
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    I really have no problem with using healthy oils, and finding oil substitutes. Just on some things, you need actual oil. Not applesauce etc.
    I've just had to change the way I cook since 1} marrying my second DH, and 2} relocating to SC. DH has so many food allergies and food sensitivities...that we really have to watch it. He is allergic to olive oil, garlic, soy, mushrooms, tomatoes (if he eats too many), oranges, cheese, canola oil, and many others.
    2} South Carolina has different food products on the shelf than other states I have lived in. Every time I move to a different state, I have to find products all over again, or find new acceptable substitutes. Not always possible.
    So, I ended up eating like my DH these past 2 years. His diet was not kind to me. I gained 30 pounds (on top of the 30 I was already carrying around), my joints hurt, my general health was starting to decline. This January, I decided I needed to get with it. I have a 1,000 mile drive coming up either this month, or next....and I was in no shape to do it at 220 pounds. The only way for me to drive out west and visit with my dad was for me to try to regain my health.
    I put myself on a calorie counting diet, with exercise on my Schwinn/Airdyne bike daily. I weighed and measured my portions, and started weighing and measuring DH's. I started looking for more healthful recipes for the foods we love. I knew, that if we just ate less of what we were already eating, neither of us would be satisfied. So I had to get creative.

    So far, DH has lost 14 pounds, and I have lost 16. And that was us still enjoying eating normal foods, respecting his allergies, and my dietary needs also. MFP has helped alot my letting me see in black and white how much calories I consume daily, and cut back here and there accordingly. It tracks exercise calories burned.

    I knew, that when I reached age 50, that losing weight would be so much more difficult. I had to figure out how to do it, and still manage my peri-menopause, PCOS, MS, and hypoglycemia. So far so good. I have managed to keep my blood sugars steady, and exercise too. AND lose weight.
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    bump for weigh and measure on Thursday morning, then add my goals for April...

    Great thread - Thanks!!!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,986 Member
    Morning all.
    cold here in CT again. went to the gym for a bit this morning, but went Sunday am and used the back extension machine and pulled muscles in my back....so I am taking it lightly but still moving..
    i am trying to eat a 1200 calories a day,I do well with fruit but not on veggies
    im still losing weight ,but between the heel and the back im a mess :grumble:
    The DH leaves Friday morning for florida for a week, and I will be on my own,with the furbabies.. I dont mind though.
    Will sure miss my darling Taliah even though I didnt get to spend alot of time, I enjoyed the time I did..
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladie:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: Come in often and chat away with us!

    Not a lot of time this morning, it`s almost 8am and I`ve got tons of things to do today:sad: !

    My April goals are:
    1. Try to get the scale going in the right direction
    2. Get myself totally well before I embark on anything else
    3. Laugh everyday
    4. Have fun and enjoy life
    5. Get my closet cleaned out:grumble: :embarassed:

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in sunny:glasses: NC
  • ekafont
    ekafont Posts: 39 Member
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Your little guy got it right. That's exactly what we have to do.

    Yep if you don't let them few lbs gained become friends. They take off.

    Went to the farm yesterday we called it the farm even with no animals it just became habbit.
    Nice to see little pigs there again. The chickens will be here tomorrow.

    How are you suppose to get to know someone if your not even allowed to speak to her on the phone.
    Your son is acting like a teenager in love don't touch don't look she's mine. All mine.

    There did the rest of page three and four. And now it's time to get my day under control. Had toast and coffee for breakfast. So now going downstairs to hit the threadmill and rowing machine. Going to pull out a calendar for the month of April and pin it downstairs and put how many miles and rows I do. Going to make it a good good month. Spring is not coming anyhow so get ready for summer.

    I only answered a few of the post but did read them all I need to get my vitamin F. Did this instead of going up town for coffee this morning. I will try my best to be good. Might miss a few posts but not many. Will be back to do page 5 by the time I come back i'm sure maybe 6 and 7 lol.

    So now to watch the wii go down and the blood sugars be good. Back to normal. Easter is over and i'm in control of me. No more chocolate no more junk. I have the makings of a great chicken veg. soup. After exercise that's going on.

