Ladies-How do you stay safe while jogging alone?



  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    I have run thousands of miles alone [training for 30 marathons] and only felt afraid of a person [some men in a car who threatened me] but I have had some very frightening encounters with dogs [who frighten me far more than most people] and several amazing encounters with other animals including bears, moose [during a marathon in Alaska], wild boards and more.

    Here are my best ideas for running alone:

    1) Always tell someone where you are going and when you will return
    2) NEVER run with earpods or music on
    3) Stay alert and aware of who and what is around you [cars are scary when they sneak up on you]
    5) Run doing daylight hours in well-populated trails and paths

    Oh---and bring your cell phone!

    * See if you can find a running buddy.

    In the winter when it is icy and dark too soon I run on my treadmill at home or the gym.

    Keep on running!
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I run on a provincial trail in a small town of 1500 people, the odds of my being attacked are probably slim. I always joked with my husband about having a t-shirt made for my son "Pick another kid, my mom is psycho" so maybe I"ll make one appropriate for jogging? :P
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    I agree more people should carry guns legally. A preference is just that a preference, most firearm deaths are with a .22, though many say the minimum should be a .380. Glocks are not for a beginner with fire arms in my opinion. While they are reliable they lack the safety features (external safety, grip safety, de-cocker) other manufacturers have. The rest of the statement about pepper spray and dogs is a false sense of security. A knife is good but not as a deterrent but more of a surprise/escape type weapon.
    women should carry guns period. preferably in .45 or 9mm, and preferably glock. There would be a lot less rapes and harassing if every man knew every woman was packing. Your pepper sprays and dogs are worthless and false sense of security. A reasonably strong man can headlock a dog with one arm, and snap its neck. And pepper spray runs the risk of blowing back into your own eyes, or missing altogether. Also most people stop with a gun to their face. Pepper spray wont stop anyone determined.
  • A small gun if you are that worried. Don't run at night.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
  • Kamile69
    Kamile69 Posts: 87
    I live in a really small town, so not an issue for me, but, my advice is to jog at different times of the day and on different days. Don't develop a predictable schedule if at all possible.

    Plus, carrying an assault rifle and attack dog can't hurt :smile:
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    I don't take any special precautions.

    I live in a neighborhood with one of the highest crime rates in the country, and I regularly run after dark. Not once have I ever felt threatened, and it's all in the way I carry myself.

    They actually teach you this in self defense class; women are far less likely to be attacked if they have an air of confidence about them. Head up, shoulders back, eyes forward. Attackers don't go after women who appear to be confident, alert, and aware, because they know that these women are generally hard to target.

    I've been whistled at, and at the very worst, had a couple obscenities shouted at me. After promptly turning around, approaching the man who shouted the obscenities, and telling him to kindly eff off, he apologized and never once said another word to me, even though he sees me at least once a week.

    If you "truly" feel that threatened, either get a dog, or carry a gun. You're more likely to injure yourself with a taser or pepper spray, and running with a knife is just beyond stupid.

    But honestly, a guy approaching you while you run is honestly nothing to get worked up over. My advice? If he, or anyone else does it again, tell him to eff' off, and go about your business.
  • DrBroPHD
    DrBroPHD Posts: 245 Member
    I don't take any special precautions.

    I live in a neighborhood with one of the highest crime rates in the country, and I regularly run after dark. Not once have I ever felt threatened, and it's all in the way I carry myself.

    They actually teach you this in self defense class; women are far less likely to be attacked if they have an air of confidence about them. Head up, shoulders back, eyes forward. Attackers don't go after women who appear to be confident, alert, and aware, because they know that these women are generally hard to target.

    I've been whistled at, and at the very worst, had a couple obscenities shouted at me. After promptly turning around, approaching the man who shouted the obscenities, and telling him to kindly eff off, he apologized and never once said another word to me, even though he sees me at least once a week.

    If you "truly" feel that threatened, either get a dog, or carry a gun. You're more likely to injure yourself with a taser or pepper spray, and running with a knife is just beyond stupid.

