Women Fit For Forties



  • caheglar
    caheglar Posts: 4 Member
    I would love to join where do I sign up!:smile:
  • Bammie
    Bammie Posts: 8
    ok i'm in to! :smile: I will tell you a little about myself,I am 47 years old ,happily married and overweight.I need some motivation and I think this might help me! I am going to start walking this morning and try to stay under my calories this week, wish me luck!
  • mcarpentier
    Morning Ladies!! Happy Monday to you all!! Started C25K Week 3 Day 1 today. Beautiful day, never thought I would look forward to running in the morning, but it's happening!?!??! Really hitting me that I only have a couple of days work, Wednesday is my last day. Who knows what will happen after that..................... waiting to hear back after several interviews, and a couple more things lined up for the week. Perhaps I will have a job offer this week, a girl can dream can't she?? Will be sure to keep you all updated!!

    Blue note........... it looks to cool off a little here this week, thank goodness!?!?! :)
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Welcome caheglar and Bammie... feel free to jump right on in! The gals here are FABULOUS and we all help one another out on our weight loss journey!

    Good morning ladies, I had a rather so/so weekend in the line MGD (making good decisions). Saturday, I physically could not workout as I normally do. I just could not keep up. So, I figured I should listen to my body. Saturday night we ate dinner at the neighbors which started out healthy but, by the end of the night.... I did not do to well. Sunday was a bad day for me. Did not exercise, drink my water and ate CRAP I normally stay away from. I have not had one of those days where I crave crap for quite some time now. grumble

    Today is going to be better! I am heading to workout now w9d1 of c2k5 then we are off to Denver to pickup a Engine for a customer of my husbands and stop by his mothers so, I can see the kitchen that has consumed all of his days off for the last 5 weeks!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Good morning ladies! I don't know when I posted last - I think it's been over a week and unfortunately it shows, I've gained 3+ pounds. But I'm back, trying to get back on track. I've been feeling down and a bit sorry for myself the last week or so. I told you about my neck/shoulder/arm pain and numbness ... last week I had another doc appointment, then an MRI (which I didn't enjoy at all - since I'm a bit claustrophobic ... and they were over an hour late getting started since the older gentleman before me really had a hard time with his MRI and I could hear him asking to be let out often - which didn't exactly make me feel more calm about it). Then on to a physical therapist. I have several bulging discs in my neck (C3 through C7 for any of you that know about discs) - one of which is impinging on a nerve and causing my right shoulder/arm pain and numbness. The physical therapist thinks that a few weeks of physical therapy and daily traction might work (I brought home a neck stretching machine) - plus the muscle relaxers and prescription ibuprofen. I'm hoping so - the traction machine does seem to help for awhile - but the rest of the time my neck seems worse than ever, and my lower back is hurting now too I think just because I'm trying not to use my upper back - and I'm feeling more numbness in my right arm. I go back to the doc next week, and she wants me to see a neurosurgeon just to get their opinion too. I'm just sick of not feeling 100%, and I can't lift weights or do pushups ... I've been doing step aerobics but trying to really go easy on my neck - but I'm paranoid that anything might be making it worse so I don't enjoy my workouts. :cry: I HATE being out of a routine and with all those doc appointments my work schedule has really been off - plus the kids are on summer break so their schedules are all wacky, and I worry about my 16-yr old home alone and driving (today she is driving my 9-yr old to a zoo that is a little bit of a drive and most of it freeway so now I'm worrying about that). I'm just feeling cranky ... and PMSy. I'm due for TOM next week so this is the week I am most PMSy ... last month I never got TOM, we'll see if I do this month or not - but I still get all the fun symptoms like crabbiness, water weight gain and crampiness. I'm full-on peri-menopausal now ... I never know if I'll get TOM. I'm on BC pills just because I was so crabby and irregular without them (my husband had a vasectomy so he isn't real happy that I'm back on BC pills anyhow) - but without them I was sometimes getting TOM every other week and then not for 4 months. And I don't think any of that helps with weight loss.
    Plus I'm really getting anxious about our 2nd home situation. I know I've already told some of you the story - but I feel the need to vent again - we own some waterfront/woods land that we decided we couldn't afford to build on - and got into a disagreement with the neighbors when we put a camper on the land last summer - even though we were perfectly within the zoning rules to have it there. We didn't use the camper or land enough last summer so we decided to sell the camper and put the land up for sale - but I wasn't worried about selling quickly because we planned to keep going there and pontooning and using the land until it sells. Those complaining neighbors have since built a HUGE mcmansion and cut down all trees and now have a perfectly groomed 2 acre lawn :mad: ... which totally ruined what we wanted to use the land for - a woods and water getaway. Now our view is this monstrosity of a house, it makes our 1 acre semi-wilderness look somewhat small, and kind of goofy next to their house (we lost a lot of trees in a storm a few years ago .. so unfortunately on that side of our lot there are only a couple of trees to block our view of their ugly house - now that they stripped down all their trees). So now I don't really want to go there at all to use our pontoon. Plus a dear Aunt of mine passed away last fall and we have decided to buy her house (which was the old family farmhouse) to keep it in the family - but we can only afford to do that if our waterfront property sells. So now I'm really anxious for that land to sell ... but I know it likely won't sell soon because of the real estate market right now and we need to get a certain price to get our money back and be able to buy the farmhouse. Aaargh :grumble: ... another thing that is out of my control that is stressing me.
    ok ... whine, whine ... now I've gotten that out of my system - I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and try to control what I can ... which is my eating. It has been BAD, BAD, BAD. First step is back to tracking on MFP, and I'm back today.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    6-01-10 240.0
    6-07-10 237.0
    6-09-10 234.4
    6-14-10 233.6
    6-21-10 233.4
    6-28-10 230.6

