Turbo Fire Challenge!!! Join Me



  • deannarey13
    deannarey13 Posts: 452
    Mine just arrived in the mail today! I am starting Monday!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Did my first workout this evening (Fire 30 Stretch 10) and loved it! CJ always knows how to fire ya up! WOW!
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Did Fire 55 EZ tonight and loved it! My favorite so far. I love this program so much that I actually ordered the Advanced DVDs right away. That says a lot from me as I didn't order them for any of the other BB workouts I've done.

    I'm considering the Inferno plan but may hold off until after the holiday weekend. I also figured out my necessary calorie intake via the journal that came with TF and I've been under-eating by at least 200 calories a day. I want to try increasing my calories for a couple of weeks before considering the Inferno plan. The plan does include Shakeology so if anyone has any questions about that, please send me a message and I'd be happy to answer them.
  • jerzeediva
    jerzeediva Posts: 72
    Well today is day 4 for me and I worked out last night with 30 Fire and 10 strectch and I finally got the moves down. It is even better when you do know the moves then you are not fumbling to to learn them. So this is what I did

    Max HR- 175
    Calories burned combined- 1131:happy:

    As you can tell I kicked butt!!!!:devil: :devil:

    All I need now is some good sneakers for the jumping and running. The sneaker that I have is not that great so on the running parts I have to take it easy. Any recommendations for running shoes?

    I do FIre 55 Ez today so can't wait to see what that is all about. I hope you all stay motivated and keep pushing play.

    We are all in this together is let's get great results!!!!:happy:

  • I just started using myfitnesspal, and I was wondering how you all classify the TurboFire workouts when logging your exercises. I'm working on saving up for a bodybugg, but until then I want to be able to get the best net calorie count possible. Suggestions?
  • I use high impact aerobics......bc the intensity is insane lol! Love it tho!
  • dawnsmemories
    dawnsmemories Posts: 6 Member
    missed Fire 55 yesterday (started it but didn't complete) due to emergencies and the sleep over (my daughter's birthday) BUT I did it today and burned 656 calories and Lance (ds) pretended to do it with me. After World Cup I did Fire 30 so I am caught up. I rested from walking today.

    With Fire 30 and Stretch 10 I burned 389 so it was a total of 1045 calories burned today! Woohoo!

    Keep it up everyone!

    Tomorrow completes Week #1 for me!!!!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Today was Day 2 for me - HIIT 15 Stretch 10 and I loved every short sweet second of it! :smile: Unfortunately I had a weird problem with my HRM - it read '00' several times!? Never happened before; I guess it couldn't handle readings that HIGH! :laugh: So far, this program is just what I've been needing.
  • darkmercury99
    darkmercury99 Posts: 15 Member
    Day 5: Did Fire 55 and burned 814 calories!! I have NEVER gotten that high of a number on any one workout before. I gotta say, I think "EZ" is a bit of a misnomer:laugh:
  • dawnsmemories
    dawnsmemories Posts: 6 Member
    ok - today was the last day of week #1 and wow! Core was intense!

    Now today was a mixed emotion day for me... I am retaining a ton of water (at least 7 pounds!) I was shocked when I got on the scale today and wanted to immediately cry. Now that I have calmed down and thought about it it is definitely water retention.

    I drink at least a gallon of water a day so that is not the issue however, I use sea salt. Well the last couple of days I had things that had regular salt in them including pickles. This I am sure is where the problem came in.

    I will be watching that over the next couple of days and plan on seeing the results I were hoping for by next week when I weigh in again.

    Have a happy healthy day everyone!
  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    Good morning everyone! It sounds like everyone is doing an amazing job so far! I'm so excited!

    I hope you don't think that I disappeared, because I'm here!!! It's just been a crazy weekend!

    I'm starting the Inferno plan today through Friday, so I'll keep everyone posted on how it goes. The plan has me (and everyone else) eating roughly 1200 calories and doing on of the more intense workouts every day. Today's workout is the Fire 55 EZ and Stretch 10. I seriously do not find the Fire 55 EZ class very easy!!! I love it though. :smile: I'm also going to add the Core 20 class since I wasn't able to get to it yesterday.

    I'll try to check back in later, but if I can't then I hope you all have a great day! :bigsmile:
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I just started my last week of Lean Circuit today (but added HiiT 15 onto the end of my strength workout). I'll finish up Saturday, rest on Sunday, do a week of the Inferno Plan, then am planning on starting the entire 20 week CLX/TF hybrid rotation on Saturday, July 10th.
  • yasjon
    yasjon Posts: 9
    Ordered my package today! Can't wait to start. Hopefully, this will help me progress further in my weight loss.
  • jerzeediva
    jerzeediva Posts: 72
    Quick Question...

    When do you think we will start seeing results from Turbo Fire.If we are burning so many calories we should see something moving soon right?:ohwell:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Another quick question....:smile:

    Is anyone here doing the Turbo Fire 8 week prep? If so how's it going for you?
  • dawnsmemories
    dawnsmemories Posts: 6 Member
    I am hoping to see results fairly quick as this is a high calorie burn program! I'll definitely let you all know as soon as I see changes! ;o)
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    Quick Question...

    When do you think we will start seeing results from Turbo Fire.If we are burning so many calories we should see something moving soon right?:ohwell:

    I would take your calorie burns with heart rate monitors as a 'general' number. I've found that HRMs, even really expensive ones, can be quite misleading with what you're really burning during workouts. As a rule of thumb, I find that I have to be almost dying, heaving breath (almost unable to catch it), heart ready to burn out of my chest to get my calorie burn (according to my Bodybugg) at a rate of 11-12 calories/minute. I'm not saying that 1000+ calories for an hour workout isn't possible, but be aware (especially when planning nutrition) that those figures can be very misleading.

    I've already fairly fit (I've done 3 rounds of P90X, a round of Insanity, and am almost done with a round of ChaLean Extreme), and I push myself REALLY hard every single day. That said, I've found that I'm burning:

    180 calories for Hiit 15
    205 calories for Hiit 20
    655 calories for Fire 55 EZ

    Finally, to answer your question...I'd like to venture a guess that you'll start seeing some results rather quickly if you're really working the nutrition. If you're eating off the top two tiers (mostly) of Michi's ladder and REALLY making sure you maintain a calorie deficit. Best of luck!!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Thanks for listing your calorie burns - all the ones I've been reading (other boards) are WAY WAY higher than mine have been and I really don't think I'm a slacker lol! I've only done the HIIT 15 once and got 175 burned, and Fire30/Stretch10 twice and got 399 and 434 burned...and I really pushed that last once as hard as I could. :devil: Tomorrow is Fire 55 EZ and I can't wait - loving it so far!

    As far as results go, my scale has been edging slowly downward...about 1.8 pounds all together since Fri morning. :drinker:
  • eheinze12
    eheinze12 Posts: 58 Member
    did my first workout today :) felt like I was in class... I think I am going to like this alot!! :)
  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    Good morning!

    So, today marks Day 2 of the 5-day Inferno plan. I have to say that so far, it's not too bad! Every day has a calorie goal of roughly 1200 calories, so I've been trying really hard to follow the menu plan that's included in the booklet. As far as the workouts go, here are my calorie burns and Max HR for each one so far:

    Day 1 (Monday):
    Fire 55 EZ: 600 cals (YES! I did it w/o the "New to Class" feature this time. I had so much energy!) - Max HR was 192
    Stretch 10: 62 cals - Max HR 133 (still cooling down from that Fire class! Woo!)

    Day 2 (Tuesday):
    Fire 45: First off, let me say that this workout rocks! I did the "NtoC" since I had never done it before, which made the workout about an hour in total length. So, with that being said, my cals burned was 531 and my Max HR was 177. I know that this will be much higher when I finally know all of the moves.
    Stretch 10: 50 cals - Max HR 133
    HIIT 20: I haven't had a chance to do this workout yet today, and am really hoping that I get to once I get home!

    So, there is a recap of my first two days of the Inferno plan so far. I hope this helps a little for those of you that might be considering doing this plan. Keep in mind that these are the only workouts that are done within these five days...they are just repeated. So, tomorrow will be Fire 55 EZ and Stretch 10 again! Woo! :bigsmile:

    Keep rockin' it!
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