    See you all lighter.
    Linda in cold Northern Ontario.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Morning All:flowerforyou: ,

    Barbie-Thanks again for keeping us going!

    Brooke-I've never seen this post before! Thought it was cute! I've lost approximately an elephants heart and hope to lose an Irish
    Setter in total.:laugh:

    Jane-That's horrible that you are just finding this news about your dad now! I'll certainly keep him and your family in my prayers!
    Looked at your link and thought the pictures of your DD's wedding were beautiful! They look so happy!

    Lucy-It is a great NSV and I can so relate! I too have yo yo dieted for as long as I can remember and this is the first time ever that
    I have kept the weight off!:smile: It is all about the lifestyles changes and the support we give each other here!

    Michele-My heart goes out to you!:heart: I can so relate! My son got married and moved away the beginning of last year and I
    miss our relationship! Things have been strained between myself and his wife forever and no matter how much I try, it
    never gets easier. My son and I did have a nice conversation on Easter, which made me so happy, but these moments
    are few and far between! Message me anytime you need a shoulder to cry on! Hugs!!!!

    Moxie1962-Good for you for being creative and facing all your challenges! :drinker I so wish my husband cared enough to at least try to
    get healthier! He refuses to make changes with the exception of eating most of my meals I cook which are healthy.
    He will never give up his white bread, pop, ice cream and cookies which frustrates me to no end and even though I
    know I can't control this, it puts temptation in my way on a daily basis.

    DeeDee-After you clean your closet, do you want to come tackle mine?:laugh: Can't even see the floor in two of mine:grumble:
    Guess this will be on my April goal list!

    Just caught up on all of April's posts but missed some of the end of March. Working on evaluating March's goals and new ones for April, will post more later. Not doing the best eatingwise right now (going over on calories) but at least sticking to choosing
    healthy snacks and my water intake! Am happy to have come as far as I have but know that I have to take it up a notch so I can keep losing. Can't wait until May, when I finally can back to the pool at the gym.

    Hugs to all and a warm welcome to so many new faces!!:flowerforyou:

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good Tuesday morning!

    Welcome to everyone new! Let's have a good, strong April and focus on losing it. :laugh: Seriously, though, it can be done. Little steps will lead to big changes. If you're walking, try walking a few minutes longer, or just a little bit faster. Keeping a record of your distance and speed is a good idea, as you'll see an increase in both over time. I started out hobbling along at 2.5 mph for 30 minutes. I increased slowly, like a minute or two each day, and eventually increased my speed. Now, two years later, I can walk for extended periods at a very brisk pace and jog for almost a full mile. Me? :noway: My hope is to encourage you to not be overwhelmed with how far you have yet to go. Day by day, minute by minute, mile by mile, we can make it happen. :bigsmile:

    In regards to "keeping after it", here are a couple of quotes:

    "Pursue, keep up with, circle round and round your life, as a dog does his master's chaise. Do what you love. Know your own bone; gnaw at it, bury it, unearth it, and gnaw it still." -Thoreau

    "Some of us have great runways already built for us. If you have one, take OFF! But if you don't have one, realize it is your responsibility to grab a shovel and build one for yourself and for those who will follow after you." -Amelia Earhart

    :smile: jb in Portland
  • Darlene4prayers
    Darlene4prayers Posts: 148 Member
    bump to read later for motivation and support......I can't get out of this depression I'm in!!
  • LisaInUP
    LisaInUP Posts: 63 Member
    My scale played a little "April Fool's" joke on me yesterday and told me I was 149. I knew it was kidding but I am happy for my progress. I am weight-training, so I know I will have to depend on the tape measure more and the scale less but the scale prank on top of the SNOW made me sad :explode: :laugh: :laugh:
    Slowly but surely I am getting there :bigsmile:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sandy in Central OH: It looks to me like any weight you gained yesterday can be washed away with plenty of water. :drinker: Ham is bound to have added gobs of salt to your system. I have never paid much attention to salt unless I wake up with puffy hands, but DH is having problems with blood pressure so salt is a big deal around here. So is water.:drinker: I am learning a lot about health that I didn’t know before.:flowerforyou:

    Moxie: We deal with food sensitivities and allergies, too. I think you have a much more challenging situation, with a wider variety of foods to watch out for. Good luck.:flowerforyou: DH also has MS and we’re going to a new doctor today. DH refuses to take shots. As a diabetic he already has had to endure too many shots. We hear there may be pills on the horizon. I hope it is true.:love: I’m past 60 and I feel like this is easier weight loss than I experienced in my 30’s. The three big assets now are that DH is doing this with me so I don’t have to cook two different meals, the support I get from MFP, and because I finally understand this has to be a lifestyle change instead of enduring near starvation until I get to my goal and then reverting to bad habits that lead to ultimate failure. It has been slower progress to be sure, but more pleasant.:bigsmile:

    Linda C: I’m glad you’re back. I love your point of view and sense of humor.:bigsmile:

    Michelle: I’ve just been reading Linda C’s post and what she says has a ring of truth to it: “How are you suppose to get to know someone if your not even allowed to speak to her on the phone. Your son is acting like a teenager in love don't touch don't look she's mine. All mine.” I don’t have any wisdom to add to this, other than it isn’t your fault. It is an interesting perspective.:flowerforyou:

    Jb in Portland: I love your quotations!:flowerforyou:

    Darlene4prayer: Depression seems like it is not surmountable, but it can be tamed. Get professional help. You’ll also get lots of moral support here.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Yoga today! Yay! :bigsmile: Our teacher took spring break off to be with her children. I’m glad to be going back. DH also has an appointment with a new neurologist that specializes in MS. I hope this turns out to be a person he can work with. His current neurologist didn’t do much for him in stroke recovery, and nothing regarding MS. :noway: We’re hoping for a “partner” to help us deal with complicated health issues. The person who has been most helpful so far is his doctor of Oriental Medicine.:heart::heart: Keep your fingers crossed for us, and prayers our way if you pray. :flowerforyou:

    (PS: I'm still .2 lb away from 40 pounds lost. MFP is rounding up.)

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy tues.
    Welcome all the new people.
    going back to the house tonite.
    Will post when I can-since I have no access to internet.
  • Hi all,

    Weight seems to be going in right direction... yay!!!

    Darlene, I've struggled with depression for years... just keep your head up and keep on swimming! If you have any questions I'd be happy to answer as best as I can.

    Loads of Love to all,

    near Sudbury Ontario
  • kim2walker
    kim2walker Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks to Melsauntie for the warm welcome... you are my first friend.... Your message really made me laugh.. yes I do have problems walking up stairs and not just with creaky knees.

    Recently, I have noticed there is a relationship between increasing waistline and decreasing brain cells..

    My house is very narrow and tall ( 2 rooms each floor, 4 floors). So I have a problem when I forget something in the upper floors when I am working in the laundry room.... 3 flights of stairs is a killer! The number of times this happens has definitely increased over the last couple of years...

    If my theory is correct then if I lose inches perhaps I can reduce the number of times I have to climb those stairs...healthy lifestyle, healthy brain.

    Mmmm. Can I enter stair climbing as exercise calories?
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Overcast Tuesday, but full of Vit F I see:flowerforyou:

    I'm not sure if I will get to reading the posts as I am really trying to work in the current world. The first quarter has ended and I am feeling wonderful doing my job in the present instead of the past...finally.:wink:

    We have made the decision to put our house on the market as soon as we feel that all the minor touch ups are done so hoping sometime this month. For me it's the decluttering that needs to be done and for hubby the minor repair issues. The idea of moving after almost 20 years in this home overwhelms me so I try not to think past the current week:ohwell:

    I didn't do so well on my March goals but I am watching what I am doing right and wrong and since all the clothes fit it's really hard for me to go beyond what I'm doing in the present to get to that final goal, but will give it a better shot this month.

