Do you look in the mirror.....



  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    That's actually a legitimate thing, body dysmorphia. It's when you don't see yourself as you truly look. You usually hear about it in the media happening to normal or thin girls who see themselves as fat, but actually I'd say (from the people I've known, at least in the US) it's more common with overweight people who see their weight as ideal or simply "curvy", even if it's causing health problems. Then again it's marvelous you feel good about yourself now, I wish I could be that confident lol! In that case imagine how good you'll feel when you reach your goal, people's comments will confirm what you see in the mirror, *and* you'll be feeling healthy.
  • Zeusmachine
    Looking in the mirror DOES make you more anxious about your looks
    Ten minutes of looking at reflection increases anxiety
    On average women stare in the mirror 38 times a day
    ‘It’s possible that staring at yourself in the mirror for long periods is not a good thing,Some of us do it out of sheer vanity, others because we hate the way we look and want to try and change it.
    But whatever the reason, it seems staring at yourself in the mirror does more psychological harm than good.
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    When I look in the mirror I see a 5'6" 80 year Asian woman, I hate it that was landlord never knocks
  • Lola_Rogers
    Lola_Rogers Posts: 107
    sometimes.. but usually i see a puffy face with messy bangs.. (mornings, yaayy!)
  • McButtski
    McButtski Posts: 203 Member
    When I look in the mirror I see a 5'6" 80 year Asian woman, I hate it that was landlord never knocks

    Shnort! :happy:
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    and see complete and total hotness regardless of what you weigh??? I do and I think that's why I have not been successful at loosing weight and keeping it off!!!

    Anyone else feel like this??? Heard of the pin-up model Tess Munster?? She is amazing I tell ya

  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739
    I look in the mirror everyday. I look, and can still see the guy that was in near perfect shape, and worked out twice a day, and ate healthy no matter what it took, for years on end, before my 126mph race bike crash. The 180* lifestyle change overnight, and the slow 2+yrs of phys thpy, then figuring out you can not continue to eat 5000 cal/day, like you have for the last 7yrs, when you can not lift more than 10 lbs, and not get FAT.... Now I use that to motivate myself to get this fat dude I am stuck inside of, that I don't really recognize, melted away. So the real me can come back to the surface where he is supposed to be. He's in there, he knows what to do to come back, and he's working hard at it right now ......Hopefully in the near future, I will actually be looking at myself again , in the mirror everyday ...... as long as my back, joints and bones hold up for the ride ......

    Yikes - how'd you crash? If you don't object to talking/typing about it...

    Well, it was my old turbo drag bike. 1st day out for the season, test and tune. The front tire had a couple seasons on it, and I knew it was in so-so condition. The tech guy, whom i knew well, even told me to make sure and get it changed before next trip back. But, I thought it looked good enough for a few runs. Anyways, I made 2 part track passes, it felt good. 3rd pass of the day, full tilt full 1/4mi pass. Well, just before 1000' the front tire started coming apart, got bad head shake, and high sided me at the 1000' marker. I went sliding, the bike went tumbling/sliding like it was trying to run me down. I went left foot first into the guardrail, which knocked my hip out of joint and fractured my tibia, then the bike took a big tumble, it hit the guardrail a few feet behind me, went about 6 to 8ft up in the air, and landed on top of my left upper torso. Then tumbled down the rail a little ways farther. It broke my humerus,clavicle,scapula and fractured 3 ribs. and doused me with hot oil. As it hit so hard it broke the turbo and engine cases. Good thing I was wearing a good custom made set of Vansons!! The only rash I got was about a 50 cent sized spot on my right elbow. And I didn't get burned from the oil either. Thanks to my $1400 leathers and neck sock. And my helmet was pretty tore up also. But I'm still here, and still racing......I've been down twice at the drag strip,(the second time my bike split an oil cooler line and oiled down the tires at 134mph. It was just a good long slide) and once at Mid Ohio at about 60 mph I guess, it was no biggie. I've since been 222mph on my Nitrous Busa .....before they shut Maxton down ....
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    I'm realistic, I see my flabby self in the mirror (and work hard to change it).
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I think I'm goofy looking. I look better in photos than I do in the mirror.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    I look at he mirror hoping to see a flaw, but can never find one.
    j/k of course. look- the mirror is your friend-- the good the bad and the ugly- it lets see you see yourself and lets you make a decision on whether you want to make changes and if so, what changes. Use it as a tool.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    I still see the fat, ugly female I've been and will always be.

    inb4 someone reports that Tess photo for nudity. :laugh:
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    and see complete and total hotness regardless of what you weigh??? I do and I think that's why I have not been successful at loosing weight and keeping it off!!!

    Anyone else feel like this??? Heard of the pin-up model Tess Munster?? She is amazing I tell ya


    It's nice to see "pretty" or "sexy" showcased at any size, but the lighting, makeup, and photoshopping all still reinforce that women and men can't naturally be beautiful without all those extra gadgets. I don't know about you guys, but my skin will never look like that in the mirror because my bathroom lighting isn't blindingly bright.
  • sPaRkLiNgLYFE
    when i was a size 14 yes i thought i was hot, when i got up to a size 16 , reality check.
  • sPaRkLiNgLYFE
    and see complete and total hotness regardless of what you weigh??? I do and I think that's why I have not been successful at loosing weight and keeping it off!!!

    Anyone else feel like this??? Heard of the pin-up model Tess Munster?? She is amazing I tell ya


    It's nice to see "pretty" or "sexy" showcased at any size, but the lighting, makeup, and photoshopping all still reinforce that women and men can't naturally be beautiful without all those extra gadgets. I don't know about you guys, but my skin will never look like that in the mirror because my bathroom lighting isn't blindingly bright.
    love her makeup:heart:
  • tammatha1
    tammatha1 Posts: 32 Member
    No actually I don't and I never have. I always see my own little flaws that are more than likely non-existant (according to my husband) and the spots that are wiggly, jiggly and need to be tightened up which are more than likely non-existant (according to my husband).

    I'm the same way I look in the mirror and still see my inner fat girl who needs to lose 100 lbs

    Both of you ladies have read my mind. I don't like what I see. And I am looking for change because of that. I can live with the grey hair, just not the layers of fat that are rubbing together between my thighs. I really am working to get rid of that.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    No. I've always had a body that some people would be happy to have - - one of my siblings said this when I was being overly critical--but I do have many flaws and I always see them. I'm not sure I'd want to be the kind of person who was OK/above-averageand thought she was amazing looking.

    I try to do the best with what I've got. There are times when I wish I didn't care what I looked like, but having some vanity is a sign of mental health. I don't think any thoughtful, objective person is completely satisfied with his or her looks after the first flush of youth, even if they were gorgeous. But some days are better than others.
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    Yeah, I look in the mirror, and I'm like WOW what a hottie :p
    I suppose the compliments I get from guys (and girls too!) help.
    Hahah I could still lose a few pounds, that'd be good for me :P
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    Yeah then I stay there too long and then I start noticing my faults. lol
  • jade2112
    jade2112 Posts: 272 Member
    When I was young I had such low self-esteem I thought I was the fattest most hideous person on the planet and criticized myself constantly.

    It took years and years of my husband reassuring me before I believed him.

    I see pictures of myself from back then and see that I actually was a knock out. I regret losing those years to low self-esteem. The years of happiness I deprived myself of.

    Not that I look in the mirror now and see perfection. I too still see all the fat that isn't there any longer. I am my own worst critic as they say.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I wish...unfortunately I've been struggling something serious with body image issues.