    I'm stepping it up the next few days. I want to start July off under 230! :bigsmile:

  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    ok i'm in to! :smile: I will tell you a little about myself,I am 47 years old ,happily married and overweight.I need some motivation and I think this might help me! I am going to start walking this morning and try to stay under my calories this week, wish me luck!

    Good luck, and welcome.....you are off to a great start
  • Bammie
    Bammie Posts: 8
    thank you very much!
  • cdsledge09
    cdsledge09 Posts: 167 Member
    Good evening ladies. I hope everyone had a great weekend.

    I missed my workout this morning which lead to a very sluggish day, and then I got the wise idea to go workout at the 6pm session. I am not sure if any of the rest of you live anywhere near Texas, or not, but the heat is enough to kill. I work out in a Cross Fit gym (garage style gym) which means no AC and none of the frills that Golds offers, just plenty of heat and lots of sweating. Needless to say, I was miserable, and my workout time truly stunk but its over and I will get my lazy butt out of the bed on time tomorrow so that I can work out in the morning. :grumble:

    I am feeling so energized by all of the kind and supportive conversations in this thread. I have tried WW and WW online (an excellent program) but only since I have been using MFP have I been able to keep up a steady success at weight loss, and I attribute it to all of the great conversation, and folks on MFP. :happy:


  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Welcome newcomers! You will love it here. :flowerforyou:
    Chris, I love this thread as well. I like that we are all around the same age, and can understand what each other is going through. Like lstpaul, for example - I can totally relate to your irregular TOM. I have pre-cancerous cysts in my uterus and it causes me to go haywire in the TOM department. Ugh! I am so sorry you are so stressed right now. :heart: Things will get better!

    I'm in a wee bit of funk for not getting to threederville yet. :cry: I was so despondent this morning that I almost did not go to my physical therapy session for my knee. I went, but I was sluggish and did not do as well as I could have. I know I need to stop placing so much importance on the scale numbers. Easier said than done. :ohwell:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Good morning ladies, off to work again today (then I am off the rest of the week)..so I will be looking forward to a great WED challange....don't really have any plans for tomorrow (no running around I mean)...so it should be a great exercise day.....anyhow....hope you all have a GREAT day, will check in a little later.....:happy:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I did it! I did it! I DID IT! I MADE IT TO THREEDERVILLE! I am crying over here! 398, ladies! I am so happy!!!!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I did it! I did it! I DID IT! I MADE IT TO THREEDERVILLE! I am crying over here! 398, ladies! I am so happy!!!!

