Diet sodas are not bad after all!!!



  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    They have zero nutrition and are all chemicals. Thats not okay for my body.

    There was a commercial some years back that said, quote, " Without chemicals, life itself would be impossible." :wink:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    There are studies to suggest that aspartame in diet sodas are linked to neurological deficits (ex: blindness). For every study that says, "Just joking guys, it's okay!" You find another study that says the opposite. I'd rather have real sugar and count the calories than a chemical-laden beverage into my body...
    The "chemical" breakdown for sugar is C12 H22 O11. Aspartame "chemical" breakdown is C14 H18 N2 O5. Lol, looks like both have carbon, hydrogen and oxygen to me.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Why is diet soda being discussed on a food and nutrition forum? It is neither and shouldn't belong here.

    I'm glad you found an article to justify your addiction to diet soda. Enjoy.

    This is a little rude...but is also truthful. Why drink the soda if your body doesn't need it? Why not water? But then again...water is all I drink.
    Same could be said for alcohol and milk. Life gets pretty boring if it was "just" water.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Clearly you haven't done enough research. That or you work for Monsanto.
    Or maybe your "research" is done by Mercola or "natural" articles. Try actual peer reviewed clinical studies.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    For those of you who love and drink diet, look at the ingredients....ASPARTAME!!!! Do you know what is in it..Formaldehyde!!!!!!! Who wants to drink that???? Just something for you to think about. I would rather drink regular, take the extra calories and work a little harder then drink that stuff and put it in my body.
    Quote it correctly. There is NO FORMALDEHYDE in it. It converts to formaldehyde in the body. As do citrus fruits. Think about it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It's full of chemical junk. Doesn't eating healthy means trying to stay away from that crap?
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    It's full of chemical junk. Doesn't eating healthy means trying to stay away from that crap?

    Absolutely not.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member

    They have zero nutrition and are all chemicals. Thats not okay for my body.
    So does water. H20 is a chemical compound.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    It's full of chemical junk. Doesn't eating healthy means trying to stay away from that crap?
    Eating "healthy" means getting in your essentials and staying within a calorie limit. If there's room for non essentials that don't cause calorie surplus, then have fun consuming it. IIFYM eating rules.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    I often wonder what drives the participants in a back-and-forth such as this. Is it because you truly feel that you can sway the other participant? Is it because you truly feel that you are "right" and you want the other person to know that they are "wrong"? Is it an ego thing? Is is a passion thing? I see it often and I don't understand what drives MFP members to do this. No one ever persuades the opposition.
    I careless about the opposition view on diet soda. What I do care about is misinformation and scare mongering when there aren't facts to support it. If someone who isn't knowledgeble comes to read about it, should they have the correct facts or misinformation to make a decision?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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  • brun0305
    brun0305 Posts: 1
    It's not about finding studies that support "any view," it's about finding the MOST studies that have the same finding. This increases the reliability. So, I would go with what do studies show more, diet pop increases cravings or doesn't?
  • holsieg
    holsieg Posts: 21
    So many studies on everything! All of them have their flaws, and validity and reliability are always problems. Was this one funded by a drinks company? Also, studies which are forced to accept the null hypothesis find it much more difficult to get through the editor to become published, so there could be many more like this.

    I think you should do your own study, because a sample size of you is enough to generalise to yourself. Go a week drinking them, and write down how many you have, and what cravings you get, what time of the day etc, a week without any, a week with a few and see what you get. Of course this is fraught with research issues and it's not exactly going to make it into the journals, but it's enough to decide for yourself whether YOU think it's worth drinking diet drinks.

    I switched to water about a year ago and have never looked back, but that's just me.
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
  • MyNameIsRita
    wow I never thought the thread discussion would come this far. I was actually just trying to share the article with the MFP "community"! OF COURSE I know not to believe everything I read online.... it was just something new. and I do know the dangers of diet sodas. For example, I know that if I have more than 3 a day, I will get a HUGE headache. so its important to know your limits....

    BTW... I found an article that says that Harvard declares that dairy is NOT a part of a healthy diet... and therefore shouldnt be consumed... but I'm afraid of what some users might do to me if a post a thread on that subject! :P CHILL everyone!!!!!
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member

    Thats one small part of many statements I have made on this subject.....still doesn't change the FACT that it isnt as good as water and other natural options. Doesnt change the fact it is chemically altered and has empty calories to satiate a craving that has an underlying reason for being a craving and isnt getting dealt with. Aspartame is only one aspect of why soda isn't good for you we havent even touched on the other things in it that cause other problems to your over all health.

    Well we don't have to make all our drink choices based on a comparison to water to be healthy.

    And I've seen you mention empty calories twice now but diet pop has barely any calories... Also what is inherently bad about "chemically altered"? I didn't think that phrase had a natural negative connotation to it.

    I don't care if you don't like it, or have something against it - fair enough whatever works for you. Your tone is just a bit arrogant - and for someone who capitalizes FACTS you haven't really presented any...