    But honestly, a guy approaching you while you run is honestly nothing to get worked up over. My advice? If he, or anyone else does it again, tell him to eff' off, and go about your business.

    That's great until one day some guy doesn't give a **** about how you hold yourself and shoots you or stabs you or worse

    Don't fool yourself into a false sense of security
  • Mulikme
    Mulikme Posts: 30 Member
    "Edited by shoneysien on Wed 04/03/13 04:32 PM

    I have run thousands of miles alone [training for 30 marathons] and only felt afraid of a person [some men in a car who threatened me] but I have had some very frightening encounters with dogs [who frighten me far more than most people] and several amazing encounters with other animals including bears, moose [during a marathon in Alaska], wild boards and more.

    Here are my best ideas for running alone:

    1) Always tell someone where you are going and when you will return
    2) NEVER run with earpods or music on
    3) Stay alert and aware of who and what is around you [cars are scary when they sneak up on you]
    5) Run doing daylight hours in well-populated trails and paths

    Oh---and bring your cell phone!

    * See if you can find a running buddy.

    In the winter when it is icy and dark too soon I run on my treadmill at home or the gym.

    Keep on running!
    Edited by shoneysien on Wed 04/03/13 04:32 PM"

    Exactly what this person said. Also, don't always run the same route all of the time.
  • Carlyannabelle
    Carlyannabelle Posts: 621 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the advice. I do have a 9mm hi-point and I am trained in shooting, I just thought a gun would be hard to run with, but those shorts are really tempting and fashionable too!!
  • kingkoopaluv
    kingkoopaluv Posts: 147 Member
    I live in LA so jogging sometimes can be scary but i know my surroundings and I always run during the day. Im more scared of zombie drivers then being abducted or something.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I'm amazed by all of the "carry a gun" comments". It's not legal in DC, so my guns can't leave my house, but how does this work? Am I supposed to shove a gun in my compression shorts? Maybe find a ipod/gun arm band? I have a hard enough time finding a place for my keys.
  • Carlyannabelle
    Carlyannabelle Posts: 621 Member
    Compression shorts with a holster built in.


    FCCK YA! and lift heavy

    Oh and I do lift heavy! ;)
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    I'm running. And mean. And really effing strong. I haven't seen anyone out at night who could take me. Or catch me TO take me.

    Unless they're gonna shoot me. in which case I'm screwed. :)

    I live in a shizhole drug infested area full of low lifes. Not skeered.
  • 123bonfire
    123bonfire Posts: 4 Member
    I run with my dog. I also acknowledge anybody I run by with a wave or a smile (other runners get a random high five) I would find a someone who has a dog that lives near by and ask if you can exercise the dog by taking it on your run. Seriously, it doesn't matter if its your dog or somebody else's dog. You'll run with more confidence knowing you've got a pal along and people (men) will be less likely to follow you.

    Maybe switching the time of day would be helpful as well...

    Good luck and what ever you do...don't stop running.
  • I don't take any special precautions.

    I live in a neighborhood with one of the highest crime rates in the country, and I regularly run after dark. Not once have I ever felt threatened, and it's all in the way I carry myself.

    They actually teach you this in self defense class; women are far less likely to be attacked if they have an air of confidence about them. Head up, shoulders back, eyes forward. Attackers don't go after women who appear to be confident, alert, and aware, because they know that these women are generally hard to target.

    I've been whistled at, and at the very worst, had a couple obscenities shouted at me. After promptly turning around, approaching the man who shouted the obscenities, and telling him to kindly eff off, he apologized and never once said another word to me, even though he sees me at least once a week.

    If you "truly" feel that threatened, either get a dog, or carry a gun. You're more likely to injure yourself with a taser or pepper spray, and running with a knife is just beyond stupid.

    But honestly, a guy approaching you while you run is honestly nothing to get worked up over. My advice? If he, or anyone else does it again, tell him to eff' off, and go about your business.

    That's great until one day some guy doesn't give a **** about how you hold yourself and shoots you or stabs you or worse

    Don't fool yourself into a false sense of security

    Exactly what I was just about to say. If someone wants to rape you, I don't think they give a **** about how you carry yourself.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    What a creeper. I am in DC and there are always a ton of people around. I will not run at night. I prefer running on a track so I don't have to worry about cars and I can lose myself in my music. Otherwise, I run with my husband.

    Some people have mace, but I never understood that.

    My opinion - pepper spray or mace is less than ideal for running. It requires you to hit a very specific place (the eyes obviously) in order to be effective and there are a few things that can interfere, wind/rain, etc. It is problematic in many situations as you may not have the chance to be face to face or to have the distance to do it without cross contamination. It also isn't effective on everyone. Plus the whole risk of cross contamination. It happens fairly often when using it. It is going to be a big problem if you incapacitate yourself in the process.

    It is not useless, but like any weapon you may use, you need to train and understand how it works. And have a back up plan if it doesn't. A false sense of security is dangerous.
    For me, I would choose other options.

    Exactly. You are more likely to do harm to yourself with pepper spray than you would to anyone else. I never understood why people brought this along.

    I am sensing a law enforcement background with the shepard and knowledge of OC spray. Me too.

    Have either one of you had experience with mace? It actually covers quite a broad range. If you spray it in a corner of a room, you can guarantee that room will be cleared within the minute. You could easily spray it in their general direction (though it will most likely hit their face, anyway) and it will deter them.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    The only place I would run alone at was at the school because there were always people around and campus police. I also had pepper spray and have taken self defense. If I run somewhere else I bring a friend. I have a gym membership so I do most of my running there. Getting abducted and harassed isn't worth the risk imo..sad that is the world we live in.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    What a creeper. I am in DC and there are always a ton of people around. I will not run at night. I prefer running on a track so I don't have to worry about cars and I can lose myself in my music. Otherwise, I run with my husband.

    Some people have mace, but I never understood that.

    My opinion - pepper spray or mace is less than ideal for running. It requires you to hit a very specific place (the eyes obviously) in order to be effective and there are a few things that can interfere, wind/rain, etc. It is problematic in many situations as you may not have the chance to be face to face or to have the distance to do it without cross contamination. It also isn't effective on everyone. Plus the whole risk of cross contamination. It happens fairly often when using it. It is going to be a big problem if you incapacitate yourself in the process.

    It is not useless, but like any weapon you may use, you need to train and understand how it works. And have a back up plan if it doesn't. A false sense of security is dangerous.
    For me, I would choose other options.

    Exactly. You are more likely to do harm to yourself with pepper spray than you would to anyone else. I never understood why people brought this along.

    I am sensing a law enforcement background with the shepard and knowledge of OC spray. Me too.

    Have either one of you had experience with mace? It actually covers quite a broad range. If you spray it in a corner of a room, you can guarantee that room will be cleared within the minute. You could easily spray it in their general direction (though it will most likely hit their face, anyway) and it will deter them.

    Perhaps you missed the law enforcement background part...
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    I don't take any special precautions.

    I live in a neighborhood with one of the highest crime rates in the country, and I regularly run after dark. Not once have I ever felt threatened, and it's all in the way I carry myself.

    They actually teach you this in self defense class; women are far less likely to be attacked if they have an air of confidence about them. Head up, shoulders back, eyes forward. Attackers don't go after women who appear to be confident, alert, and aware, because they know that these women are generally hard to target.

    I've been whistled at, and at the very worst, had a couple obscenities shouted at me. After promptly turning around, approaching the man who shouted the obscenities, and telling him to kindly eff off, he apologized and never once said another word to me, even though he sees me at least once a week.

    If you "truly" feel that threatened, either get a dog, or carry a gun. You're more likely to injure yourself with a taser or pepper spray, and running with a knife is just beyond stupid.

    But honestly, a guy approaching you while you run is honestly nothing to get worked up over. My advice? If he, or anyone else does it again, tell him to eff' off, and go about your business.

    That's great until one day some guy doesn't give a **** about how you hold yourself and shoots you or stabs you or worse

    Don't fool yourself into a false sense of security

    Trust. It's not a false sense of security. It's a very legit sense of security.