Food addiction--it REALLY DOES EXIST!!!



  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    I'm definitely not a food addict, so I am here to listen and learn and not to judge another person's experience and struggles.

    I agree with the above two comments. And particularly that there is a range in the severity of mental disorders such as disordered eating. It will not be the same for all people. This is where I also agree with the next comment about how people can sometimes develop an "I have an addiction mentality" and am trapped with that for the rest of my life. Maybe having an addiction almost becomes the addiction.

    Also, it's simply not a competition. One addiction is not better than another. Drug addiction is obviously quite different because the person is physically addicted and after a long time can even die during the withdrawal process of attempting to stop the drugs (it needs to be medically supervised). I also do not agree that people rally around and support the drug addict in a cocoon of love. It really depends on the person, the family, how much the person has hurt people through the drug use, and many many reasons. I have never been an addict, but there is a lot of drug addiction in my family and it's no easy thing for anyone involved to go through. This can be a sensitive topic for me (just going to be honest about that right up front).

    So, I don't see it as a comparison. But, I do understand that food addiction can also lead to other family members being hurt by the behavior and to death. I do understand the seriousness of it.

    Food addiction is usually called Disordered Eating or Compulsive Eating.

    So, just to be clear, I hear you and support you. I just don't particularly like when people make it a comparison to somehow say that drug addiction is somehow better. Really, when it comes to any kind of suffering, that type of comparison is usually not a good idea. I understand making a comparison in saying that both are painful, and possibly even similiar struggles. Just not that drug addiction is somehow better. It is actually extremely devastating. I'm not saying you don't know this (you said you had family members that faced it). Some drug addictions are easier for people to kick, early on. It's really devastating to watch what happens to a loved one that struggles with a severe drug addiction for decades. It's really difficult to be on the outside and every time I try to help, I am told that I can never even fathom how horrendous the withdrawal process is (and it's true, I've never been through that).

    Awesome post--beat me to the punch and said it better!
  • Subowski
    Subowski Posts: 71
    Great post, thank you. There are bells ringing and alarms sounding in all corners of my brain...when I "diet", restrict my intake or resist all my trigger foods for a period of time, I find myself consumed with the need to soothe and complete myself with the flavours, textures and soporific effect of unlimited quantities of food.

    So I guess I'm a food addict and compulsive eater, huh. That sure explains a lot. And the billion dollar question is, how do you fix it as abstinence is out of the question!
  • CCusedtodance
    CCusedtodance Posts: 237 Member
    I'm bookmarking this for future reference. I've only recently become aware that I have a food addiction. It eats away at me until I binge and feel awful. I've never been a binge eater before. It's only since being on here that it's reared it's ugly head. Simply put it's because I'm cutting out certain foods, that the addiction has taken over and I will pretty much do anything to get it into my mouth once the urge takes hold. I'm out of control, I feel helpless, and I'm angry with myself for being so weak.

    I know EXACTLY what you are describing. I too have those ugly moments and it takes every ounce of energy I have to battle it back. For years I would binge then beat myself up so badly that I would give up and never start over. I am determined to never allow it to win again. Sure, I will lose the battle now and then; however I will pick myself back up and start over!!!
  • CCusedtodance
    CCusedtodance Posts: 237 Member
    Uhm . . . aren't we all food addicts??


    No we aren't.

    It is just like some people can drink alcohol without ever becoming addicted and others can have one shot of whiskey, resulting in a two year binge. Unlike alcoholics though, food addicts cannot abstain and have to learn how to live with food temptations every where they turn.

    I find it interesting that so many are willing to accept addictions to porn, alcohol, video games, drugs, gambling,or other things; however they REFUSE to accept that someone can have a food addiction. Please do some research prior to making your judgments. One Google search and you will have more than enough to educate yourselves about this addiction. Here is a link you can start with:
  • CCusedtodance
    CCusedtodance Posts: 237 Member
    There is no food addiction. But go on, you'll help the attorneys get more $, along with big pharmacy.

    Nothing to watch here. I learned a long time ago that everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if it is based on ignorance.
  • CCusedtodance
    CCusedtodance Posts: 237 Member

    No, it's not physically addictive in the same way as heroin. I'm not minimizing food addiction. But, the physical addiction is different (especially after decades of physical drug addiction and everything else that it involves and leads to).

    I'm not saying that it is not physically or mentally or emotionally addictive (and again that is not something I understand personally), but the physical addiction is just a different type of physical addiction. And the outcomes are just different.

    Again, please do research prior to making your assumptions. If you do not have this addiction, then there is absolutely no way you will understand what it does to your body.
  • CCusedtodance
    CCusedtodance Posts: 237 Member
    I'm confused . . .

    Isn't the only cure for addiction abstinence?

    Usually and that is the battle for this addiction. You must have food to survive. You must go to a grocery store to buy food. You are subjected to food every where you turn.
  • CCusedtodance
    CCusedtodance Posts: 237 Member
    Uhm . . . aren't we all food addicts??

    I peg addiction as any repetitive action that gets in the way of daily living. This is why lots of people can have a beer or smoke a bowl on the weekend while, for me, it sends me straight to powder and needles. No one yet fully understands what makes an addict and what doesn't.

    For some people, the act of eating does get in the way of daily living. Many of us have dysfunctional attitudes and behaviors towards food (our weight often proves it). But there are degrees of severity and some people have a much much severe dysfunction than others.

    I am not a food addict. But I understand that it is possible.

    This is perceptive.

    My issue with the term food addiction and addiction in general can be reduced to the fatalism it can sometimes generate - the "it isn't me, it's the addiction" mentality. I tend to prefer compulsive eating when this refers to food. But in any case, if it is an addiction, and you are not trying to get help or support to break it then it certainly is all about you.
    If you recognize that you have what you consider to be an addiction. What are you doing about it? Or is the term being used as a crutch?

    I'm not judging anyone here - I'm suggesting that self-reflection to avoid falling into a trap of "I can't solve it".

    It is amazing how many of you think that I am using this as an excuse. That I have not done "self reflection". That this is my "crutch". I freely admit it is me, 100% me and it is my personal battle. Do you really think that in forty eight years I do not know this? This is one subject that I perhaps should have never shared with those of you on MFP, for you chose to judge without educating yourselves about this addiction. That is your right; however do not dismiss me as though I am new to this weight loss game. I have done it all and one step of my "recovery" is admitting it publicly, so I can let others know they are not alone.

    Let me make the following perfectly clear!




    Do not let yourself believe that a food addict does not admit or know that. Just because we admit we have this addiction, does not mean we do not know who is responsible. I cannot count the days I have mentally and at times physically screamed at myself to stop eating. I have stood in front of the mirror screaming at myself and hating myself. I have thrown things in pure frustration and anger over my bodies determination to eat.

    Those of you who do not have this addiction or any addiction will never fully grasp what it does to your body. You body will crave what it wants, and it is relentless until it gets what it wants. Your mind keeps circling back to it, no matter what you tell it. It is like you are fighting someone on the inside and sometimes you lose. When you lose, you binge and then you feel like a HUGE FAILURE, which starts a downhill spiral of mental berating; which leads to depression, self hatred, which leads to more overeating and the loss of will. It is a sick cycle and one that is extremely hard to break.

    If you do not want to educate yourself, then feel free to move on to another post. I do not need your snide comments, you trying to convince me I do not know what I am talking about or lack of understanding. This post was for those like me that need support and need to understand that they are not totally alone.
  • They do not understand that for me I have to cut calories and exercise twice as much as they do. They do not understand that some body types do not respond as quickly to changes in diet or exercise.
    No one can understand what it is like to live in your body or my body. Neither can we understand what it's like to live in theirs. So how do we know that it's different for us?
  • CCusedtodance
    CCusedtodance Posts: 237 Member
    They do not understand that for me I have to cut calories and exercise twice as much as they do. They do not understand that some body types do not respond as quickly to changes in diet or exercise.
    No one can understand what it is like to live in your body or my body. Neither can we understand what it's like to live in theirs. So how do we know that it's different for us?

    Forty eight years of experience on this earth and being around many different types of bodies has given me that knowledge. Plus there are thousands of people on MFP that can also vouch that every body reacts differently to diet and exercise. Some will gain immediate definition to their body when they start strength training and yet others will take months longer. Some will lose two pounds a week using TDEE minus 20% and others have to use 1200 calories a week. Some can eat more carbs, some have to have more protein, and some have to avoid sodium altogether. That is how I know.
  • That is how I know.
    I see. My sympathies to all involved.
  • NYCNika
    NYCNika Posts: 611 Member
    Why? Someone can develop an addiction to porn, drugs, video games, alcohol or anything; however they cannot do it to food?
    But our society DOES hold all drugs, porn, alcohol, and any other addicts accountable!

    If alcohol is present at your job function, and bars are everywhere on your street, and waiter gives you a wine list at a restaurant... You will still get convicted of your DUI and none of that will get you any sympathy.

    So even if we accept that food is an addiction that still does not diminish a persons accountability for their own actions. And people can't deal with their addictions until they accept that they are accountable and responsible for the state they are in, and that blaming other people for what you are doing is not productive.
  • NYCNika
    NYCNika Posts: 611 Member
    And yes, I would MUCH rather have freshly fried buttermilk pancakes from scratch with sweetened condensed milk all over them instead of my fat free Greek yogurt with nuts.

