pet peeve...



  • CardioRS
    CardioRS Posts: 88
    Just had a friend tell me about this thread - too funny!

    My big one: my mother telling me I'm "too old for long hair". Seriously?!? WTH? She's been giving me crap for 5 years. Just get over it already!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    when someone says I do not want to fight with you and proceeds to do just that. Sheesh-go away:mad:
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    teenagers who proceed to put a period after every word in a sentence, or two colons. what is up with that?

    i. don't. want. to. go. to. school.


    i:: dont:: want:: to:: go:: to:: school::

    what is the point??? haha. my little sister does this all the time and i don't quite understand it.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I've got quite a few, mainly because I am a miserable sod lol

    My main one though is when you are driving along the road and pull over to let a car coming in the opposite direction past because there is only room for one car at a time. Oh, doing that is fine, however, when they do NOT acknowledge me for it, now that REALLY gets my goat :explode:
  • Vallandingham
    Vallandingham Posts: 2,177
    I am annoyed when I realize the person I am talking to is not really listening. They are just waiting for me to pause or take a breath so they can interject their thoughts.
  • mrsyyoung
    mrsyyoung Posts: 16
    I have several but just to name a few, I am really annoyed when my boss tells me about his diet plan because he tells me everyday. Well excuse me but everybody does not lose weight in the same manner, so stop trying to shove your way down my throat.

    I get so frustrated with morning people! While I can appreciate the fact that you are SUPER happy in the mornings, I'm not!!! So can I at least get a cup of coffee before you bombard me with your chatter as soon as I step over the threshold.

    If you drink all of the juice, please put the container in the garbage, not back in the fridge, or on the counter, or leave it in your room, or behind the recliner, where you should not even be drinking anything anyway.....
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495

    In my email, on facebook, and now here.

    Get a freaking life already!
  • Wants2bethin
    ME! I am a pet peeve :( I feel like a lot of thing's is a peeve my spelling sucks, when im at the gym and it gets crowded , I smile at someone and they do not smile back (thats a huge peeve)
    people who are rude. I can go on but I will stop . When I know it bothers me its a peeve :P Mostly I am a peeve .
  • pfenixa
    pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
    Thanks to some of my in-laws moving in, I'm pretty sure my biggest pet peeve is...a specific member of those in-laws, lol. Pretty much everything they do around the house drives me crazy.

    It's easier to say that then list them all. :laugh:
  • Wants2bethin
    Lmao peeves posted may be caused by some of the other peeve writters . Maybe they will be aware of there actions :P
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    Women who jump from one destructive relationship to the next, always stopping to cry on my shoulder in between. And then try to set me up with one of the guys friends and wonder why I say no thanks.
  • htebaram
    htebaram Posts: 120 Member
    Pet who spit. What's up with that?:frown:
  • htebaram
    htebaram Posts: 120 Member
    Pet who spit. What's up with that?:frown:
  • ashley0424
    ashley0424 Posts: 16 Member
    Ok here goes, I've had some to think about these and read some other Peeves and these are the ones that really get to me.

    People who drive slow during rush hour (or any time for that matter) - If you don't have somewhere to be, get out of the way. Better yet Stay Home!
    People who always seem to point out your/my grammatical errors but don't even notice when they make their own... Case and point proven I'm sure!!
    People who don't use turning signals. I've said this so many times while driving (to my self I guess). We are not mind readers and I would like to know when you are coming into my lane or turning in front of me with a little time to brake please?
    Men who use the the unisex washroom at work and leave the toilet seat up ALL THE TIME and I have to go in there and use my foot to put it down and it ALWAYS slams!
    Oh and another big one for me is people who miss use LOL. It does not belong in the middle of random sentences LOL and like the other day I went for a walk LOL. Seriously it's rarely that funny but I will admit i have LOL'd at some of these posts :0) LOL

    Thanks for listening and making these changes to your everyday!
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    OK: People who don't use directionals! They are there for a reason and I'm not a friggin mind reader! Please people! :grumble:

    Oooh this one is mine too! I almost got into a collision recently because someone didn't use their signal. Luckily I drive defensively.

    I have too many pet peeves to list. Comparing me to the cast of Seinfeld would be an understatement.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,740 Member
    People who always seem to point out your/my grammatical errors but don't even notice when they make their own... Case and point proven I'm sure!!
    Like they might say "case and point" when they mean "case in point"? Sorry, I couldn't resist! :wink:
  • deckerp
    deckerp Posts: 4,365 Member
    Don't complain about leaving the toilet seat up. You don't hear me complaining that I have to put it down. In fact I think the seat and the lid should both be down.
    Men who use the the unisex washroom at work and leave the toilet seat up ALL THE TIME and I have to go in there and use my foot to put it down and it ALWAYS slams!
    It works both ways.

    (Nice pictures in your profile. Do you model?)
  • ashley0424
    ashley0424 Posts: 16 Member
    Don't complain about leaving the toilet seat up. You don't hear me complaining that I have to put it down. In fact I think the seat and the lid should both be down.
    I'm confused...
    Men who use the the unisex washroom at work and leave the toilet seat up ALL THE TIME and I have to go in there and use my foot to put it down and it ALWAYS slams!
    It works both ways.

    (Nice pictures in your profile. Do you model?)

    Thanks! Not modeling yet, maybe someday.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    watery looking coffee...............blech!

    Let me clarify......when someone makes or serves me this nasty beverage.
  • dmvbnoslo
    dmvbnoslo Posts: 213 Member
    Parents who let their preschoolers watch PG13 and R rated videos- don't they understand what a precious thing innocence is?