what is your REAL take on insanity?

I hear alottttt of good things about the insanity workouts. I am about to start insanity soon, and would like to hear testimonies from people who have done it, as well as their thoughts about it.


  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    It is GREAT but Don't underestimate it. Only do it when you are already moderately in shape. When you're only just beginning I don't think it's a good program for you. I absolutely love it but its not for everybody. It's incredibly tough, on your lungs and joints. So if you've ever had problems with joints don't do it. Also the boot camp style workout might not appeal to you. I hate workouts where you can smile all the way through (Zumba...), insanity is different. You won't be smiling! The quote "your workout is my warm up" applies here. So, if you love being challenged to take your fitness to the next level and you don't mind cursing and yelling at your tv, gasping for breath in a puddle of sweat, Insanity might be for you ;)
  • skinny1801
    skinny1801 Posts: 68 Member
    It is GREAT but Don't underestimate it. Only do it when you are already moderately in shape. When you're only just beginning I don't think it's a good program for you. I absolutely love it but its not for everybody. It's incredibly tough, on your lungs and joints. So if you've ever had problems with joints don't do it. Also the boot camp style workout might not appeal to you. I hate workouts where you can smile all the way through (Zumba...), insanity is different. You won't be smiling! The quote "your workout is my warm up" applies here. So, if you love being challenged to take your fitness to the next level and you don't mind cursing and yelling at your tv, gasping for breath in a puddle of sweat, Insanity might be for you ;)

    I will respectfully disagree about the moderately in shape part. you dont have to be in shape to do Insanity. Anyone and I mean ANYONE can do it as long as you have the motivation. I am in month 2 and I have a love hate relationship with it. I was really outa shape when I started. The last time I worked out was in middle school and hell I'm 22 years old now. The program will definetly improve every health aspect of your body. i am toned now ive lost 16 pounds on insanity in the 1st month, I can breath better my resting heart rate is down. So give it a try for a week and see if its a program you can see yourself sticking with for 60 days.
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    Just follow it and lighten up if it hurts your joints
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    It is GREAT but Don't underestimate it. Only do it when you are already moderately in shape. When you're only just beginning I don't think it's a good program for you. I absolutely love it but its not for everybody. It's incredibly tough, on your lungs and joints. So if you've ever had problems with joints don't do it. Also the boot camp style workout might not appeal to you. I hate workouts where you can smile all the way through (Zumba...), insanity is different. You won't be smiling! The quote "your workout is my warm up" applies here. So, if you love being challenged to take your fitness to the next level and you don't mind cursing and yelling at your tv, gasping for breath in a puddle of sweat, Insanity might be for you ;)

    I will respectfully disagree about the moderately in shape part. you dont have to be in shape to do Insanity. Anyone and I mean ANYONE can do it as long as you have the motivation. I am in month 2 and I have a love hate relationship with it. I was really outa shape when I started. The last time I worked out was in middle school and hell I'm 22 years old now. The program will definetly improve every health aspect of your body. i am toned now ive lost 16 pounds on insanity in the 1st month, I can breath better my resting heart rate is down. So give it a try for a week and see if its a program you can see yourself sticking with for 60 days.

    Okay, sure I agree that anybody CAN do anything, modify some moves and you can do it, physically maybe, but it is simply not wise to do it (without consulting a doctor). I think BeachBody would want people to take their disclaimers seriously. There is a serious health warning on (especially) Insanity. I definitely think that some people that are out of shape pick up on fitness easier than others (you are probably one of them, which is great!), but I wouldn't just advise anyone that is a beginner to start with this and just try it. For that, I believe, Insanity is too intense. It is exercise without supervision, so much can go wrong.

    btw: with moderately in shape I also mean: people who have been working out on moderate intensity for a couple of months, even if they are obese/overweight (me). Maybe "in shape" is not the correct term?
  • nuttyduffy
    nuttyduffy Posts: 255 Member
    I've done it, love it & still do it!

    Listen to Shaun T, take rests when you have to and modify if needs be. You will see that even the people working out with him take breaks.

    My best advice would be listen to your body, listen to Shaun T. You CAN do it just Dig Deep :bigsmile:
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    I've done it, love it & still do it!

    Listen to Shaun T, take rests when you have to and modify if needs be. You will see that even the people working out with him take breaks.