    HIP HIP HOORAY! Good for you, you are doing so well! I am very happy for you!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Solandra
    Solandra Posts: 84
    Congratulations, bluenote!!!

    Apologies for being absent last week, I was on furlough, and took the opportunity to unplug from most things, finish a short story, pick out music to play at church at the end of July, and generally goof off.

    I will do a formal check in, read the rest of the thread since page 5 and start charting again tomorrow.

    Maite Zaitut!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS NANCY!!!!! I am so very proud of you! GREAT JOB!!!
    smiley-bounce002.gif smiley-bounce002.gif smiley-bounce002.gif smiley-bounce002.gif smiley-bounce002.gif
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    end of a long day ladies.....I am pooped and heading off to be shortly....I hope I can sleep in...I feel the need....talk to you all in the am,:yawn:
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    Grats Nancy!! BTW... the banana "ice cream"... if you all like bananas, you have to try this. It is really one of the most amazing treats ever. Take slightly over-ripe bananas & cut into slices. Put them in the freezer for a few hours. Blend them in a food processor... NO OTHER INGREDIENTS. The consistency is exactly like ice cream. It's quite amazing. I've tried it with a little honey & peanut butter too. Very yumtastic!
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    I got really excited about the banana "ice cream" & forgot to post something else... :laugh:

    I have a touch of shin splints. :grumble: I'm not sure if it's from Shred level 2 or EA Sports Active. Both have me jumping around a lot & are very hard core. I took it easy working out today & didn't burn as many calories. I just want them to feel better in the morning.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS NANCY!!!!! I am so very proud of you! GREAT JOB!!!
    smiley-bounce002.gif smiley-bounce002.gif smiley-bounce002.gif smiley-bounce002.gif smiley-bounce002.gif

    Bluenote: ditto girl!!!

    Colorado girl you find the best characters. Makes me SMILE!

    lstpaul: HUGS I totally relate to the PMS, I can tell you more about a couple of options that stop you from any period if you are interested. Also I get crazy about the unknown and things that I have no idea how they will work out. Hang in there, somehow it will all work out for the best.

    selbyhutch: mmm the banana ice cream sounds great. I will give it a try. Hope the shin splints heal up quick.

    Welcome to all the new gals. Slow and steady, one day at a time you will see results.

    So I am feeling like I am out of my funk. I still haven't found the exercise that I enjoy as much as skiing, but I am moving. I needed a mental rest as well. The good news is that during some down time I did NOT gain any weight back. That is a HUGE victory to know that I can maintain. Thank you gals for listening. I don't plan on posting every day as summer is crazy but I will be logging calories.
  • cdsledge09
    cdsledge09 Posts: 167 Member
    I got really excited about the banana "ice cream" & forgot to post something else... :laugh:

    I have a touch of shin splints. :grumble: I'm not sure if it's from Shred level 2 or EA Sports Active. Both have me jumping around a lot & are very hard core. I took it easy working out today & didn't burn as many calories. I just want them to feel better in the morning.

    Selby- be careful with the shin splints. I developed full blown stress fractures when I was in the military from letting them get too bad without rest etc. Ice them, rest them and take it easy until the pain subsides. Anti-inflammatories such as motrin also help. Take care and get some rest.

    I am currently riding along on my family's annual pilgrimage to visit my family in Ohio. I am really working hard to be careful about snacking and other things that cure boredom but add unsightly fat to my behind. I brought lots of veggies and water, but my daughter's chips look better. :laugh: Well wish me luck, and I will be posting as this trip drones on. Have a great afternoon, all. :flowerforyou: