Easter cheat day: yes or no ?



  • cheerupbrighteyes
    cheerupbrighteyes Posts: 37 Member
    I am going to be cheating so hard today I am pretty excited! Already did my workout, now just waiting for the feast!
  • carolemorden9
    carolemorden9 Posts: 284 Member
    I don't think of it as cheating. I'll probably be eating more today, but I'm also going to get some exercise in. Might even have a little chocolate.
  • Showmm
    Showmm Posts: 406 Member
    Serious chocolate overload today. Nothing else was extreme in terms of food, but today certainly was calorie heavy. I know I have extra time this week to work out, so plan to hit it hard from tomorrow onwards to make up for it.
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    I don't call it cheating. I make the rules, after all :)

    To me, cheating is something to feel sneaky and guilty about.

    I made the decision to eat the meals and treats I want to eat today, and if I go over calories, so be it.

    I will still log every jelly bean to the best of my ability.

    I think that the "cheating" mindset, for me, also leads to binging - like, "oh, I have to eat every little thing I've ever craved TODAY because I will nevereverever have another chance!!!" Also "oh, I've created such a train wreck, what are 3 more cadbury eggs, even if I don't really want them?"

    So, short answer, yes, I'm probably going to go over calories today and as a result lose less weight than I would have otherwise this week.

    But no, I'm not cheating.
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    It's our wedding anniversary so we're going out for a nice dinner. I will try to pick sensibly but hey, I will have a glass of wine, and we'll probably share a dessert. And I'll enjoy it, and do my best to log it, and hit the gym tomorrow.
  • ninjakowski
    ninjakowski Posts: 158
    Yep, don't give a damn today. Enjoying the weekend, eating my chocolate, back on track tomorrow. Life is for living!!
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    I'm not logging today, and I know for a fact I've already eaten over my daily goal in candy alone.
    No regrets! :happy: :drinker:
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    No, I will stay within my calories for the day.
    Not much point in cheating myself. Easter was my first holiday after I began MFP in 2012. I know I can do this now and so I will stick with in my calories for the day.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,534 Member
    ......Chocolate Bunnies are in Safe Haven here...as is Peeps and Jelly Beans. This year, have decided not to bite off any bunny ears or blow up the Peeps in the microwave....:laugh:
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Nope. Not me. I don't use the term cheat day and I never intentionally do that.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    I just pre-logged everything last night that I wanted into my day today. An amazing pot roast dinner cooked in my crock pot, fresh italian bread and a slice of cherry pie for dessert. Oh, and some chocolate easter goodies. I'm not "cheating" because I'm not on a "diet". :wink: I feel no need to gorge myself just because it is a holiday. And I'm not taking time away from my family worrying about "counting calories" because it's already planned. All I have to do is enjoy.
  • gettinfit320
    gettinfit320 Posts: 32 Member
    I don't have 'cheat' days. There was a breakfast at my Church and I had a couple of items I wouldn't normally have, but I am staying within my calorie goals....Because otherwise I'm really only 'cheating' myself of good health...It's all in the balance....a piece of chocolate or a cookie didn't make me gain this weight, it was unhealthy choice and lack of portion control. I'm eating much cleaner now and don't want to feel awful tomorrow....choose wisely grasshopper....choose wisely.....
  • davidwgold
    Ive cheated like there is no tomorrow! I think I would cry if I could see how much I've had today, I'm roughly guessing around 6000-7000+ calories, but tomorrow is a new day, and a new month so it's back on track and time to push myself to make up for today
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    I will "indulge" in some homemade cheesecake, but the rest of the day and meals will probably fall pretty close to my calorie target and macros.
  • ozigal
    ozigal Posts: 173 Member
    I just ate some chocolate... a little bit....

    but then I figured I can since I walked 14 miles today!
  • Chocoholic55555
    Chocoholic55555 Posts: 173 Member
    I've eaten loads! I've enjoyed the day with my family, so I'm going to try not to beat myself up (like i normally do) and just start afresh tomorrow.
  • x3na1401
    x3na1401 Posts: 277 Member
  • Fit147
    Fit147 Posts: 209 Member
    2 mini Hershey bunnies, 12 jellybeans. 138 calories worked into today's overall count.
  • jbbrannon
    jbbrannon Posts: 167 Member
    The only chocolate I have had today was a Fiber One 90 calorie brownie!! I wish i could splurge and have some Reeses peanut butter eggs for Easter!!!!
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    I'll eat a nice dinner to igut without regard for calories. I have been doing what most folks would call a cheat day for the past year where I eat whatever I want in any quantity. It used to be epic days of pancakes, donuts and Big Macs. Now it's just a reset day where I try to get to my TDEE to reset things. I am a much maligned Paleo eater so I usually add some sweets on cheat day. It's interesting that I don't gain weight on cheat days anymore. I make sure I lift and cardio on cheat day and that seems to take care of things. I think it has actually helped my weight loss and specially my LBM maintenance.