Older women success stories please!



  • Brenda4105
    Brenda4105 Posts: 117 Member
    I am 53 and in the last 5 years have gained about 70lbs. I started on MFP in January 2013 and so far have lost 37lbs, I have another 33lb to go. I am sure that last 30 plus won't come off as easy as the first, but I will keep plugging along. I agree with who ever said "if your trying to look ike a 20-30 year old forget it". I have noticed that the laugh lines around my eyes show a little more since I started loosing weight. However, I have earned every line, every bag, every sag and grey hair I have. My thinner body will wear them with pride!
    I want to see those 20-30 somethings when they are my age. They will have the same issues - so quit worring about the what ifs. Get your self healthy, be around for your family, take pride in what you look like, even if there is a wrinkle or two and a sag or three. If your really worried about it, then medical science does miracles now days. I happen to be quite big on top, always have been. Well at this age gravity is no longer my friend! When I hit my goal and have maintained it for at least 6 month. The "girls" that have been headed south, are going to get a lift and get back where they belong. lol So if there is something like that you want to do, set a goal and reward yourself. I know that I will never look 20 again. I will have a few wrinkles, some spider veins and such, but I WILL be thin, healthy and have perky "girls"! :laugh:
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    Don't throw in the towel but it ain't easy! This year I am really struggling (soon to be 48). I am really in the midst of perimenopause and it is tough. Just got to maybe change things up to see what works for you... good luck!!
  • leeanneowens
    leeanneowens Posts: 319 Member
    I'm 46 and since I started losing last July, I've lost 48 lbs.. I do NOT believe you should throw in the towel. Losing isn't always easy but it is most certainly worth it. Do I still look like a 46 year old woman? Well, yeah because, like it or not, that's what I am. But now I look like a much healthier 46 year old woman.
  • hheiland05
    hheiland05 Posts: 27 Member
    No, don't throw in the towel. Just keep up all the wonderful work and be happy with YOUR results :)
  • anaoliver63
    anaoliver63 Posts: 117 Member
    I am here. 49 going on 50 this year. Lost 36 pounds but gained back 20pds since I stopped logging. But I am recommitted. We can do this... I have been post menopasoual since I was 43... I find tracking my food makes a BIG difference.... Don't give up you will definitely hate yourself later. If you like, we can become friends..
  • dhencel
    dhencel Posts: 244 Member
    I am 57......I kept my weight about the same for all my adult life.. Then slowly the weight kept coming on.. Every time I would go to the doctor, I would have gained 2 1/2 pounds.... She told me that menopause has a way of doing that and mostly every woman gains 15 pounds.. Well I had gained about 25..I told the doctor that I would lose weight by the next time I saw her.. My daughter found MyFitnessPal and it sounded so good that I gave it a try... I surprised the doctor by being 8 pounds lighter.... I just went again for my yearly checkup and I have kept all the weight off that I had lost..23 pounds...She was extremely proud of me and commented that I hadn't gained over the holidays and winter.....I will say that I had gotten out of the exercise routine but am back into it now.. Got to get into that bikini!!!... well, not a bikini but a 2 piece.....I recommended MFP to a friend and she is close to 50 pounds lost......We keep each other going on this....

    So it doesn't matter what your age is.... This is a program that will work if you keep at it.. It is in my head and I know how important it is to follow the food diary and especially drink the water!!!!!!

    Good luck to you.....
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    I am 56 and understand that the older I get the harder it is to lose. I find logging everything I eat helps me see what I am doing and keeps me on target. I have lost 60 pounds and still have 140 to lose to get to my goal. I know it will not be easy just one day a time.
  • sozirny
    sozirny Posts: 7 Member
    I am here 42 and yes i find it a really slow process I also have thyroid issues and post menapasal so it is a huge battle but I am determined to lose this weight. I try and keep it simple I walk every day and log my food, I just have to realise I cant eat like I could when i was in my 20's and 30's :ohwell:

    Keep it up and dont give up just be patient.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Aging is easier if you're in shape. If you work out, you keep your muscle mass. If you keep your weight at a lower level, you're more likely to keep your joints in good health.

    I've heard all those things about menopause, and I still think that everyone is different. I had hysterectomy two years ago, and I haven't noticed any change in the way my metabolism works. I lost 5 pounds last year, and it was hard work as usual, but no harder than usual.
  • onematch
    onematch Posts: 241 Member
    I'm 42 and struggling to take off about 60 pounds. We can do it!
  • LadyPakal
    LadyPakal Posts: 256 Member
    I'm 47 and what you see in my ticker came off from from July last year through to today - still working on it...
  • grancran
    grancran Posts: 19 Member
    Im 52 and have been dieting my entire adult life. When I think about that it makes me mad at myself. I wonder , how could I let myself be like that. I would love to know how much weight I have gained and lost over the years. It would be alot.
    I say this all the time.." this time it is going to be different " but........this time is going to be different. I think it is because Im getting older and have been thinking more about life and of course dieing and it scares the hell out of me. I want to live till im 90 I want to have a productive life as a "senior". so im working hard this time to make that happen. Im looking at it a bit different this time, im looking at it as a life change, not just a diet. I need to change for the rest of my life not just for a few months. Im taking one day at a time and Im working out everyday. Im feeling better. I can lay on my side and it doesnt feel like my insides are getting squished anymore. Im a bit worried about the old skin on my body though. I guess from all these years of taking weight off and putting weight on , well right now my upper arms look like an old lady whosse skin hangs and is all wrinkly. I just hate it, just hate it. Here in Canada the surgery to fix that is about 10 grand. 10 grand.....oh my god, really. So Im going to have to learn to just live with it. I mean it has been that way for a few years now. Well no that isnt true. My arms have been big for years but now that im looseing weight again the skin on my upper arms is hanging more. Im really hopeing that my stomach will go down flat without that hanging skin. Still have about 45 - 50 lbs to go so we will see what happens with the rest of the body. My husband loves me no matter how I look and I love him for it. I say, good job to all of us and lets all keep up the good work we have been doing.
  • rlkilgo
    rlkilgo Posts: 48 Member
    Okay, I am 51. I started in January and have lost 57 lbs. YOU CAN DO IT! I get told often that I look younger now. Here's my lifestyle change:

    I don't drink pop at all. NONE. Just water, coffee (black) and occassionally unsweetened tea.
    I eat 5 times a day everyday: Breakfast (usually plain cheerios and skim milk); snack; lunch; snack; dinner. 1200-1300 calories max.
    I exercise everyday at least 30 minutes. Mainly walking, but if weather keeps me inside I have a Wii dance video that works for me.
    I keep my food journal and exercise journal on MFP up to date.

    Thats it.

    Tracita70 keep your chin up and live for the day. I am 50 and I have lost 16-17pounds since January 1. I like the above quote and what she is doing. I also stay around 1200 calories. I will up that some after I have lost more of my weight. I have put on weight since my hysterectomy that was necessary at age 41. I have dealt with "swelly belly", hot flashes, bouts of meanness (lol - according to my husband :tongue: ), and mental confusion. I decided in January that it is time for me to take control because no one else is going to do it for me. :smile: I make sure I moisturize my skin every day because of aging dryness (wrinkles :mad: ). I also keep my hair cut shorter and my makeup on, which makes me feel better about myself. I walk a mile in the afternoon, weather permitting. I am on EEMT (estrace plus small amount of testosterone
    Small amounts of testosterone are also produced in a woman's ovaries and adrenal system if you are wondering about this). I feel pretty good most of the time. My weight is down from 220 to around 203 to 204 at the moment. I am 5'6". I encourage you to take it one day at a time on your journey to better yourself. You can do this. I believe in you!!!!
  • rlkilgo
    rlkilgo Posts: 48 Member
    Im 52 and have been dieting my entire adult life. When I think about that it makes me mad at myself. I wonder , how could I let myself be like that. I would love to know how much weight I have gained and lost over the years. It would be alot.
    I say this all the time.." this time it is going to be different " but........this time is going to be different. I think it is because Im getting older and have been thinking more about life and of course dieing and it scares the hell out of me. I want to live till im 90 I want to have a productive life as a "senior". so im working hard this time to make that happen. Im looking at it a bit different this time, im looking at it as a life change, not just a diet. I need to change for the rest of my life not just for a few months. Im taking one day at a time and Im working out everyday. Im feeling better. I can lay on my side and it doesnt feel like my insides are getting squished anymore. Im a bit worried about the old skin on my body though. I guess from all these years of taking weight off and putting weight on , well right now my upper arms look like an old lady whosse skin hangs and is all wrinkly. I just hate it, just hate it. Here in Canada the surgery to fix that is about 10 grand. 10 grand.....oh my god, really. So Im going to have to learn to just live with it. I mean it has been that way for a few years now. Well no that isnt true. My arms have been big for years but now that im looseing weight again the skin on my upper arms is hanging more. Im really hopeing that my stomach will go down flat without that hanging skin. Still have about 45 - 50 lbs to go so we will see what happens with the rest of the body. My husband loves me no matter how I look and I love him for it. I say, good job to all of us and lets all keep up the good work we have been doing.

    :smile: You can do this grancran. I have done a lot of the same things you have and as you, I have decided to take care of buisness (myself :wink: ) I ask one of my female athlete students at school what to do for the upper under arm flab or as I call it, "my angel wings." :wink: She said for me to look up arm toning on pinterest and that there are several sites that have toning for the upper arms. I searched arm toning and it came up with a lot of good sites and some that are easy enough for me to do. I bought small weights at Walmart to use. I use MFP everday and it helps keep me focused.
  • tamjak
    tamjak Posts: 28
    It is definitely harder to lose weight for me in my 40's as quickly as I did in my 20's. It just comes off quicker. I am hoping that I will lose my double chin, and not have my neck look old!
  • Lind140
    Lind140 Posts: 140 Member
    NO!!! Please don't give up, I've stopped and started, yo-yo'd, lost and gained over the last number of years
    but I kept climbing back on the wagon. I'm 61, managed to plow through 12 years of menapause without
    killing anyone (lol), my highest weight was 346 and I'm now 183. keep on keeping on, you will get there!
    Good Luck!
  • cherchechristine
    cherchechristine Posts: 84 Member
    Okay, I am 51. I started in January and have lost 57 lbs. YOU CAN DO IT! I get told often that I look younger now. Here's my lifestyle change:

    I don't drink pop at all. NONE. Just water, coffee (black) and occassionally unsweetened tea.
    I eat 5 times a day everyday: Breakfast (usually plain cheerios and skim milk); snack; lunch; snack; dinner. 1200-1300 calories max.
    I exercise everyday at least 30 minutes. Mainly walking, but if weather keeps me inside I have a Wii dance video that works for me.
    I keep my food journal and exercise journal on MFP up to date.

    Thats it.

    57 lbs since January 2013! You go girl!! I am 49...and looking at another 15-20lbs. But, it's a struggle!
  • cherchechristine
    cherchechristine Posts: 84 Member
    I am here. 49 going on 50 this year. Lost 36 pounds but gained back 20pds since I stopped logging. But I am recommitted. We can do this... I have been post menopasoual since I was 43... I find tracking my food makes a BIG difference.... Don't give up you will definitely hate yourself later. If you like, we can become friends..

    I am turning 50 this year too...in less than 2 weeks...I am committed...this is our year!! I have lost 9 since Jan. but wanting to lose another 17 by mid summer.
  • npetercmway
    Well, I'm almost 52. I lost 60 lbs at age 50 after struggling for about 15 years. I've been a marathon and ultra marathon runner and weight lifter for over 30 years. I did martial arts for 10 years. I ran marathon after marathon and worked my butt off at the gym for countless hours and finally learned you can not out exercise too many calories. I didn't think I ate too much. I didn't binge or pig out or mindlessly eat. I've eaten healthy all my life. I've never had a habit of fast food. But serving sizes are designed for 6ft men and I'm a 5'1" female so I just didn't know I ate too much. I didn't realize how small I really am until I lost the weight. Everyone said I looked strong and had big bones. Not true, I realize now....

    Thank you so much for what you wrote. It makes a lot of sense and was what I needed to hear right now.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
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