


  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    Hey there! I have a hypothyroid too. I've been on synthroid and the generic version (Levo). I am up to a dose of 100 on synthroid. I have found and have been told by a few doctors that the generic is NOT as effective as brand. I switched back to brand over this past summer and finally regained a little energy and found that I could lose wait slowly with VERY careful watch over calories (can't go above 1200) and daily exercise (~600 burned calories through exercise a day). Most people would probably lose weight fast given my regimen but I lose weight at a rate of 1 pound per week (max). It takes lots of motivation and support to lose this slowly.

    Anyhow, hope this feedback helps. I know it is recommended to be gluten-free w thyroid issues. I do try to limit gluten (though I am not gluten free). You can search this relationship and find LOTS of supportive solid research on being gluten free to aid with thyroid management and health. I was gluten free for 3 years and my weight was in a great range -- I do believe it helps.

    Thanks!! I had not heard that! My PT wants me gluten-free because of Asthma. Now I have another motivator! I have been on Synthroid for a decade. I screwed up my thyroid doing Atkins and dropping 30 pounds in 2 months. BAD IDEA!! I know that is when it happened because I haven't lost weight consistently and kept ift off since. It is a constant battle. Hubby doesn't understand. Thyroid is an "excuse". Oh well, when I quit worrying about him and the scale, I saw some success. It has taken a combo of weight lifting and cardio as well as coutning cals I am on Synthroid. Hated Levo - waste of money as far as I am concerned. My levels are good so i can't convince doc to up my dosage (50mcg). I think it should be higher. I go to my gp or my ob, not an endo doc so that may be my prob. OB put me on meds and sent me to an endo and he acted like I was nuts. He said my percentages were not off enough for meds. His nurse pulled me aside and said, based on my symptoms, she would talk to another doc. Her levels were like mine and synthroid made a big difference. I never went back to him. I was falling asleeo, driving home! Not symptomatic enough? Started going to my gp for the refills. It isn't a cure-all for weight-loss. I wish! There are times when I feel totally drained at the end of the day, though. That's when I think my dose needs to go up. ANyway, feel free to send a friend request. We can never have to many supportive friends!! :flowerforyou:
  • cindyjoesousa
    cindyjoesousa Posts: 87 Member
    Im on it for the rest of my life..have been taking it for about 11 years now..no side effects..no problems
  • sbbhbm
    sbbhbm Posts: 1,312 Member
    I take it. It's helped tremendously. I had the unfortunate symptoms of slurred speech and the mental effects- memory loss, difficulty connecting thoughts, inability to follow conversations... to me these symptoms were even worse than the weight problems. Levo has helped me get my mind back.
  • AmyW125
    AmyW125 Posts: 302 Member
    I'm on Levo. I started taking it in Sept '12. I was losing weight and as soon as I got put on it I stopped...I'm up 10 pounds since I started it. My levels have been checked but I'm still not losing. I'm not sure if I need to eat more or less to get the scale moving again. I have lost all the hair on my arms and only have to shave my legs maybe once a week now?!?!? My hands and feet are freezing most of the time but at night it's horrible! Life was much better before this hypo thing happened!! Just sayin'
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    I was hyper, then had radiation and now am hypo been on meds for 13 years now. was told by my birthmother who is hypo as well that she wasn't able to take generic and since i was having issues with generic I asked for synthroid. I have been on it for several years now and while my weight fluctuates, my meds will too. at my highest weight I was at 200mcg now im at 137mcg however i was on 125mcg for a year as i lost a ton of weight. I'm sure ill be dropped back down when I get my blood work done next. I do find it interesting that your doctor is starting you at 25mcg and bumping you up month by month. when I was bumped up it was after 2 weeks i did bloodwork then got bumped up level by level, I gained about 100lbs in about 6months because my thryroid was so out of wack. Pay attention to your body and if you feel weird call the dr, get blood work done. the one thing i have learned with being hypo is you have to pay attention to what your body is telling you good luck! feel free to add me if you would like
  • tomwatso
    tomwatso Posts: 1,304 Member
    I am Hypothyroid. Been taking the 75 mg of Levothryoxine for a couple of months. From the diagnosis (5/12) till now, I have lost 32 lbs and 6 inches from my waist. I go to gym 4-5 times a week. Really feel better. The drug makes me a little nervous. But, no real problems.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    I was under-treated for 10 years and never felt better. When I finally stopped taking the doctors' diagnosis of fine, I realized my treated levels were 3.8 TSH when 4 is enough for a diagnosis. I added liothyronine to the levo, got down to 2.7, feel better (finally), but still waiting for my eyebrows to grow back.
  • artistqueen
    I was diagnosed as hypothyroid about 2 years ago... I started on levothyroxine 50 mcg, and have constantly been upping the dosage since then. I just received news today that my numbers are finally good!! I am currently on 175 mcg. I have never had any negative side effects from the medication, though it is a pain to have to take it first thing in the morning and wait 30 minutes to eat. I usually have really low blood sugar in the morning, so if I get up and start being active and don't eat I will start to get nauseous and dizzy. So I just have my levo on my nightstand with a bottle of water and take it as soon as I wake up, and lay in bed and read or check facebook...etc for 30 minutes. Then I get up and eat breakfast before I do anything else. That has been working really well for me. I take vitamins and all other meds before bed so that they can't interfere with the levo.
  • jessmastrilli
    jessmastrilli Posts: 203 Member
    I was just diagnosed with hypothyroidism on March 21st. So I've only been on them for about 2 weeks now. However my exhaustion has greatly approved and I can actually workout now without feeling like I'm going to die. Not to mention my depression/irritability has improved 100%! I get my labs drawn on May 1st to see if my dosage is working for me. I believe I'm on 25mg of the Levo.
  • BobbieInCA
    BobbieInCA Posts: 102 Member
    I've been on Levothyroxin for half my lifetime. (diagnosed with Hashimoto's Syndrome...inherited low thyroid condition...when my Dr. felt a goiter and diagnosed hypothyroidism when I was 35.) I'm 72 now! I actually went off the pills for a short time when I was doing double aerobics every day, but a blood test showed that the function was running low again. I get it tested every year, and am on a low dosage now: 088 mg. I feel great, have good energy, and no side effects.
  • Veganbambina
    Veganbambina Posts: 108 Member
    I have been on synthroid for nearly 12 years. Never really noticed a difference in side effects. I'm still always cold and tired. I was on the minimum dose for years until my pregnancy. My dose increased 3 times and there it stayed!
  • simplyshannal
    simplyshannal Posts: 188 Member
    I have been taking Synthroid for 10 years as of this year and I have had good and bad experiences with it. Right now I am dealing with antibodies that are causing the half of my thyroid that I still have to work overtime. I have moved to the hyper side for now until we can figure out what the antibodies are doing. I have seen endocrinologists and many different doctors and only time will tell what will and won't work for you. I sure do hope that you can find that happy medium that makes you feel great each and every day.
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    ive been on levothyroxine for nearly 3 months now and im finally able to string a sentence together. ill be having my levels checked in the next week to see if the 50mcg dose is sufficient. im thinking its too low as im still exausted but my weight loss has been good even if i do loose erratically
  • HayleyHM
    HayleyHM Posts: 1
    I am on 150 of levothyroxine, and my levels are now fine. What is the difference between this and Synthroid? I am in the UK and not sure if Synthroid is available here.
  • raincoastgirl
    Can I ask (for anyone) what was the instigating factor in getting your thyroid checked? I've been debating it for a while but for some reason I feel embarrassed calling the dr and asking to have it done. The last time I tried, my GP told me to "stop trying to lose weight" because I wasn't obese, at which point I started crying and he tried to put me on anti-depressants.
  • Veganbambina
    Veganbambina Posts: 108 Member
    Can I ask (for anyone) what was the instigating factor in getting your thyroid checked? I've been debating it for a while but for some reason I feel embarrassed calling the dr and asking to have it done. The last time I tried, my GP told me to "stop trying to lose weight" because I wasn't obese, at which point I started crying and he tried to put me on anti-depressants.

