Mind you, now that the days are longer and the sun is shining, everyone is getting happier. He’s trying to grow radishes in the front window. Great micro-greens so far but he won’t let me trim any to dress up the salads. I eat salmon for lunch most work days, that should help.

    M! Ouch, what a terrible fall. I don’t think you deserve that kind of punishment after taking on all the spring-cleaning. Sheesh. I hope you’re feeling OK today.

    Phyllis – have a great time with your daughter. What’s she doing in Abu Dhabi?

    Brooke – congratulations on meeting, no exceeding, your challenge.

    Had to skim the last few posts because I'm out of time - must get J'boy up for the day and make my smoothie (will add a few flax seeds for good measure)

    Thinking of April goals ....

    Hasta pronto,

    Nancy in SE British Columbia, where the sun is shining and the snow is creeping back up the mountains.
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning,

    Since I am off tomorrow, I wanted to wish everyone a Joyous and Happy Easter, Passover, or just a wonderful weekend! We are spending the holiday with Frank's mom. It will be the first Easter since his dad passed away and we want to make sure she is surrounded by family.

    My daughter's last day of work before her big move is Friday. Then she will have one week at home to finish her packing. She is getting so excited! I hope to get a visit in before she leaves. It's a bittersweet move as she is going through an especially hard separation and hopes this will be a fresh start for her and the kids. I will miss her being so close.:brokenheart:

    :smile: Joyce - Here's hoping that all goes well with DH appointment.

    :happy: Kate - Company is a great motivator to get things done, but it sure feels good when everything is fresh and clean. Enjoy your visit and I hope the waters recede before causing any damage.

    :drinker: Brooke - Congratulations on surpassing your goal miles. It feels good knowing you can do this!

    :devil: Katla - I am with you on the ice cream. I only keep 100cal Klondike bars in my freezer because those 1/2 gallons of ice cream would be much too tempting!

    :ohwell: Michele - Try not to jump to conclusions about your new DIL. Things may improve with time. Hopefully, once they get to the US you may get to know her better. I do understand your concerns, though, and really hope things work out for the best.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda - You poor thing! You really have been having a rough time of it lately. I sure hope things turn around for you soon.

    I have been consistently doing some form of exercise program 5 days a week for quite awhile now thanks to the support from my friends on MFP. I have also been drinking all of my water (and then some). It has definitely made a difference in the way my body looks and feels. When I started with MFP the weight came off so slowly that I thought I would never be able to get to my goal. I was so frustrated and disappointed. But I stuck with it. What a difference a year makes (not quite a year...started last August)! It IS possible to lose weight at any age as long as you do the work. I know that maintenance will be even harder because the temptation to binge or to skip the exercise is still strong on some days, but I know that all of you here at MFP will keep me on track with your stories of success, so keep 'em coming......I love hearing them! :heart:

    Well, it's back to work for me. Keep up the good work and stay strong!

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Katia, I’ve decided I will work on developing ways to use the two iPads I have in my classroom, and ways to integrate students’ electronic devices into my lessons. Could be fun. What were you teaching?

    Nancy in SE British Columbia, where the sun is shining and the snow is creeping back up the mountains.

    I taught 8th grade Social Studies. This included US history from the ice age to about 1870, geography, civics and law, and economics. We were also supposed to teach our state history. The textbook only covered history and civics, and we had to create our own materials for the rest. The book did history very well, and civics on a basic level. Economics wasn't there at all nor was state history. That is a lot to cram into one school year. I tended to skim lightly over state history because it is done very well in elementary school. I spent a good amount of time on history, Constitution & law, and economics so I had a lot of creating to do there. I had a teaching partner who had been at this for several years when I started and she generously shared her work with me, then I added my bit and shared it with her. She's now retired, too.

    I liked to have my students do research projects. We had two major ones during the year. An organization donated a bunch of computers to my classroom, which helped with that. The school library and computer lab were important assets, too. Research projects and presentations required a lot of class time so that kids from disadvantaged homes had adequate access to technology and books. Ipads were just starting to come into the picture when I retired. I understand they're doing great things with young kids, disabled people--and even primates in zoos.

  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Meg – Wow, you’re 2FTE’s????? You deserve a medal. I’ve worked as if I was, but only for short periods, not as the standard – whew! :huh:

    BunnyDaHunny – by posting you’ve “saved” your spot. Just go to Community at the top of each page, then you’ll go to My Topics where you’ll see the threads you’ve posted to.

    Grandmallie – Sorry to hear you’re starting what is an already emotional trip with the added burden of hubby’s anger :mad: Safe travels, be kind to yourself and be glad that you’re able to see and say goodbye to your dear friend Ruth! :flowerforyou:

    Amanda – Double ouch!! You have to freeze your behind off and then fall on it too :sad:
    Hope your day off is somewhat restful, April 15th is right around the corner :smile:

    DeeDee – Glad to hear at least your nasty headache is gone. Whatever the Dr. tells you this time “Do It!!!”

    Beth – Yay for Easter clearance sales ( I do so love a bargain!)

    Nancy – I think your plan to “focus on stretching” in the PE class you’re teaching is a terrific idea (maybe that will shut your muscles up from talking back) :laugh:

    Lucy – You are so right about “the group” being such a positive force in keeping focused and motivated. Your story is one of success that inspires the rest of us too :flowerforyou:

    This was a terrific article on weight loss foods (some specifically for targeting belly fat)

    Brooke from Colorado
  • BunnyDaHunny
    BunnyDaHunny Posts: 6 Member

    Thanks cookie!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    So I kept my appointment and made two more for some counseling. I made an appointment for a physical in April so I can see how bad the blood pressure is and discuss drugs for my depression. I am doing what I need to do and trying to smile.

    take care ladies,

    Robin, Bodi (very much a cuddle bug lately) and Ritter (very much an imp lately)