    Or hot fresh fries smothered with good bacon bits, ranch dressing, real melted cheese and pickled jalapenos with BBQ ribs instead of a skinless chicken breast with a side of salad. I DO remember what it tastes like, smells like, feels like when I put in in my mouth. The combination of flavors and textures, sourness and sweetness, etc... is very very tempting and I really want it. I think about it often.

    Does it mean I have a disease?
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    Some people feel they are "addicted" to food. If that is their understanding of why they are overweight and it somehow helps them stop overeating, that's great. There is an inherant danger in such a philosophy though. It is possible to simply give up and tell oneself that they have an "illness" or a "disease" for which there is no cure. I have seen that happen to close friends. It somehow gives them a reason to continue their destructive behavior and not take personal responsbility.

    Please don't take my words as being insensitive to those who feel they are addicted to food. If anything, I would like to encourage them to continue examining their behavior to see if, in fact, there may be other reasons to explain their actions.

    Regardless of the cause of one's actions, the fact remains that the only person who controls what we put in our us.

    Good luck.
  • CCusedtodance
    CCusedtodance Posts: 237 Member
    Why? Someone can develop an addiction to porn, drugs, video games, alcohol or anything; however they cannot do it to food?
    But our society DOES hold all drugs, porn, alcohol, and any other addicts accountable!

    If alcohol is present at your job function, and bars are everywhere on your street, and waiter gives you a wine list at a restaurant... You will still get convicted of your DUI and none of that will get you any sympathy.

    So even if we accept that food is an addiction that still does not diminish a persons accountability for their own actions. And people can't deal with their addictions until they accept that they are accountable and responsible for the state they are in, and that blaming other people for what you are doing is not productive.

    Well you obviously did not read all of my posts, for I CLEARLY said I am responsible and I am the one that has to fix me. Enough said on that subject.
  • CCusedtodance
    CCusedtodance Posts: 237 Member
    Some people feel they are "addicted" to food. If that is their understanding of why they are overweight and it somehow helps them stop overeating, that's great. There is an inherant danger in such a philosophy though. It is possible to simply give up and tell oneself that they have an "illness" or a "disease" for which there is no cure. I have seen that happen to close friends. It somehow gives them a reason to continue their destructive behavior and not take personal responsbility.

    Please don't take my words as being insensitive to those who feel they are addicted to food. If anything, I would like to encourage them to continue examining their behavior to see if, in fact, there may be other reasons to explain their actions.

    Regardless of the cause of one's actions, the fact remains that the only person who controls what we put in our us.

    Good luck.

    Thank you for the wish of luck; however I do not "feel" I am addicted;I KNOW I AM ADDICTED. I AM taking responsibility for my actions. Unfortunately there are plenty of people such as yourself that refuse to admit the addiction exists and until more people recognize it does, there will be people that struggle such as myself.

    As I said before, I do not need judgment or told how I am excusing my behavior. I have taken FULL RESPONSIBILITY for my actions and I am now correcting that. Can you not see the 11 pounds lost on my ticker? I am trying to reach out to those who are like me and give them support.

    I would appreciate those who cannot or REFUSE to understand or learn about this addiction move on from this post without their "words of wisdom", for they are not living with this addiction.
  • CCusedtodance
    CCusedtodance Posts: 237 Member
    And yes, I would MUCH rather have freshly fried buttermilk pancakes from scratch with sweetened condensed milk all over them instead of my fat free Greek yogurt with nuts.

    Or hot fresh fries smothered with good bacon bits, ranch dressing, real melted cheese and pickled jalapenos with BBQ ribs instead of a skinless chicken breast with a side of salad. I DO remember what it tastes like, smells like, feels like when I put in in my mouth. The combination of flavors and textures, sourness and sweetness, etc... is very very tempting and I really want it. I think about it often.

    Does it mean I have a disease?

    No it does not mean YOU have a disease; however you are not me. Please do not judge everyone by your abilities or willpower, for not everyone is YOU.
  • CCusedtodance
    CCusedtodance Posts: 237 Member
    That is how I know.
    I see. My sympathies to all involved.

    Thank you. I may have come across as somewhat sensitive to your post; however it is getting tiresome defending myself over something I know about myself.
  • annepage
    annepage Posts: 585 Member
    People don't understand a lot of things. Rather than try to, a lot just ignore or belittle the issue.

    You are supported on here, don't let the ignorant ones get you down.
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    I'm not challenging the food addiction theory.

    I guess you missed this in my last post....

    "Some people feel they are "addicted" to food. If that is their understanding of why they are overweight and it somehow helps them stop overeating, that's great. "

    I never said that there is no such thing as food addiction.

    I was simply trying to encourage you and at the same time make the point that what you propose might not work for every overweight person. No offense intended. Have a great day.:smile: