Turbo Fire Challenge!!! Join Me



  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    Oh! I almost forgot! For those of you who were asking about how long it takes to see results...

    Before I started the plan yesterday, I weighed myself and took measurements so that I could record it in my TurboTracker (this thing is seriously awesome...if you don't have it, you should get it!) since there is a section devoted strictly to the 5-day Inferno plan. I was amazed at the results that I have already achieved in ONE WEEK doing TurboFire...check it out:

    Before starting TurboFire:
    Total Inches: 181
    Weight: 150.4

    Before starting the 5-Day Inferno Plan (One week later):
    Total Inches: 178
    Weight: 149.4

    So, even though it's only been a week, I've already lost 3 inches and 1 pound. I'll totally take that! I'm really excited to see how my results are after this week. I'll keep you posted!
  • MereBear_81
    MereBear_81 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello! I'm starting a little behind everyone it seems, but I'd love to join y'all! I've been doing BB workouts since November 2007 (SI6, P90, P90X, P90X+, ChaLEAN, Insanity, RevAbs, and currently Brazil Butt Lift). At my lowest, I had lost 40 lbs, however, I went on a belated honeymoon to the UK in May and gained 12lbs in 11 days :embarassed: In doing BBL the last 3.5 weeks, I'm down about 5lbs with 7-10 more to go to get back to my goal weight. I have just 3 days left of BBL and will be starting Turbo Fire this Saturday! I plan on stacking the lower body workouts from BBL with Turbo Fire, though, since my problem area is my lower body.

    After reading everyone's reviews, I think I might substitute the cardio workout that was planned for tonight with HIIT 15 to give it a try!

  • darkmercury99
    darkmercury99 Posts: 15 Member
    So, after one week of TF, I have lost 1.5 lbs and 2.5 inches (in total)! I'm pretty happy about that. A part of me wishes the weight would come off faster, but the smart part of my brain knows it doesn't work that way! Last year I lost 30 lbs doing CX, and I ended up gaining back 13 this spring (I couldn't work out due to an injury)... Well it took me a good 4 months to lose that last 10 lbs last time, so I'm trying to keep expectations reasonable. :smile:
  • kangababy
    kangababy Posts: 187 Member
    I just heard about it today and ordered it!!! WOOH! I am excited!!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Holy cow! Fire 55EZ really wasn't EZ! :noway: I did the new to class option and stretch 10...whoa. I can't remember the last time I burned 611 calories. :devil: Possibly more when I actually get the routines down better! Still lovin' this!
  • jerzeediva
    jerzeediva Posts: 72
    Hello Everyone.

    First I would like to welcome everyone to my group. Thanks for joining me on my journey even though I am doing a Hybrid with P90x. But hey it's all in the same family so no matter what you are doing everyone is welcomed:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    So I had my rest day on Sunday so that means I did 20min Core and 10 min stretch today. And believe it or not is was great. I never worked with the bands before but I just love it. I know I might be sore in the morning because I normally do AB Ripper X 3 days out the week. So today felt good because I was working different muscles with resistance.

    I have decided to cut some of my carbs out to jump start my metabolism again.I will be doing a raw diet of fruit and vegetables and then I will do the inferno plan. Overall, I am feeling great and glad to have ladies in this group trying to get even more healthier.

    STAY FOCUSED, KEEP MOTIVATED AND PUSH PLAY!!!!!:smile::smile: :smile:
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    Hello Everyone.

    First I would like to welcome everyone to my group. Thanks for joining me on my journey even though I am doing a Hybrid with P90x. But hey it's all in the same family so no matter what you are doing everyone is welcomed:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    So I had my rest day on Sunday so that means I did 20min Core and 10 min stretch today. And believe it or not is was great. I never worked with the bands before but I just love it. I know I might be sore in the morning because I normally do AB Ripper X 3 days out the week. So today felt good because I was working different muscles with resistance.

    I have decided to cut some of my carbs out to jump start my metabolism again.I will be doing a raw diet of fruit and vegetables and then I will do the inferno plan. Overall, I am feeling great and glad to have ladies in this group trying to get even more healthier.

    STAY FOCUSED, KEEP MOTIVATED AND PUSH PLAY!!!!!:smile::smile: :smile:

    Just curious...did you create your own hybrid schedule with P90X or are you lightly following the CLX/TF that she included in the fitness guide? I'm just curious...wondering how you determined which exercises to put where...curious minds, you know?

    I'm starting the 20 weeks next Saturday (I think the 10th??) and want to follow it to the T to see what sort of results I can get without tweaking it...that way I can really tell my 'coachees' what to expect.

    Best wishes...and don't just push play, CRUSH PLAY!! : )
  • jerzeediva
    jerzeediva Posts: 72
    Hello Everyone.

    First I would like to welcome everyone to my group. Thanks for joining me on my journey even though I am doing a Hybrid with P90x. But hey it's all in the same family so no matter what you are doing everyone is welcomed:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    So I had my rest day on Sunday so that means I did 20min Core and 10 min stretch today. And believe it or not is was great. I never worked with the bands before but I just love it. I know I might be sore in the morning because I normally do AB Ripper X 3 days out the week. So today felt good because I was working different muscles with resistance.

    I have decided to cut some of my carbs out to jump start my metabolism again.I will be doing a raw diet of fruit and vegetables and then I will do the inferno plan. Overall, I am feeling great and glad to have ladies in this group trying to get even more healthier

    STAY FOCUSED, KEEP MOTIVATED AND PUSH PLAY!!!!!:smile::smile: :smile:

    Just curious...did you create your own hybrid schedule with P90X or are you lightly following the CLX/TF that she included in the fitness guide? I'm just curious...wondering how you determined which exercises to put where...curious minds, you know?

    I'm starting the 20 weeks next Saturday (I think the 10th??) and want to follow it to the T to see what sort of results I can get without tweaking it...that way I can really tell my 'coachees' what to expect.

    Best wishes...and don't just push play, CRUSH PLAY!! : )

    I have created my own schedule to suit my need. I do pretty much doubles. I card in the morning and lift in the evening..If it is a day where I have cardio for P90X then I will just do Turbo Fire to replace it unless it's kenpo and I will do doubles. I ask do Ab Ripper X three days out of the week
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hey! Did you guys know we can get a free TurboFire t-shirt after we complete the program -- just like we did with Insanity? Go to www.turbofire.com, and towards the bottom right, there's a link to print out the form. You'll need to take before & after pics & measurements, send in the form, and wait for your shirt to arrive.

    I don't know what it is about getting that shirt, but I really take pride in it!! I wear my Insanity t-shirt all the time with HONOR!! :drinker:
  • Lauralovesmfp
    Lauralovesmfp Posts: 270 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I am starting Turbo Fire tommorrow. Still have to read through all the info tonight and then I will most likely be doing it with doubles (as I love my weights). I will let you know what my plan is later! Look forward to chatting with you all!

    (ps. Sandy, are Canadians allowed the shirt this time?)
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi Laura!! I don't see anything in the Terms & Conditions that says it's for US residents only. I'll find out for sure for you, though.

    I'm also going to double up with weights, but I'm not starting until the 12th. Next week will be my final week of CLX. :bigsmile:
  • MereBear_81
    MereBear_81 Posts: 19 Member
    Today's my last day of Brazil Butt Lift! Can't wait to start Turbo Fire on Saturday. I did get to try out HIIT 15 in place of Cardio Axe yesterday. I was really suprised how much I was sweating in just 15 minutes! Nice, short workout.
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    i'm getting turbo fire tonight! (it's stuck at the ups office). WOO! can't wait!
  • Bthack
    Bthack Posts: 48
    Just ordered turbo fire!! cant wait to join you guys & see some awesome transformations :)
  • jerzeediva
    jerzeediva Posts: 72
    Hey Everyone,

    Just did 30 min Fire and burned 663 calories. I decided to motivate a friend of mine that was depressed and has fibromyalgia. She was so excited that I came over ready with the DVD and dressed to work out. I think I jump started her motivation and I am happy:happy: about that. So far I lost 1 pound and I am waiting until my rest day to take my measurements. I hope everyone is doing great and my wish for everyone is to try and motivate 1 person next week and see how you can be an inspiration in someones life.

  • jerzeediva
    jerzeediva Posts: 72
    i'm getting turbo fire tonight! (it's stuck at the ups office). WOO! can't wait!

  • jerzeediva
    jerzeediva Posts: 72
    Just ordered turbo fire!! cant wait to join you guys & see some awesome transformations :)

  • jerzeediva
    jerzeediva Posts: 72
    Hi everyone,

    I am starting Turbo Fire tommorrow. Still have to read through all the info tonight and then I will most likely be doing it with doubles (as I love my weights). I will let you know what my plan is later! Look forward to chatting with you all!

    (ps. Sandy, are Canadians allowed the shirt this time?)

  • jerzeediva
    jerzeediva Posts: 72
    Good morning!

    So, today marks Day 2 of the 5-day Inferno plan. I have to say that so far, it's not too bad! Every day has a calorie goal of roughly 1200 calories, so I've been trying really hard to follow the menu plan that's included in the booklet. As far as the workouts go, here are my calorie burns and Max HR for each one so far:

    Day 1 (Monday):
    Fire 55 EZ: 600 cals (YES! I did it w/o the "New to Class" feature this time. I had so much energy!) - Max HR was 192
    Stretch 10: 62 cals - Max HR 133 (still cooling down from that Fire class! Woo!)

    Day 2 (Tuesday):
    Fire 45: First off, let me say that this workout rocks! I did the "NtoC" since I had never done it before, which made the workout about an hour in total length. So, with that being said, my cals burned was 531 and my Max HR was 177. I know that this will be much higher when I finally know all of the moves.
    Stretch 10: 50 cals - Max HR 133
    HIIT 20: I haven't had a chance to do this workout yet today, and am really hoping that I get to once I get home!

    So, there is a recap of my first two days of the Inferno plan so far. I hope this helps a little for those of you that might be considering doing this plan. Keep in mind that these are the only workouts that are done within these five days...they are just repeated. So, tomorrow will be Fire 55 EZ and Stretch 10 again! Woo! :bigsmile:

    Keep rockin' it!

  • jerzeediva
    jerzeediva Posts: 72
    So, after one week of TF, I have lost 1.5 lbs and 2.5 inches (in total)! I'm pretty happy about that. A part of me wishes the weight would come off faster, but the smart part of my brain knows it doesn't work that way! Last year I lost 30 lbs doing CX, and I ended up gaining back 13 this spring (I couldn't work out due to an injury)... Well it took me a good 4 months to lose that last 10 lbs last time, so I'm trying to keep expectations reasonable. :smile:

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