    April goals
    Get in 20 days of exercise
    Log in for at least two weekends (I seem to drop of the planet on the weekend)
    Organize my Craft Closet
    Sort out more of my clothes that don't fit
    Finish sorting & Cleaning the basement

    I think these are doable for the month...so I'm off and keeping busy...drinking the water and logging, moving the body and logging and what goes in the mouth gets logged here...it's something we all can do:drinker:

    Laura80111 in Colorado

    JaneH- the article and picture of your daughters wedding were wonderful...it was the one thing I did get done yesterday:flowerforyou:
  • kim2walker
    kim2walker Posts: 52 Member
    Well, I've lost weight and inches EVERY weigh-in since I started this program, and the difference is very noticeable. I don't find it difficult at all. I eat sensibly (1700 cals. per day) but include Cadbury chocolate eggs, Skinny Cow ice cream bars, and my main addiction, crystallized ginger. I do farm work, clean stalls, use an elliptical machine and a great workout video ( Funcercize beginners workout with Sunshine) using 5-lb. weights. My niece Mel Gibson, a certified fitness trainer, is guiding me. I do not backslide at all because I don't want to waste my hard work. By the way I'm 64. If I had to sum up in two words what works so well for me, I'd say; iron determination.
  • kim2walker
    kim2walker Posts: 52 Member
    A will to succeed is definitely what is needed, especially if you know you are in it for the long haul. It is good that you have someone to guide you through the exercise and keep you motivated on a personal level.

    I see you have kept your favourite foods. How do you manage to keep control? I have a weakness for butter on my bread, but I can't control the amount; once I start I can't stop. I have decided that I can't have any to stop the slide. Is it possible to be addicted to butter?
  • Hi, Ladies! It's so encouraging to read all of your posts. Thank you for letting me be a part of this support group. You're all talking about April goals, so here's mine: Lose 6 pounds in April
    Walk 25 min. 3 times a week
    Resistance exercises with a theraband 3 times a week
    Drink 8 glasses of water
    Log my journal every day

    I think the goals are doable. Now to set my eyes on the near finish line: 6 pounds.
    My fortune cookie said yesterday that "you will succeed in your goals." How timely.:laugh:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Bump for later Hope everyone had a Happy Easter xx
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    I'm sorry that I haven't had time to read the thread for the past week, and this week probably won't be much better. I'm doing okay on eating and exercise, though.

    The April issue of Herlife Magazine in Denver is out, along with my daughter Sohayla and Charles' wedding beginning on Page 44! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    http://www.herlifemagazine.com/denver/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/epdf_HERLIFE_DENVER_APRIL13.pdf :heart:

    Things with my father took a bizarre and upsetting twist on Thursday. He had a CAT scan done at the beginning of February. I had a call from the VA saying that it showed a shadow on the pancreas, and then never heard another word. When we were in a routine appointment with his hematologist on Thursday, I told him that I had never heard back and would he mind taking a look. He did, and said that the CAT scan showed that my father had a major hiatal hernia and that his stomach had moved completely out of his abdomen and was high in the chest cavity against his lungs, and it was upside down and twisted. HOW COULD RADIOLOGY FAIL TO SEE THAT WHEN THEY READ THE SCAN????

    They say that if the stomach twists again he could be dead on the spot, so this apparently has been a known danger for over six weeks now, except that they seem to have missed it. They also say that there is internal bleeding from the stomach. So we are looking at surgery as soon as possible (emergency consult tomorrow). The problem is that my father is in extremely poor health and I've been told that he couldn't survive a major surgery. The last time he had anesthesia, his top blood pressure number hit 400 and they had to stop.

    Needless to say, I'm pretty upset about all of this. :cry: :angry: :cry: Someone really dropped the ball and was majorly incompetent. I just don't understand how something so major could be missed in reading the scan.

    Jane in Colorado

    Oh, Jane - I'm so sorry to hear this. Unbelievable that the techs missed this. Such major incompetence. I hope they are able to find an approach to help your father.

    Your daughter's wedding sounds and looks magical. I hope they have many happy years together to look back on that ceremony.