    My best advice would be listen to your body, listen to Shaun T. You CAN do it just Dig Deep :bigsmile:

    Yes! At first it scared me when I saw the people in the back (super fit people!!) taking breaks, I was like OMG, how am *I* going to get through this? But taking breaks is definitely essential. And wearing a heart rate monitor, so you can be real with yourself :P Sometimes I think I am going to die but I look at my HR and it is like 160, and I know the push harder. Or sometimes it will get above 180 and I know to take a short break.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I hear alottttt of good things about the insanity workouts. I am about to start insanity soon, and would like to hear testimonies from people who have done it, as well as their thoughts about it.

    It's joint damage waiting to happen......
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    I hear alottttt of good things about the insanity workouts. I am about to start insanity soon, and would like to hear testimonies from people who have done it, as well as their thoughts about it.

    It's joint damage waiting to happen......

    Unfortunately this is a very real possibility with workouts like these... That is why I am warning beginners that don't know how much their joints can take. Just be really careful, listen to your body and be real with yourself.
  • mryak750
    mryak750 Posts: 198 Member
    its ok...i did it like 2 yrs ago...I think it depends on what your goal are...I did it for 6 weeks and just got sick of it...well I gave up...it gets too intense the second month....its more for the athletic person....Its good if you dont have access to a gym or a home gym...otherwise I have seen better results from just strength training and light cardio
  • ksamu130
    ksamu130 Posts: 3
    Insanity Is great! I am on my second week of month two. I have lost weight (not as much as I expected) and inches, but I feel great, my clothes fit better.I am a runner and I have done kickboxing also, but I have to be honest insanity is like a beast in the jungle, all I hear in my head is Shaun T saying "dig deeper" lol. Go ahead and try it out for yourself, if you dont like it you have 30 days to return it for a refund. Good luck.
  • tyraun_b
    tyraun_b Posts: 65
    Shaun T must be on some liquid crack or something because he seems to NEVER be tired!!!!! lol I'm up for the challenege though.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    You ache for the 1st 4 days and then it fades. To be honest, I did get a little bored of the workouts (they're all variations of the same thing). I still throw in the occasional Insanity workout though in amongst weightlifting, swimming and running.
  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    Just follow it and lighten up if it hurts your joints

    I agree. I WON'T do it as a good friend really damaged her knees doing it. Only a personal caution - I won't say its BAD because she got great results from it. However, she now must exercise, even lightly, with extreme care.
  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    It's a great home-based workout for the fitter person - I usually fit it into my weekly rotation at least once a week. And it's great for those days when it's too cold or dark to get outside during the winter months.

    It's not a lifelong program though - I doubt anyone follows the program as prescribed for months / years. I also agree about the joints issue - that's why I only do it once a week along with weights, cycling, swimming etc. Any more than twice a week and I know my knees wouldn't be thanking me.
  • nuttyduffy
    nuttyduffy Posts: 255 Member
    Shaun T must be on some liquid crack or something because he seems to NEVER be tired!!!!! lol I'm up for the challenege though.

    Ha ha don't be fooled - I'm following him on Facebook & he's doing the full 60 day challenge for the first time in years. He posted a video last week saying he NEARLY managed to complete Cardio Power & Resistance without stopping! Even Shaun T has to take breaks :laugh:
  • ashleytisdale
    I tried it for a day and new right away it was not for me. It can cause serious joint problems especially for people who are prone to lower body injuries or problems such as knee pain, swollen joints, etc. My husband is a personal trainer and I have a good friend who is a hardcore marathon runner and they both do not recommend it due to the pressure it puts on your lower joints. Ultimately, if you like it and it works for you than stick with it but if you feel pain, stop immediately and try something else. Personally, I like Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 or P90X.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    It's tough, I am doing insanity and p90x hybrid. The few days that insanity is scheduled are tough but do-able:)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I haven't been doing it, but my son did it as part of his P.E. class at school, three days a week for four weeks. He is down an inch in the belly and ten pounds. (That's the only measurement he took.) His cardio endurance has significantly improved too, he says.
  • CALake
    CALake Posts: 269 Member
    I finished it- but felt like I lost muscle that I had gained doing P90X before. I liked Asylum more because it incorporated weight training. But it really depends on your body and what you're looking for and capable of. Everyone has different results.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    its ok...i did it like 2 yrs ago...I think it depends on what your goal are...I did it for 6 weeks and just got sick of it...well I gave up...it gets too intense the second month....its more for the athletic person....Its good if you dont have access to a gym or a home gym...otherwise I have seen better results from just strength training and light cardio
    This! I did it and lost quite a bit of weight - lean mass too, unfortunately! Not something that you can keep up for life. I agree...strength training and light/mod cardio will do it, and that's something you can stick to for life.