    I complained to my dr. about fatigue. She gave me a check list of symptoms and suspected Hypothyroidism. Blood test will confirm it.
  • vivianahm
    vivianahm Posts: 54 Member
    I've been on thyroid hormone replacement therapy since I was 10 years old (I am now 35) because of Hashimoto's disease.
    When I was 27 years old I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and I underwent surgery to have my thyroid completely removed (and then iodine radiation just in case they had missed any cells).
    I am as hypothyroid as you can get, and for years I used it as an excuse not to lose weight. I told myself and others I just couldn't lose weight without a thyroid gland.
    I have lost about 40 lbs, by counting calories and working out. I do feel I have to work out more than most people and eat less to see results, but it is possible.
    Feel free to add me!
  • tuckervc
    tuckervc Posts: 30
    Can I ask (for anyone) what was the instigating factor in getting your thyroid checked? I've been debating it for a while but for some reason I feel embarrassed calling the dr and asking to have it done. The last time I tried, my GP told me to "stop trying to lose weight" because I wasn't obese, at which point I started crying and he tried to put me on anti-depressants.

    When I went in I wasn't thinking anything about a thyroid problem. I was very tired, hair falling out, so cold I would take a hot shower just to warm up, dry flaky skin and no energy. The dr ordered blood work and when I went back the next week I told her that my mother is hypo, two aunts are hypo and one cousin is hypo. My numbers just barely make my hypo but with the family history and symptoms I am hypo. I feel better when on my meds. Tell your GP you want blood work to test cholestrol, sugar level, thyroid, iron.
  • tuckervc
    tuckervc Posts: 30
    Thank you for replying. Congratulations on your weight loss! Keep it up. I still weight the same as when started MFP (2 1/2 wks. Ago) and have been on synthroid for 3 days only (25mcg) the doctor said that is very low (minimal dosage) to take it for a month and then go up to 50mcg. He wants to see me in 4 months. All I know is that I am not giving up because it takes time and dedication. Even though I haven't lost any pounds I am starting to feel different and sort of lighter :smile: with more energy than before.
    You mentioned about starting another med, which one is it? Best wishes.

    The weight will come off. Just stick with it. My new med is liothyronine which is generic for cytomel.
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    Can I ask (for anyone) what was the instigating factor in getting your thyroid checked? I've been debating it for a while but for some reason I feel embarrassed calling the dr and asking to have it done. The last time I tried, my GP told me to "stop trying to lose weight" because I wasn't obese, at which point I started crying and he tried to put me on anti-depressants.

    my doctor had sent me to the metabolic bone docs due to crazy levels of pain in my limbs and low levels of vit d, magnisium and a few other vits and minerals.

    the bone doc ran thyroid on a hunch and hit jackpot