    Your opinion is just that an opinion but instead of trying to comment about my comments why dont you comment on the topic genius? Not all diet sodas are zero calories but contain aspartame so empty calories is what that means. I am not for or against sodas and if you find arrogance in my typing tone that sounds like a personal problem YOU need to deal with sir lol I am however for better choices and being aware of what is really going on with a persons body and understanding that and dealing with it and not just grabbing the quickest fix you can to mask it. So sorry that my FACT that water is always the best option isn't a fact for you lol So sorry that my FACT it is genetically engineered in a lab and sent out to consumers isnt the a fact for you. I stated water was the best option I never stated all the other options just as readily available as diet sodas are. So before you find someone else to pick out of the crowd because YOU think they are arrogant and then contribute nothing other than that you lost weight drinking diet soda because it stopped your cravings (which I have clearly stated over and over is an underlying issue that needs to be dealt with through diet) good luck to you lol You can have my share of diet sodas because I have better smarter options that my body appreciates more.
    From your profile:
    "Bossy, fat, short, big mouth, annoying, opinionated, don't like stupid ppl, think I am a genius"

    Congrats on the excellent self-evaluation. Misguided, yet accurate.
  • Bejede
    Bejede Posts: 191 Member
  • Sieden76
    Sieden76 Posts: 127 Member
    I won't take a side here, you can drink it or not... doesn't bother me. I was so addicted to this stuff that I probably could have survived with it in an IV. I went through a 12 pack a day. I also had a high sodium diet at the time too and I started to notice that my ankles were swelling. It scared the crap out of me so I started to wean myself off of them and onto more water. I did it by using those sams flavored diet waters (still crap if you ask me) plus bottled water. Anyway though now, I don't drink anything but water from my tap, not bottled and I don't even crave sodas at all. All of my swelling has gone down and my blood pressure is normal again. Personally, I'm glad that I made this choice and it suits me but to each his own.
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    Yeah i just dropped them on principle cause despite the sweetners the rest of the contents like the caffeine are still no good for you and they are addictive, doesn't mean they are very harmfull in moderation they are just no good in general and sweeteners have the issue of being too sweet which makes you crave sweet things and so that soda could entice you to eat something else that is really bad for you :)

    as for the good or bad studies
    You can add the following
    Eggs both good and really bad
    Potatoes both really good and really bad
    Coffee is toxic unless it's in small amounts then it's beneficial even tho there's caffeine, sugar (in some form) and salt in pretty much every processed drinks and thats cause it makes people want more which equals more money for the producers.

    Sweetners are just the latest thing added to the list of both good and bad. People on both sides are paid to make those studies and in general they hold zero validity
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member

    Thats one small part of many statements I have made on this subject.....still doesn't change the FACT that it isnt as good as water and other natural options. Doesnt change the fact it is chemically altered and has empty calories to satiate a craving that has an underlying reason for being a craving and isnt getting dealt with. Aspartame is only one aspect of why soda isn't good for you we havent even touched on the other things in it that cause other problems to your over all health.

    Well we don't have to make all our drink choices based on a comparison to water to be healthy.

    And I've seen you mention empty calories twice now but diet pop has barely any calories... Also what is inherently bad about "chemically altered"? I didn't think that phrase had a natural negative connotation to it.

    I don't care if you don't like it, or have something against it - fair enough whatever works for you. Your tone is just a bit arrogant - and for someone who capitalizes FACTS you haven't really presented any...

    Your opinion is just that an opinion but instead of trying to comment about my comments why dont you comment on the topic genius? Not all diet sodas are zero calories but contain aspartame so empty calories is what that means. I am not for or against sodas and if you find arrogance in my typing tone that sounds like a personal problem YOU need to deal with sir lol I am however for better choices and being aware of what is really going on with a persons body and understanding that and dealing with it and not just grabbing the quickest fix you can to mask it. So sorry that my FACT that water is always the best option isn't a fact for you lol So sorry that my FACT it is genetically engineered in a lab and sent out to consumers isnt the a fact for you. I stated water was the best option I never stated all the other options just as readily available as diet sodas are. So before you find someone else to pick out of the crowd because YOU think they are arrogant and then contribute nothing other than that you lost weight drinking diet soda because it stopped your cravings (which I have clearly stated over and over is an underlying issue that needs to be dealt with through diet) good luck to you lol You can have my share of diet sodas because I have better smarter options that my body appreciates more.
    From your profile:
    "Bossy, fat, short, big mouth, annoying, opinionated, don't like stupid ppl, think I am a genius"

    Congrats on the excellent self-evaluation. Misguided, yet accurate.

    thanks for taking time out of your not so busy day to look at my info and then come back here just to put your 2 cents lmao AGAIN has nothing to do with the topic of this post so why dont you say something positive or something that has to do with the subject at hand. Dont hate because I am not fake or a liar and I accept and love who I am....or do still doesnt change ANYTHING about my statements I posted about this subject unlike you. I suggest you read my blog as well because it applies to ppl like you ;)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    wow I never thought the thread discussion would come this far. I was actually just trying to share the article with the MFP "community"! OF COURSE I know not to believe everything I read online.... it was just something new. and I do know the dangers of diet sodas. For example, I know that if I have more than 3 a day, I will get a HUGE headache. so its important to know your limits....

    BTW... I found an article that says that Harvard declares that dairy is NOT a part of a healthy diet... and therefore shouldnt be consumed... but I'm afraid of what some users might do to me if a post a thread on that subject! :P CHILL everyone!!!!!
    The Harvard study is credible and correct. You DON'T need milk in your diet at all. Calcium can be derived from other sources.
    But I'll be damned if I give up ice cream, cheese and yogurt.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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